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Oh I am so happy to hear that he is making positive, life altering choices.

It tells me that The Lord is working on his heart, Hallelujah!

May he continue to seek The Lord and may God open his eyes and heart to understand. May HE give him victory in this battle.

God bless you all exceeding abundantly!

Smeshque: That is such wonderful news about your cousin. All signs thus far lead to success. Yay! I will pray that he continues on his path to recovery. I will pray that your job is truly a Godsend. God bless you and DH for staying the course for cousin, of course as you always do.

Psalm 1:1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly ........."

thank you Isthisreal and LLama for your kind words

Visited cousin this evening. he was in a better mood and even had some smiles and laughter with him. He is acknowledging all that we are doing on his behalf and he is thankful. We keep telling him to thank the Lord.
Lord willing if all goes well we can take him from detox Saturday to the rehab place. If not it will be Monday. But I am so hoping and praying it can be done Saturday.
He is really wanting this and he is going to give it his all. I believe that because otherwise he would have walked out of detox by now with all that he has been going through.
I will be glad to get him to the rehab place so that he can get some fresh air and exercise and work. He needs to be doing something other than sitting and waiting, that is super tough, so I am very proud of him for hanging in there. So again I am praying for Saturday.
Lord willing tomorrow, I will be getting all the things necessary to go with him to the rehab place.
I will be so happy to get him there.
I had a good interview this morning. I really would like the position I interviewed for, and it has great benefits.
I will see if it is the Lords will. And I hope to know by the end of next week. But I really would like it. The people were people I could work with.The hours and days are great for me. We shall see.

I hope all of you are doing well. This life is tough that is for sure. But is only a test. And it is only temporary, we are just camping towards Canaans Happy Land.

I just want to be on the Ark.

“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35

Smeshque: You're very welcome.

🤗🤗🤗 Praying with you for Saturday.

May God grant you your hearts desire for the job.


I am continuing to pray for your cousin. People overcome obstacles everyday. Not easy by any means but they do it. He can too.

Best wishes for the upcoming job. Have that on my prayer list too. Good thing God doesn’t get sick of me taking to him! Hahaha.

Sometimes, I start off a prayer saying, “It’s me again! You know what’s in my heart and you know what is best so I will trust you.”

It took me awhile before I could trust completely. I guess that was either pride, thinking that I knew what was best or selfishness. Hate to admit that because that isn’t a very nice characteristic but it’s the truth.

I suppose that’s what surrendering is all about. A good friend told me awhile back that if I left something on His alter for Him to help with that I couldn’t take it back. She is right, of course. The human part of us finds it hard to let go at times. The flesh always fights our spirit. It can be a battle.

I feel the same thing happens with addiction. Your cousin is in a spiritual warfare. It is more than a physical or mental warfare. I personally feel it’s also a spiritual warfare.

As long as your cousin leaves this on the alter for God to help him, I have faith it will happen. It’s a tough battle for sure but anything worth having is certainly worth fighting for.

I do feel that we are responsible for doing our part in life. It’s proving to God that we are ready to make a commitment.

That lesson was taught to me very early in life when my teacher told our class that we should pray and ask God to help us get good grades but that did not mean that we did not have to do our part by studying very hard to prepare for the tests.

I find our prayers change as we grew older or become more mature. We widen our scope of things. When someone asks me to pray for someone who is having surgery, I do pray for them but I also pray for God to aid the surgeon and guide his hands. So I will also pray for the program that is helping your cousin to be able to communicate with him in a way that he can resonate with and respond.

As you know, I always pray for people who suffer with addiction. I do it in memory of the brother that I lost to addiction.

Thank you all for your prayers.
Especially, LLama, Isthisreal and NHWM
I truly appreciate you all.

So good news, I got the job I wanted thanks be to God our Father, and his tender mercies and love. I am very blessed in this matter.

Lord willing tomorrow is set up to get cousin to the rehab. We have a small window of time to do this or we have to wait until Monday, and well we just can't afford to wait until Monday. So I am praying it all goes as planned. We are expecting snow, so the roads may be a slight hindrance. But I believe this is the Lords will and he is paving our way and it will get done. So tomorrow evening I hope to have wonderful news for you all, and I hope to be feeling much relief.

