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Well,another MD appt. this AM (scheduled one).Will do my first walk when I get back, at least this isn't an 80mile roundtrip today.Was so tired last nite I fell asleep without my cpap on,finally remembered to put it one after a few hours(really makes a difference. I just realized I haven't mayonnaise for one whole week. I love that stuff.Really miss not being able to go walking right now,MD visit) but what 's good I am actually looking forward to some exercise.Not really worrying about calorie intake just getting in the extra exercise,worked great last nite as I was so tire, no night time eating.

You can also do pushups off the kitchen counter! I try to do this.. maybe my bat wings will fly away?

I found a couple more stay at home exercises that work well. One is just marching in place which can be done with or without any arm movements as well as holding on to something for balance if needed. Also wall pushups. Stand facing wall put arms out and hands against wall and do pushups against wall. You need to have feet back aways from wall. I got my heart pumping yesterday and even skipped chocolate candy for something fat free. I appreciate the support!

They are a lot of exercises we can do without a gym. I have praticed strectching now when I vacuum, just go slower almost like tai chi ,probably spelled that wrong,put my music buds on and do the boring everyday housework that must be done.Did get my three 10 minute walks and slept great last nite, was too tired to do extra eating and also didn't have that anxiety that needed the food. Felt so good I was able to deal well with my mom's first snarky comment of the day because in the back of my mind I knew I would be doing a lot of things for myself today like excercise, take my meds, get me a shower,the basics but luxuries.

You ladies are inspiring me...I actually made it to the gym today. Thanks

Vicky, I have been avoiding the floor, so I am really impressed with the floor exercises you are doing! There are really a lot of exercises we can do without getting to a gym.

Great getting on your exercise bike Mica! Way to go!

Hey Timbuktu, Your walk required some planning but you made it and didn't miss that impt doc call. So funny about doggie toy mediation. Still chucklin about that one!

KatieKay, wonderful! you made time for the doggie walk even if it was low speed and that you are planning one later!

Any good food choices to report? I was so motivated by this discussion that I picked up oatmeal rather than hot cakes and sausage for breakfast and got a pineapple mango smoothie for lunch instead of a burger and ice cream treat. I am pretty excited about this.

What is everyone planning on eating that is healthier?

Oh, and I actually took time to put some type of age rewind skin cream on my face last night. Haven't done that for months.

We deserve to treat ourselves well!

Great thread!! Anything that helps us hold ourselves accountable to ourselves is wonderful!! I do floor exercises as it is easier on my knees, but many of the other exercises I could also do to speed up this slow process!!

Good AM KK.I understand about elderly dogs. Mine range from 13yrs. to 6 months.

Good for you Timbuktu!

I walked this morning.. but not a fast walk as I have to walk my elderly (15 year old) dog. It takes 20 minutes to walk her and we go VERY slow.. she used to be a great way for me to get exercise but it has turned into me using up a good 20 minutes. I try to at least use that time to clear my head. I'm going to try to go on another walk later today by myself.

I agree with all who are fitting exercise in whenever they can. I work from home and try to stop and do a set of squats or get on the stationary bicycle for a few minutes. Usually if I tell myself just do a few minutes I end up actually going longer then expected.

I am now at the heaviest I have ever been. When I got my parents out of their home last summer and they stayed in mine while trying to get them a senior apt.. that is when I put the weight on.. it was such a stressful time and I was trying to entertain my Dad with going out to eat and food. Of course I was the one who packed on the pounds.. Dad is the same size.

Since last summer I really haven't put any more weight on but I am not losing it either. I think I need to stick to it better .. both exercising and eating right.
In my younger years I was always in great shape... I can't believe I let myself get to this point.

Have a great day everyone!

