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I am not certain people post things on here for pity, advice, or whatever. I don't know them well enough and do not know their situation well enough to dare to allude to the presumption that I am so well schooled that I have the answer for every situation and have no tolerance for anyone who is feeling sorry for themselves. At some time or other, if we are being honest, I would image anyone in a caregiving role "feels sorry for themselves"...this is a hard job. So if someone feels the need to emote and just vent, I thought that was what this site was for. If I am mistaken about that, I probably need to go elsewhere. I'm amazed at the utter arrogance of some people on here

A&A, I'll bet one of those computer demons read this post and decided to pester your no-show sibling under threat of being confined and compelled through 2016 to listen to nothing but political ads. That would be enough to scare anyone into helping out.

Had to come back and check in here and see the responses....this is what I see and feel.... it started with Assa's angst about who is real and who is not.... and it evolved into a laughfest for the weary caregivers here.... which we all needed.... in some ways it brought us closer together.... have had the blessing of communicating with people today that we haven't talked before....and here's the bottom line for me.... whether or not a person or the circumstances are real, is beside the point.... in the end, it doesn't matter.... what matters is that we took the time to share what works for us..... agencies to contact, ect... and someone who really needs that information or support will read what we encouraged, not feel alone or contact an agency for help..... so I just look at it like it doesn't matter what the OP's agenda is....we are here to help our self and others, to support, to validate.... and to make friends....

Life is not about everything being ok all the time... that is what's not, I have had one of the best days I have had in awhile, simply from other caregivers making me laugh.... if I can laugh, I can continue.... so it started out one way and ended up something else..... sorta like life... right???
Love and hugs to all of you.....and even prayers for Dusty.... she needs the prayers and I need the practice.... so its all good.... thanks ladies..... I am so blessed to have such awesome folks with me on this journey !!!!!!

Do you think that "Rosie" person... whom just joined and has only 1 comment could be the 4th ID? Seems odd people join just to bash others.

There is NO ONE in RL that I could ever EVER explain the things I go through or stuff I deal with aside from this forum. Heck...even her DR had a shocked look on his face at her behavior.

Peace love happiness and a good nights sleep!

I have been rolling on the floor since I began reading this! Thank you all so much, I am so glad I am not the only one who gets tired of the 'give it all to God" stuff.. I kinda get mad God is giving it all to me and my family!!! My mother has lost her faith over all this ALZ situation.. and that is OUR business, no one need to tell me how to feel about my faith or lack thereof. Demons.. pagans... get real!! We are dealing with some real personal 'demons" of our own.. I love this site, find it WAY better than the "official" ALZ site, and way more entertaining. When I have enough of a post that I think is a cr

OPPS!! Crap, I say my piece and get on with my life, I agree many posts seem to be the pity party type and no amount of good information is gonna change someone's mind. Maybe they are looking for validation, aren't we all? Keep it comming.. I love you all!!

I've never had a problem on this site from demons or monsters. I've actually been relieved to find out I'm not alone with some horrible things happening in my life. The only demons are my dysfunctional siblings who don't help take care of my mother. I love thus site :)

if anybody casts out demons id like to have em . im getting so short on bad habit im going to have to invent some new ones ..

The devil made me do it... ( Flip Wilson's voice) lol

Flip Wilson? Now we are dating ourselves! LOL!

I'm so thankful I found this site! I have been on the internet a long time, so I hope I can spot a troll, etc., but it's still scary to think that someone would take something as serious as caregiving just to post false or hurtful things. I am stressed beyond belief and have been voraciously reading here for days (probably too much as my hubby is worried & wants me to distract myself with other things lol). This is my second go around as a long distance caregiver and I wish I would have found this site years ago when dealing with my very difficult father. Anyway, just mostly wanted to say I have gained so much knowledge from this site and send thoughts & hugs to you all that are in this difficult position..(but only to the real humans...I really don't want to hug a scary demon! lol)

Captain.... Demons are being sent to you with love !!

