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Lea; Just so you know: I went back to work the day after DH came home from the hospital. I had to--mortgage and others bills to pay!

I had gone to work and mostly stared into space in the days after his surgery and I had a LOT to catch up on. I seem to recall that after we got him home, I got him settled in, went off to work, figuring that if the docs thought he needed rehab (and yes, I asked about that) they would have recommended it).

Friends called and checked in on him via phone. The mailman checked on him every day for a week (!). But he mostly needed rest and not fussing. So I wouldn't feel a moments guilt about getting out, going for a walk for a drive and not hovering.

Watch the temp; that was our first indication of the UTI. Glad the nurse is coming tomorrow!


I know it is likely almost impossible, it was when I needed to be there for my Mom, but is there any way your DD can get leave for even a week for family leave? Just to spell you. Private duty yesterday sounds awful, especially when you are not a nurse and are already exhausted. I hope things get a bit easier, and that your phone appt for your own issue goes well. Don't worry about crying at drop of hat. I had myself a good cry last night about it being a year since I took a plane to my bro, and now he is gone. You know, tears cleanse and wash. I am a believer in them.

Today is a new day; we both slept last night, thank God. DH is doing well today & not nearly as demanding as he was yesterday! Whoohoo!! Ate a full bkfst & is on the phone (so obviously the shallow breathing is better........) a lot and I'm walking the halls with him every few hours. Also hounding him about the spirometer and flutter valve. Kaiser nurse came and said he's doing great.............only issue he's having is it FEELS like he 'can't breathe' b/c his breaths are too shallow. She spoke with him about it and what to do. Temp is normal, scars are good too.

Alva, DD JUST started this new job literally 1-1/2 weeks no, there's no way she can leave for a week. I think it'll be ok now that things seem to be calming down over here. Fingers crossed.

As for me, I now need to get a CT scan with contrast & a cystoscopy to rule out or diagnose kidney or bladder cancer. The CT is on 11.17 and I have to call Urology for the scope. Sigh. All I have to say is .............the blows keep comin' girls. One after the other.

Live for today, I guess the mantra should be, shouldn't it? Tomorrow is never guaranteed for ANY of us. We worry constantly about our elderly loved ones and here WE are, facing health crises that can wind up killing US before THEM.

I am going to relax today and blow off the vacuuming. Life's too short to do anything but sit with DH and play games online for today.

Oh, .no, Lealonnie. I can't believe now you are going to have to go into the "waiting room" for yourself, with all you are already going through. I can't believe any of your tests will come back positive, because I simply cannot believe it.
However, to have come to this point you must be having distressing symptoms.
I am relieved hubby is feeling better. Yes, the shallow breathing is tough to get by. Tell him to use his pain pills so he can take deep breathes. He cannot afford to get pneumonia from not breathing.

Lea, so happy to know things are going better. And nobody ever died of leaving the vacuuming undone! Enjoy the time, the “stuff” will wait

Hello lealonnie,
Glad your husband is doing better. Sorry to hear about you, though. Too much stress to deal with all at once. Hope everything turns out well for you. Sending prayers to you and DH.


"But now, this is what the Lord says...
He who created you...
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy are precious... 
Do not be afraid, for I am with you..."
- Isaiah 43:1-5

I know you know this but it warrants reminding to us believers that God never promises to spare us from "the rain" that falls on both the good and the bad (Matthew 5:45). He will be with you during the rain so that you walk in faith. I am praying for you this morning. Peace!

Just checking in on you, lealonnie. Hope everything is ok with both you and DH. Prayers and hugs sent to you.

Things are going well over here on day 4.25 of DHs release from the hospital. He's walking the hallways multiple times a day, eating more each day, showering alone, breathing much better & able to use his CPAP so sleeping MUCH better also..........looking better each day, thank God. I ordered a silver walker online & it arrived, so we'll go for a walk outside today if the wind calms down.

I'm feeling ok and not overly worried about the CT scan on the 17th. What will be will be and I'm just relaxing when I can with each day.

Got an 'emergency' call from the MC yesterday that my mother is 'out of snacks' and could I please bring some over? So I went to the store, bought 2 large bags of junk food, drove them over to the MC & dropped them off with one of the CNAs who was walking thru the parking lot, and came home to get a call from my mother. "I told them not to call you, you've got too much on your hands already." Really mom, then why did I get that call? In any event, YOU have your snacks and I won't be by to visit on Sunday, I'm exhausted and have a husband to take care of. The End.

So, for those who think manipulations are 'impossible' with dementia, think again! Some elements of personality disorders remain INTACT even with dementia, unfortunately. But hey, I get the 'day off' today and don't have to deal with an irritating 30 minute window visit ALONE with her!! Score!

Thanks for checking in EB, I appreciate it!

Oh lealonnie, I am so happy that your DH is doing so well. Great news. One step at a time, right? I had to laugh about the emergency phone call about the snacks, you are so good but I am glad you put your foot down concerning your mother. You have so much on your plate right now. One day at a time, positive thoughts, get some sunshine, take a short walk and eat healthy. Hope both of you have a wonderful and blessed day. Hugs.

Thinking of you. I am glad you are putting some limits on those who need you constantly. That's a good thing, and one of the things we learn when we fall ill, or when our plate slops all over the tables with being way too full.
Do wish I could drop you by a casserole or something. Remember the old days in the South when "that was done". Take care. You remain in the thoughts of so many of us. So glad of the hubby's hard work to take those deep breathes, and to keep walking.Tell him he's a hero. Because THIS hurts with every move.

Lealonnie, a good report!

Lea, I'm so glad hubby is up and about, it seems as though he is recovering very nicely. What a relief and probably why you've been able to relax a bit about your CT coming up. I think in no time you and DH will both be fine and relaxing at home in peace.

