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Thank you, Gershun.
There is so much other stuff too, but you have all written about it-and the answers are there, throughout the forum, but they are hard.

No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

Send, God never gives you more than you can bear. Don't lose your joy Send!

My joy, I've lost it. Burdens too great for me to bear-God, you promised!!!!

Ah, the E.R. doc says to see an orthopedic doc-dH goes to PCP today, she takes the soft splint off, refuses to refer to an orthopedist, send hubs home.
PCP calls tonight to say he may have a hidden fracture and come back in tomorrow for ANOTHER x-ray-not her speciality-and an ortho doc will take their own x-ray. If he goes to PCP, that will be x-ray number 3. His insurance does not require a referral from PCP or prior authorization.
Land of OZ map needed now...

Send, oh good grief, back when I broke my shoulder I was on my own as sig other was no Florence Nightingale and would have made things much worse. I had to do the shower on my own, so there I was trying to wash my hair with my left hand [I was right handed and that was the side with the break].... try to wash left handed and try to dry left handed. Combing and blow drying hair was a challenge... but trying to brush my teeth was the worse.

I had to type left handed and try to use the Mouse on the left side, that was a hoot trying to land the arrow on what I wanted... surprised I didn't throw the computer out the window.

Eating was like that of a toddler... and writing more like pre-school lettering.

My ex-mother-in-law had broken her shoulder few months prior, so she was able to give me tips on how to get dressed one handed :]

Isn't there a worm in Tequila, not a bug? A bug is what is in your computer, maybe.

No no not vodka, rum + lime + mint = mojitos. Party time?

Add some lime.....

Ah, that is strange how the mouse got in there.
Does everybody know that Valium is a depressant and travels the same brain pathway as alcohol?
Maybe ...........o well, you all will figure it out. Take two oz. of vodka and call me in the morning? lol....

No Send she didn't but she did renew my valium without a fight.
Exterminator came today and set traps for the mice. Maybe they will like his traps better than mine. Did I mention hubby found a mouse dead in a bottle of olive oil.
Is this to be expected like the bug in the Tequila?

Did your PCP make any good jokes at your recent visit?

Luckylu, Beginning to think my entire life is a joke, at least it is funny to me.

Or, the term "Spot", in the gambling movies, can you "spot" me a $20, means loan, but they won't pay it

Spotter is a gym term, for someone who stands by you and makes sure you dont get hurt.. pretty apt in wet showers...LOL
Report gotta learn some jokes or think of funny stories to tell when he's in and out of the shower,needing help with drying.It's kinda embarrassing on both but you have to face it and just go as carefully and fast as you can and talk about funny stuff to divert his attention and yeah,I'll bet your in for more suprises....Bless you for helping him as a "spotter"~

Thank you, Pamzi, now that there is a title for it, I will become the "spotter" for my dH's showers. It was a surprise to me too that he would need this, but now that I know, I will be there for him. So, yesterday, he took the soft cast off his arm/hand, and I was too late getting the plastic bag to him to cover it. Taking a bit longer to get ready, what is the next surprise?

Shouldn't he be off work for awhile anyway?

My 85yo Mom has AD and has lived with us for 4 years, we have regretted it since she step across the threshold.
She always had issues of insecurity and was envious of other's good fortune. She would never take responsibility for any mistake she made or apologize for anything she did that hurt or upset anyone...I have never heard her say she was sorry to anyone for anything! Her AD has really brought this aspect of her personality out in full force. These days she accuses her 'Friend" Lydia of everything under the sun, from pooping or peeing on the floor to stealing my clothes and eating the dog's treats. When she denies any wrong doing, I have learned to beat her to the punch and tell her "Lydia told me she saw you do it!" and I give her a BIG GRIN as I turn and walk away.... it feels sooooo good!

I'm still coughing too much to go see mom but my private caregiver asked if I could call and talk to her this afternoon - she was in a mood because the Hotel California thought she should be on a restricted diet - like greasy chicken broth is going to make her feel better - and she got mad when she saw everyone else eating lunch
Yesterday I told them to let her decide if she wanted to eat or not - guess they didn't listen
Don't they know not to get between a hungry Viking and her food ?

I have a nice big handicapped shower in my lower levelwith a built in seat and grab bars,, but I'm nervouse about the step out, even though the ledge is only 2 inches high.It was here when we bought the house, and was very helpfull with Dad when he was alive, and now for me

Pamz, I was wondering how you are getting along with your ankle! As for the shower though, ah, uhm, shouldn't you know enough to use a shower chair??

Oh geeze Send, my hubs has been helping me take a shower since I broke my ankle.. and thank God for him! And now I am in a Cam boot that I can take off for a shower, and I still need a spotter because I am afraid I might slip! mom is helping with that,, just mainly in case I get shakey. I assure you this is not something I ever thought I would need.. and bless you for helping him.. things could get stinky if you don;t!!

Thermostat is hovering near 60
Gotta get the 70 year old floor furnace cleaned tomorrow

It's been raining on and off all day and very steady rain tonight....brrrr it got cold very quickly.

Rain storm blew through here today!
It Never Rains in Southern California.....
Got on board a westbound seven forty-seven
Didn't think before deciding what to do
Ooh, that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and movies
Rang true, sure rang true...
Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours
I'm out of work, I'm out of my head
Out of self respect, I'm out of bread
I'm underloved, I'm underfed, I want to go home
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours.....

