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Good menu, Cwillie! Chicken sausages are good, I have tried them.

Maybe we should all just give our sibs a pass for the holidays, let them talk away, and ignore them? Sorry your sibs give you such a bad time.

Hey Brats!

Noticing a few posters who don't regularly post on this thread have come by and made it better. Thanks for showing up, I was kinda sad, kinda lonely-good to see you all here.

What can I say to console you, in between tiny giggles? So sorry. Good/bad story.

Stacey, your story reminds me of the time my Mom made me stay at the dinner table after everyone else was finished cause I was a picky eater and she was trying to discipline me to finish what was on my plate. My little brother came into the room and I said "Psst, dump my food into the garburetor and Mom will think I ate it" So fast forward ...........we are downstairs watching tv. and my Mom says to me "Did you finish your food like a good girl" My brother thinking he was being helpful says "I didn't throw her food into the garburetor Mom" LOL. I was sent to my room. No t.v. for me that night.

One year, when my grandkids were toddlers, I took pictures of Santa wrapping the presents. Now that I think about it, I should destroy those pictures-even though my grandchildren are adults, wouldn't want to mess up their childhood fantasies.
What if they somehow go through those pictures after I am dead.

That was bad, Lu. I always knew what I was getting for Christmas when I was married, because I peeked.

My Mother always kept a list of what she was giving us for Christmas in her purse.One year I behaved badly and kinda ruined my own Christmas by looking at that list and I learned my lesson and never did it again.

One time when we were kids (6 kids), my little brother and I snuck into the 3rd bathroom shower, which we never used, and where Mom and Dad kept all of the wrapped Christmas presents "hidden". He and I took turns, peeling off the taped ends, seeing what the gift was inside, I know, Very Bad! Well, we noted that in one of the largest boxes, was a Pogo Stick, a present for my older sisters. So on Christmas morning, that particular present was lined up against the fireplace hearth, and slowly started falling over, and my little brother, about 4 at the time sais, " Oh No C, your Pogo Stick!" Ya, we were busted! And that story got told over and over again for years afterwards. After that, Mom figured out a way to lock that bathroom during Christmas! Lol!

We always had cream of wheat cereal and a grapefruit for breakfast on Christmas day. Mom insisted we all had to eat a good meal before we opened our gifts. Then we would take our coffees to the other room and dived into the gifts. With 8 of us it there was always a mountain of presents under the tree that my dear mom spent all night wrapping. Dear Mom...........I miss her so.

Growing up and all through the years we had a Santa Clause Breakfast on Christmas morning.We had an egg souffle' a Kringle, eggnog,cocktail weenies,and rum cake.It was the best breakfast all year.

cwillie - I think both your sis and whoever made the remark are way out of line, have a lot of nerve, and very bad manners. I am glad you told your sis that you didn't appreciate hearing about it. You are hosting this so it is your choice what to provide in the way of food. Too bad if they don't like it. As you say, bring your own and keep your trap shut. IMO they should be glad that you are willing to host a get together. Stick to your original menu and you are not bad if you do. I am really pissed off for you!!!!

French toast casserole, bacon and sausages (turkey sausages?), sliced tomatoes, home fries and a fruit tray. Maybe add a salad for the health conscious dieters and some pizza wraps for the egg haters. OJ, coffee and tea.

One of my fondest memories was the family, huge, gathering with in-laws for breakfast....the chef in the family cooked only one perfect egg at a time, lol.

Today, there are excellent crockpot recipes with scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese, veges, yum!

We could all make a Christmastime resolution to be bad by NOT listening to one word your sibling says. Tell them when to arrive, and bring the Englush muffins, orange/cranberry scones, and Shepherd's bread.

Your special sister can bring the lox and bagels.

I got some negative feedback the other day about the holiday brunch I am hosting. (Well, I was told I am hosting it, it really evolved from a conversation with sis where I said I don't want to have to make a turkey dinner in order to see the family.) Anyway, now I hear through the grapevine that they aren't happy with a breakfast menu, am I bad if I just stick to my original menu?
BTW, I told sis that relaying that info was not helpful, I don't need the extra stress. In an ideal world the dissatisfied would just bring along a preferred dish to share and keep their mouths shut, but I suppose they didn't expect sis to go tattling.

Was just thinking how no one wants to be bad during Christmas.....

Maybe there should be a happy thread started for weddings of Caregivers. Just happy events. Something borrowed, something blue....and all the happy details-the wedding cake, etc. I remember how fun it was to hear the wedding plans for Stacey's daughter, and sending her off on the honeymoon.


Ali when downsized I just let who wanted watever photo just dived by #pictures how many family members interested. First pic of picture going to subject family member. If more than wanted a picture THEY could arrange to make copies. Or were satisfied with pic of a pic.
Pretty easy that way.
Seasons greeting to all.

Well it's 3 o'clock and I'm dreaming
Someone's shouting the way
Nobody can see me

Now that sounds like a real good dinner CWillie. But at least have a piece of toast or something to soak up the alcohol. :)

CW, I had some "leftover" vodka gimlet from Monday night. I had a small amount of vodka and mixers, so I made a little bit. Not bad... :-) I'm sure your mom got through the banana and Boost just fine. It's good to have your own distraction for a bit. I want to finish up with the family pictures here in the house but largely now it's deciding who/where they go to. That's responsibility I don't care to have all on my own. I'll just keep them here together for now.

Dinner tonight was 2 rye&cokes while I sorted through family photographs, still wearing my earplugs from earlier in the day... I left mom to finish her own banana and chocolate boost on her own. I may eat something nutritious (or not) later, but it is already almost 8 o'clock. Mom is in bed and finally quiet.

Yay! PCP took care of it and all is well, because dH believes

Send, (((hugs)))!!!

Yeah but, I didn't want to Lu!

Send...Good for you for contacting the orthopedic surgeon and getting him help.You are his angel...Bless you!

Ok, I am off to see the head lifter now. Bless you for the support at the perfect time!

Send, come to Him with all your weakness, weariness, helplessness, fear, and doubt. Then drink deeply of His power, strength, and wisdom. God knows all your circumstances and will supply a store of comfort, of spiritual strengthening and consolation. He will lift up your head and give you strength to go on.

I will put the splint back on, and have already contacted an orthooedic doctor....!
Ignoring the PCP.

Hubs, an adult, with choices to ride bicycle, fall off due to ataxia-that is his right!

Do I also have the right to not be sitting in the emergency room, not driving him to physical therapy, not taking him to PCP, not showering him, not giving him his meds, not massaging his neck, not doing his chores, not waiting in parking lot for 1 1/2 hour for him to get off work, NOT NOT NOT!

Where is the escape button?

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