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The hospital, prior to going to hospice rushed my brother's death. Prior to starting morphine and Ativan, he was sitting on the side of his bed talking and eating a smoothie. His only pain was from cellulitis in one leg which was being managed with oxycodone. His leg edema being treated with Lasix. He had COPD, but was not on oxygen. His vitals the afternoon prior were, b/p: 135/63, pulse: 70, temperature 97.8. I returned to see him in the morning and he was sedated with the above meds and never regained consciousness.  His estranged wife (8 yrs separated) is a RN said, "I had them start him on morphine and activan as he had a restless night".     There are a lot more details that I won't go into here that haunt me to this day.   I saw this...lived it...still can't believe it happened!   I feel as thought I watched an execution!   I've lost family members who were suffering parents, another brother 3 months prior to this one where I welcomed the use of the these drugs to keep them comfortable so they would not suffer in the end, but this brother was not on his death bed!

NO one (but the Good Lord) knows the moment when a person dies. I have had patients that hung on far beyond what I thought possible and others that have slipped away before the time I thought they would. It's impossible to know exactly when. That goes for both nurses and family. So everyone is guessing. There are signs however that death is imminent.

All of the hospice protocols are explained to the family members THAT ARE THERE with the patient. I know it's a difficult time but you need to know what you are signing up for. Hospice's MAIN function is to make the patient comfortable. Sometimes that means being medicated to relieve the discomfort or anxiety and the family can't interact with their loved one. This stresses out families. But what would you rather have, your loved one uncomfortable or stressed out trying to talk to you or have them resting quietly and comfortably?

As a part time hospice nurse, my suggestion is, inform everyone in your family with hospice protocols. If ANYONE in your family has reservations with hospice using Morphine, (or any other medicine for that matter), I strongly suggest you NOT use hospice. That way hospice will not be implicated in your loved ones death. You will not be able to say they overdosed your family member and were responsible for "killing" them. You can manage their pain and/or anxiety (or not) yourself and know that your loved one died "at the right time".

If, however, you want to make sure that your loved one does not have any suffering or anxiety during their dying process, I recommend hospice wholeheartedly, knowing your family member will pass in comfort. I hope that's how I go.

Hospice helped me care for my mother for about a year. She died 19 November 2016. In no way was her death hastened by hospice. I wasn't ready, but apparently she was. As I keep saying, not all hospice providers are of equal quality. The people assigned to my mother were all terrific with only one or two substitute CNAs who were not (one did not even show up and she ended up fired).

My dear one,I recently had a horrible experience with Hospice.There was a legal guardian appointed by my older sister to make all legal decisions for my mother.My mother was placed in a memory care facility.The guardian called in hospice and death was no where near.My mom was on hospice for more than a year but at the nursing home she had fall after fall after fall.So many people were dying in this home from repeated blows to the head from senseless falls that could have been avoided.My mom was given an antibiotic for a simple UTI that had severe psychiatric side effects like hallucinations,paranoia,agitation and insomnia.I told hospice of a previous reaction to the same drug and asked that she not be placed on it.They did it anyway.She went from her normal self with UTI symptoms to hallucinating,combative,paranoid and no sleeping.She also lost her appetite on these antibiotics.I pleaded with them to one listened and I had no legal rights.I contacted elderly protective services.No one called me back.Then I got a call saying my mothers finger tip had been completely severed off.No one contacted me until the next day.She was dead within one week of her finger getting cut off and the nursing facility said her finger got torn off from one of her dresser handles and that is impossible.She was refusing her meds because she knew something she was being given was affecting her very badly.She told me they were trying to kill her and that the next time I saw her she would be dead.Then they started giving her haldol to keep her sedated because of the antibiotic side effects.Then they moved her to the hospice inpatient center where they continued to sedate and drug her more and more.They were with holding food and water.My mom's friends stopped for a long visit and said no meals or water was offered to my mom but my mom asked for some breakfast cereal and fruit so reluctantly,hospice gave it to her and she ate it heartily.She was hungry.They continued to push the drugs and completely with held food and water and she died in my arms one week after her finger was completely severed.I want nothing to do with Hospice ever again.They take people's lives before their time.I only wish I could have had my mom in my home to care for her with NO hospice and I know she would have seen her next birthday on this June.My only comfort is that she died and breathed her last breath in my arms,cheek to cheek.God Bless you for all you suffered watching your loved one be put to death before his time.I am sorry to say it that way but that is what so many people have had happen with hospice.As for myself I am going to have a document or a will drawn up forbidding anyone to initiate hospice for me.I want to go on God's terms without having their drugs bring me to a quicker end while they sit there and smile telling the family how peaceful their loved one looks.To me it seems very similar to what Dr.Kevorkian did only the people in their care did not ask to have their lives ended this is the hospice way and I DO NOT APPROVE.

