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im not giving dusty a hard time , just pointing out that there are many different belief systems in this world , none more or less credible than another. the pope ( tongue in cheek ) , even agreed with my concept recently . " just be nice " was the bulk of his message. between the lines i read ; and join my church , theyre about to repo my dress ..

Dusty don't be fooled by the Captain's gruff twisted comments. He's a big old pussy cat inside but beware he hasn't had his claws removed
Yesterdays accomplishment was getting some dusting done. My muscles get weaker all the time but the good news is I have finally got an appointment with a neurologist. that is after the MRI of my neck and endoscopy to try and pinpoint the reason for swallowing difficulties. After that back to the spine pain guy who thinks he can help my 3 year old shingles neuralgia. Ah well we all have our crosses to bear.

but yea , live and let live . sisters are content in that theyve seen the light. i raise the bar on myself every day..
ill race them from the cradle to the grave.. we both end up as dust . ill just have had a h*ll of a lot more fun..

a persons conscience is a powerful animal , dusty . if one is living within those range markers thats a full time job . chances are they dont have time for a church and its pointless ritual .. i dont see the difference between a group of people singing hymns and a group of savages dancing around a fire . its all ritual and a self serving distraction from the business of making the world a better place. i have sisters who are religious . imo , they cant see the forest for all the dam trees in the way ..

im a remnant, h*ll ill pray for you. to the god of thunder , na na na na , and rock and ro -o-ol..
kidding dusty. i hope you get some of your problems settled down.
i managed 5 work hours today, was pretty shot at three but soldiered on. when your muscles dont get enough o2 some kind of acid accumulates in your muscles and they dont work well . you actually begin stumbling around and tripping over things.. if my homoglaven gets too low theyll give me a couple transfusions of whole blood . hope the blood is demon possessed. me and them demons could have a great time screwing with each other.

happy for you and mom , judda . hopefully we all grow every day if were paying attention.
A & A ,
having a heck of a storm here right now. sadly i cant even hear it in my bunker.
i had a small success today. took an old rear cab cowl that came off the gmc and made a nice windshield awning out of it. been kickin it around in my head for weeks. good planning made it a snap. it only took an hour..
same red / black paint on it and the old chevy. its getting very recognizable.
took edna for a little drive this eve. a road shes never been on. ( since last week )

Kudos to my mother for not making me miserable today and getting over her temper trantrum. We went food shopping and then she helped me find nice clothes for my new work opportunities. I paid for it all and sadly she only found one small item she liked for herself. For mother's day I gave her a dvd I made of a concert we went to that I shot and edited. She was very happy with that. Whew! She loves fashion and clothes, even at 92, so she enjoyed helping me find my new clothes.
Our favorite place to go is a local thrift store clothes boutique. I only blew about a hundred bucks and got enough stuff to revamp my wardrobe.
I believe I am size F: a size 10 with a lot of flab. Time to go back to an exercise class. Now that I arranged transportation for my mother I can actually attend a cheap exercise class in our town: Tai Chi, Yoga, or all round fitness. Goal is to try one of them this week: only $3 a class at the local senior center. No excuses now.

Was a good day. I am feeling so much better about my life. Just a few months ago I was so depressed I didn't know myself anymore. I think the big helper was to post an ad on Craigslist for drivers for Mom. She loved meeting new people: some she totally scared away, but I have a nice list she can go through.

She is now totally obsessed with moving to a senior housing center and I am staying where I am: happy and relieved we won't live in the same apartment complex, and that she is learning to not depend on me. Her dependency and behaviors were making us both miserable. I understand that she is mentally ill in many ways, and that she also has a lot of functioning left too. Am learning to let go of the unhealthy behaviors of us both and be determined to be a peaceful, happy person, no matter what.
So far, this is really working!
a happy person has a lot more love to give than a miserable one!

Capt that spider would soon change his mind!!!!

Cap I agree about IL buzzing but I highly doubt they will be loving family..LOL

The weather doesn't look to go here Tues-Sat and it looks like it's coming from your way.. I hope it moves quickly so you can get back at it...

not a failure a @ a . just horrible priorities. he he
got rained out of work today. gonna take edna her sausage biscuit sandwich and pineapple rice. im dreading it . i think the IL facility will be buzzing like a bee hive with loving family since its mothers day. i see precious few visitors on a day to day basis to include weekends. hope they dont notice my grimmace or gritting teeth..
i cant stop being a judgemental d*ck or a control freak . i gave it a week , screw it ..

