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Flowgo, i have brought it to there attention, when respotory came to give her a breathing treatment and forgot to connect her oxygen she passed from COPD. And couldn't breath and i checked her oxygen and found it on the floor with no connection to the oxygen, I found her hose on the floor and brought it to the nurses supervisor.and blew a fuse with them because has she gone the whole night she would of died. I told them i would sue this hospital, still lots more but too long to write it all. And she said she would address it, but its been in Feb. 10th, 2013. Dont know statue of limitations and thank you for the advice, But everyday i hate what they did

WINDYRIDGE, I couldn't agree more or written it any better myself! Also, I thank you for your service to others in Hospice/Hospital, you are such a kind and caring person! My own experience with Hospice was incredible, my Mom was dying of Cancer and even with 6 very involved kids, we could never have given her the excellent care she deserved without them. There were some very heavy medications for pain and sedation in the last few days, but the Dr's and care team were very good about explaining the quality vs quantity of life care, as well as we all knew of our Mom's wishes in that regard. I miss her terribly, but the end of her life was exactly as she wanted it to be, pain free and peaceful. Thanks Bud!

Meow,You still have time especially with the medical board and I think the joint commissions. You can check, the more people that report this the more that it will be looked into and something can be done about it. Most of the time people don't report it.

to windyridge not very many people want to see there loved one become a zombie and I am sure by upping her meds that is what is killing so many elderly people- morphine and methadone etc are horrible for the kidneys and other organs- they all use quanity vs quality to sell those drugs even your own dr will give you a whole bottle when you just want 2 or 3.- there are a lot of natural drugs they wont tell you about that can stop pain- sorry about your mother tho

loriharmonica This is so true so many elders are not dying from diseases or old age but they are dying from drug overdoses because if the patient is elder then so often medical staff just classify them as dying just based on their age alone.Then they are severely drugged into a coma put into hospice, where they are then labeled as last stages of whatever is convenient or just old age or dementia and then there life is ended.

Flowgo is right on. Totally right on. I posted a comment that I lost my dad of 101 last week and what set him over is hospice had given him 2 mg of Adivan. They could have given him 0.5 or even 1 mg but the dumbshit doctor never changed the order until I saw it and then it was too late. Also I put they never gave him any morphine well guess what when I looked further and investigated myself and made inquiries I found out that yes morphine WAS administered the very next day after the 2 mg of Adivan. I have hired an attorney and he is shocked and now my friends may also use the same attorney for the same things that happened to their loved ones. Too many meds, wrong diagnosis, etc. I know I WILL get justice for my dad. I could care less about the money as I have made it on my own but to teach these people they can NOT continue doing these things to elderly folks. If you have a good case, any attorney WILL take it probono knowing in the outcome they will be paid. I miss my dad terribly and now am getting therapy as I do NOT sleep, eat like a mouse and am very very very anxious all the time since his passing! BUT the good thing that will all come from this is I KNOW I WILL see him and my mom and husband and dogs all one day again.

I sympathize with everyone here whose loved ones deaths were hastened by overmedicating. Here is the flip side of the coin, which is what has happened to chronic pain patients.
You get together a group of "respected" physicians, everybody sues the pants off hospices and such for giving too much morphine, and pretty soon, they will outlaw morphine administration during hospice. They will say, oops, too many people dying, gotta stop that! It's the punish-everyone-in-the-class-for-one-persons-screw-up mentality that is pervasive in the US today.
So, what would you rather have? Your loved one die a few days/weeks/months sooner than you had hoped, after a life of 80-100 years? Or your loved one in excruciating pain, and no one will be able to give them relief?

We shouldn't have to choose, but I can see it happening.

I'm afraid you're right, horse lady, about the hard cases making bad laws. Here in the UK, both I and my cousin were telephoned within a week of our respective mothers' deaths, she by the coroner's office and I by the doctor asked to co-sign the death certificate, and interrogated closely about the events leading up to them. It wasn't that she or I were under any suspicion, but at that particular point you're so shaken anyway that you can't help feeling as though you are. In fact the reason for these conversations, which both of us found pretty traumatic, goes back to the infamous, late Dr Harold Shipman, a trusted GP of many years' standing later convicted of serial murders of frail elderly people. Because of this one monster, no death - no matter how completely anticipated - now goes unquestioned. Which is a good thing, overall, of course; I understand and agree with the principle; but in practice it also means that no one can be left in peace to grieve. And that's before you calculate the cost to the public sector of God knows how many thousands of working hours spent in wholly needless activity.

