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Oh Smeshque,

This is awful, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. The not knowing would drive me crazy as well! But I'm with Isthisrealyreal this will work out as it should. I know you are disappointed, but we know that God works things out for our good, even when it doesn't make sense to us. Just hold on to your faith and trust our LORD!

Just a thought, maybe something happened that was out of your cousin's hands!

You and your cousin are in my prayers.💞

I just want to thank everyone for your prayers.

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and might things, which thou knowest not."
--Jeremiah 33:3 KJV


"Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his GOD, the Maker of heaven and earth,"
--Psalm 146:5 NIV

You can't be Florence Nightengale if you're bleeding to death yourself!
That's why airlines tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first before the child sitting next to you.

Good evening Everyone,
just stopping by for a few minutes.
So we found out today what happened last night with cousin.
He had a blow up with staff and then pretended to kill himself. I say pretended because if it was true intent he would have walked out of that place and did so.
He wanted back in detox where they were giving him drugs that made him not feel. So the rehab place had to send him to the mental health place again. Which as I heard sent him to another detox.
The rehab place gave us back most of our payment, thank the Lord. Normally they do not do that, but the guy said this was unusual circumstances so I am grateful for that.
We drove 2 hours to go get it this morning. Talked with the rehab team we spoke with saturday, and It appeared that one of them had to scuffle with cousin because he was injured and was not injured last I saw him, Saturday. They were all disheartened as we were. And very nice about the whole thing.
We were very sorry they had to go through all that.
But cousin is in the Lords hands. Cousin has made his choice. We have been relieved of this duty. Cousin has called several times today and I have blocked the number, however still goes to voicemail. But we will not be in contact with him any longer per what we told him beforehand. I will not have him around my Mom, nor want him speaking to her, for her safety and ours.
So I will keep praying the Lord will do a work in him.
But I actually feel relief. As this is no longer my burden to bear but his.
I start my new job in the morning and I am a bit nervous. Not sure why, like a little kid on the first day of school.
I thank you all for your prayers and support.
I am hopeful for rest tonight.
God is great and loving and merciful. I am blessed to be HIS child.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

I thank the Lord for you all. May HE help us all.

smeshque: Thank you for filling us in on your cousin. Pretending to kill oneself sounds like something is amiss there, but I am no one to judge. i am very glad that you were able to receive most of your money back. What a relief that was. Cousin has unfortunately made his choice. It has to be bittersweet, but he was told many times what the rules set by you and DH were. Hugs to you, dear lady.

You know what, Smeshque? Unfortunately, some people have to hit rock bottom before they REALLY want help. They have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. They have to want it for themselves.

You were kind, loving and generous to him. You did all you could do. Now as you say, it’s in God’s hands and God won’t force him to do anything because He gave us all free will. I had to cut my brother off. I was losing my mind trying to help him over and over.

God wants us to choose what’s right. Your cousin isn’t ready. I hope one day he will be ready. He’s proven it isn’t now. I am glad you received money back.

You’re going to be fine on your new job. It’s natural to be a bit nervous. They are blessed to have someone with such heart and integrity.

Smeshque, great big warm hug 🤗🤗🤗.

Praise The Lord that you got most of the money back.

Good luck on your first day of your new job!

Thank you guys!

I really like my job. As of today DH and I have medical, dental, and vision insurance.
There is a retirement package should the Lord want me to work there that long.
Could be good since DH and I probably will not get Social security when our time comes.

But I think this job is a blessing. I originally took it to pay for cousins stuff. But I really like it and it has great benefits.
We shall see.
I cannot sleep. Haven't really slept for a few days.
Hope you all are doing well.

Jesus Loves you!

Smeshque: Oh, that is such great news that you have medical, dental, vision benefits on your job! What a blessing from God! That just made my night. Going to sleep now. I do hope that you can get that much-needed sleep now, dear lady.💞💞

I am so happy for you Smeshque. That is just wonderful. 👏😁

Hi everyone!

I hope you all are well.
Things are finally calming down and getting back to normal around here, after all the cousin stress.

Mom and AB are doing well. I am so grateful for that.

I have finally come down from all the stress I was feeling since the beginning of December.

I have a Friend who's Dad is being put on hospice, and she is too far away to be able to say her goodbyes, so please pray for them.

I am at awe how I remember feeling when I first found aging care. If I remember correctly it is about 2 years now? Not sure haven't kept track.
But God has really worked me over and changed me in that time. That those feelings I had then are not with me anymore. I am amazed at our Father and HIS tender mercy and love. He has helped me so much, and grew me stronger.
I have learned so much and have grew in my patience and it is all because of our Lord.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6

Praise the LORD Smeshque! Isn't He just wonderful! I love the fact that I am His and He is Mine. When you think how good He is, don't you just feel your soul leap?

