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Ward1234, "only days for them to die under hospice care"? That statement makes absolutely no sense! My mother was under wonderful hospice care for well over five months, and it was only the last 8 days that she was actively dying, that she was in and out of consciousness, and that was because the different systems of her worn out body were shutting down ie: kidneys, digestive, heart and lungs. And in those five months, my mom was on extremely heavy doses of narcotic medication via IV for her excruciating cancer pain, and she was always coherent and clear-headed, except for those final eight days. Still, she passed peacefully, thankfully to our hospice team.

Do I think there is a rare occasion where hospice might give patients medications to ease their pain and out of this world, perhaps, but never with the intention of actually murdering them.

I think it's unfair to put these sorts of thoughts in people's heads that hospice intentionally kills people. When in fact the opposite is true. They are there to comfort the patient, Comfort the family, and to ease the patient through the dying process. Hospice is an option, an option given to the family to help them, it is never pushed upon people, and people do have the right to refuse their services. You can always choose to go It Alone, take your family member home, and try to see them through to the end without any Aid or assistance from a Hospice care team.  

My family's experience with hospice was wonderful, but it did take a lot of us to fall in line, and to help one another to help our mother through her journey to the end of her life.

I do feel very bad for the people who have had a negative experience with hospice, but I really don't think those experiences should sour others from choosing the hospice route.

The father of a friend of mine was on home hospice for almost a year and a half, after been sent home from a hospital as terminal. My mother-in-law had been not sleeping and asking to die for several months; had been on home hospice for several weeks when she passed. The hospice nurse called her doctor for stronger pain meds, which I had to physically pick up from him, which did make her more comfortable. She did have a peaceful night, talking to her mom and sister (both deceased) and telling me that "tomorrow is Sunday!" I would answer that it was Monday, and she kept insisting. She passed peacefully about dawn. Hospice was a good answer; we had tried a convalescent hospital and she hated it. The visiting nurse was very helpful, taught my sister-in-law how to deal with her care. She had fought lung cancer that went to her liver for about a year, and we couldn't ask her to stay.

Hospice is a service we don't want to need, but when we need them, they are invaluable. I think the question should not be if hospice rushed someone's death, rather, did the combination of certain medications hasten the loved one's decline. So here is my situation:
My mother has terminal brain cancer and is in my home on hospice. I happen to be a nurse myself and am familiar with this process. My mom has 6 kids and they've yet to arrive, they will all be here tonight. It's been one week since she was discharged from the hospital. Pain has been an issue, pain management was a struggle in the hospital. She was prescribed oral morphine solution, (OMS) 1 ml (20 mg) every 4 hours, and Ativan 1 mg (0.5 ml) every 5 hours. For the first two days, I followed the medication schedule. By the third day she was lethargic and unresponsive. The hospice nurse said she had begun the transition. She was right, but why so soon? My siblings won't arrive in time. My mother wanted to be with her children, it's all she ever wanted. We live scattered across America. I told them all to get here asap, on day 4. She had to hold on for three days if she was ever going to make it. Day 4 was tense. She hadn't eaten or had any fluids, she wouldn't swallow and it just dripped out and I had to clean out her mouth to prevent her from choking. Her breathing pattern had decreased to around 6 times ( or less,) a min. She was fading, I was crying, rubbing her feet to keep her aware, I've never been religious but in that moment I started praying. I'd been up for two days straight, I was afraid she'd die if I wasn't right there. Stress always keeps me up anyway. That was a long dark night. I didn't give her the morphine or Ativan as scheduled, I backed way off. On day five, as the sun began to rise, she started moving again. The woke up, she nodded in response to my question, " are you thirsty?" She drank water and broth. She came back from the brink. Today is the morning of day 7. All my siblings will be here by tonight, 2 will arrive in a few hours. She is hanging on. I gave her some medicine and she isn't responding well again, I'm seeing the pattern.
My mother will not survive this, I will continue to medicate her as needed, I know she will soon be gone. Do I think the medicine is making her die sooner? Yes, but what is the alternative? I can't have her suffering. She has suffered so much already. I'm relieved that in my particular situation, I have the medicine for her. I'm also glad I knew enough about the medicine to know when not to give it. I'm not going to blame the medicine, the doctor, the hospice or myself when she passes. I blame cancer.
Tonight is the night we will all be together, my mothers final wish will be granted, I hope she holds on just a little while longer.

