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I have a rule I try to stick to that is no body and no bad thoughts can come into my bed if I don't let them or it...:) If something is worrying me I try to tell myself I will deal with the problem at 8 am the next morning, several hours after waking up and several cups of coffee. Sometimes I write the problem down on a sheet of paper and leave it on my home desk for morning, and it stays there instead of coming into my bedroom and having me worrying on it all night. I have found this tactic helps me sleep so much better.

Arrowgate won in the home stretch, California Chrome was second.

Ali, My fave is a most deserving thoroughbred, a winner-hope he won today.
Ms. Madge will know.

The new sleep solution? Here is mine: Practice the new art of not giving a (four letter word) and just drink water, eat a little, and go to sleep. Do not think about what will happen, because if I am not there to support, to take care of tomorrow, no one else is going to help. Today I took a 1/2 tablet of anti-anxiety med to get the sleep started. Feeling better now. So much better now!

I understand that many caregivers cannot do this, but should try to take care of themselves all along. You go caregivers! Just when we think we cannot go on, there is a new burst of clear sky allowing us to see things more clearly.

Sorry, Send. :-( I don't know about any race results, but hope your fave, or your pick, won something. And way to go on reducing your stress of the day. I slept most of Wednesday after getting up early and wanting so much to tackle so many things that day... but my brain/body had other ideas and I was dragging. Fell asleep around 9am and woke up after 4pm. What else can you do when body demands SLEEP A LOT RIGHT NOW...? If you come up with an alternative to sleeping when you need to, let me know. I'd have so much more time to do other things. :-D (((hugs)))

Cannot find any race results? Can I ask my friends here to fill me in?

There was traffic everywhere today, an accident blocked our travel to his work, he was late! and because HIS life is so full, being supported at every turn, he casually got ready, did not shave, stressed me out to rush him off so I felt, well, like all of us on this forum feel at times, and have written about for years.

So, after buying a washing machine to decrease laundry expenses, support my own exhausting efforts to help him, I came home and went to sleep all afternoon.
Something's gotta give because my heart is throwing off PVC'c while I push myself beyond my limits. The treatment is to immediately decrease stress, so I did. hello?

I have decided that no matter how bored I am in this wheelchair.. and how many times I see that stupid add.. VIPoo is not a viable Christmas gift for my family and friends...

Has anyone ever considered using a homeless
person for a live in caregiver.there's lots of reasons
people become homeless. Some just hit hard times
and have no family to help. Of course a background
check would be first.

Enjoy your beautiful day! I'll enjoy the Fall weather and colorful leaves everywhere. :-) Races sound like so much fun!

Oh, you both make me miss West Coast living! :-) It's actually nice fall weather here but I know The Hawk is coming soon. The Hawk is the name for Chicago's winter wind; term's been around since the '30s. ;-)

It is a beautiful day in L.A. !!!

It's a beautiful day in LA and I'm off to the races 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

Just finished watching the breeders cup preview on TVG -

Another late nite at the hotel California - walked in after 10 pm to hear another resident yelling at mom telling her what a horrible person she is - sigh

Let the dog out to tinkle then separate the foes and give them each a candy bar

Get mom to bed about midnight and try to figure out why mom's recently deceased roommate's belongings are still in the corner - so I toss it all in a plastic bag and haul it to the laundry room and push her wheelchair out into the tv room

I'm taking odds it finds its way back

**There are plenty of other Nov 3 Chicago Tribune papers for sale on eBay, but I looked at the sellers listing those and... hmm... Best case scenario, they likely took more papers than they paid for, and worst case scenario, they are pure scam accounts selling unlimited quantities of the paper before they go offline and don't deliver the goods. ? Just looked fishy. I can understand why someone would pay twice the going rate for my one, guaranteed, good mojo paper. ;-)

Um, wow. Might have just made the quickest $20 of my life lol. I noticed the local grocery had 3 remaining Chicago Tribune from Nov 3, with the Cubs win on the full front page pic. There were other papers that had the win, of course, but the Tribune is thee Chicago paper, so bought the 3 copies that were left. Decided to put one on eBay for $20 and it sold in 5 minutes.

There are plenty of others for sale, but the other sellers look... suspicious... like they're new accounts and also probably they put in the 2 dollars for one paper on the corner newsstand and took the entire stack to resell. That happened all over Chicago, I heard.

I might go back and buy a couple more of the other papers and sell them online. It's nice to send these to people who otherwise don't have a chance to get them. :-) It's nice to make a few dollars doing this, too. lol

I think I've only been to one track, Hollywood Park in Los Angeles. And I only went to play poker, never to watch the horses. Watching horses race seems fun. I've been to several of the more famous tracks in the country but not on a race day.

