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Thanks, Send - I can't do anything substantial about it until January when my insurance starts. Until then, I'm propped up on my adjustable bed with a ton of pillows, a heating pad, OTC painkillers and a laptop so I can still work. (Had to buy a new laptop on top of everything else, old one was dying a slow, painful death.) I can't sit upright in order to work at my desk or stand upright for very long right now without pain shooting down my arm from the pinched nerve. It's weird, because I can use the arm, as long as I have it propped up on pillows, etc - and I can do a little bit of stuff around the house, but if I walk around in a store, try to sit upright in a chair at a table or desk, or simply stand up for too long (like 20 minutes), the pain is incredible.

I'm trying to find the humor in it - I look like the queen of sheba with all my pillows and cushions, tv remote at the ready so I can binge watch my favorite shows while I work (with no interference by the grandkids wanting to watch kid shows), cup of coffee, and my bedroom door is closed, so it's relatively peaceful. Occasionally I walk out and see the disaster that is my house when I'm not able to maintain it (daughter is not a housekeeper - she does great when motivated, but most of the time...she's not). I try to do a bit to clean up (load the dishwasher or put a few things away, but then I beat a hasty retreat to my bedroom sanctuary once the pain kicks in.

I've been without health insurance for over 6 years now - couldn't afford it. Now I have no choice - I have to get it or I won't be able to get this problem fixed. I suspect it might need surgery, or at the very least, a lot of physical therapy. The problem is, I will be paying almost an entire week's paycheck every month just for the insurance coverage. If I don't take that level of coverage, I will have a huge deductible and sketchy coverage that will leave holes in areas where I need coverage. Or the plans available at a lower price have a higher deductible AND there are no participating doctors/hospitals in my area, or the maintenance drug I need for my circulatory problems isn't covered (and it's a common drug used by millions of people, so that's unbelievable that there are plans that don't cover it).

So....I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Pay through the nose for the deductible, have no coverage for my meds that I need AND have to drive 40-50 miles to find a doctor that participates in my plan PLUS still have to pay the insurance premium every month - OR - pay through the nose for the insurance premium every month to have the coverage I need, a relatively local doctor (15 miles away vs 40-50 miles) and have my meds covered with a low co-pay - plus a low deductible. Either way, I'm shelling out some serious cash for this.

Thank you Obamacare....."affordable care" my foot.

Feel better soon, Susan. Hoping for a miracle cure for you. Pain makes me a real grouch.

Ooh, I got some good deals at Walgreens the other day. I had to pick up a prescription for my pinched nerve, so I figured I'd stroll around the store for a bit. They had their kids' toys on sale - $6.99 each, buy 2 get 2 free if you use your rewards card. I got grandkids toys that will help complete my holiday shopping. Good thing, because by the time I spent 20 mins walking around the store waiting for my prescription, I was done for - my shoulder and arm were throbbing and it was time to head home!

I'll look for the elf candy next time I'm at Walgreens

Mom has been a candy freak since a small child - at the age of 4 she wasn't allowed to cross the street by herself but the allure of having a couple of cents was too much for her
After getting her candy she ran back across the street only to get clipped by a car - she was okay but her sisters saw this and threatened to tell their mama if she didn't give them her candy !

MsMadge...Have you seen the cute little Elf On A Shelf candy at Walgreens?The face on it is so sweet.I just wish I had a kid to give it to.The cinnamon Santa's they have are really good though.I had to try those and they have a gummy bear texture I bet you'd like too.

All this talk about candy and I'm out of gummy bears - ha ha

Ali...A veggie fast sounds gross,but thank you for what you said about Energy.Maybe this sugar deal is part of why I'm so tired besides my heavy grief.Youv'e given me some hope that if I cut back,I'll have more energy,so thanks.I'm sorry that you have the lactose problem and I never heard of the GI track wash but that's good to know it helped you.

Lu, if you ever want to clear it out of your system, you could do a veggie "juice fast" for a week... then have to limit your sugar after that. If you feel ok now, I wouldn't worry about it. Yeast in the blood can sap your energy. If you've been eating sugar all your life, and it works for you, you feel ok... there's no issue. And it would take SERIOUS ILLNESS for me to get regular enemas, haha. I did do a full GI wash one time years ago and actually it wasn't that bad! I am lactose intolerant, but only mildly, and I had been experiencing this constant bloating feeling in my late 20s due to previous ingestion of too much milk...? I think...? Anyway, after the full GI tract wash - which was relatively comfortable - I never had that bloat again. Pretty amazing, really.

No Ali,You nailed it...Thank you.I'm still addicted to sugar today.It's crazy I know but I make koolaid slushes and eat Pez and skittles ETC. and I'm hooked on the wintergreen mints.Years ago,a doctor said I had candida,kinda what you were talking about and the doctor made me get colonic enemas......UGH!

Wait. You said this. "but really I did have an addiction to candy "

I swear... I'm so scatterbrained lately. Just tired, I think? It's embarrassing. Womp.