Lenalxca, my heart goes out to you in this difficult time. Your story is much like my own, when simply the pain meds are all you've got, to keep her comfortable, even if that means she may become so sleepy from them, that she is unaware of her surroundings, as you cannot allow her to suffer. Like you, I'm one of six, but thankfully we all live close to one another, and were all actively involved in her care.

I sincerely hope that all your siblings arrive on time, and are able to say their goodbyes to your Mom, and that you get some much needed rest and support yourself! Please know that I will be praying for you and your family, as you say your goodbyes to your loving Mother. She will soon be in a better place, no longer in her pain rattled body, and with God. God bless you and thank you for sharing your story. Stacey B

My Mom was moved to hospice in the final 3 weeks of her life.
I was always worried about losing control over her medical decisions and medications.

About a month before she died her primary care finally admitted to me that he had no idea why my Mom was having so much pain. We had done X-rays, MRI, etc. found nothing to point to acute pain.

Because hospice can administer morphine, Mom was moved to hospice care.

I can speak to the fact that mom was given 2.5 mg every hour to control this pain. Oh geez, what a god-send! Mom did not spend her final weeks in agony.

The decline Mom was going through was obvious for weeks. When the changes became very obvious from one week to the next....I knew the end was coming fast. Of course I was in denial. Even to that last day I was still fooling myself. Nothing prepares us for the loss.

It would be easy to turn my attention to blaming hospice care for her would also be incorrect. But, I understand the need to blame someone, something. I still do not understand what that final decline and end was caused by. I do know that it wasn't hospice...because hospice was even brought in till the very end.

Ward1234, patients pass on the same time table whether using Hospice or not.

Why it seems like patients pass quickly is because some families wait until the last minute to finally decide to use Hospice.

I had a cousin who passed this week she had cancer 06/13/17 Tuesday morning they said they were taking her to hospice care by 9:30pm that night she passed away Also I had a daughter in-law also with cancer went to hospice 06/15/17 and she passed today @ 2:00 pm 06/16/17. and yes I believe they make them comfortable with morpine the patient gets relaxed because their pain is under control they finally get rest they are sleeping and never wake up they don't want to feel the pain any more.

My 90-year-old mother with end-stage heart failure was put in what I thought was palliative care at home. The home-care agency assured me she would take all heart meds and they would treat any infections. She was lucid. But the agency sent a "hospice" nurse who wanted to give my dear mom morphine right away. She told me if would help her to breath better. She showed me the dose and said it was "small." Days later, following this advice, I gave her one dose (.25mg of liquid morphine from a bottle that said," 100mg per 5ml (20mg/mL). She died a few hours later and I am upset that I gave it to her and wonder if I hastened her death. I have since read what morphine does and I had no idea. I thought it would help her to breath better. Just wondering if this was a powerful dose? Also, Medicare does not pay for "palliative care" so if you request it you will get "hospice care" because that is what Medicare covers.

200 mg is generally considered a fatal dose of morphine. You were not even close.

Please be comforted by your good memories and know and understand that you did nothing untoward.

Thank you. I needed to hear that. God bless

Inpatient hospice lead to my father's untimely death. He had congestive heart failure. Hospice lied to us. He was dead in 10 days from their drug protocol. I rue the day I called this hospice! Beware! Love your elders! Ask a lot of questions about what they will and will not do for your loved one!

I keep saying I'm going to quit reading this thread (because of comments like that) but...........

On the up side, I'm quitting the Per Diem hospice nurse position I have and have accepted a full time home health visiting nurse job (to help support my mom in memory care). Now I won't be one of the hated "killer nurses" anymore! ;)

Sue, you are not a "killer" nurse because you work at hospice.
I hope you like Home Care. I absolutely loved it and am thinking of going back into HC.
Good luck, sister!

Thanks Shane. I don't think I'm a "killer" either but there are many on this thread that do! They have nothing good to say about hospice except that we (the nurses) killed their family members. Too bad they can't be inside their loved one's head to see that the doses couldn't kill anyone, just relaxing them. It's exactly how I would want to go if I had a terminal illness. Oh well, can't make everyone happy.
I've done the visiting nurse job twice before. Only down side is the darn traffic in my area (southern California). Oh well, I only have 4-1/2 years to go before retirement. :)

Sue and Shane, I agree there should just be home care, no hospice. The nurse immediately admitted him to inpatient. That night he was asking to leave. I was not notified. The next day he was severely drugged. All he wanted was to her out of there. They kept drugging him til he died!

