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Thanks, hubs has been home since March 15th. But we are okay. We stopped going out to pickup food (they put it in our trunk), and now have everything delivered. Saving on gas pays the tip for delivery. It is a good thing to be staying home, especially these two weeks.

Happy Easter to those believers who celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!

And Happy Passover for those celebrating the exodus of God's people from captivity in Egypt.

Sendhelp: That is very good that your hubby is home. Hubby and I are both retired after each putting in a 45 year career. So far I am still able to get contactless pickup at Panera. Eating salads is all my body knows so if I switch up, it's not good. Our daughter found a friend's food delivery service (fresh eggs, veggies, butter, HWC and more). A lady who has a flower shop has switched over to baked goods. May use that, too.
Happy Easter
Happy Passover

Happy Easter!
Resurrection Sunday!
This Easter is different from so many others.
For those staying at home, it could be a time of reflection.
But God is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
His love is consistent and strong, and wants for none to perish.
This could be a real come to Jesus moment for so many!

Tomorrow we celebrate the risen Christ. We will join together and sing Alleluia!

I will be celebrating Easter with my husband. Like everyone else, our church is not worshiping together as a community, we are adhering to the ‘stay at home’ regulations.

So, our archbishop will be saying Mass from St. Louis Cathedral to be televised and streamed online. We will watch it on tv.

Happy Easter, everyone! Alleluia!

Happy Passover to our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Blessings to all. 💗

Llama, whew! Lots of hours on the job!

On Easter, that tomb was empty, and He's alive!

Absolutely, He is the risen Lord! It’s a beautiful celebration.

We may have lots of heartbreaking situations but we have many miracles too. On this Easter Sunday I am choosing to focus on the miracles in our lives and the miracles that are in our future.

What miracles are you most grateful for?

Husband and children. As long as I have those that I love then I have everything. Even if we are physically separated because of this Covid, in our hearts we are together.

We can’t celebrate Easter together this year but we can all still watch the service on television and read the scriptures together, even if we are physically separated from our daughters.

He lives and grants me daily breath;
He lives, and I shall conquer death;
He lives my mansion to prepare;
He lives to bring me safely there.

He lives, all glory to his name!
He lives, my Jesus still the same.
O, the sweet joy this sentence gives,
"I know that my Redeemer lives!"

Jesus died so we can have life. He was raised so he could send the comforter to us so that we may have peace and joy in Him!🙏🙌

May we all have a Happy Easter and a new beginning in the name of Jesus. Amen🙏

Song from the viewpoint of the thief:
Too Small A Price
Don Francisco
I awoke to hear the jailer turn the key and push the door
'Get out here!' he shouted, but I stayed there on the floor
Frozen in the terror that rose and filled my brain
I knew what they intended; I could not face the pain
Then soldiers came into the cell and dragged me to the yard
They threw me down before a cross and brought the whip down hard
'Carry it!' they shouted, as I struggled to my feet
I put my shoulder under it; dragged it to the street
I stumbled through a wall of screams as they drove me through the gate
It seemed that thousands lined the streets, their voices filled with hate
Like a wolf pack in the night that moves in for the kill
They closed the gap and followed us as we started up the hill
And it seemed I'd barely reached the top when they grabbed me from behind
They threw the cross down under me and tied the ropes that bind
The arms close to the beams as they nailed the feet and hands
And they raised the cross up in the air and dropped it in it's stand
Through a blur of pain I saw the cross there next to mine
There were people all around it so I looked to read the sign
It was nailed there up above His head so the world could see the news
That the man who seemed so helpless there was the King of all the Jews
The crowd that stood around His cross made jokes about His name
They shouted, laughed and spat on Him so I joined in the game
I said, 'Hey! If you're the King why don't you get us down from here?
The taunt just sounded hollow and it echoed in my ears
'Cause He looked at me with eyes that seemed to reach into my heart
They shone a light on all my lies and tore my life apart
There was more that lay behind His gaze than simply blood and clay
But knowing was too much for me; I had to look away
Then I chanced another look at Him as He was looking down
Where the soldiers who'd just crucified us drank there on the ground
And although He spoke them quietly, somehow His words came through
He said 'Father, please forgive them; they don't know what they do'
Then as if they'd heard Him speak, the crowd began to roar
Whipped to frenzy by the priests who urged them on to more
But the worse the accusations, now, the plainer I could see
The guilt of the accusers - not the One there next to me
Then the man upon the other cross began to curse and swear
But his voice was filled with venom as he hurled it through the air
When all the horror that was in him and had laid his life to waste
Came out in every syllable he flung in Jesus' face
And Jesus only looked at him, but something rose inside of me
And in spite of all that watched us there, it couldn't be denied
Because His righteousness and innocence were shining bright and strong
I just couldn't keep my silence and that cursing still went on
I cried out, 'Don't you fear the wrath of God even at the end?
You'll curse us both into the pit - is that what you intend?
We're only getting what we're due - we've sinned our whole lives long
But don't you talk to Him that way - He's done nothing wrong!'
Then with all my courage, in a voice not quite my own
I asked Him 'Lord, remember me when you sit upon Your throne'
He answered me and, even then, His love was undisguised
He said 'Before the sun has set today, you'll be with Me in Paradise'
Well the shouts and curses did not stop even when the sunlight ceased
But somehow in the midst of it, my soul had been released
And though the agony continued, it was still too small a price
To be allowed to hear those words, and to die beside the Christ!
Source: Musixmatch