I am happy you are doing so well and you are coming down off all the stress. It is amazing how some stress can take weeks if not months to shake off. But God is good!

I have learned to feel bless in the little things!

"For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy. And I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."
(Romans 9:15 NIV)

Shell- Leaps of joy. :)
I hope you are doing well.

smeshque: I am so sorry for the friend dad's on Hospice. Will pray for them. That is difficult as you know - I have just lost a little girl who was on Hospice, who was the daughter of my friend.

To all the rest of you dear people - My friend's 4 year old disabled child passed away on my birthday, which was January 13. Because of that I feel a strong connection to her. My friend has kept a daily update for 4 years and has rarely gotten more than 3 hours of sleep per night. On this coming Monday, my little friend will have her funeral called The Celebration of Life. Please pray for the family. Thank you in advance.

Shell: Praise HIM!

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Colossians 3:16


Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. I have grown in my spiritual journey because of you. In the face of disappointments and challenges you still show appreciation for God’s love. It takes a humble person to show such grace.

I admire your faith. It is so easy for our faith to waiver when things go wrong. I have been thinking about how you have handled the disappointment with your cousin.

Your example has helped me to become stronger in my faith but also learn to accept what can’t be changed without bitterness.

I am not perfect. I struggle with certain situations but I want to continue to grow. I find the more that I let go of and place in God’s hands, the more peace I attain. It is liberating.

Llama, so sad. Will pray.

Need: Thank you so much. It's very sad.

That is heartbreaking. I will pray for your friend!🙏

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
Hebrews 13:5

Shell: Thank you so much! I appreciate your comforting words. My friend had a total of 1,679 days that involved around her dear daughter.

NHWM- I only now saw your kind post. I want to tell you thank you so much, it is a great encouragement to me.
You brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
I am humbled by your words.
It has been a blessing for me to see your growth.
All glory to God through Jesus Christ.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

As I continue to deal with pain in my life, here are some thoughts that I believe the Holy Spirit brought together tonight and this may be helpful to someone else.

Liberating thoughts for the day. Basically, everyone carries some degree of pain deep in their heart. We often never know the depth of pain someone may have in their hearts. We need to be gentle for we never know how much pain someone may carry.

What shall we do with our pain for it does not automatically heal?

Focus on letting it go, one part of it at a time. What? Letting it go? What does this mean?

First of all, it does not mean living as though what caused the pain did not happened. To do so is suppression and will backfire emotionally, physically or both.

Second, seek God’s help to live like the pain and its memory does not have to impact your life now.

Third, letting it go means no longer feeding it by rehearsing it in your mind over and over again. Such a transformed mind often takes hard work in therapy.

Fourth, as found in a poem, “Yet holding on to it and nursing it digs a dark and dreary day. People, we do this as if it will somehow accomplish something. But in all honesty, that choice accomplishes nothing.”

Fifth, as also found in that poem, “We cannot choose to be or not to be hurt by the barnacle like tragedies and people in life.
However, we can choose not to let them make us like a barnacle in another’s life.

Your post has helped me.

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
2 Timothy 2:19

Hello my Dear Friends,
I hope everyone is doing alright. Mom and Ab are doing fine. Ab has another Dr. appointment tomorrow, still trying to get this shoulder pain figured out. Have gotten several different diagnosis and no remedy. So we shall see if this one tomorrow is productive.
Mom has been doing well. No issues with me working, and she keeps busy. She is an amazing woman.
I am liking my job. Getting use to not being here and working with DH and being around Mom all day, has been an adjustment that I haven't gotten use to.
But I am sure a new routine will work itself out, Lord willing.
One of my church members that I have written about before, the one who lost his wife and is in his 90's. He has been having falls a lot lately. At least one a week and as per the policy of the Assisted Living he stays at he has to go to the hospital. Well he fell again this morning and had to go to the hospital. Then his daughter fell at the hospital tripping on the carpet that was rolled up or something. But this man in spite of his pain and leg swollen like 3 times as much as the other, made it to worship. He is such an encouragement and inspiration. I mean there are some that would not go to services if they sneezed that morning. But he is faithful. I hope if Lord willing I get to be his age, i will be as determined and faithful.
Well I wish you all a goodnight.
Much love and prayers

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Matthew 10:22

smeshque: Praying for that man and his daughter.


I will join you in prayers for him. So scary to fall. I fell awhile back when I went to vote for our governor. I was walking on the sidewalk and stepped on something that rolled under my foot and it threw me off balance and down I went. Fortunately, I didn’t break anything. I just scraped my hand and knee. I still voted!

A very sweet couple stopped to see if I needed help. The woman told me that she had slipped and fell in wet mud hiking the week before. Accidents happen! She wasn’t old!

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