I am blessed to have my aging care family, and prayer warriors. I love you all.

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...”
Philippians 1:3

Smeshque, as we all know when we are moving forward in the will of God the enemy will try any trick to hinder us.

So I am saying get thee behind satan, this precious brother will be in rehab tomorrow and he will have the victory, in The Name of Jesus we claim this soul for the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour!

Tell your cousin to hold on and claim the victory, no matter what he feels or what he sees, faith!

Congrats! On the job. Clear roads tomorrow! 🤗


Congratulations on getting the new job:) Praying that God paves the way for you and DH to get your cousin to rehab!😊

May the Lord be with you!

smeshque: Praise be to God on your job. Congratulations!


Fantastic news about your job! Yay! We were all praying and believing for a positive outcome. I could not be happier for you. 😊

Thank you, Jesus! 💗

Keep the faith about your cousin.

Bible scripture memorization is a successful method to rid of a stubborn crutch. Best of luck to Smeshque's cousin and the Lord will allow victory in his life!


Wasn’t the original Alcoholics Anonymous program based on a spiritually based philosophy? They all follow that same 12 step program, for drugs, alcohol, overeater’s anonymous, gambling, pornography, whatever...

They don’t refer to God specifically. I guess that is common these days.

Nowadays, they just use the term, “higher power” in a generic way. I realize not everyone is a Christian so maybe that’s why. They want to make it more universal to everyone.

It’s offensive to use God’s name to some people. That’s sad. I’m surprised the Pledge of Allegiance is still said in schools. Why can’t everyone just express how they feel and still show respect for non believers?

In my neighborhood, there is a family that puts a sign on their lawn every Christmas that simply says, “Keep Christ in Christmas.” They are a sweet family.

Certain neighbors went to our HOA and asked them to take down their sign because it offended them. That is crazy to me. Just don’t read the sign if it bothers you, instead of petitioning the home owner’s association to have them remove their sign.

Thank you all for your loving support and prayers. Please rejoice with me and give praises to God, for HE truly paved the way this day.
I think I told you we had small window of time that we were working in. Well God opened that window wider for us.
So DH and I set out early this morning because we had snow and wanted to have breakfast together before we went. Well as we were on our way to get breakfast, Cousin called saying they were discharging him right then, the hospital faxed all necessary paperwork to the rehab, and given him copies as well. So DH and i skipped breakfast and headed straight to get cousin.
We had snow and the roads were not great but not too bad. On the way, we got held up in traffic and poor guy jack knifed his truck and there was a truck flipped over further down the road and someone ran into a barrier. Because of the roads. No one was hurt in all of them thank the Lord. So we were held up for a bit on the freeway, we got to the hospital shortly after 10 and was leaving with cousin and paperwork by 10:30.
That was great because that allowed us plenty of time. So we were able to stop and have lunch with cousin and have good long talks on the way. And the road was clear from the hospital to the rehab :)
I believe he is going to do well with the Lords help. He wants it so badly and he is so appreciative of everything.
So we get to the rehab about 12:30. Talked with the people, got a tour, and by the time we were done and leaving cousin was more relaxed and ok. He was terrified beforehand as I would have been too. But the people made him feel welcome and comfortable. We were there a good 3 hours. But I still am not feeling relief yet. It hasn't set in. On the way home I had to contact hospital and then go pick up meds cousin is allowed to have so that I can mail them monday. Too far to drive. I will overnight them if possible.
DH and I accessed the people and place and we are pleased with all. It will be a good experience and cousin was so worried about the money we were spending on this. He kept saying you all need that and can use it for something else. I said there is nothing more important than you. He kept thinking how could he pay us back. I told him , you want to pay us back, then you do your very best here and graduate this program and that will be the best pay back. He wants it, if he doesn't give up on himself, he will make it with Gods help. He was happy to know that the staff themselves have been through the program, so they can relate to what he is going through.
I loved on him as much as I could, he was tearing every so often. I reassured him he can do it, and rely not on his own strength, but on the Lords.
We finally got home around 6:30. Been a long day. AB stayed all day with Mom. It is so sweet he really watches out for her when we have to be gone.
DH and I are super tired.
I just want to really express to you all the love I have for you. It is such a blessing to have you guys praying for and encouraging me and my family. I am blessed to have you all in my journey.
It will be 2 weeks before cousin can call or we can visit. He is going to do it. Please keep praying on this matter when it comes to mind. So that in a year I can tell you how he made it through. :)
They do bible studies daily and scripture memorizing, and they have to get up at 5:30 and go to bed by 9:45. They work them 6 days a week. And they have a gym, and counseling and mentorship. A schedule they must abide by. He will be a new man, after all is said and done, Lord willing.

