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NeedHelpWithMom: So sorry to hear that you fell. Hope that you don't fall again. Praise God I've never fallen and I just turned 73! Where did the time go? Tonight I am typing with dialated eyes, having seen my retinologist.

Falls are the worst!
They do so much damage all over so quick.
Mother fell,broke her neck and our lives changed forever in the blink of an eye and just a half of an inch and I'd have lost Mother 9 and a half years before I did.
So No Falls Everyone!


How awful! I can’t imagine breaking my neck.

Llama, hope your eyes are okay.

Mom tripped over her cane and hit the wall in front of her and did a "Hangman's" break when she broke the tip of her skull in C-1. It was a miracle she lived.From there on though,it was just one thing after another with her from blood clots and a mesh window installed around her heart,gallbladder,hip replacement to,radiations for cancer on her nose,etc.,etc,etc.,and I was so scared of losing her everyday.

I would be terrified too, luckylu. I’m so sorry that you and your mother endured such heartache.

Thanks NHWM~I was very blessed to have her as long as I did.

NHWM: I have inherited dry Macular Degeneration from my mother. I was almost certain to get it as it's easily passed on. Thanks to my due diligence, the condition has remained static.

luckylu: Wow, so sorry that your mother took that fall, injuring her skull. One time my mother was attending a wedding out of state. My cousin was rather poor and her son was to be married. Cousin lived in a trailer. My mother was due to attend the wedding and was staying with her sister and friend in cousin's trailer. My mother got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and fell, badly breaking her femur. She actually tore the hinges off the bathroom door; it was rather poorly built. So - she fell on a scatter rug! ALL SCATTER RUGS ARE A HUGE FALL RISKS TO ELDERS. They should be removed. I had to take a quick flight to Manchester, New Hampshire. Her sister just exited the trailer and never COMFORTED MY DEAR MOTHER AT ALL. That's who she was - couldn't handle much.

Your'e right Llama,Those scatter rugs are so dangerous and I'm so sorry your'e Mother was hurt so badly because of one. Really,I think they're dangerous for everyone no matter what age they are and cords are dangerous too.

luckylu: Yes, you're right about cords, too. Thank you for your kind words. There was more to the story. My mother was still employed at the age of 79! My father passed at age 50. Her femur break was in July and she was due to turn 80 that Halloween. Her employer, a dentist, had always told her - "You'll always have employment here as long as you can get over the threshold." Her response - "I broke my leg; I must retire."

Your'e MaMa was a real go go-getter it sounds like Llama,still working at 79!
That's great and great she wanted to and could then.It's a shame she fell and broke her femur.
Cords are real fall hazards I know,because one day,I went flying over Mom's oxygen and the fan cord right in front of the Hospice bather.
One other time I fell over a cat lid on the floor too and hit the chopblock in the kitchen when my brother pretended to shove a dead mouse at me and I'm still paying for that one with my right shoulder.
Yeah,falls are evil so is my brother sometimes~

luckylu: My mother was a go getter because she had to be. In 1967 when my father died suddenly, she was employed at the high school cafeteria for 88 cents per hour! She knew she had to get better employment and she did as she had 2 young people to support - me (20) and my brother (16). Wow, I am so sorry you fell on those cords and cat lids! I have known people who fell and died as a result. A man I worked with was just 50 - fell and hit his head. Wow - you hit a chopping block? Scary

We had a wonderful day of worship and sunshine.
The weekend went by way too fast.
Got my grocery order in for DH and Mom to pick up tomorrow. I love online grocery shopping, soooo convenient and love that DH and Mom can go pick it up while I am at work.
Just steamed mopped the floors I love that steam mop. I am a pretty boring person. :)

Congrats to all the Chief fans. Dh use to be a Chiefs fan, but we havent watched tv in many years now, let alone sports.

I wish you all a wonderful week.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:27

I haven’t tried the online shopping. I should. It would save time.

Smeshque, what steam mop did you end up getting?

I love mine too. My Shark eats up the dirty floors.🙂

ISTHISREAL- I ended up getting a Bissell. DH and Mom picked it out for me.
I love that thing, I am so glad you all mentioned it, I don't know how I ever lived without one, :) It is great.

I have the bissell and I love it too. My friend has a shark. It has a longer cord which is nice. They both clean well.

I will never go back to a mop and bucket! That is a lot more work and floors aren’t as clean.

I never understood the swiffer thing. You have to keep buying pads and detergent. Steam mops you wash pad and no detergent

Smeshque: A friend had a Bisset that was never delivered but after weeks she got her money refunded. I have SO many vacuums and a Swifter and a broom, which is all I need at my age. Online is great. Use it all the time.