Home care (visiting nurses) are for physical nursing care (dressing changes, blood tests, vitals check, patient teaching, etc.), NOT for custodial care. If your loved one didn't have a skilled nursing need, they would not qualify for home visits.

See Shane, they DO think we're killers!

To those of you who don't want your loved treated by hospice, then DON'T let them be admitted to hospice. You, as the family, can figure out what to do as they are screaming in anxiety or pain or having breathing difficulties but, God forbid, DON'T give them any medicine to let them calm down and be comfortable!!!!!

I'm done, I swear, I'm done with this thread. As a hospice nurse, I've seen families deny the dying person medication that could have helped them. I had one lady scream at the top of her lungs the whole 8 hour shift. Her son refused that she get any medicine because, he said, she became too lethargic. We agreed to lessen the dose but he still refused. He was worried that she wouldn't eat. After days of screaming and not eating anyway, he finally gave in. The woman finally got some rest and slept for half the shift. It's tragic to watch people suffer when they don't have to. But, to those of you who blame hospice for murdering your loved ones, you handle it. I feel sorry for the one who suffers.

Not calling any nurse a killer, but morphine DID cause my mother's death within 4 1/2 hrs.
The family was lead to believe she would be ok with it, we were innocent to what morphine does to a person who is in no pain. My mother had CJD look it up. Why were they not honest with us? It should be throroughly explained to patients family and it seems from this thread it never is. There should be a law requiring this! Yes my mom would eventually be taken by this rare disease, but not when a palliative doctor decides since there is no cure we can just take their life! Not acceptable!

Thanks Flymom for making that point. There needs to be very clear communication at the beginning of a hospice admit. Morphine is givenfor a lot of different symptoms, not just pain. With that being said, hospice uses only their standards of morphine, Ativan, haldol and a few others to "comfort" patients, even though their list of meds is much longer. A patient deserves better treatment than having haldol shot in their mouth when they are asking/begging to leave. No lawyer will help a patient's family. They say after all he was hospice as if this branded him to receive this inhuman treatment. I say hospice needs to be regulated like nursing homes. The administrator told me, you signed the papers now live with it. So please think long and hard about "signing" hospice papers. Allow your loved one to receive care to really help their symptoms and treat them humanely. If it gets to a point of no recovery likely then a hospice talk should happen. Beware of aggressive hospice liaisons who have been doing hospice too long and do not care about the sanctity of life.

Loveyourelders. I have news for you hospice is very strictly regulated and inspected regularly. The inspectors read all the records and go out on visits with the nurses.

Flymom, please note that amount of morphine given in Hospice is very similar to the amounts given to a patient after they had major surgery. I remember being on a morphine pump and all the morphine did was help cut the pain.

It takes 200mg of morphine to take down a person. Hospice uses only 5 to 15 mg for each dose. If Hospice was at home, no way would the Hospice nurse leave a huge amount. If Hospice was at Assisted Living or a nursing home or Hospice facility, as Veronica said above, it is strictly regulated and inspected [its a narcotic].

I was so glad that both my elderly parents were under Hospice care, as their passing was very peaceful, not one of sheer pain and/or gasping to breath. And also note, one's time table for passing is no different whether they are on Hospice care or not.