Hey Chicago
Just so you know... I belong to one of those secret groups. Its called Memory People and its the most amazing place! It is by invitation only and was started by a guy who has early onset . Wonderful insights. Anyway.... when I started, with the group it truly was "secret". And posts could only be seen by other members. Recently, FB made some changes and now the MP posts can often be seen in the News Feed. Which means that family and friends can see them and often that is not what we want. ;-)).

Copy and paste... never thought of that. Great idea. Tnx

What is a' distributed denial of service'?

What I do not like about Facebook is there does not seem to be a way to look at my own profile the way other people see it. It has become so commercialized the ads that appear on my page are different that what appears on others pages because of the market research capabilities that they have. It gives me the creeps to think that someone is that interested in my posts and likes that they would conduct research to determine what I may be likely to buy? Actually done by some sort of an app, but all that means is that everyone is watched like this.

Here's what I did. I set up a FB page in my husbands name. Then go to your page and you will see what strangers see. Then, friends yourself, go to your page and you can see what your friends see.

Thanks Luanner, great idea! I do not think it should be that difficult. Like AC we can see how our profile looks to others.

Luanner, a distributed denial of service is a malevolent attempt to shut down a website by overwhelming it with posts. I don't know how it's done technically - that's way beyond my level.

But from what I've read, some hackers can either coordinate, or by using malware take over innocent folks' computers, and initiate posts ranging from simultaneously to repeatedly at short intervals. If your computer is compromised, you lose control of it as it's turned into a robot for the hackers.

Perhaps a nontechnological comparison could be the lines of people that camp out overnight and jam stores on the day after Thanksgiving. There are so many of them that the stores literally can't conduct business, although they somehow manage to do, but sometimes not without injury to customers.

In your mind, multiply the numbers that camp out by a factor of 10 or so, and you'll see that the crowds would be so large no one could even move.

The website becomes overwhelmed with so many posts and literally shuts down. This is a good explanation of how a DDOS works: searchsecurity.techtarget/definition/distributed-denial-of-service-attack.

This article provide information on the extent of DDOS attacks: computerweekly/news/2240223221/More-action-needed-to-stop-NTP-DDoS-attacks-says-report

If the links are deleted by the admins, Google "DDOS Attacks".

These are strictly negative, malevolent and vicious attacks designed to completely shut down a targeted website.

Hope this helps.

GladI'mHere, the fact that information is so freely shared on Facebook, mined and gleaned for advertising purposes, is one of the reasons Zuckerberg has become a billionaire - he collects personal information voluntarily posted on Facebook and leverages it into advertising.

I only use facebook to keep up with my "horsey" friends(we have horses) make only comments I wouldn't mind yelling out in the middle of the street otherwise I keep off of it. I thank God for this sight. Being able to vent to others going thru the same experiences has been invaluable to me.Some of the people I know I could never say I hate my mother etc. they just wouldn't understand because their parents are either dead or still in good health.

I've been thinking about my post and have come to the realization that what's most upsetting is, that I think of everyone here as a Kindred Heart...A Special friend in my time of need...And I just feel some are taking advantage of the weary...

Maybe I'm just feeling all sympathetic but I absolutely hate when people are just plain mean!!

I just saw this post today and love it. (My youngest got married on Saturday, so I haven't had much time to read posts for a few days.) I continue to be amazed at the intelligence and wit displayed by the members. Personally, I have wondered about some of the weird comments and questions I have read, but I just chalked it up to "different strokes for different folks" and ignored them. I did click on "report this post" a couple of months ago when I read one that was obviously a scam sales pitch. When I checked back a few hours later, the post was gone. People who post fake stuff for their own amusement must not really be caregivers because real caregivers don't have the time! I am not very technologically savvy, so I appreciate the work of the administrators and users of this site to keep it "clean". Like others have said, I consider many frequent posters on this site to be my friends, even though we have never met.

A&A, some people are most definitely taking advantage of the compassion, understanding and overwhelming willingness to help displayed here.