These medical thugs just need to be put in prison and throw away the key. They are taking lives wtf. The actual medical staff who is doing the overdoses and causing death are the ones that need to pay for it in prison. Set an example for the rest of the medical staff so they wont be so eager to over medicate people. My mom was overdosed several times before she even went into hospice. She was in an overdose coma and had been for 2 weeks this last time, by the time she went to hospice. They put her into an overdose coma then said she was at end stages of several things that she did not have and because of those things that she did not have they said that she had less than 6 months to live. In reality she was in a sedative coma and they knew it. She may have chose hospice herself had her condition been natural but not in those circumstances, but I am sure she would not want hospice to kill her, had she chose it.She and her family and friends did not want her life just taken away by medical staff who are supposed to be caring for people not taking their lives.That's what makes this so much more shocking and so impossible to deal with.These kind of medical staff deserve nothing less then life in prison. No need to take away morphine because medical thugs like to overdose elders with it.Just ship the medical thugs off to prison where they belong. Sedatives yes not around elders especially haldol and ativan Those drugs are just killers.

I meant to say wth

I wish they would question all the elder deaths here.When a doctor causes harm and death and people are questioning them they either move to a different location or they are fired. They can always find work again. Instead they need to get caught. I don't see how they are allowed to live outside of prison after committing such atrocities. It can't be because they don't have enough evidence. Apparently in the state that I live in it is very easy for them to get away with murder in hospitals and nursing homes if it is done on an elder especially.

In the case of Harold Shipman, nobody challenged him because his patients really liked him. There were hundreds of them, over many years. Interestingly, it wasn't until he overreached himself and forged a will that he rang any alarm bells; and even then it was only because the isolated lady he picked on in fact had a literate and capable relative whom he'd overlooked in his calculations. He killed himself in prison, following conviction on fifteen proven murder charges. We will never know how many people he actually killed, but they reckon about 250.

horselady if it gets rid of morphine all the better it damages your liver and kidneys and older people do horrible on it not counting the terrible constipation and blockage so then they add 3 more meds to unplug you. my hubby is now off all of that garbage- dont be afraid of cannabis or cabbanoids and tinture for pain it has been around for ages and is not marijuana my hubby has severe pain of bone cancer on his spine, he is finally more alert not all pain free but down to a 2 no more side effects

Please stop 'throwing baby out with the bath water'! Perhaps morphine is sometimes misused, perhaps your loved ones can manage without it, but I was d###ed grateful it and other opiates were available for my brother in his last year of life.

That is so scary and to think that he got away with all that for so long shows how easy it is for doctors and nurses to get away with murdering people while in their care.It makes me wonder if serial murderers or murderers would chose the medical field like hospital and nursing care work, cause it is so easy to commit murder and get away with it.There are so many different ways of doing this while working in a hospital and nursing home.Most of the time no one even notices or pays attention. If these killers do get caught which is so rare especially in America,they tend to get away with it cause there is not enough proof and doctors have plenty of insurance to protect them, if there is any suspicion. That is why I would always recommend reporting overdoses. The more people that report it the more likely the investigators will pay attention.

Even if there was an overdose done and the person made it out alive. It does not mean that the elder patient did not suffer any damages.It can cause all kinds of serious damages.Sometimes it is an accident. Our doctor sincerely apologized when that happened. That is not the same thing as a medical staff deliberately doing the wrong thing. When it is deliberate that is when it should be reported.There really needs to be laws about sedatives and dangerous drugs,especially with the elders.

The doctor or nurse in question can just go to another hospital.That is why I recommend everyone who has had this happened to them, should report it and should never ignore it,contact the investigators and do a coroner investigation if there is any suspicion. Eventually these kind of killers will hopefully get caught if there are enough complaints and the country or state you are in cares at all.Even if they don't they will have to pay attention if everyone reports it.