Last I remember reading about it, Lu... sugar can be addictive. You get yeast in your blood that feed on the sugar you ingest, if you lower the sugar intake, the yeast makes you feel poorly until you give them what they want. That's my layman's rehashing/paraphrasing of what I remember from reading about sugar effect in the body. You were likely a little sugar addict? ;-)

Send...Ofcourse it was the fish's fault....but really I did have an addiction to candy then and in 6th grade the teacher searched my desk and when she saw all the half eaten candy and so many kinds,she called my parents in and said"I think we have a little problem here".

I REALLY want one In N Out burger, no cheese, extra tomato, extra lettuce, grilled onions.

And I like the knit pants... they just weren't jeans, as described.

Ha! I got what I wanted - a prepaid return label for items it was otherwise going to cost me $40 to return. Yay. Small victories. I behaved badly and told them, truthfully, about the KNIT PANTS they sent me recently instead of the JEANS I ordered. I think that helped my case. Lesson learned: read all of the return qualifications before you make a mass order of 6 pairs of boots, knowing you intend to return all but 1 chosen pair, and you think you can return to the local store for free. NOT! But since they sent me KNIT PANTS (that cost $9) instead of jeans like advertised, I now get around a $40 return ship charge. Small victories... :-D

I'm waiting on hold for Customer Service to help with an issue. That counts as "out there," doesn't it? :-)

Against all odds-anyone else out there tonight?

My cheeseburger was without the usual whole grilled onions that night MsMadge.

December is hubs birthday month, all month, so I am celebrating with a tiny cake from traderjoes. He's not here, and I am not waiting to celebrate. Life is too short.

He will get some cakd, when late tonight, I go out into the cold to pick him up from work.
Must be feeling better, up for the challenge, and looking forward to the next tiny cake I find.

Lu, Blaming the fish?
I know that I would too. How would it be at all possible to give up candy?

Speaking of being awesome....if there were rewards for being co-dependent to the extreme...I believe today was the day!
Hubs, who assured me he could get to work on time, (by taking the next bus) as I left for a family emergency 20+ miles away....driving back, my car just would not turn right to go home. There in front of me passed the bus at the time dH should have been to work, just ahead, work arrival time was hubs....
he could not call in late...he would not make work for another 15 minutes.
Honking, I pulled over as he headed for the next bus stop bench. Delay in responding....right in front of him now. Handing him our shared cell phone, dialed, he reported in, be right there. It was now 1:30.
Arriving at work, it was now 1:34.
Only 4 minutes late. And saved because he had called in.
I ' know' he cannot get to work on time. Sometimes it is just too frustrating and overwhelming. Today, the 'rescue' was coincidental, and just awesome. I do not know anyone else (sane, that is) who would attempt rescuing like this. Please do not try this at home, anyone. You will never have any kind of a real life.
But I am counting today, all day, as successful.

Lol Lucky. My Mom was a fair disciplinarian. I remember another dinner time, my best friend came over when we were eating dinner and told my Mom that I stuck my tongue out at her father. Yeah.........I did stick my tongue out at her father. But...........did she have to tell? LOL Anyhow, off to my room I went.
Come to think of it, I was a bit of a brat when I was young. Some things never change I guess. Once a brat, always a brat. :)

Gershun....Your dinner story reminds me of why I hate fish,still today.One night I had eaten a bunch of candy before dinner and Mom made fish sticks for dinner which I normally liked but because I was too full I couldn't eat them and Mom and Dad said I couldn't get up from the table till I ate them and after sitting there a while,when I did finally try to eat the fish stick,it came right back up and I've never touched fish since and really it's sad because Iv'e lived in the best fish places,Alaska,Seattle,and Hawaii and my husband always told me how good it one's fault but my own.....candy has gotten me into more trouble.

Send, no I made the time-out movement with fork still in hand. I can walk and chew gum at the same time too. Yes, I know what you are thinking.........that Gershun is just remarkable. :)

Growing up in a dysfunctional/abusive family, my childhood Christmas was on of the few days we could count on being a great day. My parents went all out for Christmas.....they wanted to mans sure we had everything they never got. My dad was great on Christmas. Being g the youngest, I was sent in to mom and dad's bedroom to wake them at 5:30 am. My dad would say "Go back to bed, if is not Christmas." I would persist and finally they would get up, LOL!! My dad played Santa by passing out the gifts slowly one at a time, we would pass it around tod everyone to see. After a while we would force my dad to open a gift. His bigge gift to us was playing Santa. It would take about 2 hours to open everything. Then my mom would make breakfast, pancakes, eggs, toast, bacoand sausages

Older sister who hasn't bothered getting mom a gift in several years asked me if she'd like a bag of diapers for xmas ? Hmmm

Maybe tomorrow night, Send - did you get it with pickles or grilled onions?

Mom is still not feeling well and went to bed at 7 pm after barely eating dinner - she can't seem to shake the bug that started right before thanksgiving

MsMadge, are you going too tonight?

We have been to In N Out just before midnight-a reward for, uh, well, maybe I don't deserve an award, and I know hubs doesn't, but we ate.

Yeah, don't interrupt when I am eating either. Like the time out idea, but did you have to put your fork down to make that sign Gershun?

Send that's what I normally do.........let them talk away and ignore them. LOL
Last year we were eating our Christmas dinner and I guess my brother-in-law noticed I was quiet. He said "Anything you would like to add?" I just used the time-out signal coaches use at sports games and kept on eating.

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