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Pasalire, if you mean me then for the record I am not an employee of any hospice or any other medical or health related organisation. I am a private individual who cared for my mother at home until her death at the age of 90 from chronic heart failure of many years' duration. In the last few days of her life, palliative care drugs were left with me for administration by visiting nurses in case of need, which is why I paid close attention to what they were and what they were for. With the exception of two doses of oral morphine over the course of three days, which my mother herself was able to agree she would find helpful, we were very fortunate that she did not need to take them.

If you succeed in making people afraid to contact hospice organisations when their loved ones are dying, you will cause untold suffering to patients and unspeakable guilt on the part of their caregivers. Do share your experiences, yes, please do; but do not accuse the whole hospice movement of being intent on murder.

Pasalire you have clearly not understood the role of a hospice in the scheme of things and all those who denigrate them generically do them a great injustice.

Year in year out hospices provide expert care and support to both adults and children with life-limiting or terminal conditions as well as their friends and families. Many families have found hospices have eased the minds of those both passing and those left behind

Hospice care and support is based on the belief that everyone matters all the way through their life until the moment they die, and that NO ONE should die in avoidable pain, suffering or emotional distress. It also means they will respect the wishes of the individual NOT OF THEIR FAMILY.

I am just really glad you are not my offspring. I want to die without pain and with dignity. If morphine will kill me so be it, if it kills the pain too. Why should I have to live in constant pain and distress because someone else says I have to. You appear to have overlooked personal rights of the individual by making such generic comments and I for one am opposed to such a wholescale attack on them.

Hospice was called in for my mom (and they helped me, too!) about two weeks before she passed away. They did not administer any meds to her at that time, because she was not in pain and was enjoying eating and drinking. They did, however, give us a large notebook filled with sections about the preparation for the end of life. My mom had cancer, and we had known for some time that it wasn't a question of if, but when. A nurse visited once a day, and volunteers dropped in to visit and to bring little gifts. One lady had started a diary, based on the things she discussed with mom, that would be mine later. Unfortunately the lady was having some problems and was unable to do much with that. I think that is a good project for anyone to do for the family, though. I read the Hospice notebook from cover to cover several times and learned a lot from it. When the nurses and I started to notice a dramatic change in mom, they began staying 24/7 and I did, too. They didn't start the morphine right away, but they told me when mom stopped eating and drinking and they felt that her body was starting to shut down, it would be time. In no way do I feel that they hastened her death. As a matter of fact, they were a comfort to mom and to me during the last two weeks they were there. The nurses had shifts and I stayed for the last few days. Mom was able to communicate with me until the very last day, and she consistently said she was in no pain. Hospice did not administer anything without telling me, and they didn't start the morphine until mom was unconscious. As far as I could tell, she was peaceful and calm; and, I was at her side when she slipped into eternity. The nurse was there for me. I had pre-arranged mom's funeral, so the nurse called the funeral home for me, and they even asked if I wanted some extra time before they came. They were wonderful to my mom and to me, too. I will always be grateful for the care Hospice gave to my mom and, as a result, to me. The nurse who was there that night made sure some friends were with me before she left. She called the next day and told me they had individual support and classes for people whose loved ones had passed away. So, they followed up with me. I have never seen such compassion, and I am so thankful they were there for my mom.

And that Chari is exactly what I mean - once the body starts to shut down of its own volition there is nothing they can do, especially in the case of cancer - I watched my Dad go through something very similar

I generally stay far, far away from this thread because of what it has become, but all the recent chatter had me curious. People who believe that hospice is euthanasia and murder are not going to listen to any other explanations and believe it is their duty to spread the word.
I really wish the Admins would just remove this thread, it's very name is provocative and invites the inflammatory comments so common here.

Passaire, you could be referring to me as I have freely admitted to being a retired hospice RN.
Think on this. i worked for ten years as the on-call nurse for a small county hospice. Our service area was over 700 square miles and for 126 hours a week 3 weeks out of four I had to visit every patient who called even if there was a blizzard and the temps below zero any time of the night. For holidays such as Thanksgiving I would work four straight days and nights when it was my turn.
Do you think I endured all that in my 60s just to go out and murder people.
You are entitled to your opinions and beliefs but please do not pollute this forum, which is designed to educate and comfort people caring for loved ones at the end of life.