I know there was one American nurse that got caught by his colleague. He only got caught cause his colleague got him to confess while she recorded him. He killed a lot of people in very sneaky ways before she caught him. If his colleague had never befriended him he would still be out there killing. I think some of his patients that he killed were very sick and mostly all elders and some sick and elder. The families may have thought that their loved ones died from old age or their sickness.He was one of the few American medical staff that did get caught the rest of these kind of killers are still out their killing it is just too difficult. It makes me beyond mad and upset that these atrocities are allowed to go on and these thugs are allowed to be free and do as they want which is horrific.Anyone who can take a life and or lives intentionally, needs to be locked up forever and throw away the key. That is why everyone needs to report it. Then they may listen eventually.

My Mom just passed away so this subject is near and dear to me for real this early morning August 29th 2015. She died of small cell lung Cancer folks while in Hospice Care. Now the subject is do they over medicate? Yep? I seriously believe they killed my mom and I am about to start digging into this as soon as we get her buried. I live in Georgia. She lived in Ohio My mom was one very special lady and many things don't add up to me. I AM HURT! I AM OUTRAGED AND TOTALLY TICKED OFF TO SAY IT NICELY!I'm SORRY BUT I AM SELFISH AND ALSO VERY SELF CENTERED! I WANT MY MOM BACK AND I CAN'T HAVE WHAT I WANT! I WAITED TO LONG TO COME BACK HOME! I COULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE CAME BACK SOONER BUT I ALSO HAVE MANY MEDICAL ISSUES SO I WAS TRYING TO AVOID COMING UNTIL I REALIZED SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF ON THE BACK BURNER THATS ALL THERE IS TO IT! My mom did not deserve to die like she did. I dont care what anybody says! This isn't the first time I heard of how they give them drugs I saw it with my father in law also and I am here to say it is down right disgusting to say the least! They have a license to kill State sanction no less. When you demand an autopsy you know what your told it will be 1500 cash up front and thats a fact! Then they still don't have to even do one. I was told if 2 doctors sign off then thats it folks they can refuse to do it! I dont know but to me I think they are killing off old folks smokers and anybody who seems to be costing them money. The world has went nuts and I am sick of it all to be honest it is CRAZY! Who gives an 78 year old woman all this pain meds with a heart condition unless they are wanting her to die? Her primary refused to do it because it would slow down her heart and kill her HELLO well SHE'S DEAD Isn't She? CASE CLOSED! I'm here to help BURY OUR DEAD and then to find a lawyer and get to the bottom of all of this crapola!! Am I hurt yes! Do I think they are over medicating! BIG TIME BABY!! Can I Prove this Hum we are about to find this out because there is lots of x rays doctors reports and somebody better be able to explain why my mom died so fast after going into HOSPICE CARE! I have no money so I couldn't get the autopsy I really wanted but that's ok I will get ll her records and I will find out what the heck happened to my mom thats a fact!!

mel2cuteluv I'm so sorry, you can ask for an investigation done by the coroner and talk to department of heath and joint commissions and medical board and nursing board there are many places that you can complain to. If you need help you can message me. You can also look them up on the internet but if you can't find them you are welcome to message me or private message me. Another lady on here is going to the news. I tried but did not find the news station that I needed.

You are so right, so many people on here have lost their loved one to sedative or morphine overdoses or other ways that are very suspicious. I also know of many other sites where people have dealt with the same thing as here. I have also talked to people personally that have had this same thing happen to them.I hope everyone that this has happened to will have investigations done.

