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I agree...If this site had an "ignore button" I would sure use it! I've got my ice cream (choc-chip)...clicking my spoon on the bowl!

My daughter and I got a wild idea to take a long weekend and fly to Boston in mid November a few years ago. We're from Texas, what did we know about how cold Boston was (yep, we were goofballs). We nearly froze but had a blast and the people were super friendly! It was the best mini vacation we ever took.
Hey Christina come back tomorrow with the Cheetos and fill us in on your singing gig ;-).
Great idea BoniChak!! My mom is gone but left me a big legal mess which had me boo-hooing all day. Thanks, I needed this.

You are so welcome AlwayMyduty. This was fun and relaxing. Good night dear friends, I'm going to bed!

Yeah, thnx Boni! Just what I needed too after dealing with my SIL. Great minds think alike! G'night!

Thanks for all the love coming at Boston! Yankees aren't cold b***hes, we're all just shy! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Y'all should try moving to Arkansas, where if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute, it'll change! Except during two of our three seasons - yep, three- July, August (when its HOT), and Whatever. During the colder parts of Whatever I was fond of saying I couldn't wait for spring and summer to come so we could get back to complaining about the heat instead of the ice and the power outages. We sure enjoyed Spring when it finally came - we had at least three hours of it this time!

Thank you BoniChak for starting this thread - wish I had been online for "Happy Hour", but reading the posts this morning started my day off with a good laugh. Been on the West coast now for 20 yrs, but originally a true blue Bostonian.

Well...update on the M&M's...they are AWESOMELY therapeutic! It is the ratio of candy shell to chocolate, I am thinking.
I will only get the little ones from now on...less therapy, maybe!


So Yankees are just shy???!?

OMG. I had no idea. Thanks for informing us. I have misjudged many people but I will not do it anymore!

babalon - I concur about M&M's....the delicate crunch of that sweet candy shell...the milk chocolatey goodness....heaven in a little brown bag.

Jinx - Boston rocks! I grew up in Belmont (NOT the snobby part), hubby's from Ah-lingon. Worked at the Harvard Coop all through high school.

Christina - how did your singing go last night? And where are you with those Cheetos??

Just got back from a small family gathering to celebrate my mom's 90th birthday, which will be Tuesday. Family fun, telling old stories, good food and drink.

Dove Milk Chocolate is my weakness as well as Cheetos..Jalapeno and Cheddar Cheese...It's always 5 0'clock somewhere so whether is it Margaritas, beer or JD's, if you need to get your drink on find a bar stool and when last call comes make a toast to everyone!!

Tuesday is my Moms B'day too! She will be 79.

BoniChak......what a great idea for a thread....Haven't laughed this hard in a long time, except this morning when I caught my naked reflection in the bathroom mirror......accompanied by tears of horror!!!! O,'s 5:00 here......time for a ladies

Agreed, great idea for a thread. It's like a pub. Thanks Boni!

I had to quit looking into mirrors.

The other day I was looking into the mirror and the sun was coming in just right and backlighting the side of my face.
Apparently I now have to shave.

The whole nose hair thing has sneaked up on me as well. I got closer and my nostrils looked like the bottoms of mushrooms.

I couldn't find my tweezers so I spent the next hour trying to bring it under control with needle nosed pliars.



Hey Boni.....What is Kim n Kanye's stupid baby name?????

North! North West...*.EYE ROLL!* LOL!

allright, heres what i believe to be my new favorite joke and incredibly enough its clean enough to share openly.
a homeless man living under a bridge hears a woman up top of the bridge muttering incoherantly one evening. the guy goes up and asked the disraught woman what was going on. " im going to jump off this bridge "she exclaims. " would you have sex with me first " the homeless man asked ? " hell no, the lady exclaimed. " fine, said the homeless man, ill wait till you hit the bottom " .

Boni.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! breath ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Captain.....Im going to start talking to more homeless men.....LOL......LOL

More funny tee shirts/miscellaneous phrases....

Just one more service I provide

Some people say I have a Bad Attitude
Screw them

If you met my family
You would understand

Poor planning on your part
Does not constitute an Emergency for me

After Monday and Tuesday
Even the calendar says WTF

Never underestimated the power
Of Stupid people in large groups

Inside every older person
Is a younger person
wondering what the hell happened

When in doubt...

I smile because I have
No idea what's going on

I'm so old I can laugh, cough
pee, sneeze & fart all at the same time

Wine improves with age...
I improve with wine

I have CDO. It's like OCD
but all the letters are in order like they should be

I don't have a short attention span
I just...oooo look a bunny!

Hey Boni, speaking of stupid celebrity baby names remember Moon Unit Zappa?

Bobbie - the old nursery rhyme phrase "not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin" takes on a whole new hideous meaning, eh? I'm seriously considering the purchase of a "NoNo"

Thanks for the laughs Ya'll! I laughed, coughed, peed, sneezed and farted all at the same time!
The OCD one is going on my face book tonight!

Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet and who was the last one?
Good ol Frank.

North West my ass.

omg I have to get my face waxed.

I'm sitting here laughing thinking about wtf a NoNo is, then I realize I have Google so now I know what a NoNo is haha. Went on the website and there was a lady zapping some guy's nipple hairs. Nice.
You have to get the special narrow Thermicon™ Tips for Small & Sensitive Areas in order to do your face.

Looks like it would be great on legs but I only have 7 hairs left on both legs.

I do have a Flowbee however, and am very pleased with it.

Got a face wax kit but am nervous to use it. Scared I am going to cook myself. Have only had my face waxed once and I didn't do it.
Not a lot of wax experience.

Had half a bikini wax a long time ago. First side hurt too much so one side was enough and I figured it would match up sooner or later.

I think I am too lazy to get old.


TMZ called Kims "V"...the north west passage! lmao

I tell my younger friends...the good news is, when you get older, you barely have hair on your legs or pits to shave.
The BAD news is, it's now on your face!

Bobbie - the last one was Diva Thin Muffin....had to look it up. How could I have forgotten?? I saw the Mothers of Invention live one point Frank actually urinated into a beer can on stage. He definitely enjoyed giving his audiences the full live concert experience....

OMG, I'm laughing so hard over the waxing comments....!!!

I got my eyebrows shaped/waxed at a salon once and really liked how it turned out. When the brows started to lose their lovely salon shapeliness I bought a face wax kit at Walmart....I thought, how hard can it be? Of course I'd forgotten all about the soothing balm and damp cool cloths the salon had applied AFTER the wax. Not only did my do-it-yourself attempt yield two uneven and awkwardly shaped eyebrows, they were so puffy and red afterward I looked part Neanderthal! The kit went into the trash. I'll live with my "Brooke Shields: the Early Years" eyebrows....who am I trying to impress anyway?

"north west passage"....BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Is it 5 yet?

6 more hours to go for me!!

Mishka, Hang in there you darling girl!!!
Wilma! WhooHoo! We're in the same time zone. I'll get my cat and meet you and your cat on the 405! Or the 101. Wherever you are, I'll find you and the margaritas!
where's YaYa, boni, CapnBobbie, CapnHardass! Come on down! 5 hours to go for me! I'm celebrating the completion of a 3 week root canal. CHEERS!!! xoxo ttyl

Well, its almost noon here so 5 hours to go!! Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere right??

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