Dear Jones27,
I am so very sorry for your loss.I had a horrible experience with hospice.Once you begin giving an elderly person morphine,it hastens their death.Elderly already have renal impairment.Kidneys do not function like that of a young person therefore medications are not readily cleared from the body but accumulate which is one of the reasons why elderly may suddenly develop changes because their meds are building up at high levels in their system.Hospice claims they are there for comfort care with their little toolbox of medications.I say they are there to bring about a speedy end.I am all about supporting life for as long as humanly possible which means I will go to any lengths to make sure my elderly loved one receives all the medical care they deserve to get better if at all possible but once hospice is called in...beware! They will resist you on any further medical care from a medical Dr. and they keep reminding you that hospice is only there to keep the loved one comfortable...not to get them better.That is not hospices goal.I will never recommend hospice to anyone.My mother was sent to a very early grave.She was less than a month away from her June birthday and they made it impossible for her to reach it.She died in my arms as she breathed her last breath.I will miss her everyday for the rest of my life.I am sorry for what you have gone through.I wish I knew how to start some organization that fights against what hospice does to elderly people.The best way to fight it is to not initiate their services and make sure that no outside organization initiates their services either.In my case there was a legal guardian making all my mom's decisions.My sister had her declared incompetent and put in a facility.My mom was as alert as you or I.It was so sad.She lasted two years in the facility and then hospice took her with all the various drugs. The best you can do now is take really good care of yourself and share your experience,strength and hope with others.Bless you.

My mother was hospitalized a couple of weeks ago with a UTI and breathing issues, most likely aspiration pneumonia. There is a chance she could have been cured but to what end. Just to be back in the same cycle of hospital, rehab, home? She hated the hospital and rehab and frankly was at the point at home where she had no real life - just sitting in her chair or wheelchair, being fed and changed.

She told the doctor at the hospital that she just wished to go home. He made it clear to her that if she went home, it meant going home to die. She just kept saying she wanted to go home.

respecting her wishes, we brought her home under Hospice care on April 29.

Since Hospice does not provide 24 hour in home care, I split the duties between her three at home caregivers from 7:30AM-8:00PM M-F and I did all of the rest of the shifts.

These caregivers are not hospice workers and had difficulty changing modes between helping her live and helping her die. They would beg her to eat a little and take sips of juice or water and then celebrate every success.

I didn't want my mother to suffer from hunger or thirst so during my turns at watch, I would offer once in a while and then leave her alone if she shook her head no. I did not push eating or drinking.

We were given morphine and told to administer it (and several other meds that I can't remember right now), for discomfort or pain. The dose was 2.5mg every six hours but to call if we thought she needed more.

We did Morphine twice on about the second or third day and then nothing until the last.

She had no idea who we were, she had no idea that she was home after that first day. She spent the week hallucinating and talking to dead relatives.

Every morning, she was in a soaking wet bed despite her catheter (fluid from the bowels?) and had just vomited so her head and neck were wet. It could not have been comfortable. I had to change her sheets and clean her alone - or at least start until the morning caregiver arrived. It is hard to be gentle when you are changing someone's sheets alone. It was torture for both of us.

By day 6, Friday, the caregivers had figured out their mission and were no longer begging her to take sips of water or milkshake. But, her breathing had taken a horrible turn and it sounded as if she were drowning. At my direction, they resumed morphine. I sat death watch late into Friday night and gave her her final 2.5 mg dose of Morphine. Saturday morning, I was relieved to find no wet bed, no vomit and the horrible breathing had stopped.

No, hospice did not rush my mother to death. They took too long. I wish it would have been legal to hurry her along. She had died the previous Sunday. Her body just didn't know it yet.