Do you think we are going to keep the silence after we know about hospice, I am probably not going to answer all of your questions. You are free to believe about the hospice's methods using all the opioids narcotic, morphine, lorazepam, haloperidol, bisac-eva, cp prochlorper, cp hyocyam. Everybody should know about the method. We are getting upset because we know the truth about how the hospice
nurses are killing our loved ones.

paralire, in a previous post you mentioned that your Dad was being placed on Hospice, he had severe dementia.... but when the nurse wanted to give your Dad some pain medicine you said your Dad wasn't in any pain. Please tell us how did you know that?

Patients with severe dementia cannot communicate that they are in pain, yet can be in severe pain. I am glad that your Dad graduated from Hospice and he is now back home. But his severe dementia is still there and other complications will eventually show up. What will you do when Hospice is offered later down the road? Let your Dad be in serious pain so that you can prove a point?

wonder who the "we" is.

Tacy022 you are free to sign off, you will come back. You want to read just good comments or experience then skip my comments.

kellse, wonder who the"we" is, yes all the of us who had being experience about the silence murder of the hospice. You are shooting me, because I am saying the truth. I am going to say to you too if you want to read just good comments then skip mine.

Freqflyer, to refresh your reading of my comment. My father in now at home hospice, He is not in pain and has no need of any pain killers. The nurse wants to medicate him with morphine and lorazepam. Her concern was the my father that's not have quality life. She don't have compasion neither for patient or families. I am happy that she is not my father's case manager. In hospice there is good nurses and bed nurses. I understand hospice is not prolonged life, but they explained to me that my father can be in the program short term or long term. They shouldn't rush people to death, but some nurses do.

That was one of my comments, please review all my comments above.

Hi ChurchMouse, thanks for writing up the description about the hospice drugs. It make me and I am sure other people on this site more comfortable. I have a lot going on with my Mom (91) with dementia and my husbands problems that any help is appreciated.

Meant to say it made me

Thank you Cher :) - I hope so.

Pasalire, you are certainly right that there are some practitioners (doctors, nurses, managers) in elder care who do place quality of life higher in the order of care priorities than others do. And when they go too far and make quality of life the *only* consideration, and further make a judgement about their patient's quality of life that they have no business to make, and take the decision to end it that they have no business to take, then their treatment does amount to euthanasia; and euthanasia without informed consent is murder, however nobly intended. That much is true, and that far I agree with you. But the number of practitioners who behave in this way is tiny. Probably it's roughly the same as the number of practitioners who throw everything but the kitchen sink at keeping their patients alive no matter how terrible their suffering or how futile the exercise. These people are at the extremes of the spectrum. By far the majority, like all of us, are juggling difficult, conflicting choices and making the best judgements they can.

pasalire, please answer my previous question. How do you know your father isn't in any pain?

PASALIRE methinks you should consider changing your name to Imascaremonger because your Dad will not be able to articulate his pain if he has sever dementia. You clearly are so focussed on them letting him die a natural painful stressful undignified death that you talk as though you are above the rest of us and for those who don't know you try to scare them away from the hospices. You talk utter twaddle by using such a generic suite of terminology, your attempts to scare people away from hospices will condemn their loved ones to the most horrific final days and it will all be YOUR FAULT. What right do you think you have to contaminate the minds of others?

Your personal experience with one hospice is probably because you don't listen or don't want to hear what they have to say despite them being utter professionals in palliative care - some thing you are not.

If you have a problem deal with it through the courts and let them decide where blame lies - it's called put up or shut up. Either way it serves no purpose to behave in such a discriminatory way on here or is it perhaps that you daren't say it to their faces for fear of being sued?

I have read something I have no way of verifying, from Life Legal Defense, that one elderly woman with mild dementia was put on hospice and denied food and water against her and her daughters wishes, and a younger woman with an anoxic brain injury woke up and asked to eat but was then just sedated on morphine and kept NPO. I know hospice can be decent and life-affirming, but I'm going to also say beware, because Churchmouse is correct; we are crossing lines every day from concern for quality of life, to considering assisted suicide and euthanasia as standard medical care. Doctors and nurses notoriously underestimate quality of life possible for people with various disabilities. Some will not refrain from judging that people with even a potentially poorer quality of life than they think is worthy should be helped to die as painlessly and expeditiously as possible. I do not want to be a scaremonger BUT I do want to say if you use hospice that you make sure that they will work with you and respect you and your loved one, leave you in charge, and not insist on applying only their own doctrinaire cookie-cutter approach.

