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You are too good to research that-exactly what I read when I researched it for you!
One can, if need further research, "photo in n out" and see many pics of the burger meal.
Why did I not 'post' all this for you? Ah, it is really hard for some of us born 'researchers' to NOT be a know-it-all, lol, ha ha ha. Saving room for everyone else to enjoy the research experience. Good job, CM!

Ha! On further research...

"If In-N-Out Burger is seriously testing the waters in London, it’s got to be happy with the results.

On Wednesday, the California-based fast-food chain with a cult following opened a pop-up store in the U.K. capital, and the temporary location quickly sold out of hamburgers, cheeseburgers and double-doubles."

But this pop-up was in Swiss Cottage, which - while it has its share of fond memories for me - is not anything like what you would call hip and happenin'. My late FIL, may his name and memory be a blessing, was a typical luncher in Swiss Cottage. Same restaurant for forty years. Same style of hat. Same walking stick. Same chess partner. Snoooooooze...

Still! The burgers sold out right enough (though there is the American school not far from there, in St John's Wood - I wonder if the In N Out line was chock-a-block with homesick Americans?). I will alert Daughter 2 to keep her eyes open in case they pop up again.

What are the milkshake flavours, or aren't they telling?

Saying please will not get you an in n out, so sorry.

I think you are correct about the Hotel prices. Let's start a caregiver movement towards putting our loved ones on a cruise ship, or in a resort hotel with full service amenities and see if that level of care can delay the onset of the decline in dementia. We can explain to staff the person is very eccentric and demands the best service. Traveling, it won't matter not knowing where you are, because everyone will be asking the Ship's Captain, "Where are we now?". Lol.

Um. What is an "in n out burger", please?

$17,000 per month = $566 a day would not *quite* get you a room at the Georges V in Paris or even the Savoy Hotel in London, which is what I was thinking; but it's not that far off, either. The awful thing is, that it's not impossible that actually is what the facility costs? I'm wincing, but not disbelieving.

Putting that word there for research value for too high rent, fees, and memory care.

Thank God there's that, in n out burgers, I mean.
Are you aware some people cannot get those burgers where they live?

Is it really $17,000/mo., or was that a typo? Inquiring minds need to know.

HI send
No memory care tonight - 12 hours at work and it's trash night
Her purse though is still MIA and we're waiting on lab results from latest urine sample

Treats may be deferred until Friday if tomorrow is another late night at work - it could be a good night for pizza or in n out burgers

Hope the cooling trend continues - I'm done with this heat

Ms. Madge, I notice about 25 hours ago it was an apple pie. What's for memory care tonight? Anything good? Are you going?

Oh veronica,, I could not survive without my evening beers.. Mom has been a bear lately! Today we were to go shopping for early Chirstmas presents, and to the DMV for her handicapped passes. She started the trip griping about my hubs being "mean" to her.. this is normally followed by how my dad hated my hubs.. NO my DAD did not hate my hubs,,, my father with ALZ did not like him. 2 different men in my opinion. I'd had enough.. and told her so... she was pretty rude to hubs last night and he is dealing with alot of stress right now also. After that I just "agreed" with everything she said.. After an hour at the DMV we just....left ( I can mail the form in I found) Then I brought her home and hubs and I ran the rest of the trips. I am tired of playing monkey in the middle and she is a fan of the pity party...

Really really bad last night. had a splash of vodka in my orange juice. Surprise the skies did not fall,but I will be good in future

I spent years grumbling about trick or treating - it's not a UK tradition, we just imported it. Finally I realised it was much more fun to throw oneself into the spirit of it, then we moved to the country and there weren't any kids to come and get the treats and I ended up eating them myself. Now that I'm back in town I'll be ready: just hope this bishop isn't one of the grumpy brigade who vocally disapprove of "pagan" festivals.

And speaking of missing the boat, I got a text from my new GP telling me to attend the 'flu jab clinic, so I did. But I asked the clerk why I'd been called - I'm not over 70 (I just feel like I am), not disabled, not a child... She went to check, then came back and said "we've got you down as a caregiver."

Dear old NHS. After years of refusing to put me on the eligible list they've finally caught up - only 18 months after my mother died. I tussled briefly with my conscience, then decided to skip the sarcastic remarks, shut up about mother, and just get the jab. I do volunteer at the hospital, and I do have very elderly neighbours... I qualify!

Sendme you do find some lovely pictures. That monkey one made me laugh. But I have seen some pretty ones.

