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Oh, never in my wildest imagination would I have expected an answer to any of the what's on my mind series.
However, there is a soon to be famous author and comedian who has just made my day, even if it is only 3 a.m.

You are really appreciated Churchmouse!

Thank you!

Now it's gonna be hard to stand and get quickly to the BR, because I am laughing so hard.

Sunrise in my part of the world is 5:57 a.m.
Waiting for the sunrise.

Were you or anyone aware how many Superfund Sites there are in the U.S.?

I don't know what a Superfund Site is. So, no.

Does anyone know the driving time from L.A. to Bakersfield?
To visit the elderly?

I should ask Auntie Google. But not if that's going to lead you, as it does me, to look up things like Lucile Desmoulins and start worrying about the French Revolution the effects of which, as Chairman Mao so rightly observed, it is too early to judge.

Do children with a seizure (mild) need to go to the E.R. if they have been tested before and have a temp. of only 101? Grandchildren issues.

Cool the child and call for medical advice. If the child has already been given paracetamol and still has a temp of 101 then definitely ER, though, and don't spare the horses.

Does anyone know the difference between a physiatrist and a psychiatrist?
Or how to spell it?

What in heaven's name is a physiatrist? Ah, here we are: "What is a Physiatrist? Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physicians, also known as physiatrists, treat a wide variety of medical conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons." Sound like useful chaps.

If one is eating Manuka Honey, late at night, how much is too much before one goes into a coma-if they are not diabetic?

I expect you would be sick quite a long time before you went into a coma. Or bankrupt, possibly. Expensive stuff. My New Zealand buddy was outraged by the prices - when she was a gal, out on the family farm, honey that had been spoiled by manuka, which grows like a weed out there, was generally rejected. Then they had an economic crisis and diversified. And how grateful we should be! - because its properties have been carefully validated.

If a person needs new glasses, it's been two years, they have a condition called (kerataconus) should they see an optometrist, or return to their ophthalmologist?

Go to your optometrist and get new glasses. Ask the optometrist if there are any observable changes since your last examination. If so, back to your ophthalmologist.

Should we move if cigarette smoke, pot smells, and smoke from fires are entering our home, daily. And the neighbor pounds on the floor everytime there is a sports game on T.V.?

Only if you can move somewhere where there definitely won't be anything worse.

What does one do hiring a housekeeper if they don't do windows, or clean the fan blades and cupboard tops? And climbing a ladder is dangerous for both occupants?

See below.

Does anyone hire college kids anymore to work at their home?

See above.

If one's hubs has 3 days off work, should we just forget everything and go to the beach?

How far is the beach? And did you check about the visiting the elderly relative time? And can you combine the two in three days?

Does anyone actually BELIEVE anything the celebrity doctors recommend after having checked the confusing and inaccurate facts, then been embarrassed to pay $35 for powdered bone broth? Meh. Yeah, powdered bone broth.

You didn't! Did you? Oh gorblimey.

How many supplements are too many, when you are so full one cannot eat anymore of anything, but one is still hungry?

You feel hungry but you're not hungry - just completely out of sorts. Have you got an iPod with some dance music on it? And an exercise bike? You need to work up a thirst and then drink some plain cool water.

It is really ok to stay up late if you sleep in late, right?

It is, but don't sleep in late. Get up at what you consider to be a Christian hour, even if you're still really tired. Then you'll be able to sleep the next night - or that's the theory, anyway.

There is a lot of noise coming out of the drawer, should I close it?

Er... What sort of noise? If it's a squeaking and scuffling, yes, firmly, and then call on someone else to deal with it in the morning. If it's a crying baby, probably not.

It must be nearly morning by now? Don't go back to sleep! Get up and watch the sunrise with a really good cup of coffee :) x

The newer Crabby Crab in Alhambra has an entire pound of fries!

Gershun, Just cannot sleep at all!

Were you or anyone aware how many Superfund Sites there are in the U.S.?

Does anyone know the driving time from L.A. to Bakersfield?
To visit the elderly?

Do children with a seizure (mild) need to go to the E.R. if they have been tested before and have a temp. of only 101? Grandchildren issues.

Does anyone know the difference between a physiatrist and a psychiatrist?
Or how to spell it?

If one is eating Manuka Honey, late at night, how much is too much before one goes into a coma-if they are not diabetic?

If a person needs new glasses, it's been two years, they have a condition called (kerataconus) should they see an optometrist, or return to their ophthalmologist?

Should we move if cigarette smoke, pot smells, and smoke from fires are entering our home, daily.  And the neighbor pounds on the floor everytime there is a sports game on T.V.?

What does one do hiring a housekeeper if they don't do windows, or clean the fan blades and cupboard tops?  And climbing a ladder is dangerous for both occupants?

Does anyone hire college kids anymore to work at their home?

If one's hubs has 3 days off work, should we just forget everything and go to the beach?

Does anyone actually BELIEVE anything the celebrity doctors recommend after having checked the confusing and inaccurate facts, then been embarrassed to pay $35 for powdered bone broth?  Meh.  Yeah, powdered bone broth.

How many supplements are too many, when you are so full one cannot eat anymore of anything, but one is still hungry?

It is really ok to stay up late if you sleep in late, right?  There is a lot of noise coming out of the drawer, should I close it?

meh. Just a few minor worries.  Anyone can private message me.

Here is some Albondigas Soup...the meatballs can be kept in the freezer.
Find a recipe, make it at home, freeze the leftovers.