I did it! (1) 10 minute walk,took my cell phone and calendar book with me. A big reason that I have allowed to keep me housebound is waiting for callbacks from MDs,or other affairs that concern mother and maintaining property.So,no excuses,had my cell phone, sure enough, walked 6 minutes ,get a MD call, stopped my stopwatch,conducted business in the middle of the yard with dogs chasing the cats and vice versa with me intermittently having to do dog play toy mediation,business done, started stopwatch and walking.I am out of shape.Even though I believe I do a lot of housework walking just 6 minutes on level ground without stopping,temp 73 degrees I am breathing hard and sweating,no chest pain but my legs feel it.Well, just two more 10 minute intervals today.Find myself thinking I don't have time for this. However, I must take this time.It's just as important as driving to the pharmacy today,then getting groceries,then getting critter food,also the laundry (gathering,washing and putting away) and vacuuming.I did remember to take my own meds this AM. Let me know if anybody else went for a walk today.

Okay,starting the morning.Already making excuses.If I can't stop "mom caring" for 10 minutes at a time I need to reevaluate my caregiving situation if I can't even do exercise for myself that doesn't include household chores,yard care,critter care.

Goodie thats what I like to see, people starting to move their body's, makes me want to also! Arm circles and short walks YES! I cleared off my exercise bike and sat on it.... my legs couldnt help but peddle a bit :)
Its hard with arthritis season starting, but extra weight doesnt help the knees either! Keep going guys!!

Well, I thought if I broke up the exercise into small increments it wouldn't be so intimidating.The time will add up, but after doing the chores of everyday like laundry,vacuuming,mother's physical needs, critter care the 10 minute walks are starting to look more like relaxing time instead of exercise.

Great idea Timbuktu!

I'm hoping to do a couple trips up and down the stairs for some exercise, maybe dance to a good song on the radio or something.

What I am going to try to do today is take mini walks in my yard.I have 1200 feet of chain link fence around my yard and will try 3 separate 10 minute walks around the yard, it's a start.

Ok, here's a thought. Maybe even if we can't make it to the gym we squeeze in mini exercise sessions during the day. After reading this post I did some arm circles, some standing stretches and a few side to side leg lunges.

I need to dig out a pair of dumbells and leave them in a safe place but where I can see therm. Good idea for a group. I am anxious to squeeze in more mini workouts today and by mini
I mean mini. Even thirty seconds or one minute is good. It all adds up.

Timbuktu, thanks for telling my story, emotional eating, losing 50 lbs (need to), take meds, take shower. Was happy enough keeping my weight very slowly dropping, a total of 7 lbs. last year. Gained it back when eating french fries, bread, mac 'n cheese too often, choc. cake, ice cream, tortilla chips and fritos chili chips.
Now, not feeling as well, that's the best reason to lose back the pounds lost, and then some. I know what's bothering me, but cannot share it. Getting ready to finish some pre-winter projects, separate my diet needs from my picky husband's needs, then design a plan for weight loss. Saw something so inspiring on Ted talks that I am going to try. Will look it up for anyone interested. It's not a diet, but a game. It will help, because gets one moving.

Welp, I put myself back on the "wagon" now that both of my parents are in NHs... not losing weight, but at least I wont be damaging my liver any more with that ontop of my arthritis meds.

I;m in for the site!! When mom got sick and I had to deal with her hospitalization and getting her into rehab here, and Dad ALZ ( much worse than she had let on) I lost 30 pounds fast. Then the y came back... oh boy did they! I was holding plump but stable until we finally went on a vacation this year.. yep.. 10 more lbs. I feel good when I look in the mirror, but then I see a photo of myself and say "WTH"!!! I also love my beer, and salty foods. But I am trying again to get things under control. So thank you all in advance for the support! Winter is coming and I am also a comfort food hibernator.. and Mom eats so little that we cook alot trying to tempt her

And Halloween is coming and all the magazines and tv are all fun of chocolate candy, cookies and such........going to wear my Austin Powers Fat BaxXXXd yet again! I am trying....walking more and trying.....but once you are a certain age,,,!!

OMG I just want this day to end. It is cold outside so I am cold, never mind that my thermostat says it is 73 degrees in the house. I am in hibernation mode, I want to eat enormous amounts of comfort foods and crawl into my nightie and spent the rest of the day in bed with a book. At the very least I want some cookies with a giant cup of coffee. And I want my mother to be quiet, because today I am feeling very snappish, and I just might bite!
4:53, only another 4 or 5 hours to go...

