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Trick or Treat,Smell My Feet,Give me something good to eat~Eat,Not milk!
bE nIcE tO ThE little children Send.

I've got milk!

Luckylu, ever hear of photoshop? To really mess with this calendar, I'm gonna change the dates that are supposed to be full moons.
Then, I am going to put Halloween a few days later so everyone will miss it, wondering what day it is. They will forget to turn off their porch lights, be real quiet, batten down the hatches, and then, there will come a knock on the door!

There were NEVER any trick-or-treaters here, but now some neighbors with kids have moved in. Can't imagine when those tiny kids go to Ms. Arsenic and Old Lace's door, a n d a c t u a l l y
Waw hua ha ha ha wuah ah ha hah......!!!!!!!! (scary laugh)

You got a 1908 calendar???Wow!Your'e a worse hoarder than me Send...Ms,Madge,got any sorbet?Grey poupon?

Hey Luckulu, Sometimes I eat mint chocolate chip. (chocolate with mint ice cream.)

Everyone in my neighborhood is confused about the date, all the time. There are huge discussions about it, so maybe it won't matter if I prank them for Halloween and put up a calendar with the wrong year in the laundry room. 1908?

Ms.Madge...Can you come clean my cupboard or a drawer here?And I'll sleep for you.We could trade...Got any good ice cream left? Send only eats chocolate.....

ps told him meant my brother to watch her for stroke.

She made him come find me so her head still working inside.
Hes in denial. I knew yrs ago took her to best Neurologist around. Ischemivc . cholestrol hardening veins. Confirmed then shed had stroke way back when wouldnt go to hospital.
Had 3 or 4 niw last few yrs. I put her with him because I figured shed have stroke in about 6mo. 7 1/2 she broke ankle falking in door. I talked w rehab dr. I addressed fact way ankle was broke and brusing Asked if he thought she had stroke lost consiousness and uas unconscious when she fell.
He wanted to ask that. Was his suspect.I told him watch her she would have another 4mo I Find out she in nsg home. He didnt want me know she had stroke. Then did test under pseudo name so she wouldnt be bothered.
Let him have his Ego trip. I just hurts when she has tears because she found me. Yes she did. She spotted me walking down street when they passed street. That gives me a happy smirk

where the heck is a cooling center? im in st pete . no a/c . downed scaled to do over travel trailer so can afford to retire on
a r.iver on S. Sec.
Moms at brothers.
Hey behaving badly .All in. There have bern three different incidents of someonr trying to lead my mother off from my
brothers place front porch. One grabbed her by throat tried pull
her off. My brother witnessed
two attempted abductions.she i going on 90. I had my brother take her for time w his son and untill he cannt or she needs mote care. she had few ischemic episodes and etc been to rehab. Pocesses are slow. He doesnt understand she needs to keep mind active. Made comment hes taking care of her by himself.
Well hes her Robert Taylor.
I took care of all since I was before 12. Come home from school no water or no elec because she didnt pay the bill. She might die before its shut off.
So dad would have check written out. And I made sure it was paid.
Years later find out her neck was fx from car rearended at stop sign. prob had cause ischemic episode but she wouldnt go to DR.
Then later she had other episodes passed .But I just got used giving her 3 things to do a day and if she got one it was ok. I made her folders. Went to realestate school with her. I was too young thad to be 23.
Went To Burton Rogers Course forExam . Tutored her . I got caught sitting outside door taking notes.
He had me Tutor 5 others. Mr. Rogers daid when I 18 he would ask for exception and askedfor me to to come back with her for brokers . Was way She could be front person and I find all leads or get contract on something. Knew My father had been given 5 yr to live. My husband before he died said. The worst thing about dying is not the dying its the waiting. you told you going to die within 6 mo. year later your here still
here. at 47 dad told hed hav 5 yrs. Perefil vasculiar disease.
Figure mom was going to have to support us three so found job she could do I could be behind
Worked. But between two of them I was burning out. when I moved on sailboat she would drive to beach at night and sleep in vehicle.
We had Trop Storm Debbie and flooding at sons house off beach.
Sailboat was moored on island one of our old moorings from bardge co we owned previously.
wiring was damaged from power co neutral switch blowing post storm when salt climed pole. just like when you make rock salt on a string.
So didnt like her being there.
She wouldnt come to boat. Even if I put it in harborage with all amenitis she wouldnt go in pool she said she would sleep in chair in clubhouse cafe.
So told brother it was his turn. Figured his son could have some granny time.I cherised fact I had grandparents and them my g fathers brother and wife.
All kids should have opportunity to live w gparents.
Anyway Told brother he had to take her for a while.
He wont let her go anywhere. The less she goes about the more confused she is when arriving someplace. Like her brain has to catch up. like a disassociation of left &right eye.

