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After rotating tires yesterday, there was a flat tire, but hubs made it to work on bus! That was plan B, but he went without breakfast-he doesn't care-but his co-workers might if they find him staring off into space. After everything, it was an overall positive experience of successful survival.
Now this, for my caregiving cyber friends....

This made me laugh because only women understand this! If my body was a car, I would be trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps, dents, scratches and my headlights are out of focus. My gearbox is seizing up and it takes me hours to reach maximum speed. I overheat for no reason and every time I sneeze, cough or laugh either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!
Found online.

Yesterday the talk shows were discussing putting an age limit on halloween, I figure if they dress up and get in the spirit then why poop on their party? If anything parents are taking out kids that are too young, cute as they are one and two year olds are too easily scared and definitely don't need to load up on candy.
My best halloween ever was when I was in 8th grade, old enough to be dropped off with my town friends to go out on our own. Oh, the loot we got! Homemade candy apples and fudge, popcorn balls and even full size chocolate bars and cans of pop. Seems like today candy, chips and pop are everyday foods for kids, for us it was better than christmas!

As for snow parties at vacation homes,,, nope, we close the river house up in early Nov,, water drained, electric on low... if I had a "cabin" it might be something to do,, but we do always take the elders when we go.
MAryland is known for it;s crabcakes and seafood.
I'm not going to be pumpkin carving this year,, :(

AliBoBali: I just googled 'shreddies.'

Mwah-hah-hah-ha [snort]!!

Cocoa didn't help?

Just cannot sleep.

Send thought you were sleeping. You know what you call it when your baby smears their own poo on the wall. Poocasso

Run run run runaway
Well maybe I'll have a piece of See's instead

What do you want to do, Ms. Madge?

Today on the web:
Procaffineating = The tendency to not start anything unless you've had your coffee.

Maybe I need to get some coffee with cocoa so I can figure out how to go to sleep.

Whinnie the pooh doesn't know what to do

Poocrastinated = waiting to poo, where's the loo?

Exhaustipated = too tired to poop

Good Night Send! It was me cackling by the way.

Cackle ..........cackle

Did anyone hear that? Some more cackling, but kinda silent like, far away.
So scary, off to bed early for me.

Goodnight Gershun!

My Dad would go through the candy and throw out the suspicious stuff, in case there were razor blades or drugs in the candy, even way back then! We used a pillowcase too, as a child. I don't party anymore, except to me, the last minutes were as exciting as the countdown on New Years eve! Waiting, hoping we would not miss the coveted (by me) 1000 th post. So, happy whatever day this is.
Cannot wait to see some ghosts like Bookluver did last year, and hoping some artistic types show up on the pumpkin thread again this year.

Gee folks, she is satisfied with so little, don't ya think?

It' funny Send. I find that the adults in Vancouver really like to whoop it up on Halloween. Dress up and party hard.

When I was a child I just loved Halloween. My Mom made us the best costumes and we would all come home with a pillowcase full of candy.
Also, it's the day before my Birthday so that made it extra special.

How about you Send? Did you whoop it up on Halloween?

That's a whole helluva lot of jack-o-lanterns, Gershun. Do Canadians celebrate in a big, bonfire sort of way?

Cwillie, Don't you have your poop priorities backwards! Eat, binge, emotional scarfing it down, nor even hungry anymore, then poopjng?

Or, do you mean, you can't after .....? Not going to say this, I am poop retentive.

Luckylu! You are so nice to join in tonight, brat buddy!

High 5 Both of You!

Where are the rest of the brat buddies tonight?

Other freaks are awesome on here too, imo.!
We are all freakin awesome, sometimes.....

Hi five and ten, Ger!

Started on August 8th, caregivers here have been behaving badly, misbehaving silly, and posted over 1000 gut wrenching, boring, silly, out of the box comments.
Thanks Gershun for helping start this thread with me, just for some fun.
Love, from Send.

And thanks everyone, for your support!

We are so Freaking awesome Send! High five Buddy!

Ah, congratulations, you were very bad, almost gave me a heart attack, poster 1000!
What does she win?

Oh, I know, the right to say anything her heart desires, without censure! Like that?

I'm here Send

So tonight, everyone is celebrating the happy CBB thread.
Gershun, bring your punkins on over....

That is what I like about this thread, there are no rules! (Except, getting back to the start of this thread, there are still AC rules), but here, behaving badly rules!

Hey, shouldn't we all be over on the pumpkin thread being spooky. Some people just don't like the rules, now, do they?

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