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Where is Send, hope all is ok with you.


Have you left us or are you taking a day off?



Glad it wasn't a panty liner that fell out- lol

Gershun, that is funny!!! I remember once something was irritating my leg at work and I kept bending down to rub it. A dryer sheet fell out of my pant leg. Everyone started laughing, lol!!!

Frequent you just reminded me of something. You know how sometimes static causes your pant legs to ride up. One day I was waiting to cross the street and I noticed this so I gave my leg a shake to try and get my pant leg down and to my horror my shoe went flying off of my foot into the middle of the crosswalk. So picture me running into the road hopping on one foot to retrieve my shoe. Of course this was in the middle of rush hour.

FF at least it is not a pair of your underwear falling out of your pant's leg. I was going to say G string but I doubt you own those! Gone are the days of the bloomers with the elastic round the legs. One of my teachers used to wear those and kept her handkerchief tucked in the leg. Gosh women didn't wear pants in those days either! Old lady talking.

I know where missing socks go when they are in the dryer.... they hide out in pant legs of slacks only to reappear when you are at work.

No the old Paul Simon song says "Still crazy after all these years" That's me.

Hey............weed, Hmm theres an idea! :P

Are you home smokin weed on a Saturday night, Mrs. Hepplewhite?

In my moms memory care unit, things were missing all the time. Most of it was the residents taking stuff from others peoples rooms but I am sure the staff isn't perfect at putting laundry in the right rooms 100% of the time. My mom was always wearing someone else's glasses. Not to mention my mom hid things in her room too.

Twilight zone visited us at work today. This store is the only with my company that has bell for customers to ring in the deli. I was standing at the sandwich bar working, my coworker was a few feet away with her back to the salad counter. We heard the bell ring. We both looked at the salad counter, not a customer anywhere around. We looked at each other, she said , did you hear the bell? I said, yes. We both laughed saying we have a haunted deli!!!

Maybe we are all in the twilight zone and get to get out any minute.

Yes, Ali. Just imagine. Rod Serling's voice saying "Imagine if you will.........." In walks Betsy "But, I just put it there 5 Min. ago, just before you forced me into the shower" Fat nurse sprouting bad attitude and chin hairs "No, Mrs. are just imagining things, eat your beets and I'll be back to tuck you in" Mrs. Hepplewaite..............."but" cue dramatic music.

Mrs, Hepplewaite thought she was in DontCareanymore Carehome, little does she know she has entered THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

My grandmother was in a very nice, single apartment-with-outside-caregiver AL for about one month, and some of her things went missing.

My dad was in a rehab for several weeks, in a room by himself, and some of his things went missing.

This seems to be the way of these places. I don't know if residents, staff, or both help themselves to other's stuff, or if things just get misplaced -- like socks go missing from the dryer. They go exist into some alternate world, never to come back, or maybe once in a while you find one thing that has crossed back into this world...

Sounds like a Twilight Zone episode. :)

Ms. Madge, maybe you can investigate othere places. My friend;s mother was always getting uti and always had an attitutde aboit wanting to go home. They went through process and placed her in a home a 2hr ride away. He says his mother say she is happy. he says he feels better knowing she is there.

I got home from work about 9 pm and packed up mom's laundry but decided to call the hotel California first to see who was still up before stopping at In N Out

Surprisingly nurse said mom was in bed already so no need to stop for treats

I nonetheless rattle around her room go to the laundry room to look for her missing socks and hangers - despite my buying hangers and putting her name on them there are never any in her closet -
The room is cold and the dang remote to the heating and cooling is still missing

Bump into a resident - mom's only friend when they're not yelling at each other - who's cold so I go to her room to look for a sweater and her a/c in on - It's 46 degrees out
I tell the nurse who says only maintenance can touch it - really? It's a wall unit with an on and off switch -
I turn it off

14 x 27 max heat, ah this heat goes deep! These solutions for pain work great if we use them, and take our Curcumin.

Oh, dH is making Popcorn now!

LOL Send! I'm propped up here in bed with one of those IcyHot lower back pads on my shoulder. It took a pain pill, hot shower, 3 hours on the heating pad and coffee to get me moving around 1pm so I could run a few errands.

So here I sit on a Friday night, 2 pillows under my arm to prop it up so to lessen strain on the shoulder and still be able to use the arm to work, 3 pillows behind me to prop me up and adjustable bed with head up so I can sit up as much as possible. Rolling hospital table beside me stocked with iced coffee, water, muscle relaxers, pain killers, dog/cat treats and my various electronics (bed remote, tv remote, cell phone - which doubles as a roku remote and tablet), laptop on a bed table on my lap so I can work, and warm fuzzy blanket on my feet to keep them warm. Cat curled up and snoozing beside my feet and dog snoring on his bed on the floor at the foot of the bed.

Such an exciting night, right? Woohoo...Friday night!

This is Friday night, right? We are staying home with our new heating pad for the pain. Works great!

Well, there is Susan, you weren't there when I posted the above!
We have 4 bags of purchased pond pebbles to spread over the former grass areas. Wondering if there is a skill to balancing rocks? Skipping rocks across a body of water? Causing a landslide by removing the wrong rock from a mountainside? Climbing a wall of rocks? How about building a wall of rocks? Instead of a wall, should we have a moat?

I'm here, Send.

I understand the concern about BIG towers of rocks, cwillie - that would definitely be an issue. I'm talking about people complaining about 3 or 4 small stones stacked to make a nice picture - for goodness sakes, if that's the problem, just knock them over and move on. Big stacks would definitely be an issue for the environment and for people they might fall on, so I can see the problem there.

SharynMarie and Susan,
You still with us?

Stacking rocks has become kind of like grafitti, instead of scribbling "I was here" people make inuksuks or just randomly stack rocks, often posting selfies to memorialize the event. I think the problem about it is that not only are people tramping all over fragile environments to create their moment of fame, they seem to feel their efforts should be treated like a rare sculpture and make a huge stink when authorities knock them down. At a local beach town locals and tourists started a huge collection of them along the shore causing a huge liability problem when one of these "sculptures" fell on an old woman, breaking her hip. Comments overwhelmingly found fault with the town for removing them, and with the woman herself for being so foolish as to lean on one.

I heard about that, Send. There's info all over the web about how damaging to the environment it is to stack the rocks.

Oh for goodness sakes, people. Knock the stack of rocks over if it offends you and keep on going. Sheesh. People find the silliest things to be upset about. We have far worse problems in the world today than a few stacked rocks.

I had to come here to get away from the stress being caused by the client I'm eliminating. I can't wait to be done with them. Only a few more days....

Did we even know there is an entire environmental movement to prevent rock balancing? What would have happened if someone had told the Creator you cannot hang that third rock from the sun there? Lol.

I built, my brothers knocked it down. They thought it was funny. I didn't. ... Nothing has changed since I was a child... Recently was playing with the little (grand?) nieces and nephew. My little niece and I were competing on who can build the highest block, when little nephew thought it was hilarious to know our blocks down. We didn't think it was funny. He did.... I put him on time out after we kept telling him to stop it. Seems he a a Destroyer even at daycare... boys!

Rocks fell down, no zen here.

Think back to childhood

How many of you would walk by Send's rock garden and admire it and how many of you would want to poke it to see if it fell down?

Remember this is your inner 8 year old

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