How wonderful you could see the benefit of using Morphine to alleviate pain, ease difficult breathing or anxiety for your mom.

A 2.5 mg dose is practically nothing.
I've given 15 mg. every 4 hours to my post operative (after surgery) patients. Fifteen mg. is 6 times your mom's dose and is nowhere near lethal. You kept your mom comfortable as death slowly took her. I'm glad she could pass comfortably and you had the tools to assist her in her journey.

My Sweet Mamma,
Just to let you know, opiates tend to have short half-lives, meaning that they leave the system quickly, though effects can last for several hours. How long each opiate can be detected by drug tests varies, depending on many factors, including the type of ingestion. Prescription opiates typically come in pill form. Taking a drug orally means that it has to pass through the digestive system first, so it can take around an hour for the effects to begin.

Other factors affecting how quickly an opiate leaves the system include:
The individual’s metabolism rate
Body mass and weight
Body fat content
Health of the liver and kidneys
How often and how heavy opiate use is
Quality of the drug
Amount of water in the body
Of course, the type of opiate also factors into how long it can be detected by drug tests. The most commonly used opiates are heroin, hydrocodone, morphine, and codeine.
Morphine takes longer to work and the effects tend to last longer. Despite this, blood tests can only detect morphine for the first 12 hours after the last dose, and urine tests only work for up to 3 days. However, saliva tests are more effective, being able to detect traces of morphine for up to 4 days. Again, morphine stays in the hair for 90 days.

However, due to the fact that opiates will build up in fatty tissues after EXCESSIVE use (2-4 times a day for years), these limits will extend beyond the outer limit if the individual is a HEAVY, LONG-TERM user. Hospice patients are not considered excessive, heavy or long term users. They do NOT die from an accumulation of narcotic in their system.
I believe you might be thinking of toxic accumulation caused by heavy metals or arsenic that can't be cleared from the body's tissues and can pose serious health risks or death.

Again, hospice patients are not given anywhere near lethal doses. It's JUST ENOUGH to diminish pain or ease breathing or anxiety. Look at the dose for MomtoMom's mother, barely anything (2.5 mg.) compared to a hospitalized surgical patients' pain regimen (15 mg.).

Folks, 200 mg. would be a lethal dose. No doctor would ever prescribe over 15 mg. Stop thinking that the Morphine kills them. They were ready to die and they can go from alert, talking and eating to lethargic, non eating, etc. in a few days. Everyone has their own time table. Some are lucky enough to pass away in their sleep, others linger and go down hill over days, weeks, months.

YOU manage their symptoms as YOU see fit. But please re-read Mom2Mom's experience and how her mother benefited from a tiny dose. THIS is what we hospice nurses do.
(Information in the first 3 paragraphs provided by American Addiction Centers.)

Dear SueC1957,
I did not ask for information or for your opinion.I shared my experience and no one can disagree with someone's experience.I do not like hospice.They shorten peoples lives with medication.That is my experience.I did not ask for hospice nor did I initiate it.I was against it ,unfortunately I did not have legal rights to dismiss what was already set in motion and my mother suffered for it.You have no idea what she or I went through so please keep your comments directed to someone who wants them.

yes same happened to my mother, toxicology showed she had enough morphine in one week to kill 12 people, and she was also opiate naive. hastened death is a way they save money so wrong.

they did that to my mum i questioned it and toxicology showed she had enough to kill 12 people there, sad and very wrong way to save money when they claim to give dignity in dying. forcing people to die is wrong my mum told them not to do this mum still fighting for your rights xxx

My Sweet Momma,
I'm not giving you an opinion, I'm giving you fact. I don't care if you want it or not. It was for all the readers who believed your statements, so they would be properly informed.

SINCE so many of you have had bad experiences with hospice, why don't you all get a petition going to outlaw it. I'm not being sarcastic. it. Make hospice illegal. Then no patient ever again will suffer at the hands of a "killer nurse".
Then we can finally let this thread die.

Honeydog, I am surprised that there was a toxicology report at all. There is rarely an autopsy performed on hospice patients. Did someone request an autopsy?

I was just reading that post mortems are kind rare these days.