I was also concerned when my father was placed on Hospice back in april of 2016. He had been in a nursing facility for the past 3 months because my sister couldn't handle him living with her because he had dementia and would run sometimes if he was outside and she would have to call the police to help her. The second time this happened she called the police in Shawnee Oklahoma where she lived and they sent out a young police officer. He immediately called a mental health place and they came and took him to Henryetta an kept him drugged up to where he was on his stomach in the hallway scratching at the floor. He was there for 2 weeks before we could get him into an assisted living at Belfair in Shawnee Oklahoma. My father paid almost 4000 a month out of pocket to live in this assisted living. This place was a sad place for the poor individuals like my father. He would just walk up and down the halls on a daily basis. When I would go visit him, I would look for at least 30 minutes before I would find him in another persons room lying on their bed. They would allow him to feed himself even if he would only be able to get a bite of food in his mouth during the meal. Most of the food would go on the floor and all over him. I talked to them about helping him eat and giving him finger foods to help with his eating. They would give him sandwiches and he would get seriously constipated and would hurt so bad until I would have to beg them to get an order to get him an enema. My sister and I had decided to take him out in March of 2016, and place him back in her home. This time we were going to fence in her yard though. She lived in a trailor park, so they wouldn't allow her to build a fence around her trailor. So by the time we figured out what precautions to take so my father would be safe, it was to late. He had fallen at Belfair several times, and was rushed to the ER. The last time he fell was in the beginning of April 2016. They apparently weren't watching him and he fractured a small area in his hip. He was sent again to the hospital and this time admitted for surgery. The surgeon didn't completely sedate dad though. He numbed the area that needed a pin placed, which was a very small incision on his right hip. He had stitches placed and the surgeon said he should be up and moving in no time with some therapy. A rehabilitation therapist came in and worked with him after the surgery. He was very sore, and so they continued to give him a morphine drip until it was finished. The hospice facility called Faith hospice called my sister and she was concerned how we would take care of my father after all he had been through. I told Carolyn I wished he could go to here house and we could hire aides to come in and help take care of him. We sat down and talked to a doctor that saw dad, and the hospice coordinator. They were both ready to just give up on Dad of course. They said he would just continue to decline due to his dementia and the fall he experienced. So we wanted what was best for dad, and they said there would be nurses and aides coming in to help take care of him and they would provide the medicines, pads and the hospital bed. So we thought with only hours before he had to be released from the hospital that this would be the best option. We moved him into my sisters house, which not knowing at the time stopped me from having any say so in what happened next. Faith Hospice said they would take dad off of the morphine a little at a time until he was completely off of the medication. He was eating very well when we brought him home. They even told us he would be up and moving in a couple of days. I was so hopeful that he would get better and with his heart being so good and as strong as he was I just knew he would be better soon. My father was never a pill taker. He would tough out the pain if he even had a headache. He would have never wanted to be put on morphine for any type of pain. So I told them with in a week that I wanted my father off of the morphine. Of course they wouldn't listen to me though. I was a guardian of dad as much as my sister was but he was in her house. So she agreed to keep him on morphine and she would give it to him every 4 hours. I tried to be there as much as I could between working two jobs. I kept in touch with the nurses and even made them mad at me a couple of times because they would tell my sister one thing and tell me another. I couldn't get them to listen to me that I feared the worst if they continued to give him Morphine. So I would get into it with my sister and she would continue to side with them until I knew I was going to have to so something drastic. So I called an ambulance and was going to have dad transported out of there before it was to late. He wasn't eating very well by this time and he was losing a lot of weight. So the ambulance came and my sister was on the phone with Faith hospice who said they would have me arrested if I removed dad from her care. I even called them and said I want my father taken off hospice. They said that wasn't my decision to make. By the time the ambulance got there the police were surrounding the trailor. So I had to leave because I didn't live there. My sister banned me from her place for over a week. When I finally got to see my father again, he was almost gone. His mouth was rotting from the morphine and he was so tiny he looked like a skeleton. The hospice nurse came in and said well girls it could be very soon now because he was starting to turn blue in his hip area. I sat with him the rest of the night on May 30th, until he took his last breath on May 31, at 1:39 am. When I called Faith Hospice to find out if they were coming, they said No I am not coming right now, I will be there in a little bit, very hateful. I was so numb from my father dying, I couldn't say a word. I just hung up the phone. So I feel that some hospice places are in a hurry to get rid of the poor innocent elderly who should not be forced to die the way my father was. I don't think morphine should have been used on the elderly that wasn't use to taking medication and most of all because he had dementia. I believe if they would have taken him off of the morphine, a week after he was put on it and exercised his leg, that he would still be here today. My father was a very active and healthy man before he got dementia. So for him to be placed in a bed and put on morphine until he couldn't eat anymore was wrong. But no one would listen to me when I begged to speak with the hospice physician.

ewinfrey64, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

Please note, when someone is on Hospice or not, the patient will rally to a point where everyone will think the person is going to be fine. This is normal. Then a week or two later that patient will start to decline. They usually stop eating because any food in the stomach becomes very painful. One's body organs start to slowly shut down and there isn't anything one can do to reverse that.

Being that your Dad has lost so much weight, that in itself can cause a lot of back pain. My Mom had also lost a lot of weight and during her final month had been in so much back pain that the nursing home tried everything. Once on Hospice, the morphine quieted her pain, thankfully.

