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Any poll that doesn't pop automatically, but rather needs the user to check her/his profile is not useful.

Any poll that allows users to take it more than once is going to be pretty skewed.

The other forum I belong to (which is run ENTIRELY by volunteers, no paid staff, no advertising and impeccably moderated) does not have these issues.

The poor quality of tech on this site is frustrating and off-putting.

Placing the poll on the profile page is a weird choice, I almost never go there because everything I follow and all my messages are available in my feed.

@ MD1748.

Quite honestly . At the end of my rope with FIL , just not in the mood to fill out a poll. I wish my circumstances were very different and didn’t feel the need to come here for pity from strangers . Therefore, I wouldn’t be here to fill out a poll. It’s pathetic that this selfish abusive man is upending my and DH lives this bad . Yesterday was a new escalation that I haven’t even written about on my FIL thread . By now I’m sure people don’t even want to read that thread and I don’t blame them . There is no new advice anyone can give me . It doesn’t have to be this way . I wish DH would grow a backbone or give up POA .

Way, we are NOT tired of your vents/rants and I for one don't feel pity for you. You are strong, smart and resourceful.

Please let us know what happened!

No poll


No poll for me.

Way, you have every right to be frustrated with your husband and your FIL. I so wish they could see your point of view.

The poll comes up for me every time profile is hit. It’s a super quick poll. I don’t feel like taking it over and over again through. I have taken it several times already.

Poll didn’t show when I logged in a few minutes ago either.

Just tried again and poll came up.


Now watch! It will come up every time you log into profile.

My inability to see the survey could have something to do with my browser security settings and/or my ad blocker, I do notice the profile page takes a long time to load.


It is taking a long time to load. The little circle spins and spins until the survey pops up.


This forum has tremendous value. It greatly helped me as a caregiver for my mother.

Please update us on the ‘fixes’ to the site. I find it very frustrating that I can’t edit posts in the ‘questions’ section or see who is posting. It makes it harder to follow conversations if we can’t see names of posters.

Also, posters are saying that entire posts have been deleted. Can you explain why this is happening?




I have another question for you. How are the questions and discussions rotated?

So many times I see interesting questions and discussions that are posted.

Shortly afterwards, they seem to get lost in the shuffle because the same questions are shown over and over again.

I don’t feel it is because they don’t have many responses. These are questions and discussions that have received responses and are worthy of being shown.

They aren’t controversial topics that you don’t seem to favor. They are useful discussions and questions. The OP was actively posting on them as well.

When I happen to be able to find these lost questions, you have already closed them. Yet, other questions have remained open for years and years without any OP present.

AC, I am joining NHWM in asking this site to be more transparent in its moderation.

My reference is, a site that is moderated by volunteers.

When/if they censor/delete/close a thread, a reason is provided.


We occasionally see duplicate or triplicate posts.

This is most likely because these questions are not being placed into the rotation schedule. I will purposely bump up posts that I wish to see more often.

New posters become frustrated when they don’t see their questions and post them again.

Please take note of this. People will leave the forum if they aren’t able to get responses to their posts.



I have reported all of my posts to alert your attention. I would appreciate your feedback on my posts.

Has anyone else had the Pop up when they are on the forum? The one with the aide and client. Its annoying. Sort of got used to the blue guy but still wish I could get rid of him. He is really in the way when I use my cell phone.

I had gotten the pop-up poll several times but only answered it once. If anyone takes any poll more than once, this is already a skewed poll (and the poll sponsor obviously *wants* to skew the poll a certain way if they allow this to happen, plus not everyone got the poll, which I think is curious). I honestly can't remember where it popped up. I haven't been getting it for a while now.

I still think this forum is going to make a profound change of some sort in the future, hence the poll questions about "experts" answering questions directly themselves. I think this is why the admins haven't fixed any of the ongoing problems with the icons and dates and reply names, etc. Contrary to what some participants have expresed to me, it wouldn't be expensive to have experts respond (contract work, not full time), plus it relieves them of the moderating/editing/censoring headache that eats up tech staffs' time and energy. And honestly, the inter-participant pettiness and sniping that happens on OPs threads degrades this forum and is bad for their brand. I wouldn't blame APFM if they did change to a more restricted format.

If they do eventually fix the icon and other problems, then I may think differently. They've not even posted an update, unless I've missed that somewhere...

Don’t waste your time posting on this thread. It seems to be ignored most of the time. 😟

Actually I think it does help to post on this thread. I think it’s summer now so AC’s replies to the thread are slow.

I'm going to repost this

Jun 2, 2023
"The Tech team prefers the "send us a message" approach to reporting problems with the site, as threads naturally turn into conversations between members and information gets buried. There can also be the expectation that problems will be solved instantly because they are being heavily discussed or people are upset. While some fixes are quick, others take time, testing, and re-testing, before they are ready to go live. We appreciate the time to truly work through issues and build long-lasting solutions."

Jun 1, 2023

"Finally, the best place to submit technical issues is on the /aboutus page, using the "Send Us a Message" form, the Tech Team is not reading the forum, our role is to keep things working on the back end, so sending a message via the form is the way to bring things to our attention."

Scroll down
Go to the About Us page
Submit your polite request on the form presented there.

Jun 1, 2023

"Finally, the best place to submit technical issues is on the /aboutus page, using the "Send Us a Message" form, the Tech Team is not reading the forum, our role is to keep things working on the back end, so sending a message via the form is the way to bring things to our attention."

“"Finally, the best place to submit technical issues is on the /aboutus page, using the "Send Us a Message"”

I know AC says that, but the reality is, often they don’t reply.

I think (additionally to messaging), posting here is a good idea. (1) They’ll see it. (2) Forum members will also see it, and can see that other members experience the same problems/glitches.

I agree they don't respond, but they have already told us they aren't checking in here.
It's a fine place to have a discussion about issues you've encountered, just don't expect you can use it as some kind of bulletin board and that AC is getting the messages.

Once in a blue moon 🌚 they respond! 😊

Exactly, they do check and respond here sometimes.

Hey, I see they’ve changed the font again today. Too bad. It always feels weird with a new font.

Yes new font which is annoying and so large. This is simply cruel.

Font looks the same to me.
Im thankful for your hard work trying to resolve issues but sure wish that 'blue guy' problem was fixed. I accidentally tap on it no matter where he is. Lol

Yeah in other sites I have visited with the accessibility icon it's placed so that you barely notice it's there, over on the middle left would be a better spot.

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