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i got nothing done today . im looking for a rather decent rain jacket for my winter in the forestry . ive got wind that im destined to be the snow plow guy . ice rain down my neck dont sound too appealing to me .

fortunately i just learned that theres a colombia outfitters factory outlet store about 45 minutes away . maybe tomorrow i'll go see .

Anonymous - all good things, especially #3 dogs. IMO, they are the best things. I love dogs. In the future, I hope to have a lot of money so I can help rescue as many as possible. Right now, I just do small monthly donations to 2 organizations.

My 3 good things for today:

1. My little poodle Sandy. Her fur is the beautiful color of sand.
2. Trying out a new deep dish pizza recipe I saw on Cooks Country.
3. Going to shop for a new outfit for a wedding this weekend.

1) Got errands and a doctor's appointment done yesterday. Also make faux rocks to paint and cleaned out my frig.
2) Had vegan sloppy joes and mac and cheese last night for supper.
3) Dogs.

and i just ordered 3 . 3 lbs of pilsner liquid malt . whatever happened to that last batch of beer -- it needs to keep on happening . to get ' dark ' , ' wet ' , and ' stout ' to come together in one beer -- i never expected that to happen .

usually darks arent real thirst ' quench - ey ' .

the day isnt over yet but so far ive went to the forestry and cut / split / brought home one helload'a red oak firewood .
it wasnt hard to imagine nick out there with me in the future .
" patience old man "

polarbear, so very glad you have reliable sitters & the opportunity to enjoy family time!!! We were unable to find reliable sitters so the program an hour away was the best we could do while waiting for an opening here.p

I love your screen name. I am fascinated by polar bears. We have a Great Pyrenees named Bella, nicknamed polar bellybutton, as she is huge & looks like a big white bear who wants its belly rubbed.
I am thankful for
* my counselor
* my pets
* the beauty which is everywhere if I just slowdown & look around me

Longears - so happy that your DH can go to adult day care in town. Wish my mom could be accepted into one. We applied to two places and both wouldn't take her. Truth be told, my mom didn't like the daycares either and wouldn't stay. Sigh... But, I have things to be glad about:

1. Spending time with my kids.
2. My very understanding husband.
3. Having two wonderful sitters who stay with my mom so I can have time for my family.

* DH was accepted into an adult daycare here in town!!! The past two years he has been attending a program an hour away. This is a blessing for both of us!

* My hydrangeas are still blooming & beautiful

* Cardinals, woodpeckers, chickadees & finches at the feeders this morning

1) Friends and family
2) Relatives are visiting mom for the next couple of days.
3) Unpacking postponed until relatives leave.

Today is a hard one. Got some not so good news last night (everything's fine with dad but his condition is getting worse) so It was rather hard to not worry about him.

1. Church and church family.
2. Homemade soup and the warmth that it brings on this damp, rainy day.
3. Ability to do what I’d like to today.

1. First coffee of day
2. Birds are singing in my garden
3. Attending school event tonight (smart casual) & have something to wear! Something I really like, that I fit into (yay to elastic waists!) & is comfortable.

It's a beautiful, mild Fall day - 18°C

I got my grass mowed and had a chance to get a lot of my garden cleaned up before the weather turns.

I found some pears I had pushed to the back of the fridge and made myself pear crisp with them - yum.

NHWM, Hands down Maggie Smith - always my favorite British actress. I didn’t watch every episode of the series. A lot of it was on while my husband was sick and he definitely preferred anything else. I’m going to binge watch the series sometime. I hate going to movies. Can’t stand sitting in the dark with a bunch of strangers.


I adored the series. I saw the movie when it first came out. I enjoyed it.

Do you have a favorite character and why are they a favorite?

Not every character was able to be in the movie.

Did anything surprise you to see in the film?

Who do you miss from the original cast? Hands down, Matthew!

They are all excellent actors. I was a drama queen for awhile. Hahaha, I took drama in school. Was fun! I love the classics. I love a well written script but I loved improv too. That’s when you get to fly by the seat of your pants and really be creative.