This is usually our first rodeo dealing with a death of a parent. With Hospice, they have been on this journey hundreds of times. They can tell just by looking at a patient if that patient is in pain.... if the organs are starting to fail... and are pretty good at determining how soon death will come.

Both my parents had passed in the wee hours of the morning. At the nursing home there was a head nurse who was able to confirm that my Mom had passed. For my Dad, he was in Assisted Living and we had to wait for the doctor to arrive to confirm my Dad, and that took an hour. We realized that my Dad wasn't their only patient to see, so the time frame was understandable.

As I have said many times on this thread, a patient will die on the same timetable with or without Hospice.

Is 5mg (.25ml) of liquid morphine from a bottle that says "opioid tolerant" a high dose?

Karen, go to and read about morphine dosages. They are divided into " opiod naive"-- patient who has not had morphine on a regular basis and " opioid tolerant"--someone who has been on morphine or other options before.

As I posted a few weeks ago, 200 mg of morphine, given at once is considered a fatal dose. 5 mg is not anywhere near that. You would need 40 doses of 5 mg of morphine, administered at once, to cause death.

You eased your loved one's pain, anxiety and breathing difficulties, if there were any. I wish you relief from your dreadful anxiety that you did something wrong.

I would like to suggest, gently, that it may be time for you, if you haven't already to get in touch with a counselor or therapist, to see if you can get some relief from the psychic pain that you are clearly in. Grieving is hard and hard work. It's more painful and complicated if we get bogged down in thinking that somehow we did something wrong, or that we, magically, could have made things " better".

Please be well and comforted in your good memories.

I've been a nurse for 38 years and have given a lot of Morphine over those years. It is a narcotic. It deadens the pain centers in the brain, slows respirations, slows gastric movement in the gut, relaxes muscles, can make you sleepy and can give a feeling of well being.

The doses used after surgery (for pain control) range from 7.5 mg-15 mg every 4 hours, depending on the size and tolerance level of the patient. By giving your mom 5 mg (a low dose), there is NO WAY you could have caused her death. Maybe your dear mom was finally able to relax and her passing COINCIDED with the medication given. Be GLAD that she didn't have to go through an agonizing death (screaming in pain, screaming in fear, severely short of breath, thrashing around, etc.).

You can now relieve your mind that giving her the prescribed amount of medicine could NOT have taken her life. It's just not possible with that dose. Please stop beating yourself up. NOTHING would have prevented her passing away at exactly that time. That's the time God had planned for her. You just made her more comfortable for the journey.

As Barb said, you would benefit from some counseling. Hospice has follow up counseling for the family for up to a year. Maybe you'd feel comfortable talking to your pastor, priest, rabbi, etc.

Do NOT doubt your actions. You did nothing wrong. Everything you did was for her benefit. You loved your mom until she crossed over. I know she's grateful that you were in her life.

Dear SueC and BarbBrooklyn,
Thanks so much for your thoughtful insight into an issue that is causing me a lot of agony. Yes, I plan on seeing a therapist with the hope to work through it. When I agreed for my mother to enter home care, I requested that it be palliative - that she would continue to take her regular heart meds and eat. And that she did. But they sent a hospice nurse because Medicare does not pay for palliative. They told me to give my mother a small dose of morphine if she had pain/breathing problems. I gave her two doses (5mg) over a ten-day period. But it was the second one that was on her last day that bothers me. Even though the dose was 5mg, it came from a bottle that noted, "opioid tolerant." I was completely ignorant about all of this. Nevertheless, I will speak with a counselor. Thanks for the good advice.

Be at peace, dear one!

Karen you did not kill your mother it was simply coincidence that you gave it the day before she died. Starting dose is usually prescribed every four hours. The 5mg you gave would have been long eliminated from her system before she died.

It sounds as though the thing that is bothering you the most is the fact that the bottle was labeled "Opiod Tolerant" How the bottle was labeled is of no importace at this time it is the actual dose that matters. You only gave what was prescribed which you had done prior with no ill effects. Morphine is Morphine whatever the bottle says and the dose was reasonable. Drugs by mouth are not as effective as those by injection or IV By those routes the starting dose is usually 2 mg but is often repeated in less than an hour if the pain is not controlled
FF suggested that it would take 200 mg to kill someone. There probably is not an exact amount but that is certainly more than would be used. I saw one patient who was routinely taking 6mls every four hours because he had become so tolerant to it. But a dose of 200mg did not kill him.

