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if someone demanded i trim their nails id tell em to get f - ed but an old lady whos near blind and dying from dementia -- ill help them out . i s'pose were all different . ive changed a lot of baby diapers but adult diapers id have a hard time with .

Jeanette, I was wondering the same. Its a person who made comments on this site early on. If you go to the second page you will see the name.

Thank you Captain and I so agree, All I was saying, yes it could, can and will happen to be tracked. I have Verizon, I can any one can log into their on line carrier account and manage even contacts, voice mail, apps... everytime we access the internet, yes, everything is tracked, it does not have to even be you personally as an individual as the internet provider you signed up with could be a main source of all people who connect through that service... I know for a fact as well as most of all you out there, LOL the "government" would not ever give up that kind of control... I only say this as a "heads up?" I did not mean any offence and you can find this info on about any side or "bi-partisan" whatever, I am not even into any of that, I am however into computers and the capabilities thereof... Thank you all be SAFE and just you know,... Be Safe... HUGS!

There was a tv program on cybersecurity sometime in the last month. It was a documentary aired either on one of the technical channels or PBS; I don't remember which.

Webcam spying was addressed, and according to the various expert(s) interviewed, it is feasible now and can be done. Whether it is, or the extent to which, is probably hard to define. But it seems to me that it would be commercial entities who have that capability, and could extend that to oversight agencies, as some communication companies have voluntarily done in the past.

Time has periodically had some interesting articles on these issues, especially after the Snowden episode.

Don't forget also the predominance of cameras in public places. In one local community here, there are 8 cameras at nearly each intersection. There are cameras in banks, retail name it. We're all on candid camera if we go to any of these places.

X-Box spying is also feasible. Although I would never consider this type of entertainment, it was surprising to me.

Not that I ever wanted a web-cam, but that's a good reason to spend the money on flowers and gardening supplies instead.

I don't worry about the government as they are dealing with billions and billions of people... I worry about the average Joe or Jane on the street with a cellphone camera.... who knows how many times you are in someone's photo to which they can put on-line anywhere.

I think YouTube has made us a country of idiots trying to out do one or another to see who can have the most hits on their photos or video.

My significant other is always warning his grown daughter not to post photos of her young daughters on her Facebook page because it is too easy for someone to lift a copy of that photo and who know where that photo will finally end up.

FreqFlyer, there was a post on another forum I visit regularly about the exact issue of someone taking unauthorized photos. In this case the would-be photographer took the photos from his back yard, of the neighbors and their child, then added the photo to some type of commercial activity in which he was engaged, but paid no royalties to the spied-on family. Nor did he ask permission before breaching their privacy personally and publicly. I hope they sued him for mental anguish.

I found this just so offensive. But unfortunately the advent of photo capable phones has allowed any one to take photos of anything and anyone, w/o permission. I doubt if there will be any legislation to address this though.

YouTube is another story; apparently anyone can upload a video. There are privacy issues here as well as intellectual property (IP) infringement. I do like to look through the ballet and dance sections, but I'm also aware that some of these videos are unauthorized and that YouTube had eventually started removing some when notified of copyright infringements.

Facebook...I will never, never understand what prompts people to share family or intimate photos online, or to post detailed accounts of their daily activities, children's illnesses, meals, animals sicknesses, and all sorts of trivia that to me would interest only their families.

I've told one of the younger members of my extended family repeatedly that there's no expectation of privacy when she uploads all of her photos online and that she's exposing her children to an openness which can be dangerous, especially given the proliferation of pornography, child abduction and other horrific crimes.

I've asked myself repeatedly, and others, but never had a satisfactory answer to the question of why people need to share so many photos of themselves and their family online. Are we becoming a nation of exhibitionists? of amateur photographers? What's the deal with all this anyway?

Personally I like Youtube and use it frequently for videos on how to do stuff.

There are some good DIY videos on YouTube. Hopefully they're made by the participating individuals and don't breach someone's IP rights!

I'm partial not only to the dance but the music ones, although I suspect they are copyrighted. I've seen some of Scottish Tattoos with dozens of bagpipers marching into a castle that looks it could have been the setting for MacBeth.

There's a YouTube video on how to make a homemade air conditioner. It's really cool. My son is going to make one. They say it cost about $45.00 to make and then you just need a block of ice to make it cool a room.

sounds like a pretty crappy A - C , sally . nothing to remove the humidity from the air . i watch youtube videos before doing any automotive repair . then i wonder how i ever lived without the videos .

Sally, I take it that the homemade a/c doesn't use any refrigerant?

No refrigerant is used, just a small fan buckets pvc pipes and a block of ice. Very ingenious. I think it will only cool off a room like a bedroom.

Sallie, that idea sounds similar to what homes and businesses used back in the 1930's. It's great that your son enjoys building things like that, that is how new ideas and inventions get their start :)

I love youtube. Step by step instructions for canning, jams, sauces, veggies, fixing my laptop, killing dandelions, well, just about everything..........also

the full Neil Diamond concert on BBC ! love it

Close to 2 acres here covered in dandelions each spring. I leave them be as they're the first food of the season for the bees.

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