Had to help dH to shower this morning to prevent his soft cast/splint from getting wet. Who does that for an adult who injured self on a bike ride?
This activity involves the same injury, Cwillie, just following up once I could get his cooperation.
Begging to help someone? Who does that?
Then, he wanted to be dried off......

Send, is this a follow up from the last accident or has dh gone and hurt himself again? What the heck kind of work is he trying to do?

There is just too many hospital visitor badges in my possession now. My dH finally got checked out tonight, has a hand/wrist splint to immobilize a possible injury to a ligament, to see an orthopedist soon, was the advice.


Im being good. But that really is bad. I shouldn't be. Vent wall for my brother.
Mom stays with him because I moved to sailboat. Cut my foot off almost and had to stay off water for a wk my boat was stolen from mooring. Found out they sunk it.
I had him take her for a bit about yr after flood storm Debbie she was on land by water at my sons FEMA almost condemed then had problem w neutral at main pole and blu everones neutral switch. Salt climbrd wires.
As usual Im the blame for whayever I didnt know I did. Stayed away let him be Chief master Sgnt. Thanksgiving celebration spirits he was having. What you going to do let him blow. She nreds LTC it was let lapse. Don't know if he will follow through. Funny I picked the lawyer for parents and he hired him for him. CMS. My brother and I love him. But.... . Gets tiresome and our Older Sister raked parents and us over the coals and trying to turn older half brother to her telling she going to give him money. Know she pumping him for info.
Hate to see bro like that mom had episode Think ischemic. Pale fell asleep in chair. I told her I watch her she didnt want me to leave no matter how much my brother yelled at me and told me to leave his house. I know what card to play but don't want to.He doesn't know the heelp avail. And she does need the LTC. My son said she missig a benefit but didnt know what . I fig Medicare part D and LTC. I knew was expired.
Afraid to upset her she always followed me even though he was her Robert Taylor. I always felt protective of younger brother got him to Judo when picked on etc ... .He feels I always wanted to be boss. No just wanted pony all my life save for 150.00 bought one when 12 was mean to me taught me how to ride later became best friend. Did stalls for board.
Boy my brother really a wreck.
Breaking it down. I think he is terrified mom will die. Reaction he had said she was dying. She was pale and absence hand grip arrousal then couldnt quite come to.
Said her namesake came by started with M I said Mary but not your name other g kid has middle name. No she said like Mary Mari...a ial and her name ----. No one else had come by my SIL said and nephew.she said this when roused her self prior in her eyes closed nap. Before turning pale.
Get home on facebook.
My DIL and son had a turkey baby that morning about time episode. Mom had said they brought the baby by. Then dosed off I let her rest promised I wouldnt leave if she closed her eyes.
The baby was Named Mryacle _ _ _ _
My mothers name was middle name just like she said. Brother doesnt allow her phone so no one called her.
Ok . That is out.
Now what do you all think about the newborn being born when my momsaid they came by with the naby girl. My RIP husband said, for son to have a girl for him.
Do we play outer limits music??? Comments please.
PS Moms in hosp. Brother asking me if that is what he should have done call paramedics.
Find my sister told him that doing that and sending her to hospitial was abuse!!
My sister flat out killed my father took his IV out and eas giving my mother wafarin. Her secretary gave me the bottle told me to get it out of my Dr.sister office.
After what my brother told me in his spirited upset mode. That was it . sis daughter lawyer came signed would contribute 1000.00 mo to mother(sis stole parents brothers andmy part left to me from dear friends from my trust given by trustee (and my from orig trust I requested set up by trustee life estate perpetual trust. Domicile. didnt want to deal with childrens house that was suspose to be made life estate for my disabled son. But she put it at closing in her name no trust would not let son with spinabifida sign title.These were friends my sister never knew. I helped when younger never had any children either of the three.their g nephew is administrator and trustee. They wanted to make sure we always had a place to live. Bless them.
Makes me feel better to think of them at thanksgiving.
Lost good friend. The 7th. I knew he was dying but he would put me off he said he was nt going to live past monday but would come see me in am monday said that Saturday. Things were moved outside. I thought he had been there.... Found out his brother and sil had been looking for me for a wk. They had left Sunday to come down. He didnt want them to meet people he was staying with.
I thought he would show up. Like he always does. Disappears for awhile then shows up. Bless you Lucas.happy Turkey day have no one else to post it to like I promised.
Geeezzzzzee. Guess Im being bad without trying.
Well sis doesnt want to let it go calls my brother threaten to take his house and gloats over what she stole. Brags to him she has his antiques his clocks he bought. Well I have a hidden surprize she took the bait. Do I put my sister and her children since she involved them with putting the money ( now we are talking I found out where what happened to other finally my son told me. She used bank card 5 times infront of me when I refused to used it on a refurbish project for susposed partner found out she charged elderly her pt. lady for it. Judge told me when she filed eviction papers for the house she evidently stole from my son I was refurbishing for my fathet to come to from nsg hm after sx she took IV out again with held fluid he did dehydration tongue swollen efficiation Funeral mortician had to put his tongue in his mouth for the viewing
I will be nice and not express myself like I should.....
I cann't be good... I love my brother snd sis is enjoying herself torturing him. I think she tried to turn him against me that I was after his house...I stopped her from that made her give it back money in the bank in his name. He doesnt have same name as My father only first name letter.
Mom resting w O 2 couple of consults cardio and neuro. Bright pink.
Help me decide.... . I know what is correct... .Do I put my sister in prision for abuse of elderly disabled person abuse of minor disable person....etc at the least.....

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