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Bernie is so cute! I fell in love with this little pooch the first time I saw him. My daughter is picking him up tomorrow. He has his vet appointment tomorrow. He’s struggling to get his meds adjusted to the right dosage for his Cushing’s disease.

He’s a rescue dog. He was 5 years old when she brought him home. He’s 9 now.

Rescue Dogs make the best dogs.
I hope Bernie has a productive vet visit tomorrow.

Thanks, me too. He loves my daughter and she loves him. I think they pick us. The worker at the shelter told my daughter that he wouldn’t go to anyone because he had been abused. My daughter was the only person that he went to. He bonded with her immediately.

“And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:”
Exodus 33:22

NHWM: That dog is cute sounding. I have never owned dogs. I just lost my granddog. :(

Smeshque: Thank you for caring for cousin and DW's kids and how the kids are learning from you. Must stop now - quite tired.

Thanks to everyone for prayers for my daughter. She got her internship that she recently interviewed for! Yay! Hallelujah!


Bernie started on his new med dosage. Sometimes it takes time to find the correct adjustment to work properly for his disease.

The vet is good. Dogs lose their fur with Cushing disease and are thirsty all the time. He picked up on the fur loss and asked if Bernie was drinking more. When my daughter said yes he did the lab work and sure enough he tested positive.

I did fall in love with my daughter’s little pooch.

I hope Bernie's new meds, work great for him. I can imagine what a cutie he is.

I have been recovering from dental surgery, who would have thought such a thing would cause so much pain and make one feel so bad. :(
But I have been trying to take it easy per Dr.s orders, Dh's orders and Moms orders :)
I declined on babysitting tomorrow because I know I am not going to be up for it.
I have given the cousin and his family over to the Lord.
I was given some wise advice on the matter and I am casting my cares and their cares on the Lord.
I have received a great peace after some wise advice and no guilt over the matter. It has been a blessing to come to an understanding of where I should stand in this matter.

I am thinking about next Thursday, my birthday and what I would like to do. I have not a clue. The older I get the less important these days become.

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15

NHWM: I thought that I had congratulated you about your daughter's internship on here. Hmmm - must be on another thread you'd mentioned it.


Yes, forgive me. I was so excited about her getting the internship that I posted it in a couple of places.

My daughter is thrilled. I think she looks at my prayers as insurance! Hahaha

Once when she asked me to pray I told her to pray too. She said, “Mom, I do pray but it makes me feel better if I know that you are praying with me.”

It’s becomes sort of a prayer circle, doesn’t it? Because then I ask others to pray with me.

I have a couple of friends that are like my prayer warriors that I can count on for prayer support.

This site has people who have wonderful faith. Sometimes it is hard to ‘keep the faith’ but with the support of others it becomes easier.

Sometimes I feel guilty about feeling like a broken record in my prayers. Hahaha, I tell God, “It’s me again with the same prayers!” I am grateful that he doesn’t get sick of us having the same concerns. At least now with my daughter graduating in May he won’t have to listen to me ask Him to guide her to do her best in school anymore!

smeshque: I'm both glad and sad that you had to have dental surgery. I know that you had a tooth that troubled you and you had pain. I'm glad to hear that you got to the dental surgeon and yes, it takes a while for the mouth to heal. My dental implant was started on 7/31/19 and won't be completed until next April, 2020! It has been the longest process that I've ever encountered with the mouth. And that does not even encompass the crown for the implant, done by the new regular dentist!

I think it was best that you declined the baby sitting because, after all, you're not superwoman/you can't do it all as much as you may have liked to. Get some rest, dear lady.

Need: I understand. I must get off the computer in order to grocery shop and then cook the red beet soup for 35 plus of us for Christmas eve. I just can't do it all even though I'd like to. At least I bought some of the non perishable ingredients on Wednesday.

Need, scripture says that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in HIS name there HE will be also. So having people pray with us is the best way because it is promised that HE will be there. Being of 1 mind on a subject is being gathered together. Smart young lady.

