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It's going extra innings in the final game of the World Series, tied up 6-6. My excitement has turned into a kind of stoicism lol... due to necessity of preserving my SANITY.

Wait, what's this? They are tarping over the field. They are going to delay the game for unknown period of time due to rain... we shall see... NUTS!!

Cubs had a lead all game, but Cleveland scored 3 runs in bottom of 8th. Now we head into the 9th inning with a tie game, 6-6. NO PRESSURE. What an epic game, epic series. GO CUBS GO!

My Mom had to have her eyelashes plucked from time to time because they grew into her eyes and laid on her eyeballs and scratched them causing infection and I remember how awful it was to put the ointment on her eyelid and the expensive drops in her eyes and how tedious it was working on someone else's eyes.Freqflyer,I'll bet that really hurt your Dad to get those shots in his eyes....Surely they numbed them somehow I hope.Good luck catching Charley!

Eye treatment has progressed for macular degeneration... there are now shots given in the eye to help... my late Dad was having them for one eye that he couldn't see out of and he was starting to see again.... but he had passed before the series of shots were completed.

I am starting to get cataracts, it scares me silly to even think about surgery... brrrrrr.

My cat Charley has glaucoma and it is almost impossible to get an eye drop into him. He's suppose to get the drop twice a day... he's 16 going on 2... so you can imagine he's not easy to catch.... he can hear me open the top of the bottle.

Because of the way this postseason has gone, and especially the World Series games... a Cubs win WS seemed unlikely. It's top of 5th inning and Cubs lead 4-1. This is... AMAZING.

And Cubs just got a base hit. They might *actually* win...?! It would be something Chicago, and Cubs fans worldwide, will celebrate for months.

Holding my breath... :-)

Katie, I'm curious about your eye. Did you damage it somehow or what was the diagnosis why your vision was cloudy in one eye?

You're right, don't take your vision for granted. I woke up one day 10 years ago with a very sudden disturbance in my vision. Optometrist didn't find anything and it went away but it was scary to wake up and not be able to see correctly.

My grandmother had macular degeneration, and was practically blind by the time she passed at 103. I've read some things that suggest diet is linked to mac deg. It's incurable - you can't repair with surgery.

Biggest baseball game of my life happening right now. The Cubs went down 1-3 in the World Series, it's very unlikely for a team to come back to force a game 7. But here we are. It's exciting but I'm honestly worn out! It's over tonight. If the Cubs can win, it will be an amazing, amazing thing. It's bottom of 3rd and tied up 1-1, but Cleveland has runners on base...

Katie...Be careful with your precious eye.I bet you worry about rolling over in the night and sleeping on it,and for a whole week in that patch.My Mother who was very theatrical and funny didn't have any normal readers,but everyone of Mother's glasses had rhinestones and she had lots of colors and styles and along with her hair,she received many compliments on both.Do you have any with rhinestones?Or different colors? Hope you are having a good day too....

That's super news Katie! I can't imagine life without glasses, how long had you been wearing them?

Good morning everybody. Hope everyone has a good day today. I am trying to get used to the fact I can see distance out of the repaired eye now, right eye needs contact for distance, and I have to have those drugstore reading glasses, which are rather fun as they come in various styles and colors. I used to just pop on my regular glasses and see near and far, but for the left eye which was like looking through sheets of plastic or a cloudy water glass. Now that eye sees but the right needs a lens of some sort as always. I still cannot read through the left from the retinal detachment damage but otherwise see ok. Letters run together when i look directly at them with that eye. I have those readers everywhere throughout the house, in purse, in car, and keep one pair on a cord around my neck. I guess it will take some getting used to. I don't need glasses anymore, but for the readers and I feel funny without them all day. Guess it will take time getting used to this...Right now I am typing with my old glasses and an eye patch I have to wear to sleep for one week.
Thanks for letting me vent about my eyes.Take care of your eyes and don't take sight for granted! I hope everyone has a good day today!

Goodnight, Send

Goodnight Gershun!