Thank you my friends.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Praise THE LORD!

I was just sitting here thanking THE LORD for giving you the victory today and then I saw your message. Oh my, HE is so good.

Thank you Isthisreal- Your prayers and support mean so much to me. :)
HE is marvelous!!
We are a blessed people.

You are a special sister to be certain 🤗

NeedHelpWithMom: I have no idea about Alcoholics Anonymous.

Smeshque: That is great news. Congratulations.

NeedHelpWithMom: Agreed about the sign - that is crazy that some people would be offended by it.

If I may asked that my fellow Christians pray for me. I am trying to get a food truck and waiting to see if I will get some financial help (grants). This way I can do what I love, but also give me some freedom to help my mother and to work on the house!

Thank you in advance:)

"For those who bless me shall be bless as well." Give God Glory and praise! Amen.

Praying for you Shell.

My Dear Friends,
DH and I are extremely sick to our stomachs and disheartened, I am trying not to cry. We just got a call from the rehab. They had tried calling earlier so we could talk to cousin, but the phone didn't ring. :(
Well we called back and the guy told us they sent cousin to a mental hospital. :(
He couldn't tell us what happened until he gets an ok from his boss tomorrow to do so.
We are trying not to be angry, as for the money we just gave them yesterday, we feel scammed.
And now we must follow through with what we told cousin that if he left or got kicked out we could do no more for him.
The guy said he didn't get kicked out, but because of legalities they could not take him back. I have no idea what happened as no one will tell us even though we are on all the paperwork.
I do not know what happened, and that is what is upsetting. He didnt last but 1 day. Thats a lot of money for one day, which we could not afford.
I am just so sick and feel depleted. I am sure they will not give us any money back.
DH and I are so confused and so upset.
Please pray for us. I am feeling defeated. :(
I just can't believe it, I feel so sad for cousin and so mad at him as well. I just can't believe it.
Oh friends this is just awful.

Oh Smeshque, I am so sorry.

Ask for the money, 1 day come on folks.

Have faith, you don't know exactly what happened. This will turn out exactly like it is meant too. I know that is small comfort when you are looking at what is happening, but courage my precious sister in Christ.

Shell, may you get your hearts desire for the food truck.

I will keep you in my prayers.

Thank you Isthisreal,
You are right. I am trying not to lose my true focus.
We will see if they will give us some of the money back at least.
Just hard not knowing all the facts and waiting.
But I know you are right.
I will maintain my faith, that all this will work out as it is meant to.
Thank you. :)

Shell: I pray that you get this food truck.

Smeshque: I will talk to you privately.

Shell and Smeshque you are both in my prayers.🌹


Will definitely pray for the food truck. Sounds like a good fit for you. Drive it down to Nola! A few trucks have popped up around here and doing well.


Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. You did all that you could. Please know that you have given your all.

I get that you feel defeated. Hard not to feel like that. It’s healthy to acknowledge your feelings.

I have ginormous faith in you! You will work through this difficult situation. We don’t necessarily get over something but we can work through it. Of course, it’s terribly disappointing and I am so sorry.

All of us wanted your cousin to succeed and to be able to celebrate with you. God gives us free will. Sadly, we don’t always use that free will according to our best interests. I am still going to keep him in my prayers. I’m sure that you are aware of that it’s not out of the norm for most people to make several attempts at rehab before it sinks in. It’s hard.

Best wishes to you and your family. Hugs! 💗

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