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Pshu, I'm so sorry for loss, and for your belief that your sister purposefully ended your father's life. I hope you find some peace.

A different perspective - a girlfriend had breast cancer which metastasized to her lungs, Eventually her lungs filled with fluid which they withdrew a couple of times.. I gather they cannot keep repeating this procedure., Her husband called me to tell me that she had died - very slowly gasping for air for days and begging them to help her. In that hospital they did not give morphine at that time. She was a very brave and even stoic woman, and the image if her gasping for air and begging for help, which did not come, has stayed with me for over 30 years, I wish they had given her morphine to spare her such a dreadful death. She would have died a few days sooner, but in comfort.

My mom was in a drug coma at the end,she had been in it for 2 weeks no one could get her out of it. She was struggling to breath when she died. She went into hospice but they would not even give her oxygen even before that no oxygen. I asked and they said oh that is normal for her to gasp for air. All the other times they had her pumped up with very powerful sedatives and morphine but at the end they made her suffer they refused to give her the fungal meds that she needed for the skin infection that was very bad since they never treated it until the good doc treated it.That is when it went away on her skin for the first time and her vitals went back to normal, but the new doctor would not finish it cause they said she had less than 6 months to live. They said she had end stages of diseases that she did not have. It was even confirmed by the investigator she did not die from any of these end stages of diseases. I know one of the doctors knew she did not have those diseases. They never treated the very treatable infection until the end but the other doctor refused to continue treatment. Instead she went into hospice cause they said she had these end stages of these diseases she did not have. I have know clue why she was tortured and her even till they killed her at the end. Her treatment, the way they tortured and killed her haunts me until this day.

So sorry to hear about your experiences of your Mom's death; so awful why they misdianosed your Mom with end stages of diseases which she did not have and why they do not treated her with comfort and tortured her? Make me feel so chil about hospital. You have done the investigation and the investigator reported she did not die from any of these end stages diseases then what causes her to die? Sorry I am kind of mad of the situation. Thank you Golden23 of sharing your girlfiend's situation; may be my sister did the right thing for my Dad, he may have ended his life a little sooner but with comfort, I don't really know after 3and the 1/2 days of morphine my dad didn't even need the oxgen mask to breath; he was breathing on his own until the time he passed away may be another 20 hours he was breathing on his own. I am really having a lot of ??? whether the morphine is really needed in my Dad's situation.

She died in a drug overdose coma and from a skin infection that they started treating but the other medical staff would not finish treating it. So they gave her the wrong medicine knowing that these meds would make it worse.They also refused to give her the ones that she needed cause they said that she had end stages of these diseases. They also knew that she did not have these end stages diseases.

My God this is called getting away with murder. How you can get proof and press charges on them? I hope you will do something. I didn't do anything about my father; the same hospital did the same thing to one of my best friend who is 84 years old with COPD because I am not his blood related the only relative he has is his grand daughter to agree with the hospital to put him into hospice; during hospice care they overdose him with morphine and he died within three days. It is very chill in his case I was feeding him at the hospital he is very alert and be able to eat a lot of meal; he was admitted to the hospital 4 days then they notify me the help them to find his grand daughter's phone number because he is going to die tonight; I rushed to the hospital, he told me the nursing home sent him to the hospital 4 days they refuse to give him food nor drinks, he is very hungry and thirsty. I asked the nurse why they refuse to feed him and give him any water for 4 days. They said because of he has COPD they don't want the food and water get to his lung. They told me he is going to die tonight. I asked them how do you guys know he is going to die tonight, you guys are not GOD unless you plan of his death? He is going to anyway why not give him something to eat and drinks. After the meal he was so energetic and the nurse ask him to squeece her hand, I told my friend to show them how strong he is and squeece her hand, he did and the nurse was so surprise how strong he is. Any way to make the story short I was able to scare the nurse not to overdose him with the morphine just enough to keep him comfortable which is 0.5 mg per hour, two days with meals in his stomach he recovered so fast the hospital consider him stable and release him to another nursing home; during his third day at the nursing home they gave him 5mg per day instead of 0.5 mg and I questioned the nurse they told me is the order from the doctor and the grand daughter is making the decision to go for it. They told me I am not his family members and I do not have any rights to question the doctor and the grand daughter's decision. After three days of 5mg per day he died on March 5, 2015. Now I am so sure overdose of morphine with lung problem can take away someone's life. I really want to know what overdose of morphine will do to your body? I know morphine can slow down your heart beat and surpress you brain but would that make your lung unable to breath? I hope someone hear know the answer.

Sometimes I have heard that they do give a patient who has that problem a lot of morophine to keep them comfortable. Sometimes it is more than the person can handle. This is what I have heard so not sure if it is true or not, but it could be cause in hospice they sometimes do try and keep the patient comfortable with too much morophine.

