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Luckylu, Being a foster mother is one of the highest callings, requiring the strongest love, after raising them, letting them go.

So, they're running everywhere by now?

Luckylu, everybody can use a little kitten love, even if it is only until you can find them new homes.

Well I didn't need the kittens but I got 'em!

Good way to put it Cwillie.
Why do any of us need what we are getting?
(those of us fed up enough to question it).

That's my motto Send. Although sometimes I wonder why exactly I need what I'm getting.

You Can't Always Get What You Want
The Rolling Stones
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man
No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need
We went down to the demonstration
To get your fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need
You get what you need--yeah, oh baby
I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need

Iv'e had 2 very special black cats in my life.I grew up with one named "Crazy" and then years ago "Savvy Sue" appeared one day."Crazy" was a boy that darted through the house like crazy and Savvy was a girl who would put on "shows" for us,loving the applause.There's just something very special about black cats and they have a unique personality.If I keep this one though,I think I might have to name it "Monster" because that's what it's acting like.A little "Monster"!

My old neighbors had the cutest black cat...and he never outgrew being a kitten. I loved that little cat. He was always into something. One day I found him sleeping on the top of my convertible...and when he awoke he went to sharpen his claws on the top! I got him off before he could do any damage. That sweet cat is the one thing I miss having moved away.

There is a new thread Veronica and Countrymouse.
It is called Caregiver's Cats behaving badly.

Go there and list your pet's peeves.

Dog *never* behaves badly, so he wouldn't qualify anyway (black nose in air).

Maybe we should start a new thread. "Cats behaving badly" Sorry CM Dog can't join.

Freqfyer...Your black cat is something else!!! What a funny boy! I have no idea what sex any of the kittens are but I have thought that this one was a boy from the beginning.It's the biggest one of the bunch and wants to play with the others or just reach out and claw another one.Iv'e really fallen in love with it,but they're all Sooooo cute!

luckylu, if that solid black cat is a male, be ready for a lot of activity. He will be a typical boy through and through if he is anything like the one I have. My black cat is 16 going on 2. He never outgrew kittenhood.

Here are just a few things my boy got into.... took my sig other's eyeglasses and burying them in the litter box. If you left out a credit card, he would grab it and put it in his toy box. He would bring his toys and leave them in his dry food. He learned to fly off the upstair's loft down onto the sofa.

All the telephone books had major teeth marks. Teeth marks in the toilet paper, too. He would get under the window blinds to slap at a fly. He found a way to get on the neighbor's roofs to chase crows. And to look in the neighbor's windows. Now the girls were well behaved, most of the time, one of them did push "Charlie" into the swimming pool, probably getting even with him on something :)

Oh my, chocolate never expires, or almost never. Once my sis tucked away some little foil wrapped christmas bootie ornaments because she thought they were too pretty to eat. Bro and I raided her room several years later and ate them. Mmm really stale chocolate!

We have this chocolate candy bar with a christmas motif on the package. It expires on April 1st, and I just cannot eat it, and just cannot throw it away.
Dh won't be interested in it until it has been expired for 6 months or more.
Then, I will be upset that he is going to eat it, and will throw it away, walking down to the dumpsters so he won't retrieve it from our trash can. This is just a symptom of real issues, building, getting worse when I try to make changes while he tries to keep everything the same.
Ha ha ha, I've got this!

Thank you Send...They are all black and white spotted but one and it is solid black.That's the one I'll keep!
We ran out of expired popcorn but I didn't say a word when dH ate the mints the ants had crawled all over.

Happy Bootsie's Babies Birthday, 3 wks!

A Happy Belated Birthday To You Stacey!
Today Bootsie's kittens turned 3 weeks old.All their eyes are open now and they are beginning to walk.We made a "cat house" but Bootsie hates it so the kittens are loose.

Thank you everyone. Nice to see you on here Stacey. Loving the mom with teens story, but I would be the one staying at the beach resort, sending the teens off to buy chocolate covered bananas for everyone. Teens can also drive...when in Hawaii my son drove us to the end of the island. Right now, a hotel with a jacuzzi would be just great! It is just me and hubs now, entering our too late years. The teen never came back, lol.

Happy Birthday Year Send! I should have stopped at 50, is it too late to go in reverse?

I read this book once, where the main character, and wife and Mother of teens, left her family. They were on vacation, had rented a cabin in a seaside resort, and everybody was whining, so she got up from her sand chair, took nothing but her beach bag, and walked away down the beach and out of her families life. 

She caught a bus that took her as far as her money in her pocket would take her, and started a whole new life! It was many months if not a year, before they caught up to her, and I can't remember if she went back or not, but the point is that she DID IT!!

Doesn't everybody dream of just doing that at some point in their lives? I know that I have!

I hope it's only your birthday that's bugging you, and not that you are unhappy with your that point anyways! I would just as soon not celebrate birthdays anymore, even though I has a pretty good birthday month, last month!

I hope March came in like a Lamb, and goes out like a Lion for you Sendhelptome!

I Love You girl!

Most women lie about their age early on. I have some catching up to do.

Gershun, No one knows the date--I just appeared one day, out of the blue, all of a sudden, a senior. Thinking to celebrate all year since time is getting shorter, losing hours yearly. Moving to Arizona or Hawaii would be nice, where no daylight savings time is required. Already had too too many birthdays, thinking of lying about my age now.

How about "Stop the world, I want to get off"

Lucky, Send has a birthday this month? Spill the date please!

Only "they" get the clean white coats Send and "they" will probably take YOU in your Birthday suit since it's your Birthday month....

Cwillie, Let's kick that behaving badly up a notch for next time....
Do you think saying nothing at all, having her go around thinking she hates Kiwi her whole life would have been badder?

Or, later, offering her a 7-up, would you like some lime with that? Lol.

It may be about time to add to your caregiving team, in case of emergency.
Be sure to have a lot of lime and kiwi on hand, for instructiinal purposes!

Luckylu, What is the number to call so "they" can take me away" Do they wear the white coats, or do I get one too? Then, if everyone is wearing white coats, I can blend in, plan my escape if I change my mind. Lol.

I came home today and saw a half lime on the counter and mom's caregiver told me she saw them in the fridge and decided she wanted to try it as she had never had a kiwi before. She didn't like it.
And this is the woman who is supposed to be responsible for mom while I am gone. lol ;)
(was it bad that I teased her about it?)

"They're coming to take me away HahA,They're coming to take me away,hOho,HeE,haHa to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time"

"When I get all steamed up,then I shout,
Tip me over,Pour me out"

How about this one Send....
"You gotta know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold them"....

However, I'm thinking everyone experiences similar at some time.
One of my favorites was reading: "Turn me over, I'm done!"....

Or the Willie Nelson song: "on the road again, I just can't wait to get back on the road again"....

Or, "just slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan Sam, just get yourself free!" (how about Jacqueline and Samantha?)--they count too, ya know?

Putting on my shorts now, going outside.  Cwillie, did you have something to say?  I don't even own snow boots-what are those anyway-do they come in white with fur?  Go ahead, you can be mean, but only once!

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