I watched a good friend die in hospice of massive lung metastases from uterine cancer at a Catholic hospital, and the entire time, they talked with HER about how much pain medication she wanted and needed, and maximized the time she had with family and friends and even joined in playing guitar a couple of times. She might have been home if there was a way to get her enough oxygen - she needed super high flow, because she did not want to be intubated. The chances that chemo would have helped were minuscule and they opted not to try that either. THAT is respectful care and THAT is what hospice is supposed to be and can be.

After our experience with Hospice in the last couple of weeks, I would have to assert that in some cases, sadly, yes they do. My loved one was moved onto home Hospice care at the emergency room and after one dose of Ativan, became stiff and unresponsive. Over the five days I tolerated them, they continued to pressure me to administer the deadly cocktail of Ativan and Morphine to my awake, aware, and laughing aunt. It was chilling. I showed them the door. I believe Hospice should only be used if someone is unconscious, end-stage, or in extreme pain and expected to pass away within a few days or hours. In other words, in cases where euthanasia would be appropriate and merciful - because I don't care what hospice claims; their job is to get folks off the Medicare rolls as quickly and quietly as possible, and lay excessive guilt on families to cooperate with the plan. All of that being said, we did engage Hospice when my Mom died of cancer; however, she was comatose, in pain, and we felt it was the right thing to do. I'm obviously very upset about my recent experience. I just want to warn others: something is screwy with Hospice.

Well said vstefans and Elizabeth49. the combination of the 2 above posts is what happened to Dad. With Ativan Dad got stiff, than they said he could not have water because it would cause pneumonia. One doctor said right in front of him "Oh he is 90 and he lived enough." I could not believe my ears. I also was up-set because I believed that Dad could still hear. Died after 10 days on hospice. More to this story but unable to go on.

Oh, Cher, that makes my heart sink. I want to grab that doctor by the hair and shake him - her??? - until his eyes pop. How dare they make such d@m$ fool remarks!

Training in communication skills - aka getting it into people's heads that they have to mind what comes out of their mouths - and in respecting individuals' choices - aka recognising that unless you know the person you don't know what his life is like - is hard; but it is something that they try to address as part of best practice. After a few days on our local stroke ward, my mother said to me "I don't want to be a bed-blocker" and, suspecting that she was echoing something she'd overheard, I related it to her consultant. He nearly hit the roof and said tight-lipped: "that term is NOT used on this ward." Only, I wasn't sure if he was saying so to me, or rehearsing what he was going to say when he found out who on his staff was still using it.

We need some kind of families' zero tolerance policy to pull professionals up on cretinous, callous and lazy speaking and thinking.

My mom was bedridden and completely vegetative-like state (couldn't move at all, not even a finger), on oxygen 24/7, tracheal tube and stomach tube for years. We've had doctors who had no interest in finding mom's problem (admit her 3 days in hospital and ready to release her without diagnosis. They didn't even do a urinalysis until my dad insisted. She had UTI!).... And then there was the doctor who refused to give up and kept CPR on her for 20 minutes until her heart was up and pumping.

Dad and I noticed that the medical professionals and family members spoke as if mom wasn't there. I remember dad constantly shaking his head hard and telling them to stop saying those things because mom can hear them. I learned from dad that just because mom cannot move or respond, that she can still hear and maybe comprehend.

One home care nurse came to our house to put an IV on me. I couldn't believe that when she entered and saw my bedridden mom, her exact words were: "You're still alive! I haven't seen you in years! You're still alive!" Ahem...she was part of mom's hospice team. Dad refused the meds and called 911 whenever mom had a medical crisis... Hence the stomach tube....and then the 24/7 oxygen....and then the tracheal tube...and the 20min CPR... He wasn't ready for mom to die even when her body kept trying to shut down.

P.s...the doctor who did the CPR - saw the DNR and said that he will Not let her die on his watch. He didn't care about the DNR. And my family didn't insist he follow it.