What they did to my mom was they drugged her into a demented state and then said she was end stages of dementia. They also drugged her into a coma many times. She and I begged them not to drug her but they would not listen to either one of them. I even got in between her and them to try and stop them. They said that if they do not let them what they called treat her they would not let me stay with her.There was no reason for these druggings. She was in good health until they started with the sedatives. She kept getting complications from it.Then this last drugging she was put into a coma for 2 weeks before they killed her by giving her meds that would make her fungal infection worse as she lay in a drug coma. Then they put her in hospice and finished her off. They also gave her insulin cause of the pic line which she was on since she could not eat after this last drugging.When they gave her the insulin they did not check to see if she needed it. The other good nurse had checked and said that she did not need it.I wanted to think that it was all some kind of mistake, there was other things also.I even asked people on here but they would avoid my questions. I have tried to convince myself that it was a mistake but I know that it was done on purpose. It was mostly the hospital staff that killed her. She was only in hospice for about the last hour of her life.

us not them

Hospice finished her off, they continued the antibiotic which is deadly for the fungal infection that she had. They put it in a vein in her neck because she was getting water in her veins. When the hospital staff was treating her they knew what medicine she was supposed to be on.The doctor said they did not want to treat her with the meds that she needed cause she had less than six months to live because of these diseases she did not have.

Could you not have taken her out of hospice? I'm in the UK so it might be different but they don't make you go.

I think that they would have killed her if she stayed in the hospital also.

The hospital had the hospice finish killing her, it has made me a total wreck. This happened a while back and I have never been able to deal with it is so difficult to deal with knowing that medical staff who are supposed to be their to help people are better at taking lives instead. There was one medical team a doctor that was excellent and caring with my mom and a few of the nurses, but the rest of them were just horrible, really there are not enough words to describe how terrible this staff treated her.

"It has made me a total wreck. This happened a while back and I have never been able to deal with it."

That is understandable, and also very sad, flowgo. Do you think that your mother would want you brooding on this so long? Have you been to a therapist since this has happened, to help you move forward with your own life?

I wish I can help you to discover the truth; only the truth can set you free. Now all I can do is give you a big warm hug; slowly you will find out the truth and if you have a big heart you will forgive these people that mistreated your mom and cause her to death. I am a Christian I always searching the truth only the truth will set me free otherwise I will keep digging into the issue until I know the truth. My girl friend also point figure at me if I love my father so much I should questions the hospital before I let them put morphine on him; she said I am not free of guilt either. She keeps telling me I am just too lazy to take care things and allow my brothers and sisters to take care of him now all I can blame is myself nobody else. Although her words are hurtful but every words she said is the truth. If I love my father so much I should involve not let my brothers and sisters in charge of his life. So much for now. I hope my father will forgive me and your Mom will forgive you too. Big hug to you again.

Thanks pshu 333 same to youThere was nothing I could do to stop them I tried. I know that the investigators said that she was caused great bodily harm and death from these sedatives that she was not supposed to have. I will forgive them once they are behind bars for the rest of their lives. That is what it would take for me to forgive them.

I don't think she would like to see me in so much pain but would understand cause she was very understanding. This is a very difficult situation that therapists would not be able to help me with until the situation with my mom and legal matters are resolved, other wise it is just a big open wound that may never heal. It is too unjust and to difficult to solve this kind of pain. It is not only how they hurt her and killed her and everything else, it is that they tried to ignore it. I just have to try and deal everyday as best as I can and try to continue to get the word out about this so it will not continue hopefully.That is really all I can do. Time does not heal all pain, especially this kind of pain, that does not just go away no matter how much therapy you have.

Flow, you say you have an open wound that will not heal until you resolve things to your satisfaction, but that is the whole problem, isn't it? If no one ever is prosecuted for what happened must you shout in anguish until you die??

Please try again to find someone who can help you move forward with your life, not to forget, but to find a way to live with this 'wound' and find comfort and joy in the future.

Flow, you referenced "legal matters". What's the status of the malpractice suit or criminal actions, which I assume is what you're referencing?

I said that if these killers were put in prison then I can be more at ease but it looks like they got away with murder. There are people on here that have gone through similar cases and would like to know that they are not alone, so by telling them and if I can warn others then at least something good came out of this. I am already living with it that is all I can do. Like I said therapy can not help these kind of situations. I just have to deal with it which I am.

I guess I should not talk about how I feel about it since that is pretty upsetting to people. Sorry I will just talk about what happened and leave my feelings out of it.

((Hugs)) flow. X

I would agree with dogabone's criticism of the topic question, but apparently, for the opposite reason. The question implies no bias -- it simply asks.
Yet, the posts predominantly lean toward a "No" answer. So, either that is the real truth, or....a lot of the posters are mistaken.
Given that hospice actually advertises on this site, I find it difficult to believe that bias plays no part in the content thereof.
And having read the "About Us" page, I'd be even more inclined to question this discussion.
As an advocate for life, myself (most likely, because I am alive, and wish to remain so) I do not differentiate between the unborn, and the already here.
The young, the old, the infirm -- all are equal in their right to live.
I do not discriminate....and I do not sanction the premature taking of any human life -- no matter how small, feeble, or presumably insignificant.
Because there is no insignificant human life.
And to take that life prematurely, is an "m" word....but "mercy" isn't it.