The Easter story did not end with the morning discovery of the empty tomb.

The disciples were afraid Sunday night after hearing about the empty tomb that morning from the women Luke 24:1-12 and Peter's experience of the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus Luke 13-35..

And while they hid behind locked doors, the risen Jesus came into the room and relieved their fears John 19-20 and Luke 24:36-49.

In a sense, we are locked in our homes in fear of the virus and what impact this will have on our lives and our society.

Yet, our risen Lord and Savior comes to us to relieve our fears.

Fear not for the Lord is risen and because he lives all fears can be gone! May the peace and joy of Easter by the Holy Spirit be with us all!

For those who do not have a bible, the story set to song on Youtube: "He's Alive" Don Francisco
The gates and doors were barred and all the windows fastened down,
I spent the night in sleeplessness and rose at every sound,
Half in hopeless sorrow half in fear the day,
Would find the soldiers crashing through to drag us all away.
Then just before the sunrise I heard something at the wall,
The gate began to rattle and a voice began to call,
I hurried to the window and looked down to the street,
Expecting swords and torches and the sound of soldiers feet,
There was no one there but Mary so I went down to let her in,
John stood there beside me as she told us were she'd been,
She said they moved him in the night and none of us knows where,
The stones been rolled away and now his body isn't there.
We both ran toward the garden then John ran on ahead,
We found the stone and the empty tomb just the way that Mary said,
But the winding sheet they wrapped him in was just an empty shell,
And how or where they'd taken him was more than I could tell.
Something strange had happened there but what I did not know,
John believed a miracle but I just turned to go,
Circumstance and speculation couldn't lift me very high,
Cause I'd seen them crucify him and then I'd watched him die,
Back inside the house again all the guilt and anguish came,
Everything I'd promised him just added to my shame,
But at last it came to choices I denied I knew his name,
Even If he was alive it wouldn't be the same.
But suddenly the air was filled with a strange and sweet perfume,
Light that came from everywhere drove shadows from the room,
Jesus stood before me with his arms held open wide,
And I fell down on my knees and clung to him and cried,
He raised me to my feet and as I looked into his eyes,
Love was shining out from him like sunlight from the sky,
Guilt and my confusion disappeared in sweet release,
And every fear I'd ever had just melted into peace.
He's alive, He's alive, He's alive and I'm forgiven,
Heavens gates are open wide.
He's alive, He's alive, He's alive and I'm forgiven,
Heavens gates are open wide.
He's alive, He's alive, He's alive and I'm forgiven,
Heavens gates are open wide.
He's alive!

Need: That was for sure.

"Jesus wept."

John 11:25 KJV

When people are now saying "Stay safe", it calls to mind what will happen when the Lord returns.
1 Thessalonians 5:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

This bears repeating, because authorities will be thinking they know better....and ending the stay at home orders.

Proverbs 22:3 New Living Translation (NLT)
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.
The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

Not sure if this is true, but saw a headline that a non-compliant pastor has died. I did not read it.