Anon1256 - went to see Downton Abbey for the second time. I think it’s the current date night movie for all ages. It’s fairly good, but not as good as the series.

thanks polarbear,
i sent the ex an email this am . i have a soviet army pile cap that id like for nick to have this winter -- it'll be in my mailbox today .

i'll be surprised if it gets picked up , but thats just one more thing she can explain to nick someday .

he's going to have hard questions some day . mine are all going to be answered with consistency -- the others' ?
i wouldnt want to be them ..

captain - I hope the day you're waiting for will come soon. I'll drink to that. Not an alcohol drinker but I'll make an exception.

im feeling pretty confident in law enforcement's resolve the last couple of days . without a moments notice the grandkid could be delivered up here by a cps caseworker or he could be sent to my exes house with instructions to make me and him happen . ive no doubt his parents are going to prison . our judge has made the same statement in the past so ive a basis for that theory .
i keep tinkering away to ready things for him . he has a new towel bar , washcloth bar , and today a toothbrush and wall mount for it .
im seldom blindsided by anything . my ex will fail yet another drug screen and the judge is not going to be smiling .
there isnt going to be any adversaries left when i walk onto the battlefield . thats been my plan for 3 years and i believe it'll be worth the wait .

Gently raining & pastures ever so slightly showing green

Pot roast, mashed potatoes & carrots for supper

5 of 6 house plants in bloom

UsedupDIL: What movie are you planning to see?

1) Got the closet cleaned out. A couple of bags in the trash can and three bags put into the basement/storage.
2) American Film Institute countdown specials. 
3) Very mild outside, no wind or cold.

I picked my MIL up at AL and took her out to breakfast. I called and asked if she wanted to go to lunch after mass tomorrow. She said she didn’t want to go to mass and would like to go out to breakfast this morning. Then we went to Walmart to pick up a couple of things she needed. Second good thing was stopping at bakery for a treat. Third good thing stopped at bookstore and picked up new JOHN Sandford novel. Going to spend afternoon reading. Fourth good thing - going to dinner and a movie this evening.

My husband and kids just left for a weekend get away at a national park. I'm glad for them. They will have a good time, a well deserved break. We haven't had a vacation for 3 years because of my mother. I didn't go with them this time because I didn't make any arrangement for someones to elder sit my mother. One of the sitters is out of town, and my mother needs 24 hours supervision so I need at least 2 people to take turns watching her. That will cost a pretty penny.

I told my brother after New Year I'm taking a family vacation and he needs to fill in for me. It'll be cold at the time, so I'm thinking either Mexico or Hawaii.

Oh, and I'm making my favorite beef soup today. A big pot so when my husband and kids come back tomorrow night, they will have some delicious beef soup waiting for them.

i got out of work at 10 am because ( unbeknownst to me ) i was on the clock for the 3 days of extended driving .
comp time .
i just quit viasat internet because my local power company lit me up with high speed fiber . many customers of viasat complained that viasat grabbed 300 bucks from their checking even after they properly returned the leased equipment . my bank terminated my existing payment method so that doesnt happen . better luck next time -- buttholes -- .
great day at work . i was supposed to stock a big firewood shed for the weekend campers but i got sidetracked by fixing the poorly designed doors . enough firewood got stocked but the doors i fixed were a pet peeve of some damn key employees . a bit of dirty politics i would agree but nobody gets into a pissing contest with influential / key employees .

UsedupDIL- I'm impressed that you unpacked all the boxes. I still got some boxes in the garage from my last move 8 years ago. Haha. I really need to donate or throw that stuff out. Obviously, I don't need them.

My 3 good things for today:

It's FRIDAY. My aunt will stay home and watch my mom so I only have to spend a couple of hours taking her out today.

I'm going to cook a new dish I saw on TV couple of days ago, a tortilla soup with flanken short ribs.

The kids and I got the Halloween decorations up in the front yard. Looks fun and festive not scary and ready for little trick or treaters.

1. All of the boxes are unpacked. But still a lot of putting up to do.

2. Went to lunch with a couple of friends who have retired early. Trying to get a read on how women my age are liking early retirement.

3. Went shopping and picked up a few things for my condo.

1) I’m still alive and breathing
2) comfortable sweat pants
3) this post which helped me reflect and realize how much I’m hurting right now (instead of trying to block it out)

1) We are going to get grief counseling. We get our first intake appointment on Monday. My father hasn't passed away yet but I think when the time comes, this will be helpful for us. 
2) My Vacuum cleaner belt came so I can start vacuuming the house again.
3) I fell in love with Oreo thins, the mint creme ones. Maybe this will be a staple in my house. 

It's not big things but small things and sometimes the smallest good things can make a big difference in your life.

i get a little edgy on sundays . my ex will be spending time with jakes son and later telling everyone on FB what an awesome grandma she is . im not going to socialize with the suspects in my sons murder for any reason . the judge doesnt expect me to even tho he opened a door for me to do so .


Our high temp in New Orleans today is 82.

Friend invited me to a Halloween party

Rode 30 minutes on my exercise bike

Sat outside and listened to the birds sing in my backyard 😊

I’m breaking the rules by adding one more thing listed to my three. It’s my birthday month. Birthday is coming up soon! I want a chocolate cake!

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