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You'll just have to adopt a new granny for Carol to look after..?

My dear son asked me during a car ride. "Mom, do you think that when YiaYia goes 'to live on the farm' Carol (her daytime caregiver) will still be with us?". With this, we both realized that when Mom dies, we will be sad for half a minute but if Carol leaves us we will be devastated

Rut-Row, me thinks that I al-beee apostin' on this heeeer'e Tred alott!! Well al-beee!!! Stace

I'm going to call my FIL out, every time he calls his sons name just as he's walking in the door, usually from running an errand for him! "Give the poor guy a minutes break to take his coat of ffs, do you ever think of anyone other than yourself?" The answer is NO, as he is a Narcissistic A"***e! I'm finding myself biting my tongue more and more each day, as he becomes more and more pushy! It's so frustrating dealing with him! Ugg!

I made a promise to myself that I wasn't going to nag my FIL to exercise, after he made great improvements with his exercises to build up more muscle tone with 8 weeks of PT, but it's so damned frustrating when you see days go by and no action on his part. So 2 days ago, I sort of flipantly mentioned to FIL, that I noticed he wasn't doing any "laps" around the house using his rollator (supposed to be 3 laps, 5 × a day), and I said kinda snidely, "ya know, your going to waste away all of that muscle you rebuilt during your 8 weeks of therapy", and he said that he was doing some, but that I was outside when he did them, but I laughed at his face, and told him "get real, you may have done one lap here or there, but not per the protocol they left you to do (as above) and if you waste away sitting around all day, your going to end up in a nursing home, as we aren't going to be able to take care of a bed bound patient, as both of us have bad backs an knees! Of course he wanted to argue with me, but now he has been walking around more in the last couple of days, just to spite me really! I feel like a person who has a little Angel on one shoulder, and a Devil on the other! Or mabe Devils on both shoulders! Lol! He gets all puffed up when he gets rilled up and angry! Teehee!

This "Caregivers Behaving Badly" thread is going to be my late night go to place after a day's frustration.

Caregivers all, enjoy reading and posting!

Mom2Mom, Caregivers behaving badly welcomes you!
You are unique in finding a responsible way to act out (a synonym for taking care of your own needs for a change), not punishing your loved one but breaking free nonetheless! Hope you had a ton of fun!

Saturday I left Mom at home with my son watching her and went to a distillery tour and tasting. What was the bratty part? I invited Mom's weekday caregiver along and we had a girls day.... we agreed never to tell Mom.

Confession: I like her more than I like my mother. Much, much more.

cwillie, No worries, you may be badder than you think with that intelligent wit. Caregivers will already have a keen understanding of the consequences of any type of behavior, under the rule: "No good deed goes unpunished".

And thank you for that reminder of the bathroom controversy. I have always wanted to say, that I think the government should stay out of persons wooms and bathrooms.

Welcome to the brat thread, you will make a perfect addition.

Welcome Timbuktu and FreqFlyer!

Today, I am going to call up M e d I c a r e and thank them for their excellent service. Hoping to get through on a busy Monday.

Then, I will be needing another brat buddy to help pick me up off the floor after ROTFLOL.

Last night I was filling in for a caregiver at my Dad's senior living facility.... on the way to the bathroom my Dad changed the thermostat to 80 degrees and flipped the dial to heat.... oh good grief.... but while he was in the bathroom I changed the thermostat to 78 degrees and put it back to A/C.

To me, that was being a rebel :P

I don't think I would make a very good rebel, I can't imagine anything that wouldn't target the wrong people or bounce back on me.
Leave the frig door open? That would have just left me shutting the door hours (days?) later, then cleaning up the spoiled food and the water on the floor.
Leave the toilet seat up? You can bet I'd be the one to accidentally sit in the toilet bowl!
Hmmm, leave the AC at a mom comfortable 85 degrees for the psw when I go out today? No, that would just be cruel. LOL

Rainmom's post brought to mind all of the controversy about transgender people using the bathroom. I have to wonder what some men think goes on in the ladies room, I can't say I have ever seen someone in any degree undressed. Well, maybe back in my bar hopping days, but those women were just as dishevelled when they went back out into the bar ;)

I did refuse to smell the breath of my mother's dog when she shoved her dog in my face as I was bent over helping her with dressing telling me "Smell her breath". I did however take the dog to the vet.

I am going to start by quitting any kind of caregiving whatsoever, and then buy that book on the art of not giving a (four letter word), rhyming with duck. There really is a book.

I'll probably start by being late for work tomorrow

Rainmom, Welcome here! Maybe it was a plate of tacos? Lol.

Ms. Madge, welcome! Are you going to be a brat too?

I'm still up- wish I had seen this earlier - I love a good joke

...with a plate of what?!!! Arghh - the suspense is killing me!!! And btw anonymous, - and I guess this falls into behaving badly - I take my adult son into public women's restrooms all the time, always have. Rainman is 23 now and a very handsome young man but usually you only need to look at him a minute to see his is clearly mentally challenged. I do try to find "family" restrooms, which are much more common these days but not every public place has one. In all the years I've done this - only twice has anyone said anything to me. Once it was a store clerk who was washing her hands - when she asked me to take Rainman out I replied "okay, sure. Could you tell me then - where is the men's restroom and I'll go in with him there. Is that better? The open urinal thing might make some of the men in there uncomfortable but, whatever". The second time it was a woman who just stood there in the door of the stall next to where I was headed with Rainman. Hands on hips, face all angry she said "I can't believe..." I cut her off and said "oh come on! It's not like he's Superman - he can't see through the metal partition and watch you pee"!

The caregivers here are not healthcare organizations, but real people, family members. Many of whom want to tear their hair out due to the rude language
and hostility from the care recipient. Venting that here can help a caregiver self-regulate any temptations to act on the fantasy to behave in an unacceptable manner. imo.
Caregivers acting badly are welcome, trolls are not welcome.

Really, not risking anyone's health here at all, I am going to make some late night tacos and spill extra cayenne on a few.

All brats...........good natured behaving badly stories please. No names, no addresses.

Behaving badly is understandable, but noncompliance with AC terms of service is frowned upon. (Don't use names, I.d., locations.)

My sense of humor is what sustains me in hard times.

A Pastor with a sense of humor. I like that!

No kitty is just taking a break from patrolling the neighbourhood. He's feeling a little blue so I made him some pop corn.

What have you done now!! The cat is blue, it has it's own popcorn? Are you going to be watching a movie+

Yes it could get ridiculous just you and I Send. Maybe tomorrow when everyone isn't already in bed. LOL

I'm going to put Hubby's dirty underwear on top of his pillow.

I'm going to drink milk right out of the carton and leave the carton on the counter and the fridge wide open.

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