My mom was killed in a horrible way by bad drugs that were given to her by medical staff against her will and ours.These drugs put her into a coma where she remained until the end which was a couple of weeks this last coma. She was not even able to eat or drink or talk.She was very strong and very healthy.They had overdosed her so many times but she somehow managed to survive though she did suffer a lot.She would go back to the hospital for help to recover from the complications from the drugs only to be put into another overdose again and again. The staff knew that she was not allowed to have these drugs. She was not even a smoker or sick. She did have a skin fungal infection given to her by the hospital.It was very treatable but she was ignored. It had got worse but was still treatable.A doctor at the end treated her with proper meds and she recovered but still remained in the drug coma. there were other doctors that killed her by refusing to treat her her with proper meds only antibiotics which is deadly for this kind of infection. She had a DNR which could have contributed to her death cause it was easier to kill her with it. The evil staff must have wanted to get her heart to stop beating during one of these over doses and would not have to give her cpr. They even yelled out Dnr and were yelling for the drugs she could not have after she was already in the icu because of this last overdose from these drugs that they were yelling out and could not have.

I'm am still having a horrendous time even though it has been quite a while. This is so hard to accept, that medical staff who we are supposed to count on to help us or our relatives do this kind of thing and take lives, it is just beyond belief.

I feel so bad that people have to suffer through this, and I know what will happen. The medical staff can write whatever they feel will feel will justify them giving the morphine and/or adivan, and it will fly. I have seen this happen so many times with my mother, and other meds. The last time she was in the snf (July, for a possible cracked shoulder blade), the new Dr. at her PCP's office went to see her, and DOUBLED her heart medicine!Excuse me, she was there for PAIN, so of course her bp was up! All she needed (which she finally got after I got her an appointment with an ortho) was a mild narcotic (Norco 5/325) and she was fine. Her bp was so low when I got her home, she passed out when going to the bathroom, and I finally got her straightened out (decreased heart med back to original, took her off simvastatin, which there is a contraindication for with the heart med she was on). My feeling is Dr. s are so rushed and so controlled by money, they just fly through their diagnosis, never read the notes about what is actually wrong with the patient. it's one thing to make a mistake with a younger adult, or someone who still has their wits about them, but to do it with an elderly person is just plain dangerous! My mom would be dead, I guarantee it, if I had not intervened numerous times.

Another good one father is 93, still active and in pretty good health. He got a really bad cold a few weeks ago, and it started the night we went out for chili. So he goes to the Dr., tells him he ate some chili and now he has this horrendous cold, so what did they give him? Meds for indigestion! Really?? The man is sitting in front of you, sinuses totally stuffed, coughing, wheezing, and you give him omaprazole?! So disgusted with the medical profession!

They sure kept my Dad hopped up on pain meds. I never did get to say goodbye. It would have been nice if they could have waited a FECKING 1/2 HOUR for me to take advantage of some lucidity. Who me ANGRY? OH YEAH.


I am very satisfied with hospice, both when my husband had it in our home, and when my mother had it in a nursing home. Many others have posted here that they are satisfied.

blondmedicdoglv, I am very sorry to hear of your father's death. If he was on hospice I'm sure you knew he was in the final stage, but when it happens suddenly it is especially shocking and painful for the family. Hugs to you. Personally, I would rather go within 4 days of being laughing and joking, than have the experience drug out -- but of course we don't often get to choose. Were you your father's medical POA? Please let us know how your case proceeds. We learn from each other.

blondmedicdoglv That happened to my mom in the hospital also.I left for a short time to run to the store I came back they had drugged her so severely that she was unable to eat or drink or talk. Before I left she was eating her lunch on the side of the bed and we were having a good conversation.She was in that coma for 2 weeks. After that they thought that death was the best treatment since she had been in the drug coma for 2 weeks. Before she went into hospice the hospice they were making her die. Then she went into hospice and killed her.

jumpingbum My mom also was kept doped up until they killed her. She was not even close to dying until they drugged her. The only reason for it was they do that to people who are elderly or with a DNR. She was severely drugged and on several occasions and it nearly killed her. She had to keep going back to the hospital because of the overdoses.Then she would get more overdoses while she was there if I even left for a second. It is a jungle out there.