You guys ... are the ones I "tell it all to"... just to clarify... lol !! I'm dating again! This is good! I likely won't find lasting love in a few dates, but it's great practice, and I'm grateful. I think this is going well.

Date and I disagree on much about American politics, but it's not a horrible, hateful thing. I appreciate the discussion and he says I'm the first opposition supporter he respects. Well. He's sleeping - at my request - in my grandmother's room, and I'm in the middle room, and we'll go see Game 7 tonight. All around -- it's a lot of fun, very positive for me, I'm grateful. Glad to have someone to tell it all to. lol

My Conservative date is kind and funny, I haven't had this nice of a convo in a long time. Cubs win!!! Game 7, final game of World Series, coming up! I'm having so much fun!

The Cubs hit a grand slam in Inning 3!!!! They are leading 7-0!!!! What a crazy game! I'm out at a local sports bar with a new dating-site date, fellow Cubs fan. Nice guy. Nice to be out. Xxxx

Baseball, hotdogs, popcorn, beer and a sundae? Yum, I'm hungry... but I'll skip the ball game!

Go cubbies tonight ⚾️🌭🍿🍺

Half your mouth too...

Send.That's your best look yet!Peering out with one eye at this world is a great idea.

Ru going for the cousin "it" look?

Loved Raul Julia in the Adams family movie

razor straight? How's this?

Send, that hairstyle you just up on the forum looks great.... wish I could get my hair to curl like that but it is razor straight.

Just trying some wig styles, Lu.
Have to color my hair for the winter-guess I will stay a blonde, but want some silvery highlights. Was looking at wigs....

Katie, I second Luckylu's sentiments for a successful and speedy recovery!

You a brunette today Send?

Katie....I hope your eye is doing ok from the surgery you had on it yesterday.It sounds like you had a good first Halloween without your Mother too.What a positive attitude you have!I admire you.

Ms madge .I see the same. Also I see pts wandering drinking from others cups looking for something to drink. As several actually quite a few. Have ended up in shelter St Vincent where I was advocating and assessing needs, waiting for him to come out of hospital or on break from being at hospital w him. So several know or called in for more needs to dir. for dcf. I see why dehydration is a problem. I always checked made sure, I cann't see someone going three hours or more without a drink. esp. like in what I see called memory unit. I don't understand the part of the unit memory. Guess it suspose Lack.
Meet several people that have the same questions assuming as with stroke etc. that also are in unit. Representation as place where improve memory lost disorder. I don't see this. I saw recreation bring in stuff and halloween table cloth. they ones I know used to help clear tables kelt trying to rool plastic halloween table cover up it was to color on. Never got that far. After a few days the decorations were put up.
They like the snacks better.maybe just the dry erase markers with taped down designs.
He cann't hardly use his hands been so broke up one side then other thought he would get rehab. They keep saying will check out but Therapy says he doesn't have orders. He came with orders to evaluate and go from good from hospital to good in first nsg. hm to fair in memory nsg facility. That doesnt make sense. He's there because of encelopathy and hepatic encelopathy from Thiamin def. you'd think if they want rid of him so bad they would give him the Thiamine Vital high protien ordered. Instead of me having to tote it in.

Too bad Halloween is is such fun. Some of the staff was even dressed up when I had my eye surgery yesterday, and that helped relieve some of the pre-op anxiety. Then I watched a little bit of some old horror films from the 60's when I got home to bed, not too much. It was nice to hear too, that the staff's children had so much fun at their Halloween parties. I saw some incredible costumes this year.

Took him to Dr the went to for bbq without the sauce at Old Biffburger disappointed thought there would be some dressup cars. Then Tyrone Mall for exercise out.He wanted to walk.
Son went with him on ahead.
He said he couldn't walk anymore,though had good time.
Tricker treated a few. I gave him my candy (handful) and he picked out a bag of Now and
Laters. A little taffy to suck on.
He was ready to go laydown at the ok. for once he was worn out Not Me.

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