Smeshque our front door knocker is that scripture from Joshua. As for me and my house we will serve The Lord. I love that saying.

No wondering if believers live here.


Small world! I have that scripture framed in my foyer.

We like my daughter’s current boyfriend. Her old boyfriend was not respectful of her. Speaking of scripture, she ordered from Etsy, Cor. 13 and has it hanging in her living room. Paul was a beautiful writer.

I think that scripture speaks to her personally because her ex boyfriend treated her so shabbily. She said she wasn’t going to date anyone that didn’t have the qualities of that scripture. She has someone who is patient and kind like that scripture describes. I am happy for her. She kissed a couple of frogs before her prince!

You are right about my daughter asking for prayer. I think when I said that to her I thought she was taking a shortcut and asking me to pray and she wasn’t praying.

She corrected me instantly and told me that she always prays. I knew she did because we prayed as a family but you know how kids are when they go off to college. A lot of times they push prayers aside.

I guess I shouldn’t have told her that but it was one of those times I said something quickly without giving it a lot of thought and in my way reminding her that it is important to pray.

As parents sometimes we do see situations later where we could have handled a situation better. We try to do our best but make a few goofs!


Enjoy your beet soup! You will have a big crowd. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

LL- Thank you. :) I hope your beet soup comes out great. I will have to make that one day as Mom loves beets. (unless she only likes pickled beets, have to check)

Isthisreal and NHWM- that is one of our favorite verses as well. Working on something with that to go on our front porch as well.
On our living room wall I did 1 Chronicles 28:20, I painted it in calligraphy. It was a special verse for DH and I as we were coming to the decision to surrender our lives to Jesus.
Dad read it everyday when he was here. I will always keep it. I know that David was talking about the physical house of God, but we apply it to the church and the work of the Lord.

So cousin and his wife both lost their jobs. I am praying for them.
DH and I are at peace with letting them figure it out.

I have had a rough day of it managing pain.
The Dr had given me antibiotics and pain medication to take and normally I do not take prescribed drugs. They are making me super nauseous and super tired.
The antibiotic makes me nauseous and I cannot eat much with the pain, so it goes. I only take 1/4 of the pain med even though the prescription says 1-2. I can't even imagine what state I would be in if I took the prescribed dose. I can barely handle the 1/4 and in the day I take 1/8 depending on what I need to do.
But I am hopeful I will be back to normal in a few days.

Mom loves the Statler Brothers. So I ordered her one of their gospel cds. I was pretty useless today and I am so blessed it came today. Because I put it on for her and it was lovely. She was just singing away so joyfully. The Statler Brothers has always been a favorite in her life during hard times. This time of year is especially hard for her so I am glad to see her so happy. I even had to put it on repeat in her room so she could just listen to it all night, per her request. I will have to get her more of them.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13

NHWM: Thank you. I got the rest of the ingredients and have completed the first step of the red beet soup, which was to cook the boneless pork roast. No, I won't have a large crowd as thank goodness - the gathering is NOT at my house. I do have to drive it a hour away one way so that will be a tiring day. I was able to find the rest of the ingredients locally so didn't have to go far, praise God. I only forgot the sour cream mix in. I have been worrying if I could still do this as it's been a while since I made this soup. DH's grandmom never called it Borscht. It really is. She was a unique woman. The first time we had the soup was SO FUNNY. It was at her house and everyone asked "Where is the soup?" Then her granddaughter said "It's in the crisper drawer." Wha??? Yup - that's where it was and not even in a plastic container!

Smeshque: Just a short post as DH and I are winding down for the night. Perhaps you can drink milk with the antibiotics to help with stomach upset? You probably should have something in your system before ingesting it. Sorry about cousin & his wife.