It's just so nice in those wee early morning hours because nobody is awake,especially "mommy dearest".Just me and the dogs,although my poodle went ballistic over something outside and "MOM" scolded for waking her. Not to worry , she gets plenty of sleep, being on so much morphine falling asleep isn't hard for her.I am an emotional eater,never eat because I feel hungry.I use food as a reward for dealing with stress and my mother is a MAJOR source of stress.If it were a perfect world I would have her in her own house with 24/7 servants and I would maybe visit occasionally maybe. With the help of a therapist I have set boundaries but it takes a lot of internal strength at least for me to maintain those boundaries.I do drink at least 2 liters of water a day, after 5 bouts of kidney stones I did get myself off Cokes but again its the "comfort" effect of food.Thankfully I really don't like sweets,but things like cheese, meat,sauces,fatty food is like Ativan to me.

I lost weight around the time my father died. I was running around like a crazy person, doing all the things that needed doing. I gained it back after a while, but I wasn't too concerned. I've been about the same weight for 20 years now, with a little up and down.

My SIL came to visit. I told her I'd put the weight back on. She asked me why I hadn't worked to keep it off. I wanted to tell her to frak herself on her old smug high horse. She is fat as a teddy bear herself, so needs to talk to the mirror and not me. :3

Women are so focused on weight, aren't they?

I was so stressed out over my loved one's dementia diagnosis and subsequent care that I lost about 30 pounds. I was stressed and also so busy, I didn't have time to think about food. I had to force myself to eat.

After things settled down, I then lost 10 more on my own while trying to eat right. I still need to get more activity though. I have a foot problem and am not supposed to walk for exercise. I need to get a bike and join the Y so I can swim. They are on my to do list.

tinbuktu, you need to schedule an appointment with the doctor for you. There might be something that is creating your food cravings. One thought that I had when you talked about how good that coke looked in the wee hours was if you might be getting diabetes II. Then another thought I had is you might need help getting out of the stress-eat-more stress cycle. Food can be an addiction with triggers that elicit the food-seeking behavior. First, make sure it is something like diabetes or some other metabolic disorder, then work with someone to break the cycle of addiction.

What are you doing awake at 2:47 in the morning. I think it is against all laws of nature to do laundry at that time. If you crave a coke, your body might be telling you that it needs water. I do hope it isn't a sugar thing, but you do need to go to the doctor to check.

I haven't seen a dentist in 2 years, my mom will see one again next tuesday. She also has a yearly dermatology and opthamology appts coming up, I don't.With cancer treatments,foot problems ,pain treatment procedure and maintenance appts. I have taken her to the MD around 52 times for just this year and it ain't over yet.I get stressed just being in the car with her, most MD trips are 80 mile roundtrips on an interstate and I mentally start telling myself all the great food I am going to get into if I can just make it back home(we pass a Jacks' at the exit).

yep, caregiver stress and menopause I gained 20lb and fell off the "wagon". 24/7 care for my mom for 5 years and I headed for the chips and beer, cigs every day. I haven't been to the gyno or had a mammogram or seen a therapist in 7 years since this all went down. Lord, writing this down makes me how badly I have treated myself and how well off my mom has been.

I am in the US and this would explain why I feel stark raving mad at times,lol!

I am going to say this just once because I actually would prefer usually to live in the USA but right now UK seems favourite. Do I seem off topic? Well no

Now US researchers from the government-affiliated National Institute on Ageing have found that even having a BMI (Body Mass Index) just one point over a safe level, speeds up the onset of dementia for people aged 50 or over. For people who are seriously obese, they could develop neurodegenerative disease years a decade before they would have if they were a healthy weight.


In the UK a study has shown that Being underweight was linked to a 34% increased dementia risk, while being severely obese reduced dementia risk by 29%.

So I am staying in the UK clearly British fat people don't get dementia as quickly as US fat people do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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