Wash your hands.
Stay at home if possible.
Walk by faith.

Christians can encourage each other from the bible. It is actually the husband's job to encourage his wife.
When the wives get trapped in irrational fear, use the bible.

Luke 21:28 New King James Version (NKJV)
28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

When we face obstacles we believe we can knock them down and plough ahead. If you look at problems as though it was one big elephant - then you eat the elephant a bite at a time. We live one day at a time with trusting God to provide. Sometimes, that elephant fills like a whole herd. Then we really get overwhelmed. "Wait on the Lord. Be of good Courage. God will strengthen you." Psalm 27:14

In the 2nd chapter of Phillipians, Paul presses forward. On my refrigerator I keep scriptures to help me throughout the day.

Seek the Lord and His Strength...Seek His Face Continually. I Chronicles 16:11

Be Careful to use Good Sense, and watch what you say. Proverbs 5:2

Isaiah 41:10 is my life's verse. 1. Do not be afraid for I am your God. 2. I will strengthen you 3. I will help you.

Rest in the Lord - John 14:1-3
We are still fragile humans, but God is the source and joy of our strength. When we are weak - he is strong.

It is easy to trust God when all is well in our lives. It is easier to trust Him when we don't have any idea what to do - that's called Faith.

Tomorrow I am taking off work to take AB to get all his pre surgery screens done. He will be having surgery the 5th of May.
I did not know until I got home this evening that I was needed tomorrow. Short notice for me and my work. But it is what it is.
Mom is doing well, thank the lord we are all healthy.
We heard today that a family friend was killed when her four wheeler turned over. And one friend is in the hospital after having an unexpected siezure. He is undergoing tests and we do not know yet what is wrong.
My shoulders feel so heavy right now.....
Its coming up on May, what would have been my parents 65th Anniversary. This time of year is very difficult around here. Lots of emotions and always a struggle to get through.
I have been studying Ecclesiastes, and i cannot tell you how I am fighting depression. Feeling that all is vanity and vexation of Spirit.
I trust the Lord will bring me through, and show me what needs doing.

My new pup has turned out to be such a gem. He has learned quickly and he loves fetch. He has a lot of similar traits as my Gracie, so I am hopeful he is going to be a really good dog.

I hope you all are doing fine, I miss you.

“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”
Psalms 103:12

You have a few too many burdens on your heart, and on your workload. It is at this time Jesus comes to you and says:
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Matthew 28 NKJV

Sorry for your loss, and the tragedy.

The news this morning says that the UK is starting a test of a CV vaccine on humans. Previous information is that the vaccine can be quite dangerous - the SARS vaccine had problems. Pray for the brave people who are willing to enter the test for the good of humanity. It is such a strong statement for ‘love thy neighbor’.

MargaretMcKen: That is indeed hopeful, but scary.


I am sorry about your friend. I also am sorry that your shoulders are feeling so heavy...but I have faith that Jesus will not only take the heaviness from you, but help guide you through this. HE always show up when we need HIM and at the perfect time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. 🙏💙

Does anyone remember J. Vernon McGee? I was reminded of him this morning while attending church online.
Just before arriving at work, I would listen every morning. He ended just at the time I had to be at my desk. It was very tempting to be late, turning off the car radio.
I must have missed this when he said it:
"“Friends, this is God’s universe, and he has his plan. Now you may think you have a better plan, but you don’t have a universe.”" 😊

send - I remember J Vernon McGee. My dd and I used to listen to him faithfully when I stayed with her for a while. John MacArthur too. Maybe Focus on the Family was another

As I was cleaning out some cabinets I found "Red Letter Edition New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" from 1950's I think. I look forward to using it to study the New Testament! 👏🙏😳


I did see where a medical student who volunteered to receive the Ebola vaccine is volunteering to also receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

Not sure of his location but he’s brave and I thank him for volunteering to do this.

You and me both NHWM!

Glad that I was not the only one listening to those pastors.

Margaret -
Covid19 vaccine testing in humans began in the Seattle area more than a month ago Just last week they progressed into the second stage.

I believe it is a vaccine company that is working with Kaiser and Bill Gates if you’re interested in googling for more information.

And yes, God bless these brave volunteers and the folks working on this project.

And - God help us all.

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