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Managed to break mom out of the hotel California for Easter dinner with my bro and his family which for some reason I feel compelled to do or she'd never see them

So before the meal arrived I turn to my niece and say grandma's gotta pee - to which she replies
Grandma needs another relative

So begrudgingly she rolls the Viking to the loo only to return minutes later saying that didn't work - huh?
She put her feet down and wouldn't go in the bathroom - hmm

So I pull out the box of See's and ask mom if she wants a piece - as her hand reaches for the candy I say - uh uh - not until you let L take you potty
Next words out of her mouth were
L, hurry up

I'm looking at all these little text emojis and thinking of the one I keep seeing when I open the internet options on my laptop, which shows the names of neighboring wifi setups:








and...for the win:

My I.P.'s are up here ( . )Y( . )


    * *

My basket is in the attic,sad to say Send.Mother used to give me the best ones...till she got sick...but I always put one together for my husband and buy the candy I like and then steal it after I give it to him.

Where's your Easter Basket Lu?

Candy,outta my dH's Easter basket.Those big sugar eggs....and next,his Lindor egg....

/ ("~")\
__/``` \__


What's up?

°\_('~')_/°   Lifting weights?
                      Hanging on by a thread?
                      Shower rod assists safety in tub?
                      This is a hold-up?
                      Look!  I found some chocolate, only two pieces left!
                      I dunno?

Today is another day, just an ordinary day.
After getting thru jury duty, sending in my taxes, mailing in the rep-payee report, I am too exhausted for a holiday with all the stores and banks closed.

Happy Easter, everyone.

Hopefully it is a time of renewal for you.

Send, that is an interesting way to put it, and I have wondered this about my own life...feel like a deer in the headlights looking at things unfolding in disbelief a lot of the time. If there is a good for every bad, then I am waiting for an avalanche of incredible things to come... Wait wait wait.....:)

Actually, high fives here when it was done. Then, um, then......
hubs asked if I wanted him to take a picture! ummmmm.....
puhleeeese don't, even though it was a hallmark moment I told him.

Sometimes, I am wondering if I am just living my life in shock. A reality show gone bad.

Hey, Send, another great idea. We could call the show Caregivers taking Selfies whilst doing taxes. What a hoot that would be, yes?

I can hear the commentary already. Martha, forgot to put her teeth in...........oh, wait a sec. I think she mailed them with her taxes.

Uncle John, has poo running down his legs but he doesn't care, he needs to get that envelope in the box and he only has 5 mins. left. What a trooper!

Lol, driving that car up to the nightdrop mailbox, or walking it inside for an earlier collection. So many things could go wrong, and do! The post office is out of stamps, the car doesn't have enough gas, the envelope tore, where is a new one, what is the right address, etc. etc. All this done last minute without eating......What a reality show that would be, then stopping to take a selfie when looking like you've stayed up for days!!

I know, selfies of caregivers at their worst!

I have a tradition. I leave taxes till April 29th. Like CWillie, I live in Canada. It's the race against the machine for me. Will she get it into the mail before midnight?

Hey, idea for new reality show. We could call it 24 Hours till Tax Deadline. Contestants can compete to see who can leave it till the last minute and still make it on time. There could be a big clock that chimes every minute.
It might be a bit boring to watch but it couldn't be any worse than watching the Kardashians getting botox and taking selfies.

We don't have to file here until the 30th. I'm basically done but I've been putting off going over everything and re checking, I guess because I don't like the numbers at the end. Since I've always mostly been self employed there's never been a rebate, it's always tax owing. At least filing online is easy, you don't even have to attach the documents anymore, just click submit and it's on it's way.

Procrastination is a really bad thing. Maybe this behavior should have it's own mental illness title, instead of just being a symptom of things just are not right. Every tax season in the past, I would be searching for the latest mail drop nearby, just nearing midnight.

This year, there is still time, the deadline is postmarked by midnight on
APRIL 18th.

TODAY, April 15th, the mail was on it's way at 5:30 p.m. Saturday! Put into that box by 4:00 p.m.!

And my IRS and FTB envelopes went with it! Yay. Big accomplishment for me.

YAHOO!!!! And YIPEE!!!

Yeah, friggin is just as bad, or sounds worse! Sorry to those who use it with
impunity, but if I am talking (briefly) with a neighbor, spewing hate and that word, Please, get me outta here.

Great announcement to follow!......What thread is this? Let me look.....

Oh, back to the days when swear words were things like gosh darn it! or you little beggar! or my father's favourite judas priest! I remember my brother and his friends got in trouble with a teacher for saying gee whiz because it sounded like jesus. Now we drop the f bomb with impunity.

If you run away from home, where would you go? In n Out?

O dear, guess I was in the corner for saying the kind in your nose, booger?
What does the other mean, in British terms?

M2M you'll get this - my Dad told me that when he was a very little boy, his evil big brother taught him to say "I chased a bug around a tree - I'll have his blood he knows I will" and got him to recite it at the tea table. My poor Dad got such a clip round the ear.

I remember my mother flipping out on one of us kids and coming very close to losing her ever loving mind when she caught one of us calling another a "booger". She thought we said "buggar" which had a whole different meaning to our British mother than booger did to us American kids.

Missing out on the fun while I am filing my taxes....
Luckylu, Tonight, be sure to bite the head off that chocolate bunny!

A group of children gathered at the table were rhyming things.....when I rhymed: "Pass the sugar buggar", I was sent to sit in the corner. So many years ago. It rhymes, I think.

How funny Katie!
And wasn't it fun playing dolls when we were little...except when we played with Barbie dolls.I would only be "Ken" then.

Reminds me of the time my friend and I were playing dolls in her backyard and her brother, Fred, who always hassled us girls came out to yell at us and a fly went right into his open mouth. He shut his mouth with the fly in it and the look on his face was priceless.

Oh my, funny Luckylu!! I swallowed a quarter once. I had it in my mouth while swinging from a tree branch, lol!!

SharynMarie...Did you ever get in trouble at the school room lunch table maybe saying certain words in Spanish?I sure got in trouble for shooting peas and this other time when we were playing "Hide the Nickle" at the lunch table.I hid the nickel in my sloppy joe and forgot about it and swallowed it and the teacher didn't believe me but Dad took me for an xray after school and the doctor said it would Pass and everyday I had my Mom look for THAT nickel and one day she finally found it and I still have it today.

Thanks Sharyn,The ears will be just enough to satisfy me tonight and then I'll just wrap it up and stick the body in his Easter basket.Perfect!

Lol!! Luckylu, I would at least eat the bunnies ears!!

Well Sharyn,I'm up to a room full of kittens acting very badly,giving me a real work out while my dH just lays in bed watching old TV reruns snuggling with the dog.
I'm debating eating the chocolate Easter bunny I got for him....

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