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Hope Send is ok...and everyone else for that matter!

I changed mine when mom died. My name kept reminding me what I went through. I wanted to start anew with a different name as I'm now dealing with my dad. I opened a new account- with a new name.

Sometimes people change their IDs, for one reason or another. I know I did when I last moved, for example.

Do you think she was deleted accidentally like Guest??? Does anyone talk with her outside this forum through emails??

freqflyer, I've been reading from recent posts, then backwards on the Favorite Things thread, also by Send. On this thread, she last posted 5 days ago. On the Favorite thread, it was 4 days ago...

Bookluvr, I hadn't noticed the change in the screen name until you brought it up. It must had happened within the past couple of days. That is strange.

I don't come often to AC. I was also reading several online comics daily but I've slacked on that, too.... I try to catch up on one thread at a time when I do pop in. And I saw 'anonymous281963' as the OP. I could have sworn this was Send's thread. Read the first few posts. Yep it's her. She has a unique way of talking that's different from you all. I flipped to the end here to find out if anyone knew what happened to her.

Send, what happened? AC gremlin affecting your posts? Another poster attacked you? Family discovered you here? As you can see, we've noticed you missing. Take care!

When I arrived at the Hotel Cali tonight I remarked, gee it's quiet tonight
A staff member was quick to point out
Yes, MsMadge that's because your mom is already in bed asleep

We love you Send
Oh yes we do
We love you Send
Oh we'll be true
When you're not with us
We're blue
Oh Send we love you

One for you and
Two for me
If by chance we don't agree then
One for you and
Three for me

freqflyer...It could have been a Turkey Buzzard,but it just looked like a Huge Turkey and it had a red gobbler.It was something else that it was here in our city's center though with all the traffic and people.Maybe it's mating season for them here now~

luckylu, wonder if it was a turkey buzzard.... those things are pretty large.

A few years back, a male turkey buzzard was blocking traffic on one of the main highways in my area.   It was a mean son-of-a-gun.   Guess it was the mating season and it was jumping on the hood of the cars.   The police came out but the buzzard chased them back into their police vehicles.   Then came out Animal Control, who was also chased back into his vehicle with the buzzard on the hood pecking at the windshield, and later pecking the roof of the truck. Eventually it flew away.

Today,coming home from the store,something caught my eye and it was a Turkey pecking in the grass in someone's yard.I raced home and grabbed some bread and my camera and went back and threw the bread at it and it flew up the tree and then flew away.The wingspan was something else.In all my life,I have never seen a flying turkey~& I got a picture!

Send has gone incognito, anybody know if she is still on the site?

Uhm, was the skunk wet?? Maybe a muskrat?

Veronica, I agree that it has become one of those days....Does anyone know if skunks swim? Odd question, but I saw something swim across the pond this morning at dawn that was not a duck. Then it disappeared from view. Next thing I knew moments later a huge skunk walked by me right in front of the window I was looking out of, and he slipped under the back porch. I had not even had my morning coffee yet. He was huge too...or she...hopefully not with babies on the way....

It's going to be one of those days.
The voices in my head are fighting.
My imaginary friend is running with scissors.
And at one point one of my personalities wandered off.

Send....I believe that Mother knew that and she passed out all the love she could to those around her even when she quit talking.She would love me through her eyes.

Hi Luckylu!
Was visiting here and just now saw your post.
When all else fails, Love really does make the world go around!

I did a fair amount of searching online for music from mom's era, of course everyone recommends big bands, swing etc. It took me a while to realize that mom was just a country girl at heart. I should have remembered sitting by the TV, tapping her toes along to Don Messer's Jubilee and the Tommy Hunter Show. (Canadian references there, LOL)

MsMadge & Katie....How sweet and kind of you all to play music for your dear Mother's.Everyone loves music and it soothes the soul.I used to play my marimba for Mom and we'd always watch and listen to The Lawrence Welk Show.Now,sometimes,I play little concerts for her I hope she can hear somehow and I always end with "Love Makes The World Go Around"because that was her favorite song.

During my Mom's bedridden decline I played a lot of CD's she liked. She especially like Saxaphone and piano jazz, and also Mozart and Strauss. She passed away listening to Strauss. Music seems to bring comfort to many and also help people with dementia and AZ. They seem to remember songs and react to music that was once familiar to them.

You are one of the strongest women out there - caring for your very aged mama alone and with a sense of humor not to mention doing it in rugged weather conditions
We're expecting rain again tomorrow and I'm thinking of cancelling mom's dr appointment so as not to take her out in the rain

Mom's hearing is much worse now - gone in one ear and declining in the other with otosclerosis- and she's much more confused on the psych drugs than before but she still has a glimmer of humor hence my mop the floor comment- later in the evening she commented that the floor doesn't scuff much

I wonder if you played some old music if your mom would sing along ? I happened to hear Phil Harris on the 40s station yesterday so asked mom if she knew who he was - oh yes a comedian

I've noticed that even the folks that don't talk much at mom's memory care will start singing along with familiar tunes even silly ones
Last 4th of July at the hotel California we ate pumpkin pie and sang Xmas songs - we didn't get very far with I'm a Yankee Doodle dandie

I need to get mom to exercise so I'm going to try having her move her arms and sing row row row your boat

Have a blessed Sunday

MsMadge, I'm glad your mom liked her pie! I envy you too, I know that things aren't very rosy for you and your mom, but I wish my mom could ask for more pie, or ask for anything, or just initiate a conversation. She never speaks except to reply to a question (and not always then) or to start one of her crazy episodes. Some times I beg her to TALK to me :(

Brought pumpkin pie and whipped cream to mom tonight - her favorite
After awhile she asked what do I have to do to get another piece of pie?
I replied, mop the floor

luckylu, anyone who passed recently with a crazy sense of humor?

Last week we found my elderly cat, who has trouble walking, in the basement.   That's two long flights down.   No way she could have done that.   Then I was thinking my late Dad, who use to take care of the cats when we were on vacation years ago, might have carried her down the stairs as we use to keep the litter boxes down there back then.

At least it wasn't a snake in your toilet

That's a very good thought Veronica,but no,it's a plastic boot,bigger than a liddle kiddle ,but still really small.And now another strange thing has happened.This morning I felt something on my dogs neck when I was putting on her coat to go outside and there,stuck to her neck,was a little red heart sticker...and I don't have any little red heart stickers.Too weird~

Luckylu was the Santa by chance a chocolate one and your Mom ate him?

Is anyone out there missing a teeney,tiny Santa Clause boot?I found one floating in my toilet and Iv'e looked and looked but I can't find the Santa Clause that's missing his boot.

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