Give yourself a break Karen you did not hasten Mom's death it was her time . Set this aside and concentrate on healing giving with assistance of a therapist or make use of the hospice bereavement councillor which is free for individual or in groups whatever you need. this is available for 12 months after a death.

I had the same experience with my mother.She was told by her Dr at her last chemo visit that if she no longer wanted and was to tired to continue the treatment that they could have hospice come to house and make her feel more comfortable and at ease .She also was fine and alert the day they came. in fact she was due to have surgery 3days later on Monday morning to put something in or near her pancreas to make it function better for the time being. to give her just a little more time to be with us even if it would be just another day or another month.My mother was hesitant but she was also in some pain.But she had medication that would help her for pain already.But We were told shed be more comfortable with what they were giving her for a longer amount of time.Not once did they say Shed never speak walk talk orsay shed just plane sleep forever...But thats what happen.They gave her a morphine patch shot and something else also with ativan.For 2days i couldnt sit n watch her die like that.I called hospice and complained saying the nurse didnt know what he was doing.He was overmedicating her and i wanted him to leave n send a new person.They sdid but Monday came for her surgery and she was still out of it .we had to get her in car by my dad and son and i moving her out of bed struggling cuz she was hwavy and dead weight to a wheelchair and then up in car to hospital.Very difficult .When my dad admitred her andwe told them situation she was rushed to be seen right away.And we werw told her surgery could not be performed.She was to medicated they said.We had stopped hospice the 2nd night they came from giving her any more meds and 2 days later when we went for surgery they tell us shes to medicated,"STILL?"2DAYS LATER?She was overly medicated by hospice nurse is what they called it.What i called it was overdose by hospice.My mom took 3days to come out of it finally talking and having life in her again.But she wasnt herself.Not remembering everybody or who they were .Calling people names and being just so mean to everyone so bad they had to restrain her arms and legs .They said she was having withdraws but it pass.But vcuz the surgery was called off and her condition had worsened they said this time she can stay in hospital if thats what we prefer bcuz they gave her a week to survive.Or we can do hospice again but this time bed and all equipment needed for last days of life.She wanted to go home.I was angry that they took more time from us with her bcuz of too much Medsthe first time they went.i didnt want the same tging to happen again once home.My mother went home that night.Hospice wasmset up within hournor 2 at our home during time they were releasing her.Ambulance brought her home and she had hospital bed monitors needed walker a portable potty wheelchair etc....But no nurse.I had our priest come from our Church that night and read her her last rights and Baptize her which she had not yet been. But she didnt need one yet.i took care of her giving her same meds her Dr prescribed.And a week went by and not only was she still with us but she was back to her normal self again.And God Blessed us with more time after all. Hospice then came just to bath her and change linen and do vitals but id care for her.then when her pain started to increase and she needed a little more assistance it went to hospice coming few hours a day.Even when i knew i needed HOspice here more to help me i refused to say so But i was drained and when her body started the process of shutting down and i couldnt fight myself anymore to stay awake n stay up with her without sleep to care for her anymore i was devastated.I ended up going to emergency and found out id caught pneumonia So hospice was now caring for her 24 hours. I had no choice.She lived exactly 1month longer from day she was released and given 1week to live.It was feb25th ash wednesday she came home and until march 23rdshe spoke to us eyes open and still alert until 2days laterMarch 25th 2009 just a bit after 1am my mother took her last breath and with it my soul....But the woman nurses who were there to check on her those last weeks to takinturns daily in 24hr period were greatThey did great job and did allow her time with us that she was suppose to have.As for the hospice nurse that almost brought her to her deathto soon.Idk what happened to him.

Soleo7, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

As for the morphine given to your Mom, the dosage is similar to that one gets after they have had surgery. I remember having a morphine pump to help cut the pain. Once I was off the morphine pump there were zero withdrawals.

And it is not unusual for a patient to rally for a day or a month after being in a coma like state, both my parents did that.

When your Mom had to have her arms and legs held down, that is called delirium, which 90% of elders have when they are in the hospital. It is around 20% of much younger patients usually those who had major surgery. My Mom had delirium and she wasn't even on Hospice at that time.

The Hospice group taking care of your Mom 24 hours a day, you were quite lucky, as the majority of Hospice groups do not do 24 hour care... one would need to hire Agency Caregivers. I needed to do that for my Dad.

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