Josie, I want to speak in defence of hospice and medications at the end of life. Yes, it seems as though many here have had horrific experiences surrounding the end of life of someone they held dear. But I firmly believe most of this is due to misinformation and misunderstanding.

Morphine and ativan are given to reduce suffering and control agitation, not to speed death. Often the trade off is that the person is no longer lucid or aware, but IMO that is better than aware, afraid and suffering.

Food is withheld at the end of life because the dying no longer need food, in fact the dying body can no longer digest the food we eat and eating can cause harm.

I.V. hydration is similar to food, fluids can build up in the lungs and around the heart and cause increased suffering.

Today we have the technology to keep the heart beating and the shell of the body alive, tying the soul to the earth instead of letting it depart. Is this prolonging of life really just??

Josie, for whom are you caring?

josiewails very well said.

Josie what cwillie said is what I have heard many times. That is definitely not the case with my mom. Not even close. My mom was not dying she was healthy until the sedative overdoses that were given to her for no reason at all mostly in the hospital. It just caused complications. She had only been in the hospital once maybe twice before these drugging started. She is not the only elder who suffered from these wrongdoings.The public needs to be aware of this and how horrible it is. Letting a person die on their own is not the same as the staff taking it upon themselves to cut a person's life short by whatever way they see fit. That should never ever be their right to decide for a person.If they do decide this, it is a mercy killing which is very illegal but still happens.

You are so right and so well said flowgo. When my father was decided by my family and the hospital's comfort care to decide to let him go and put him on morphine, I asked some co-workers at work nobody give me any support, one co-worker even said to me "your father is 100 years old and he should die. and another co-worker said what do you expect my father die at age 70." They don't understand my father though 100 years old but his body is very healthy just because he had a backward fall and caused him to have a stroke from his blood clotted in the brain then the nurse adjusted his feeding tube at 1:00am to cause food get to his lung (I wonder she did that on purpose after I read the 911 report). I requested the nurse to sit up my father every two hours so his lung can get some exercise, if she did that on purpose she will live on her bad karma. People seems has no sympathy for my father because he is 100 years old. Yours words help me to interpret how wrong they did to my dad. "Letting a person die on their own is not the same as the staff taking it upon themselves to cut a person's life short by whatever way they see fit. That should never ever be their right to decide for a person, if they do decide this, it is a mercy killing which is very illegal and the decease has never agreed to that, it is illegal to do so but still happens".

Pshu, that's exactly what worries me. That you have been led to blame your family, yourself and your father's attending team for his death, with all of the hurt and anger that involves.

For the record, I am opposed to euthanasia, and to assisted suicide, and to anything else it might be called. Just so we're clear on that.

I am also in favour of treating people regardless of their numerical age, medically if they have any realistic prospect of recovery, and palliatively if they haven't.

I don't know exactly what happened to your father, of course; and I am in any case sorry for your loss. The point I want to make is that if you are being advised that there is a possibility that a nurse would intentionally have misdirected your father's feeding tube in order to induce aspiration pneumonia and kill him… then that advice is extremely cruel and deeply misguided.

My father died very suddenly and unexpectedly at 71. Soon after somebody said to me "oh well, he'd had his life then," and I have never forgiven that person; so I understand how hurtful your co-workers' attitude must be. My mother died this year at 90, at home, where I cared for her. I was a tireless advocate for my 96 year old great aunt when poor health care following a fall at home nearly did for her; it took a lot of fast talking to get her moved to a better hospital, after which she lived for four more good years. I come from a whole family of long-lived people, mostly ladies; and I would have loved nothing more than to see them reach 100 and keep going, with their skates on. So believe me, if your father had been my father then I too would have been in the ER doing my best to get him the best possible care and hoping he could recover.

But look. There are two points to consider about his fall. The first is that very often it is a stroke that causes the fall, not the other way about. The second is that, either way, either he had a very serious stroke or it was such a serious fall that he suffered a major head injury. At any age, and whatever the state of a person's body otherwise, that is extremely dangerous.

How long after his admission was it decided to insert a feeding tube? I am a little surprised that this was done, because it is a risky procedure precisely because of the problems you describe. Did the medical staff come under pressure to do it, or was it their recommendation?

Look. You have a choice. You can torture yourself and think ill of the nurse and blame everybody, including yourself, for your father's death. Or you can speak to your own doctor about what happened, and get a clear explanation of the medical issues. The bottom line, though, is that your father had an unsurvivable brain injury unrelated to his age. That's enough sadness to have to cope with, without adding poisonous suspicions to it. Please think this through and don't multiply your grief.

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