This week, I started watching "Dexter" on Netflix. It's about a serial killer who works in forensics in a police department and kills bad people. I like it! Others I know have made reference to it in the past, but now I'm finally watching it. I get the appeal. :-)

Fried pickles... lol. The pub I went to for Game 3 had fried pickles. I almost ordered some. Got myself a half pound angus burger with grilled onions and mushrooms instead, mmmm.

I Love all the action at the track,even in the johns there is more action.....and the food is to die for....nachos and hot cheese,hot dogs,fried pickles...and all the pretty hats the ladies wear...It's all so much fun,sometimes you win a buck or two too.

A little late to the race here, but every year on Mother's day, our whole family (even Aunties, Uncles and cousins) would take our Mom to the horse races, first at Long Acres, and then they opened up a huge track a few miles south, after that one closed down called Emerald Downs, which is a Gorgeous track and the always put on big family day activities for both adults and children. We would go early and scope out a big area with tables and chairs near the grass so the kids could play, and they even allow you to bring your own picnic lunches! My Mom loved to gamble in any capacity, Bingo, slots, and even card games where she tought all our kids to play poker, and had no problem taking their Money either! Lol! My Mom was a kick, and a real good egg! God bless her! We still go to the races in her honor. The only time she missed going was on Mother's day 2003, that day, she stayed all day in the hospital with my Dad, who was dying from Pneumonia. She sat with him all day and insisted we all go on without her, as she wanted the day alone with him, even though he was unconscious and had been for over 24 hours. We picked her up on the way home after the races and had a visit with Dad, only to be called back as soon as we walked in the door home, as he was failing, we all ran back to the hospital and were all there as he took his last breath. I know that she somehow knew he wasn't going to make it, but she did get that last day, all alone with just him, and I think that was pretty cool! 57 years together, and she joined him 14 months later. She didn't want to be part from him long. She Loved those horses though!

Oaklawn park - would like to go there in the spring

Always nice when a 8:1 pony hits the board and you're holding the winning ticket

Hope I don't have another late night at the hotel California - race day starts early tomorrow and I imagine I'll miss the first couple

Whatever the horse's name I had in mind was, it was the kind that pays $2.10, brings tears to the huge crowd's eyes, goes down in history, and is a beauty of a horse, wearing the prettiest blanket of flowers, with a famous jockey atop.
Maybe it was a unicorn for all I can remember now, because a whole lot has happened since then.

Churchmouse, Thanks for trotting by and joining in on the horsies. I guess they do have great races in the UK too!

You never saw the Clintons at the racetrack because they were busy running a different race! Yeah but, you can say, they were still acting like a horse's behind.

Our closest horse race track is 5 hours away in Hot Springs Arkansas...The Home of Bill Clinton,but I never saw him or Hillary at the track.

Just joining in with the horsies :)

Some other memories-the 1984 Olympics at Santa Anita-I have pictures of my own!

Not sure anymore, but loved John Henry because I loved all his flat-out races.
I mostly bet on the long-shots (not too long), because they would be in the rear running, and then pass them all by! Some good memories, now starting to doubt how I actually saw Secretariat race....but it was a real famous top horse.

I'm sure it wasn't seabiscuit so was it johnhenry ?

Never was at Belmont. The horse I am thinking about ran an exhibition race at Santa Anita prior to the year 1990. Maybe not even a race, but ceremonially ran the track. Was a Kentucky Derby type-winner, and has a statue at Santa Anita Park. I could be mistaken about the famous Secretariat, my mind is playing tricks already? Well, there was a movie, ya know....
Name that horse Ms. Madge!

Must have been something to see secretariat - the Belmont ?

Even a bad day at the track is a good day

I had mom's 90th bday party at Santa Anita with a race in her honor and a photo in the winners circle - it was a very fun day

You have gotta love Art Sherman - a humble hard working guy that has made it big at the end of his career

Trainer says:
As for the prospect of running his horse on a wet track – there is rain in the forecast for Friday –Sherman said he is not concerned.
“I’m not going there until I see the racetrack, but knowing this horse, I don’t really think the racetrack is going to have a lot to do with it,” Sherman said. “He seems to handle just about everything that we’ve tried. I’m from the old school. If you’ve got a horse that can run, he runs on anything: grass, dirt. A runner is a runner. You can’t make excuses about racetracks.”

Now, I am a Chromie too, from a distance.

Are we related? I think we have the same love of thoroughbred horses.

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