Off to memory care I go
With an apple pie in tow

Never did Halloween after my father died on same day. My sister would take kids trick or treating. I did all the other stuff.

I read some post about pumpkin pie. My mother made one of the best pumpkin pies I ever had in my life when I was small. I begged her to make it again. Hasnt happend since.

I love Halloween
I don't love memory care

Oh, oh, sounds like cranky old age is creeping up on you Katie! "Well I remember back when you could buy a pumpkin for 50 cents and people made their own costumes out of hand-me-downs..." LOL

I can't believe how expensive pumpkins are...then after Halloween they are around by the hundreds and no one wants them. It really seems like everything has doubled in price recently...Makes me want to turn into a monster myself!

FF, You can join your caregiver buddies and me on the "Pumpkin Carving Avatars" thread this year for some more lighthearted humor to cheer you up.
I see that you and Luckylu still have the same avatar as always-and that can be a good thing because people can always readily identify you. If you don't know how to change your avatar, I suggest you ask Glad, who taught me last year. (She is so sorry now to have created a monster! ha, ha ha!).

One Halloween my parents sat out in front of the garage and handed out brand new pencils for Halloween treats :P

I haven't done Halloween since the 1970's. Ringing of the doorbell scares the daylights out of my three cats. They would have a heart attack by the time the night was over. So I would darken the house, turn off the outside sensor lights, and hide out in the back bedroom watching TV.

I'm impressed - 144 cupcakes (12x12)?

I'm with you on the pumpkin pie - mom's favorite - but I wouldn't walk across the street for a slice of it - she too made pumpkin chiffon which we lovingly referred to as baby poo pie

I'd rather carve a pumpkin or smash it than eat it except my Mom did make a pumpkin chiffon pie that was out of this world and that was yummy.
Mom and I always made 144 cupcakes,bagged individually to pass out on Halloween....This year Iv'e been thinking about turning off the lights but I'm sure I will answer the door and do my best to get through it.For Mom.

I had some lemon pie last night. This time of year though, pumpkin is my weakness...the pie and the ice cream. I sprinkle some nutmeg over the ice cream.

It's midnight - have you checked the children?

I'm wide awake - guess I'll go reset the dang clock radio from the power outage

This is earthquake weather ......

And now, I have just joined the 700 Club on Caregivers Behaving Badly.
Thank you everyone for joining in and making your own contributions.

Disclaimer: I don't ever actually do the things I say on here, but there is a dream of doing something. Except, I do like to eat chocolate.

I think you put the candy out on the honor system, with a small camera that you access on your wifi. (They cost about $50 total on Amazon, I have 3 of them.) If you see kids take more than the allotted amount, you come out and scare them... or make them give back the candy...

No, I'd never really do that. But it sounds like a way to trick some tricksters on Halloween.

Send, I get ya on the "can't sleep, who's on AC" thing. I'm in the middle of such an episode myself. ;-) 1:30am here. I took a long nap today, which was great at the time, not so great for getting to sleep on time.

Blackberry merlot sorbet/sherbert is something I should have a lot of someday. MMMMMMMM

T h e h o n o r s y s t e m ?
You've got to be kidding me.
Bwawhah ha ha ha!!!!!

Ok Ms. Madge, time for you to go to bed. People on here used to care about me and send me off to bed late at night all the time. Then they found that I was incorrigible and would never really go to sleep before midnight. I would try, really try. I would even fall asleep, and pop back up wide awake. Then sneak back on here, talking to other people, in other countries just waking up as everyone in my time zone went to sleep. Anytime after 3:30-4:30 a.m. here, you can catch someone waking up over there. They will talk to you if you are unsleepable.

Damn heat - there was a power outage today and my wonderful mango sorbet melted - sorry lucky lu 😔

Luckily I know the owners of a local ice cream shop that makes recipes dating back to 1908 when their grandpa started the business - they make a blackberry Merlot that is quite boozy - ahh relief

Since I'm determined to go to bed before midnight tonight, I'm sorry lucky lu I can't clean your cupboard

Send, can't you just turn the porch light out on Halloween but leave a big bowl of candy for the little ones to help themselves to on the honor system? If you could prank me if they took more than a handful then that would be a real trick or treat🎃

Okay, I will.

Maybe it would be kinder to send their parents a halloween letter, detailing WHY there never has been any trick-or-treating here, since the little child was found wandering in diapers without any supervision....disappeared...never to be heard from
Or, just list which homes to definitely NOT go to for any candy-that would be all of them, including mine, ha hah hahahha ha ha! Wicked, right?

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