Yeah, Ms. Madge, 100° heat and an A/C is a requirement. Many seniors die from the extreme heat, and also cannot sleep well. They have "cooling centers" when the heat gets too bad, the dept. of social services calls elders to see if they are ok or need to go to a cooling center. This summer it did not cool down overnights.
Fans work only so much.

Air conditioning ? You must live in the lap of luxury

70 year old tract home with no a/c and a floor furnace - ha ha ha

Original Windows need to be replaced but the expense will have to be deferred for the next owner -

Reminds me of that Rosemary Clooney song - this old house

Turn on the air conditioner for 10 minutes.
Maybe the rocky road was an off-brand or had ice crystals in it. Not getting a good chocolate fix can keep you awake for hours, imo.

I did take a shower and an aspirin - thank you very much - ha ha

I've been tossing and turning for two hours now - it's hot and I don't want to go to work tomorrow

Maybe I should get up and clean out a cupboard or a closet - nah

Now I'm telling you. ha ha ha ha.

No, I take that back. You were too exhausted to eat pie. Now you won't go to bed.
What are you worried about? It was hot today, did you forget to take a shower again? I suggest you drink some water, take a baby aspirin, private message what's on your mind, then stay up watching reruns of your favorite long as you can stay awake after your shower. Lol...........

I told myself to go to bed at 11:30 pm tonight

I didn't listen

Missing my dog, an American Eskimo, died almost two years ago.
Her perpetual smile, love of playing in water, her loyalty. She would alert to the smell of drugs, so we often had to explain this to the neighbors, that she was a former narcotics dog. Then they left us alone, lol. Got her at 5 years old, she died at almost 15.

We did not know her history-just thought that because of her behaviors. She was so very well-trained when we got her from the animal shelter, I am sure she lost some training living with us. That was our last dog.

I followed my heart tonight

It led me to the freezer for rocky road ice cream

Ms. Madge, Skip the laundry-go straight for the pie! Take some to Mom?
Set it on the floor so it doesn't slide off.

Don't know about the rest of the country but we are having a heatwave - 100 degrees - where's autumn????

I don't want to cook or clean up after and going to the grocery store - forget about it

If I can get up the energy to finish the laundry and take a shower maybe I'll go to the local diner - they do have fabulous boysenberry pie 😋

Question is do I go spend the rest of the evening with mom at memory care 🤔

It is Sunday, and I just don't want to cook, at all! Wondering how long I can put that tummy really hurts. Waahhhh!

On our walks,I found some beautiful flowers and when we got home,we put our bouquets together.I don't think the neighbors minded.And Mother loved them!

Laugh and be happy

On the way to work this morning there was a man crossing the intersection in downtown in a full on Spider-Man outfit - too early for Halloween so he might have been the real Spider-Man - if of course Spider-Man wears a fanny pack in front of his crotch 😜

Too tired for the Hotel California tonight but called and mom was being a calm Viking - she asked for both chocolate and vanilla ice cream - they hide her pills in it 😝


Me Too!

Glad we are back!

Had friends over for cocktails Saturday night. Got Mom drunk. It was nice. She got all mellow and quiet.

Every time Mom has a drink in her hand, I snap a picture and post it on Facebook. She doesn't drink all that often but those seem to be the only pictures I post. So, all of Mom's relatives thinks she has done nothing but booze it up since coming to live with me.

OMG! Don't know how I found this thread last night but so glad I did. I laughed until I cried multiple times. The poop, the pee, the possums, skunks, the raccoons, the raccoon that stole cigarettes I think I remember, in my case it was the dog ate my cigarettes, the hallway pee guy, the Viking Woman. The one that had me laughing so hard I couldn't open my eyes was the Cactus Eater! Maybe you just have to have seen something like that to appreciate that. I saw. I appreciate. The Viking Woman tying the wienie in a knot. Geez my Mom used to say that about all males at her facility. Anyway...I love a good warped sense of humor!

Jules, before becoming a caregiver, I used to tease my children about the future where I live with them. Now,.... no way am I doing that to my kids and future grandkids. Put me in a home.

Would love to see that movie to see how others cope.
Last year when I came to see mum to help after her falls . I was greeted with the b!tch is here she will change everything in my life. Yeah I did but for the better, I changed her bed which now she loves. I got homecare in to vacuum and wash her sheets which she loves. No thank you. Ive decided mothers are worse than kids. One thing I will not do this to my kids. Already throwing out stuff and down sizing. Already listening to my kids advice. Embrace change is my motto. Unfortunately not mums

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