I'm SOOOO sorry your'e having such a rough time and the antibiotic and the pain medicine aren't agreeing with you.That's the worst feeling being nauseus.It's just awful.
Can you try to just force yourself to eat a saltine cracker or two before you take your medicine?You gotta coat your gut first.
That's so neat about your Mom singing so happily today to her new,old music she loves.What a sweet daughter you are to give her that and make her heart so happy.

There was a 63-vehicle pileup on Route 64 near Williamsburg, Virginia early this morning, Sunday, 12/22. My daughter and I drove on that road on 2 separate trips in July and October to see my niece and her cousin (same person). It was on an overpass covered with ice and also fog attributed to this horrific accident. We should pray for those 63 vehicles involved.


Will do. I will remember everyone involved in my prayers. I was in Williamsburg many years ago. Fun trip! Oh gosh, my oldest daughter was only two years old then. The younger one wasn’t even born. It was a lovely family vacation.

NHWM: Thank you. Watching 11 PM news, but I think the vehicle # increased. Two factors - ice on elevated roadway and fog. Wow, your daughter WAS young.💞


I have a very sweet memory from that trip. You know how Williamsburg has all the cute shops for us to spend our money in. Well, I foolishly put money in my pocket in case I wanted to buy something. I didn’t feel like lugging around my purse.

The wad of cash fell out of my pocket! I was bummed and boo hooed to my husband about it. He said, “Well, sorry you lost your money but lesson learned about placing money in your pocket and I doubt you will do that again.” I admitted that it was a dumb thing to do.

I said to him, “Well, let me just check at the ‘list and found.’ He thought I was ridiculous for thinking there was a ‘lost and found’ and told me that no one returns cash.

So stubborn me, I told him that I was going to inquire about it. Sure enough, Williamsburg does have a ‘lost and found.’ I went. My husband was following behind and was too embarrassed to walk up there with me. So, I told him that I would go alone to inquire. He said, “ Well, don’t be too disappointed when they think you are crazy asking for the cash that you lost.” I said, “Have a little faith because there are still honest people in this world.”

Happy ending! Not only did I recover my money but I received a lovely note from the person who stated where they found the money. It was summertime and tourist season was at it’s peak! Crowded streets but one honest soul took the time to return it. You should have seen my husband’s face when he saw me walk over to him with a huge smile and my money in my hand!

NWHM: Wow! That was a WONDERFUL, heartwarming story about you losing your money, your husband certain that it would NOT be in the "lost and found" and then an honest person having found your cash BUT also willing to go the extra mile and return it to the rightful owner - YOU - via the "lost and found." What a great story.

Insert - Yes, the number of autos involved jumped up to 69 total. It was 7:00 A.M.-ish, which attributed to the very horrific accident.

One time I lost a $20 bill after carelessly playing it in my unzipped purse! That was very dumb! Lesson learned.

Everynight I pray with Mom before she goes to sleep. Last night she said one also, and she thanked the Lord that she was here with me, where she feels love and understanding.

Made me cry like a baby.

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Jesus came for you!

Today was spent in preparations for tomorrows feast. We are having Mexican and Indian(Native American( food.
We made tamales today and I have venison corn soup in the crockpot.
I made homemade flour and corn chips for dip.
I chose not to make any pies as I have been making pies all week for customers and I just did not feel like making pies. DH is fine with that, so it's all good.
Others may be disappointed, but hey they don't live here.
I am so thankful that I am on the mend and am almost back to normal.
Mom is having a rough time, as she does this time of year. But we are getting through it, thanks be to God.

I wish you all a happy day tomorrow.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
The other stuff will prepare tomorrow.

Smesque, how do you make homemade flour?   I've thought about doing that for years, including growing the buckwheat or wheat from which I'd make flour.  My parents bought wheat in large quantities, then took it to a local mill to be ground.   I might do that, but the idea of grinding my own wheat is appealing.  

My understanding is that grinding the raw wheat can be explosive; apparently grain dust has that capacity.

What do you use, and how do you do it?   I'd love to know!

Smeshque: Does your DH harvest the venison?

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