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You are a good example. God Bless you!
Maybe after Easter, we can all hear more about your nephew.
God Bless him too!

You have been missed.

Jer. 29:11 is one of my favorite verses.
God knows the plans He has for (everyone).

First of all my prayers are with you . We as believers should not think like the world because we are not of this world the world operates in a different mindset thanGod . Putting others before you is not difficult if we do it in the strength of the Lord and not our own like he said take his yoke upon us when we do that he carries us i know the tiredness I have been caring for a husband who has FTD frontotemporal dementia for 5 years but it’s in Gods timing not mind The counting it all joy is because the trail we go threw should bring us closer to knowing the Lord and his faithfulness

“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”
Psalms 56:3

Psalm 57:1
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy, for in You my soul takes refuge. In the shadow of Your wings I will take shelter until the danger has passed.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

Prayer is all I have. I was down to my last bit of energy and allowed my husband to be put into a facility. We battled this dementia for more than 10 years. No amount of advice therapy can relieve the quilt. Quiet talks with God relieve the pressure


I am so sorry that you have been through such a rough time. It is lovely that you find comfort with quiet talks with God. He hears every word. Even if we don’t speak He knows what’s in our hearts.

Sending a bazillion hugs your way 💗. Your intimacy with God is a beautiful testimony of your faith.

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting ALL your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.

Speaking of humbling ourselves, we need for all pastors to humble themselves under God who commanded us to obey the government and abide by the CDC directives during this virus. This is not a time for hyper-faith or fanaticism. This is a time for faith and reason to work together for our sake and the sake of others. We and our country as a whole will survive this better if we all work together!


I agree 100 percent! Apparently, there is a fanatical type of church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They were on the news for not following the governor’s regulations.

They decided to hold a service with hundreds of people. The pastor and his wife are inconsiderate and foolish!

So, I looked up their website. Geeeez, they are claiming to be able to cure HIV and cancer! I sincerely hope they don’t discourage their congregation from seeing their doctors. They also are looking at this virus as a ‘government hoax.’ This church sounds like it has cult like mentality.

Some extreme churches are dangerous. I believe in the power of prayer but I also believe in medical professionals and following laws! The police told the church if they did it again they would be arrested for their actions.


Ever wonder about some of these pastors? I do. All of them. No matter what faith. Good and bad in all of them.

Proverbs 22:3 New Living Translation (NLT)
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.
The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

Searching online for prudent churches, I found Pastors announcing suspended services and gathering only online since March 12.

Informed by the church was in Florida, and a different church in Texas.

This is working.

We received a letter from our church today saying that all groups larger than 5 in number were prohibited from gathering until atleast April 1st,2020 due to the virus and that included Congregations and that if we needed anything,we could contact the Pastor,who's working from home.

Last announcement on our local news just now is, 392 cases of coronavirus now in Louisiana. 10 deaths. 😞

Majority of cases in New Orleans.

They just announced the number of hospital beds available and ventilators.

I am praying for all of us, everywhere.

I have so much gratitude that my husband is able to work from home. Let’s all say a prayer for those who are suffering financially due to this virus.

Many in my city aren’t able to work during this time. We rely on tourism. No tourist so those people are taking a huge hit! Breaks my heart.

“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”
Psalms 100:5

Just stopping by. I hope all of you are doing well. My family and I are, thank the Lord. Be cautious of this virus scare, but do not be afraid, It will be over before we know it.
Thank the Lord Mom prayed earnestly about her trip to CA and the Lord led her not to go. If she would have went she would have been trapped there right now. So Hallelujah she is a woman of great faith. One of my co workers raises Border Collies, and since my Dog Gracie died she had been wanting to give me a puppy. I didn't want one yet. But she was so excited and joyful about doing that, I couldn't refuse. And I really didn't want to take it because they are expensive dogs and for her to just give me one, well I felt kinda bad about that. But Yesterday morning she brought him to work, and DH came and picked him up. So this is his 2nd day with us. Super Smart little guy, still in puppy phase so hes being trained. But he is a good one and he is going to be a fine dog. Cutest thing they are natural herders and he tries herding the other dogs, it is so funny. I have very much become his person. He is adorable and he makes me smile so he is a blessing. He did really well his first night, did not cry until morning but that was just to go potty. So anyway, I guess I will need to get my sheep now, so he can work. :)
We took him to the farm store last night and his first time on a leash he did really well. He is so loveable. So anyway, he has made a good addition and I am thankful for him.

Much love and prayers for you all.

New life is such a blessing. What a wonderful gift from your coworker.


So happy about your new puppy. That’s wonderful!