How unusual for an autopsy for a hospice patient. The doctor knew she had a terminal illness, so I'm thinking that you ordered the autopsy/toxicology reports. That must have been expensive.
It's mind boggling that they found more than 2400 mg. of Morphine in her system!!
(200mg lethal dose times 12 people=2400 mg.)
"they did that to my mum i questioned it and toxicology showed she had enough to kill 12 people there"
With my hospice, there is never that much Morphine at the house. All medicine has to be signed out, so you could have the records audited to see how much she 'actually' received.

You said," sad and very wrong way to save money when they claim to give dignity in dying." Hospices are paid by Medicare only. It doesn't make sense to kill patients if the hospices want to get paid. They are only paid if the patient is alive.

"forcing people to die is wrong my mum told them not to do this even."
We CAN'T give a patient medication if they refuse. It's called battery and the nurse could go to jail.

I'm sorry for your loss.
It's imperative that the family members who don't want hospice communicate their wishes to the family members that have power of attorney.

SueC1957, thank you for clearing up any misguided information here on this thread!

I believe that a lot of people want to have somebody to blame, when their Loved One dies, and especially on Hospice, when they are the ones who "Signed Up" their dying parents in the first place!

Did these people not read over the forms they signed, read over the information and the many pamphlets they were given to them, to help them to understand exactly what the role of Hospice Care is there for in the first place?

I know, that when our own Mom was placed on Hospice, we were given precise info on what to expect, and not to expect, and soon found out, that it would be "all hands on deck", in the care and comfort of our Mom, who was dying of Cancer, and the Hospice team was a GODSEND! And it took 15 or more family members to make the team work like clockwork!

The most important thing was that our Mom not suffer, and that is exactly what they did! Our Mom was on Hospice for 5 months, and it was only the last 8 days or so, when she was Actively Dying, that she became incoherent, and began sleeping and "out of it", but it was clearly explained at every step of the way, that it was Not due to the Narcotics or anti-anxiety medications, but because her body was Shutting Down! Our Mom had been on some pretty heavy doses of IV Dilaudid (narcotics), the entire time, to aid in the excruciating pain of her eroding Cancerous pelvic bones, from the spread of Uterine Cancer. 

If the family fails to communicate with the Hospice team or their Dr's, then they are confused into believing that Hospice is to blame, and that their parents were dying and or were expected to die soon (6 months or less), in the first place!

I think people are trying to place blame, where there isn't any, and need to give up the guilt, that they had any control, on when somebody passes away in the first place, as nobody ever knows for sure, when it's their time to die.

After all, shouldn't they be glad, that their family members were given the chance to be relieved of the pain and anxiety of the dying process? I know that I wouldn't wish to die, thrashing and gasping for air, if it were possible for those symptoms to be eased? Yep, you Betcha, sign me up! 

I've been in the room, and at the bedside of both my parents,  and my MIL when they passed, and while only my Mom was on Hospice,  the other 2 were in hospital,  and when offered the option of making their imminent passing less frightening to the parent,  we agreed, and are glad that we did. Nobody ever wants to see someone who they love, panic, while dying. It's very dificult to even be there knowing that it's the last moments of someone's life,  but I'm glad for the opportunity to have been there to comfort them, and to say our goodbyes. 

Sue, thank you for all you do as a Hospice Angel, we need more people just like you!

I KNOW hospice hastened my husband's death . His nurse came and told him he was going to help him die . He took him off his oxygen,and started administration of large doses os morphine and Ativan . 10 hours later of him gasping and gurgling, and the hospice nurse giving more and more morphine,he died . I do not believe it was his time to go like the nurse told me . I think he and his daughters discussed this unbeknownst to me and told me that this is what is done . My husband was terminal,with stg 4 lung cancer , but I do not believe he was ready to go.

And when I said he and his daughters, I meant the nurse and my husband's daughters who are 46.years old

Heartbroken, so sorry for you lost. Please note the amount of morphine given is no different than the amount given to surgery patients right after an operation.

Your husband was on his own time table for passing with or without Hospice.

Now what the nurse said was inexcusable, so very heartless.  I hope you filed a complaint the facility.