Your mom..... well, I can relate, unfortunately. She's lucky you got those emergency snacks! SMH. If I were you I would tell her you will only be partially available (if that) for MONTHS taking care of DH.

Keep us posted on your progress. Any discharge dates for DH yet? He's doing so well I bet it won't be too much longer 👍

Piper............DH has been home since last Wednesday afternoon..............he's recovering here at the house. Not sure what you mean by 'discharge date'? He has a follow up with the cardiologist in about 5 weeks (I think).

My new rule with my mother is this: ANYTHING she wants SHE has to call me personally & ASK for. I will no longer accept phone calls from her flying monkeys over at the ALF asking for things on her behalf. Oh, and yesterday, she was blowing up my phone asking WHY I wasn't over there at 1 pm after I (and the staff) had told her several times I wasn't going).

Lea, I'm so glad that DH is up and about and feeling a bit more chipper.

Tell the staff at the AL that beteeen DH's current issues and your upcoming tests, you are going to have to be MIA from visits and tasks for a minimim of 6 weeks.

Ask them to remind mom of that.

Good idea Barb. Every day I thank God for you guys & this forum for all the ongoing support I don't seem to get elsewhere.

Hope all continues smoothly. If I look at forum and you are out giving your (always positive and always valuable) advice, I feel heartened that you are doing OK. Hope the hubby continues on his heroic attitude to this journey (he's allowed a bit of whining; can still keep his medal).

Alva, DH is doing remarkably well, all things considered, thank God. We just walked up to the gate in our little community, which is about a 20 minute walk altogether, back & forth. All he used was a cane, and was feeling only slightly winded afterward. He's adapted to the new heart healthy/low salt diet and I haven't seen him even reach for the salt shaker, which is a miracle. I am the one who's feeling overwhelmed with the's A LOT! Just grocery shopping is now a 2 hour ordeal, no more in and out and back home again. Reading labels makes you realize that everything has a lot of salt AND fat in it, so whole foods is what I'm buying primarily. But even things like bread/bagels/english muffins have sodium. But if he eats very low sodium with everything else, the salt in the bread and stuff doesn't add up to more than he's allowed. I'm doing it right along with him, too, because a lot of salt isn't good for me EITHER, even though I wasn't eating a high salt diet beforehand like he was. Just looking at what his salt intake was before now is mind boggling.

He's losing weight quite rapidly.......he's down 15 lbs so far, which irks me too b/c if I was eating what he's eating, I'd be GAINING weight! He even drinks 2 Boost Plus shakes a day at 360 cals apiece! LOL. He was at 190 and now he's at 175, so his ideal weight s/b around 165ish, give or it's all good. New pants are in his future, methinks.

Anyway, thanks for checking in!

Lealonnie, thanks for sharing such positive news!

Great news, lealonnie. Thanks for keeping us updated. Think of you often.

Lealonnie, you made me laugh. My friend, BL, who's hubby S. had triple bypass 5 years ago claims he has been movie star slender ever since, and the heart healthy diet has not done the same for her. Isn't it amazing all the bad stuff in things when you actually read it. Sugars, as well. They add it to EVERYTHING. So glad of the walk, and to hear how well this is going.

LeaLonnie; Great and wonderful news! Tell DH to keep up the good work from ALL of us here!

So DH is off to the ER again with my daughter, who took the afternoon off work to drive him there. He's very short of breath (which has been getting worse daily) and the rib pain is worsening instead of improving. They need to check him for possible complications like a pneumothorax or fluid around the lung sacs/pneumonia etc. The cardiologist told us to go to Urgent Care which is a bad idea b/c with shortness of breath & coughing, they'll label him COVID and require him to sit with other covid symptomatic people. So DD called his heart surgeon directly who said Take Him To The ER. He may also need a blood transfusion for anemia, we don't know. This damn covid has just added SUCH a level of impossible stress and danger to an already bad situation, it's unbelievable.

My CT scan (abdomen & pelvis) was yesterday; no news yet.

Just an update; thanks to all who continue to pray/send good thoughts and for caring in general.

Lealonnie (((((hugs))))) and good thoughts and prayers to you both!

Ugh! Sorry to hear the latest, and prayers with a big hug for good news soon!

Sorry to hear about your husband. I am glad you have your DD for support. Praying everything turns out well and he continues on the road to a good recovery. Might be a little set back but he has a good cardiologist so he is in good hands. Thoughts and prayers sent your way. Hope you hear good news soon. Hugs.

My CT Scan results are in............nothing remarkable to report in the abdomen or the pelvic region! That's a relief!

The PCP still wants me to keep the Urology appointment on 11.27 as he may want to do a cystoscopy to look further into the bladder for issues that may exist. We'll see about that.

That is great news Lealonnie!!!! Woo-hoo!!! You must be so relieved!

Any news on your hubby? Is he still at the hospital getting checking out?

My DH had a CT scan in the ER and he has a pleural effusion..........A buildup of fluid between the tissues that line the lungs and the chest.
Fluid can accumulate around the lungs due to poor pumping by the heart or by inflammation. It will need to be drained with a needle inserted between the ribs; he has one larger one on the left and a very small one on the right (which probably won't be drained). The draining is done under xray/radiology guidance; the good news is his heart surgeon is THERE right now! DD is waiting to hear if they will admit him or do it and then send him home.

I just KNEW something was 'off' last night...........and I'm relieved DD took him back to the ER.

Send prayers/good thoughts again please. This poor man has been through TOO MUCH over the past 3 months. He needs some long term recovery now, with God's help

Good thoughts and prayers winging his way, L!

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