Some are more sophisticated than others, including one who shall remain nameless who led many of us on a merry chase before accidentally tripping up by revealing conflicting information in a subsequent post. But I suspect he/she will be back in a few weeks or months, with another well crafted story to tear at our individual and collective heartstrings.

What I've never figured out is why these people don't channel their efforts toward something positive, and why and how they've becomeso perverted that they find delight in tricking others.

Obviously there's some social dysfunction there - maybe they're the traditional geeks who are devoid of interpersonal skills, living on junk food and pop surrounded by banks of computers in a dismal dark room where they spend most of their waking lives.

I too, am very grateful for this site. Things I post here, I would NEVER post on Facebook!

Jeezaloo, Dusty can say what she wants, but MY post was deleted. What's up with that AC?

FYI, when you sign in to Facebook or your Gmail, you activate their 'spy' aps. So, even if you close the web page, you are still being followed. So, when you go to FB, then switch to this site, their spy ap is recording everything you type here. So, whenever I check my gmail or yahoo mail or emails, I Sign Out. It's bad enough when I google Travelecity for info, those darn cities keep popping up wherever I go on the site , like "see, here''s more info on Honolulu.." I have several emails. One just for family. One just for my online orders. One for Agingcare. One for online subscriptions like The Word for Today, recipes, and Webmd, etc... And one just for my online friends. This way I compartmentalize what email I want to check on and not just read scrolling down all those advertisement ads/spam.

UH OH Bonni.... maybe the demons intercepted it..... try again.... unless it was threatening or full of curse words..... you might want to contact admin and find out what happened..... did you hit 'submit' ??? lol

The world has a lot of evil.... why are ya'll surprised that it seeps thru on our site...???? Last I checked, we still live in 'Murica, and there is still free speech.... the deal is to ban together and get the negativity off our safe place.... just look at it as a challenge to our 'sisterhood and Captain'.....I don't let just anyone in my home or in my space... I take action to prevent that.... just as we did.... so it's all good... right?....

I've had a few situations of people literally going for my jugular..... thing is.. I am still here and they are not..... but at the same time we don't want to get a 'mob mentality' or become the AC Police...... that's what we have admin for..... we aren't going to like everyone,like the way they post, or their subject matter... so don't participate in the ones you find offensive.....How can we stay positive and supportive and still allow this to be a place for people to come, with being so judgmental sometimes..... I'm not saying don't address a poster that is causing problems..... but again.... AC has set up mods to take care of things like that.... we have a choice if we allow someone to get us sidetracked. I never read Dusty after her first few posts..... if I already know what it's going to say, why keep reading it.....????? That's just my little 2 cents here, but we need to get real about the world we live in..... I would think on any given day, admin has their hands full with all of us.... hugs to you all.....

LadeeM I hear what your saying about not participating in questions that you are suspicious of... It's just the ones where some poor soul needs guidance and some nitwit scares them off with their "better than you" "lord and damnation" attitude...

I have to admit sometimes I have to physically restrain myself from putting them in their place..

Absolutely address it with them Assa.... the person posting needs to know this is not how we love and support..... Ya'll know I refer to God all the time... and when , what I call a 'God freak' comes on here, we all get upset...... I wasn't saying don't address it.... I was saying there will always be posters that strike us the wrong way..... guess what I am trying to say is.... my energy is in such limited supply, I just try to not give it to those that will end up leaving anyway.... we do have the right to say something to them....I do on occasion.... we don't need all that noise.... I agree completely... but I can just see 'dusty' clapping her little hands with black nail polish.... and enjoying how she managed to upset a whole site full of people..... always do what you heart guides you to do in those situations...... guess I have just been on here long enough to know that the posters will 'get it' that is not how we do things... I love you girl.... and you know that.... so do what feels right for you !!!!

im done with google search engine . they track you so strongly that your search is customized to what they think you want to hear . i want to search the world , not the road that google points me down . im using duckduckgo . search results are not tailored to a persons web browsing history .
i appreciate the new demons sent my way . life would be a bag of suck without them ..

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