This is such a difficult subject. It is hard not to second guess every decision you made after a loved one dies. I have been doing this for a year since my mother passed. During the eight months preceding her death she spent at least one week a month in the hospital being treated for UTIs and pneumonia. She had moved to a memory care unit at an assisted living facility near my home nine months prior to her death. She had a very weak heart and other issues. . Two severe heart attacks and having seven stents over last few years had taken their toll. At her last hospitilization hospice was suggested. The hospital doctor and her primary physician had both already told us that it had to be God keeping her alive. There was no scientific reason. There were women at her memory care that had been on hospice for three and four years so that gave us hope. We spoke to their families and felt reassurance that we were not sentencing her to death. We met with hospice and the memory care staff. The plans were that she would continue receiving physical therapy for walking and strength, her regular medicine regimen and that the facility nurses, hospice nurses and doctors would treat all illnesses such as UTIs, pneumonia and other illnesses unrelated to her heart at the facility. The purpose was to keep her life as normal as possible. Any change of environment can negatively affect people with dementia We were aware that they would not perform heroic lifesaving measures if she had a heart attack. She left the hospital on Monday and we signed her up for hospice that day. Monday night she was in great form, laughing, talking. She had met a new friend and I was greatly encouraged. Tuesday morning she wasn't as chipper but that wasn't unusual. She was never a morning person. During the course of the day Tuesday something happened. I received a call that she had suffered a mental breakdown- she was normally docile but was screaming help me, help me. Hospice had been there to evaluate her that morning and was called to come back. I got there before them and that was the first time I felt that she did not recognize me. She could normally carry on conversations intelligently. Her dementia caused her to forget that people had been there but in the moment and in her own environment she was usually ok. My greatest fear is that we didn't tell her hospice was coming and that when they came to evaluate her on Tuesday something within her clicked and she literally gave up. The hospice nurse said that haldol, antivan and morphine were available to keep her comfortable. I declined all three that night and the nurse was not at all pushy about it. She explained that they were for her comfort but that is was our decision. I stayed the night and by Wednesday she was not very responsive. She had not had the drugs so we couldn't blame this change on that. When the hospice nurse got there she told me her eyes were fixed and that was a sign her body was shutting down. For the next three weeks we could not get her to eat or drink no matter how hard we tried.  I realize now that not eating or drinking is another way the body prepares you for death. But as far as hospice killing her....I don't feel that way at all. Their presence was a comfort. They did suggest Ativan and morphine but did not insist it be given. I had already told them no haldol. Although antivan and morphine were prescribed for every four hours they allowed me to decide when to give. I did not want to drug her and only requested the Ativan or morphine when she seemed to be agitated or in pain which was usually no more than once or twice each 24 hour period. Would I enlist hospice care again? Yes. They were so gentle and respectful of my mother- carefully bathing her, talking in a soothing manner, explaining process of death to us, helping her have a peaceful passing, etc. Do I think they hastened her death? No. It would be easy to say they contributed just so I would have somebody to blame. But the mere fact their services are usually contracted when someone is near death suggests the family is already aware that death is close. Do I have any regrets? Yes, everyday I wish I had listened to more stories, hugged a little longer but I will always have the knowledge that all decisions seemed to be the right ones at the time. That's all that we can hope for. That we did the best we could.

Toxins and morphine just make me want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are the two most common words that we all are continue to share.

No, death was not rushed! Not in the least. Mom has been on hospice since October, now she is finally reaching the end. Morphine was started over the weekend, because towards the end of the Alzheimer's journey my mom was exhibiting severe anxiety and agitation. Biting, hitting, scratching, you name it she did it. It was a part of her journey as it is with some. Now at least, the anxiety and anger are gone, she is comfortable and will leave this earth soon. Hospice has been a wonderful support, and helped the family in ways that are very difficult to express. Hospice has been a very positive experience. Soon mom will be gone.