Edit - the friend had a BISSEL that got lost enroute. Hope you enjoy your's smeshque. I had "adopted" my brother's team - the SF 49ers since our stellar Baltimore Ravens was taken out of contention by the Tennessee Titans.

New here. Oh my. Thanks for posting this. This has been my struggle for a while. When you are the only child, there is no one to turn to for opinions much less help. Everyone says "Take care of yourself first," How do you do that ? I too pray about the resentment I often feel when I see how others are enjoying life and doing whatever they want.


Welcome. Continue to pray. Prayers help. It’s hard being an only child and feeling like you’re alone. It’s hard being a child with siblings like many of us have that we do not have a good relationship with. God knows I tried to have a good relationship with my siblings but it’s impossible in certain circumstances and we have to put it behind us.

It’s interesting to me that only children want siblings to have someone. People with rotten siblings would prefer to be only children to avoid the conflicts. No situation will ever be perfect.

Those with siblings that care for each other are truly blessed.

We are here though and you can vent to us anytime!

A good night to you all.

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Romans 15:4

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Matthew 11:29

Hi Everyone!
I have missed you all. I have been so tired lately, haven't much felt like writing. Just thought I would stop by and share some.
My job is going well, I am getting use to the new routine. Mom and DH and Ab have done much better with the new routine than I have. They are doing well, thank the Lord.

So, my oldest sister has been talking with Mom now at first through text and now phone calls, for a few months now, I am so happy she is trying to have a relationship.
My Moms sister has moved to live with her daughter. Mom hasn't seen this sister in about 30 years. So my oldest sister told my Mom that she was going to go visit Moms family and she asked mom if she wanted to go. At first I was upset about this. I mean for the last 5 years I have been the sole player in my parents life and now oldest sister gets to play the hero. That is how I felt at first, But Mom has the opportunity to see her older Brother as well that she hasn't seen in almost 20 years and some friends of hers where we use to live. So this will be a wonderful adventure for Mom. So I got over myself and am trying to be happy for Mom and joyful with her as she is super excited. I still do not like this, but Mom is in the Lord's hands and I know HE will take care of her as HE has her whole life. He is in charge whether Mom is right next to me or whether she is thousands of miles away.
It will be for 10 days. So yeah.....sigh..... I will be glad when she gets back home safely.

This will be the first time in 5 years DH and I have been alone. Well AB will still be around. But not so much in the house with us except at meal time. So this is going to feel SO awkward. I know that probably sound silly. But we have not been alone in 5 years.

Well Anyway I love you all and hope you all are doing well. Take care of yourselves and know that you are Loved!

Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.
Psalms 112:1

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
1 John 4:18

I came home from work this evening and was on my way to my usual pit stop, and DH followed me which was not normal and told me he needed to talk to me. So I skipped my pit stop because I knew he was about to tell me something serious as I can read his countenance.
He said Gracie died. :( (Gracie was my dog, the greatest dog ever, and I loved her dearly, she was a great comfort and joy to me). I wondered what happened, because just last night she was so happy and playful and no sign of anything wrong. She has not been sick or had any health problems. So I just could not believe it.
He said when he got around this morning and was putting wood in the stove, he saw that she just didn't move. And well she was gone. He took care of her and buried her next to one of her puppies.
But this is crazy, she wasn't sick, wasn't hurt and just gone. I cried for quite a while and still am having moments, I just cannot believe it. I have never been so attached to a dog as I have been to her. She was super smart and would have made a great search dog, She loved playing that game of searching for things. I tried to each night with her.
But anyway, My Gracie is gone. I am a little saddened by this.
But what can I complain about, my family is all well and I am still here. So I am grateful to God for all HIS blessings.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17

Oh smeshque I am so sorry.

I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet.

May God grant you grieving mercies and comfort during this difficult time.

Praise The Lord that she had joy right up to her last day, what a blessing that I wish we could all receive.

Great Big Warm Hug!


I am so sorry about Gracie. She had a good home with you! It’s so hard to lose an animal. They truly are part of our family. I was devastated when my last dog died. He was the sweetest dog in the world. I rescued him from the track (greyhound) but he rescued me in some ways too.

Greys are an extremely old breed. Cleopatra had a greyhound. They are the only breed mentioned in the Bible. Great dogs! All dogs are wonderful! You will miss your pooch. I think we will be reunited with them in the afterlife. They are God’s creatures.

Sorry Smeshque for the loss of your pet Gracie.
An unexplained death is also hard on you.

It was actually kind of your husband to try to spare you. I hope that is comforting to you, and that he understands how you would cope if he took care of everything.

You are much more gracious than I would be able to be in those circumstances. What a shock to lose her that way. So sorry.

Aw Smeshque, so sorry. What a horrible shock for you. You cry as much or as little as you need to. God Bless!

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