As a believer, who is also a full time caregiver, I realize that God expects me to take care of myself so that I can take care of my dad.
If I neglect me but make sure I give my all to him and the end result is potentially illness for me and nursing home for him.
We honor God when we provide for our LOs the best that we have but we cannot give our best if we are not our best selves which simply means self care is crucial to be the servant He has called us to be💜💛🙏🏾

smeshque: That is great about your new pup. Congrats! The corona virus is VERY bad.

Smeshque, congrats on the new member of the family!🐕

Good Evening Everyone,
I really miss you all. I haven't much energy left at the end of the day to be online like I use to. When I get home from work, there is more work and then by the time everyone gets in bed which is my usual quiet free time, well I am spent. It has been truly difficult balancing work and home life and making sure Mom and AB are happy and ok. I was hoping we would shut down for a couple of weeks. But being in City government we are "essential" but at least we have closed the doors to the public for now. I am wondering how much longer I will try and do all this. I have been praying about it and I feel the Lord keeps me going there for now. It could be for the benefit of a coworker. She and I have a lot of spiritual discussions. I feel the Lord has work for me there and when HE is finished with me there, HE will let me know. My family is ok for the most part, it is me that struggles with this balance. I have even more so neglected my needs and I am feeling it, so I am trying to figure it out. But, please keep me in your prayers, as I do all of you.
AB is going to be having shoulder surgery soon. That is NOT going to be a pleasant situation, i can tell you right now. But the Lord will see us through it.
The new pup is doing well. However, DH is a little upset because he is in puppy stage and we have to train him and he chased the chickens so we had to lock the chickens up for now until we learn the pup. He makes me laugh, and I know he will be a great dog when he matures, but this puppy stage is frustrating my family, so I feel HORRIBLE that I didn't just tell the lady, I can't have a puppy right now. But this too shall pass.
Mom is doing well and is as happy as she always is. It doesn't matter what she is doing she finds joy in it, what a blessing that is. I wish I had that kind of Spirit. I got her a treadmill as she got tired of the exercise bike and so she uses the treadmill instead and we go walking to the woods on my days off. I like the treadmill too, and use it as oft as I can. Other than that, I hope to get back here regularly as soon as I can get this all figured out. I did not realize how much you all became such a part of my life. Like an extended family. Because I truly miss you all. You all have been such a wonderful support and encouragement for me in my caregiving journey and I don't know what I would have done without you, because I just miss you so much.
Please take care of yourselves and I will be back shortly.
Much love and prayers for all of you. Stay safe and know you are loved.

Psalms 16:1 
Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust.

We miss you too, Smeshque!☺🙏

My oldest daughter was released from the hospital today. Please pray that she continues to get better. We can’t visit due to the social distancing and I can’t put myself at risks due to my asthma.

Praying for everyone. Take care and stay safe. 💗.

NHWM, did your daughter have CV?   I wasn't aware of that.  Whatever she had, I hope that her recovery is safe and promising, and that you find a way to communicate that reinforces your family bonds and helps her heal.


Thanks for your warm thoughts. I appreciate it.

My oldest daughter has several things that she continually struggles with. Chron’s Disease, diabetes, anemic, allergy to certain meds so that complicates what she can take. She had a bad UTI. She was miserable. The stress triggers the Chron’s Disease and so on. She’s home now.

She did not have the virus. They wanted her to be released and quarantined as soon as possible because she is at higher risk due to her diabetes. Diabetes complicates everything too. She’s very thin. I am hoping she can gain a little weight back.

NeedHelpWithMom: I am praying for your daughter. My daughter is borderline Chron's and has to be very careful with her diet/what she eats. If she consumes the wrong foods, she will be in pain. It's tough. I pray that your daughter gets some relief from the ailments she has.💞💞

Thanks so much, Llama

That helps knowing that you understand. My daughter started off with ulcerative colitis. Full blown Chron’s now. She’s had all kinds of issues and surgeries. Yes, they have to be very careful with what they eat.

I will pray for your daughter. It’s miserable for them. Tough finding the right type of meds. It’s aggravated by stress too. I feel for anyone with Chron’s Disease.

NeedHelp: You are very welcome!
I am so sorry for your daughter with Chron's. It is a painful disease. Thank you for your kind words regarding my daughter's health. She knows her dietary restrictions, which is zero butter/zero mayo. She does have a strong med on the rare occasion that a restaurant (think before Coronavirus) puts it on her food by error, but then if she has to resort to that medication she just has to go to bed/done for the day. I also have to make sure I avoid trigger foods.💞💞

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