There often is not as much coming out of my brain-as there is coming out of my mouth. It has no colors, is mostly hot air and words. Some of the words have been colorful though. Lol?

You don't examine everything that comes out of your brain Send? I should see some of the junk that comes out of it? Green stuff, red stuff, purple stuff. Smart stuff...............occasionally. Dumb stuff..........quite often.


It's okay Gershun. I don't examine everything that comes out of my brain like most people do.

It's midnight soon, and I have gone to bed.

Sad to hear of Mom2Mom's loss, but holding her up!

You're a brat, Madge, no shower required. Soup sounds good.

Last weekend it was too hot and now it's raining with thunder and lightening

I want a bowl of albondigas soup - do I need to take a shower to go and get takeout ?

Didn't you even get fries with that salad ?

Got behind on everything.
But just here to say EVERYONE who posts here qualifies as a brat, and if you have a screen name on AC, that is your forever BRAT CARD!
It doesn't matter if you haven't had your ice cream, have a headache, or are just always joking (there was nothing under the bed last night); everyone deserves to let off steam, vent, exaggerate, or whatever.
Welcome to Caregivers Behaving Badly.! ! ! U R ALL BRATS !

This is the night for headaches. Too much stress and trying to talk to my hubs who tunes me out...ugh!!! If I tell him to get the wax out of his ears and listen, does that make me a brat??

Ali, glad your headache is gone. Mine is sitting right next to me. :)

Yes, thanks for asking, and I didn't even have to resort to hard liquor. ;-) I just have to accept that my mom is going to do what she wants. My dad is going to be ok any which way. I'm going to take my own advice that I give to my mom and focus on myself and my needs. So, yeah, headache is better, and I have a new resolve to let that situation play out however it's going to. My dad hasn't been in his new place but a few days. It's a big change for him and now my mom has a new distraction. Things will settle down, or they won't, and I don't care either way. Well, I do CARE, but I can't change it. I'd rather do without the headaches, ya know? :)

Ali, Is your headache better?

Oh, there is the problem....the Southwest salads I ate were coming from jack, not the golden arches. But the ice cream came from donald's.

Another kitty picture?  Kitty threw up, corn?

Send, I don't examine what comes out of my bum like you do. ;)

But guess what my next avatar picture might be "Can you spot the corn in this photograph?"

Ali, I've heard the salad's at the Golden Arches are yummy. I had one once, forget what it was. But even brats need to skip the ice cream sometimes. And Ali, my weekends are even less exciting..........:P

Send has already gone to bed, but I am sure Gershun would agree you must turn in your brat card immediately, unless you go back and get the ice cream.

Do you know what happens to the corn in that Southwest salad when you eat it?  You will see it whole in your toilet the next day!

And the dressing!  Do you have any idea how much sugar is in that to get it to taste good?  What were you thinking?

The chicken, oh, don't get me started on the chicken!  Have you ever felt it before eating it?  Examine it carefully-a little slimey?

How do "we" know this?

Next time, Ali, skip the salad, go right to the ice cream, get two sundaes.
Will you be ok?

I'm going to strangle my mother and then I will definitely be a brat.

It's 2am here and I have a headache from my mom's antics/texts a bit earlier. There is a 24 hour McDonald's a block away that will sell me a hot fudge sundae that will make my headache better. :) I'm going to go get one. Big Saturday night for me, whoopee!

ETA:  I went for a sundae and came home with a salad.  Did I lose my Brat card?  That Southwest Chicken Salad they have is downright delicious and I won't get sick from sugar overload.  Still... seems like a very un Bratty trade off.  ;) 

o m g . . . . . . . .someone bit my bunny's head off.

Car Wash pending. No rides until that is done. Ha ha, no gas either!
I don't care.

In the movie, "The Never Ending Story", Morla, the ancient tortoise came up out of the mud, in the swamp, and said to Atreyu: "I....d.o.n.' t. c a r e....

Made it through the trip and the recovery period of 24 hours with my feet up most of the time to relieve the swelling and give my neck a break. Back up and at it today.

I forgot what it's like to travel with kids - clean the vehicle before the trip so it's nice and clean when you go...then clean it when you come back to remove all the debris from the trip. A single day trip and the van was full of sand, popcorn and other "debris of the road". At least it didn't take me 2 hours to clean it this time.

Send - yes, the cleaning out of the van was probably a huge mistake in terms of the neck/shoulder issue, but needed to be done. I made our day trip yesterday loaded with pain relievers (just OTC, nothing heavy) and lidocaine patches all over my neck/shoulders. I looked comical, but hey, whatever works.

Today I've been back to working from bed again, legs acting up from all the driving (and salty picnic foods - gah!) and just overall feeling gross from all the activity over the past few days. I'll be ok in a couple of days. At least I can still work. :-)

Susan, Did you have more pain after cleaning out the van?
If I did that, (or right now, if I could even do that) the pain would keep me in bed a week.

I saw that, Send. They did an immediate autopsy, because her downward spiral in the past few years led to automatic assumption that there were drugs involved. The tox screen hasn't come back yet, but the report is that there were no illicit drugs in the house, and that she had Stage 4 cancer, and that was determined to be the cause of death by autopsy. How sad. I'm not sure anyone even knew she had it.

We will start all over with the oldies, but goodies, singing "Happy Days again".

Happy Days star Erin Moran, 56, has died. 
 Sad to say.

In 23 years, we will be able to spray on our leggings (ref. to whine thread topic) and be expected to go out in public that way.

Or, maybe we will have a robot tell us: "No way are you going out dressed like that", and we can say, "thank you, Siri".

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