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Has anyone ever seen "fresh" ginger after finding it again months later, behind the juicer?

Luckylu, Sure those brownies were still good, and flour is cheaper than sugar. You may go down in history as the inventor of safety brownies for elders who cannot have that much sugar! What color, exactly, were the brownies?

Ali-a little wax with your bacon? Tease, tease....maybe you can use the extra bacon to wax your legs....?

Gershun, Was just now wondering, how do you know what cac ca tastes like? Did you behave this badly as a child too?

So sorry, was laughing when started reading way back. I was going to participate in the self-abasement of my cooking skills, but I don't want to. Besides that, I cannot remember when I last cooked something good. My uncle, who ate the bacon I cooked, and the eggs, may be thinking of pressing elder abuse charges.

Oh, quinoa and I have had it out.........I spent an hour and a half making this quinoa, black bean thingy. It sounded so good and healthy but it tasted like cac ca. Blech............

LOLOLOL "quinoa can bite me"

Yes, I'm with you on that one. I want to learn how to use quinoa in recipes but... life is kinda short for that business, you know...? hehehehehe

Ali....I made a batch of brownies and sprinkled flour all over the top of them instead of powdered sugar...

I have to admit I am not a culinary genius. Lately, I have been cutting out recipes that look good out of magazines and trying them. First off, they always have all these picky ingredients you have to buy. Like fresh ginger and mango chunks, cayenne pepper etc. etc. My Hubs gets so impatient as we troll through the grocery store hunting these things down. Then I try making them and so far...............failure on every front. All this work and they end up in the garbage. Quinoa can bite me!

Sure Ali,. once I made homemade applesauce and by accident I put in CUMIN instead of CINNAMON. Had to throw it all out, LOL!!!

Bacon turned out great! Thanks to all of you, across multiple threads, that gave advice. Definitely best batch as far as crispy yet chewy and savory, perfectly cooked. I put it in a large sheet cake pan, pre heated oven to 300, cooked for 12 minutes or so then turned off the oven and let them stay in while it cooled down.

Great result except for one thing: I used wax paper to line the pan. Yes, it's OBVIOUS to me now that was a "duh" moment, but cut me some slack, please, as I rarely bake anything.

I read online wax paper can even catch on fire in the oven. Thankfully, it didn't come to that. Oh my...

Lesson learned - don't use wax paper in the oven. Feel free to laugh at my expense all you like. I can't believe I didn't figure it out myself.

Anyone want to share a cooking faux pas story and help me feel slightly better about myself?

I'm baking bacon... about 1.5 pounds of it, I would guess. House smells so goooooood. :-)

I'm making baked bacon. lol... My dork side is getting a kick out of "baking bacon." I really should get out more often lol, since that's what passes as comedy in my head right now... but who cares... I have LOTS of baked bacon! I win everything today! (((hugs)))

Today, my sister, who is usually so cool, and supportive, said something to me that deserves it's own thread. I can only smile. My hubs suggested a thread that starts with:
"Siblings say the strangest things to caregivers or about caregiving!"

Did she find a male dog on one of her walks? Please don't allow Precious to mate, ask the would be hard on her if she has a condition. Not sure, but in a few days is the recommended time for spaying. If you think a pet in heat is gross, you may not like the expense and think it gross if she has puppies. If there is anyone irresponsible who doesn't supervise her, she will end up pregnant. That gross you describe is current proof she is not preggers. (as our friend, Stacey would put it so modernly). I say this because Stacey is cool, and I am not. Today, my hubs asked why am I so old-fashioned?

She hates her diaper.And cowboy boots.We never had a dog that was in "season" before.I never knew.......gross!

If I were you....ha ha ha...MsMadge, I would not hesitate to answer to the call of the moon.

I can't sleep

I'm trying to not get up for a midnight snack but that super moon 🌕 is calling me to the kitchen

Poopie Precious is precious!.......Her favorite hamburger place is Wendy's.She isn't big on clothes,but I keep trying different outfits on her anyway.

When I do buy bacon it is the pre-cooked stuff .

Moecam, I will have to try doing bacon in the oven. I hate cooking it in a fry pan on the stove, what a splattering mess :P Thanks for the idea :)

Silly-14 buttons on the U.S. Navy!

I have been cooking bacon for over 25 years in the [full] oven at 425 - if oven is hot use 5 min but I usually put it cold oven & go for 10 min then take out & turn over - back in for 5 minutes if you like limp & 10 if you like crisp - do the full pound at one time - we use 2 jelly roll sheet [a.k.a. cookie sheet with sides] with foil [shiny side up] - no splatter, no mess & clean up is roll up the foil & pitch it out - keeps good in fridge for 4 to 5 weeks if it lasts that long

Now our ceasar salads have real bacon & we can do grilled cheese & bacon sandwiches in under 5 minutes

Well, Sendtome, i behaved badly this week. man did i lash out on my mother, it happens every now and then. i had work 4 12 hr shifts in a row was tired and during those 4 days i had plumber to come check leak under kitchen sink then my mother actulally broke knob off her bedroom door and i was major suspect. Then i am constantly finding crazy stuff she do all over kitchen and bathroom. i know its dementia although its not diagnosed. She is very lucid but does weird stuff and is good at pretending. So i go from being blamed all my life for her lacks and neglect so she can look good and pretty, never wrong, never im sorry, my mistake nothing just blame me or the next closedst thing. priority blame is me. So when I am putting up 3rd food chopper this year(because no matter how hard i try either the blade or top goes missing.) I come across this cashew can filled with sugar. Im like whered this come from and then oh my goodness this been here for a long time. It looked dirty. so in she comes go directly to this container an ask why would i put sugar in the container like ridiculing me. I should have just thrown it away when i first saw it instead of respecting her sickness. Then before that I saw her pick a lemon off the floor as i was going upstairs. Didnt pay it no mind until I see it in the middle of floor waiting for me. lol. I mean my mother is so calculating it is crazy. So i just let her know wheter she understood or not that i was aware of how she does that i have watch her so same games and setups all my life. Its so crazy. Then i got on my knees and ask for forgiveness for lashing oout.. But i just cannot take it when she gets a little beter and start being able to do these caluculated tricks. The other bad thing is that now i throw all the nonsence away. I used to try and respect things as hers. But i get tired of seing things like old tarnished sivler bowl container piece of a set long gone. found in some box now living on kitchen sinc turned upside down. and old 4 cup coffee maker never been used but once dirty and taking up space or old tea maker wouldnt be so bad but they are all gooked up i just feel crazy sometimes an just throw junk away after ive looked at it and walked past it for years on end.

Yeah MsMadge....We have plush carpet,but it still shows the orange and cherry stains.I never know what I'll find in this old home.
Send...Did you hide all 14 at once or was it over a period of time?
It's probably not good to hide food with my forgetful mind anymore......too many science projects.


Stacey, What happened to your safety pins? Were there too many?

Maybe it was the poopie precious? Or, at least blame her!

Sharyn, Thank you! It feels like I never left, because the administrators never listen to me anyway. You were right, Lol. Guessing everyone could use a cooling off period once in awhile?

Wait, are we talking about Popsicles or Puppies? Lol!

Did you have extra plush carpet to absorb the puddle?

;•)!! Happy you are back Send!!

Did you ever hide popcicles under your bed?....and then remember a few weeks later?


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