I am not blaming the hospice but I complaint the hospital using the wrong teminology "Comfort Care" instead of "Hospice". My dad has an iscamic stoke two weeks after a hard fall backward. He was tube feeding then liquid get to his lung; my brother and sister are medical students informed me dad has to put on morphine for comfort care otherwise he was just like drowning in the ocean very difficult to breath. After 3 days of morphine 1ml/hour then my sister told me by now Dad's lung must be rotten may be his heart is so strong that is the reason he is not going, I am going to tell the hospital to increase the morphine to 3ml/hr. at the time I am comfuse about what she is trying to tell me after 12 hours my dad announce dad. I was so mad, and I felt betray and my world totally fall apart, I felt like the sky is rotating and the earh is splitting up. I fetl if my dad breathing needs morphine to give him comfort. Why my dad lived for another 4and 1/2 days, in my dad's case can he be saved by remove the liquid from his lung instead of put him on morphine?

pshu333 you wrote a good description of what it can feel like to lose a beloved parent, especially if you are not expecting it. The sky is rotating and the earth is splitting up. I am so sorry for your loss.

Could your father have been saved by draining his lungs instead of giving him morphine? I surely don't know. But apparently the medical professionals thought not, and your brother and sister with enough training to understand what the professionals were recommending agreed. It sounds to me (reading between your lines) that your brother and sister tried to explain this to you in non-technical terms, and perhaps the full importance of what they were saying didn't sink in.

Dear pshu333, your father's death was a great blow. Give yourself time to gradually heal to a more comfortable place. The real blow here is the death, and that is what you must accept and mourn. You were not "betrayed." In fact this was not about you at all. This was your father's drama. Focus now on your memories of him, of what parts of him live on in you, and on your grief at losing him. Give up all your concern over what words were used to describe his care and all the "what ifs" that can't be answered now. The real cause of your grief is enough to deal with. Let all the shadow issues go.

Hugs to you. You will never "get over" your dear father's death, but you will get past the intense and constant grief, and settle into a more comfortable knowledge that he remains a part of you.

Jeannegibbs makes a very good point. I lost my dad 3 weeks ago and was devistated as I still am but you have to know I too am in the medical profession and hospice gave my dad morphine too and I was pissed. I thought they killed him and requested the medical records but after learning he WAS in distress for breathing I now believe even though at first I was real mad I now feel perhaps they may have done him a blessing by giving him the morphine. He passed with NO distress as he would have if the morphine was not given and that would have been a worse nightmare for me to have to live with. This way I do believe he went peacefully. Being in the medical field I have seen ALOT of pulmonary edema patients and even one of my dogs had it too and it is not a good thing to have to try to get air into the lungs. My dog also had fluid and they put him on Lasix a diuretic to get rid of his fluid. It worked for just so long and then he too passed. Fluid in the lungs is not good so I think they did the right thing to make him comfortable enough and not suffer trying to breathe. That is a horrific feeling like drowning in your own fluids and nothing can be done. My world fell apart too and I am still grieving as it has not been that long for me BUT the good thing about it is we are ALL fatal and we will ALL be reunited again one day and that is what keeps me going as I know everyone is just waiting when it will be my time. And I have ALOT of people and dogs waiting. God Bless, LL

Thank you for sharing that updated view, blondmedicdoglv.

Thank you for all your supports jeannegibbs and blondmedicdoglv. I was so mad I text my medical sister I do not want to see her for the rest of life, I don't want her to come near me if I am sick.

Pshu, I'm so sorry for the recent loss of your dad. I'm hoping that in time, your anger at your sister will subside.

My mother has a similar underlying condition, as I think your dad did, where the inefficiency of their hearts causes fluid buildup around their lungs. Sometimes fluid can be drawn off, but there comes a time when that is no longer possible. We have our mom on "comfort care", not hospice, because she has some other medical issues that are still responding to intervention. We have been told that if this begins to happen again to mom (the buildup of fluid), that morphine will be administered to ease her breathing and to prevent her from feeling as though she is drowning. I want my mother to pass painlessly, peacefully and without anxiety when her time comes.

Thank Babalou of sharing your mom's situation, I know my sister is kind of selfish, she made her decision to end my dad's life she felt he is not going to have his quality life so she ended his life with morphine without my consent. And I am sure without my dad's consent because I know he loves his life and he will fight for it because the stroke prevent him from speak for himself. I will follow jeannegibbs's advise to move on and find peace within myself and forgive her.

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