I don't have any experience with hospice as such, but my father was on an experimental drug for his stage 3.5 lung cancer for just a few days and had severe side effects (extreme diarrhea) that left him dehydrated, so was taken to the ER of a state university hospital. After a 6 hr wait in the waiting room, the story I was told is that the nurse, who spoke very little english, administered IV solution to the point that he blew up like a balloon. Since I wasn't there I can't say for sure what happened, but my mother, who is an RN, and the rest of my family were in the room as they witnessed him puffing up like the Michelin Man. I would assume the nurse was checking his urine output, but obviously he was retaining much of the fluid being pumped into him and his kidneys may have shut down. But normally when someone is obviously puffing up you would stop administering the IV solution. But after several hours of this he started gasping for air and was given a sedative (don't know specific drug) and died soon thereafter - about 10 PM that same night. I strongly felt it was malpractice on the part of the nurse (if she was even a qualified nurse). His body was taken to the Office of the Medical Investigator (OMI) which was in the building next door. The reason for his death they came up with after several weeks of "investigating" was "natural causes". I felt this was a sham investigation since this particular hospital has a bad reputation and it is in their best interest to keep deaths like this quiet. This was all complicated by the fact that my sister worked at the hospital (just a receptionist) and my parents didn't want to hurt her feelings by going to a different hospital with a better track record. So most of my family members believe this was malpractice but would never file suit since my sister worked there. When they told me he was in the hospital that day I booked flights for my husband and I to fly out there the following morning, never dreaming he wouldn't even make it that long. I know he didn't have long to live with his cancer diagnosis, but I got the call that he had died late that night and so when we arrived the next morning it was too late to see him alive. I strongly felt like the hospital hastened his death, not willfully but due to incompetence of staff. On a dad had signed a DNR and refused to be intebated, so he didn't want to be kept alive through medical means. Sorry if this is a little off-topic but wanted to share since I too felt like the "care" my father got hastened his death. Hugs to all of you here that have had to deal with this and similar issues.

I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad that you had a positive hospice experience for your mom.
FYI-No hospice nurse can give meds to a patient if they or their family member refuses it.
God bless you and your mom in this difficult time. I'm glad you are having a good hospice experience also. They are there to help the whole family.
2ndbest-I'm sorry your dad had incurable cancer and that you weren't there for his passing. I've worked with many nurses from other countries and have had a hard time getting used to some accents. Please know that just because they aren't native born and are difficult to understand, doesn't mean they aren't fully credentialed. The hospital could loose its operating license if they hired someone without a license. Ask the hospital for proof of her license.
Your father was going to pass and, by signing a DNR (do not resuscitate) form, he knew that. There are many reasons that your father could have "blown up", (kidney failure, etc.). Do you know what IV fluid was infusing? Since you weren't there, you can't say for sure. Maybe it was medication to help with his water retention. You should take this up with the hospital. Ask to review the medical records but you will need someone to interpret the medical jargon.
My question is WHY would your family knowingly take your dad to an inferior hospital just because your sister is a receptionist there? Doesn't make sense.
Also, this is a hospice thread. It doesn't appear that your dad was on hospice. Maybe another area would be better to post your story.

To understand why my family knowingly took my dad to an inferior hospital just because my sister worked there you would have to understand the family dynamic. My sister sort of took total control of my parents and had a lot of influence over them in the past 15 yrs or so. My parents put her in charge of everything - their wills, trust, healthcare. I live out of state and my brothers are there but not as involved. I think they were afraid it might upset her if they chose a different hospital, and since they had put all their "eggs" in her "basket" so to speak, they couldn't afford to have any kind of dispute or disagreement with her. None of the rest of us agreed with the decision for him to go there, nor could we understand why they took him there. Soon after his diagnosis just before he started taking the experimental drug I tried to pursuade him to go to a local branch of MD Anderson Cancer Center (which is rated #1) just to see what kind of new treatments they may have available, but he said he was satisfied with the doctor he had and would stick with him. So that was that. I later found out that MD Anderson does have a proton targeted treatment regime that kills the cancer cells but not the surrounding tissue. His cancer was inoperable so that might have been a good treatment for him but he wasn't interested in going anywhere else. Hard to explain other than that my sister wears the pants in my family.

My mom passed this morning with the support of hospice that was finally able to make her comfortable. Her struggle with Alzheimer's has been beyond challenging. She was kicked out of one facility because of anxiety and agitation that meds would not control. Then hospice recommended the one where she passed. What a wonderful facility, hospice, the caregivers were wonderful. Made the process of dying so much easier for mom and her family.

Awe, thinking of you glad, hug

I feel for you and am sending hugs in this difficult time. The pain and suffering are over. May your mom rest in peace.

Glad, my sincere condolences. ((Hugs)) We've both been down such a difficult road. My heart goes out to you! Keep in touch my dear.

Yes! Listening to your story gave me closer. They did the same thing to my brother. Good knows​ it only takes days for them to die under hospice care.

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