Freqflyer & PhoenixDaughter, very simple he communicated with me very well. The severe dementia that you are talking about only exist in your comments, because he doesn't have dementia. I know that you hated that a lot of people know how the hospice medications are killing many of our loved ones. When you are trying to convince other people about how good the hospice is, my father is eating good meals, sleeping good, watching soccer with my husband. Shame to all of you who believes that the hospice is good. I am not afraid to be sued. I will have my father be in the news sharing his experience with the hospice.

I think what is true here is that in many cases hospice is an answer to achieving death with dignity-but not in all. I think this leads to a question-as a loved one, who do you turn to if you are uncomfortable with what you are experiencing with your loved one's care? Maybe all it would take is someone explaining why something is being done. I saw my brother in hospice reaching towards a small sink. I realized he was not receiving food or water-something i did not expect. Something in direct opposition to what I had been told would happen to him in hospice. So, i begged his doctor to give him fluids. I even said, "if I were your sister, wouldn't you have wanted me to fight for you?" So he hooked him up with fluids. My brother started having breathing problems like he was drowning. So, I said, "Enough. Take him off it. I was wrong."
The questions are: how do we tell if the hospice is a good one? We're already sad and emotional and/or upset at that time.
What other options do we have if we don't think they're ready for hospice?
How do we make sure we understand as much as possible how this is going to work in our loved one's case?
My mither's in the hospital with a wicked Urinary Tract Infection. She hasn't been eating or drinking but its gotten better. Last week the doctor told me we could send her to a psychiatric hospital, try inserting a feeding tube, or put her in a hospice program. A psychiatridt visited and said they could administer her antidepressant and anxiety meds via iv-something her hospital doc said couldn't be done. Psychiatrist said she was severely depressed and gave her a shot of B-12 and Vitamin D. She woke up and recognized my brother and asked him about his wife. Medical care is an uncertain thing. I think people are writing to this thread because they have felt helpless, sad, angry, and confused about their experience. This thread helped me feel a little less crazy about my horrible experience with hospice and my brother. I'm not saying get rid of hospice. I'm saying something's wrong or missing. Why can't we stop attacking each other and try to figure a way to make it better?

Deb this is absolutely correct in some medical instances. My father was filled with fluid in his lungs causing him pain ......they needed to drain it and kill the pain...... the amount of morphine dehydrated him so .......they had to use a drip .......which resulted in his lungs filling with get the picture.

At this point it is the ROLE OF A DOCTOR NOT A HOSPICE NURSE OR ADMINISTRATOR to meet with the relatives and explain exactly what is happening internally to the loved one in a language they can understand. The reason I say this is because only a doctor can KNOW the intricacies of medical diagnostics that lead them to believe that the route they are taking is the correct route and therefore they are the ONLY ones who should answer the questions

Back in the day the doctor explained to me there were very few options and no good ones

They could continue to drip, drain and administer morphine - the death would be long drawn out and painful

They could remove drip but that would require an increase in morphine and he would die sooner but not in pain

They could remove all medical treatment and he would die sooner but in agony

Tell me which would you have chosen for that was the call I had to make

pasalire, your allowed to voice your opinion no differently then those of us who do not agree with you. Sounds unfair to shame us for our opinions.

But to sweep Hospice with such a huge brush is so very unfair.

I'm so sorry, Deb. Your brother ought not to have been left feeling thirst - his mouth could have been swabbed, he could have been offered sips of water (unless he was a choke risk). The originators of the Liverpool Care Pathway were tormented by some of the cruel and stupid things that were done supposedly to comply with it. The removal of compassion from palliative care was the last thing they intended to achieve.

And any doctor who fails to assert his clinical judgment purely on the grounds that a relative asks him nicely wants taking out and spanking. If that so-and-so knew what would happen and thought it too difficult to explain his thinking to you, he ought not to be practising in palliative care.

PheonixDaughter - I think I would choose stop the drip and let him be in less pain, unless HIS goal was to hang on as long as possible. I know hat may not really be wht you are asking though...maybe it would have been better for the doctor to get your input on which you thought he would want and then RECOMMEND a course of action, not leave you to feel you were bearing the full burden of that decision, as long as he or she would have respected you if you disagreed with it. Hugs...

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