Judda why would she think you would even conside moving with someone who can not stand you - well i guess it is the disease - explains everything.

Never got the jug..

So I guess I'm a failure!!

Yah, I agree with yaya51 about Captain. We are all learning from each other. I love hearing from Captain. Our uniqueness and perspectives and ways to express ourselves is such a boon to my days.

Today I rode through another MamaTrauma. Currently, she is now obsessed with moving into a new senior housing place. It doesn't appeal to me at all so she is using all her manipulative weapons to try to get me to move there too! I politely said no and she had a tantrum. I have gotten firm, and matter-of-fact without being defensive. She said she can't stand me now! ha! These days she doesn't scare me anymore. I know now I don't have to play the game.
My job, if I choose, is to take her to get the basics, treat her to something nice on holidays, and if she wants to be nasty to me, home she goes.
Before I was on this site I was very passive and whimpy with her. I'd come home and be furious at myself and her for hours and days. No more.
Thank you all for your sharing your lives and struggles.

That spider intends to trap the flies clustering around the commode. If there are none, he will hide under the seat and bite your axx when you least expect it.

no ypiffani , i think hes entertaining the notion of trapping and eating me. hes evidently been in the catnip or something..

you housetrained your spider?

a spider has ran about 4 different single strands from the walls to the crapper. i was gone for 6 years so i can see where he thinks im intruding , but still -- does this megalomaniac really think he can pull this off ?

im not the tinkering type. i get my ducks in a row then pour on major projects, like the homemade truck bed. now im conserving energy at home for the 6 new body panels that are coming for the small truck . life is difficult without a partner , one has to just hit the highlights and let some things slide..
i somehow managed to knock spell check in the head so theres one less annoyance . i think ill make sweet rice and pineapple for edna and i .
its my party and ill misspell if i want to , misspell if i want to , etc..

I have returned. And I have to admit I was so very excited when the mail carrier picked up my bag of non perishables for the food pantry! yay! I feel like I contributed in some minute way to the rest of the world today. I got so excited I donned my yard clothes, my hedge clippers, my pruning scissors and headed out to the great outdoors aka my yard. I finished one tiny (and I do mean tiny) clean up project...immediately started getting tired, but forced myself onward....managed to tidy up the lower yard a bit and even cleaned up behind myself...still it is surprising how that tad of work wore me out. I used to mow, clip, rake, trim, prune and plant an almost three acre property a few years back and yearn for more....ah well, I did accomplish something, made a tiny contribution and so am about to get me a good hot cup of coffee and get ready for the night routine....

this site can get rather overwhelming with the crazy and the lives postponed to caregiving . thats why we try to find humor anywhere we can . the site is full of lovely , mature people as opposed to the hepc site i used to hang out on -- it keeps me from reading too much news too .
dusty , we all have nonconsual sex fantasies , its why i sleep with my door wide open . lol ..
i worked today but was on my face in 3 hours. dont care, the retainment walls are beautiful . ya cant rush beautiful..
now its iced coffe and rage , wacken , 2013 concert time.
AA - LIVE , but DE EAD !!

Shakingdust if you find the site boring then move on. many people come with the need for help and once that is solved have no more use for the site and move on.
There is a core of people who continue to keep in touch because they have something to give to others and have become friends. It is a personal choice but remember the time and effort people put into into their postings. It is very dissappointing when people move on and don't at least say goodbye and let us know about their out come. so goodbye if you are leaving and good luck for the future.
This is not the right place for this but you did post your comments here

I have to admit, Facebook has taken second place these days for me. I find that I have a lot more in common with the folks who peep in here than those on Facebook who are mostly involved in showing pics of their vacations (what's a vacation), talking about their new hairdo (you need to see my old one right now) where they're going this weekend ( three guesses where I'll be this weekend) etc etc....happy for them, but all of that is not my life these days...and most of them, who used to be friends, dropped me like a hot potato years ago, once they saw I was going to be tied up for a while.....

Oops, my accomplishment for the day is going to be taking a bag of non perishables to the mailbox for the food drive this weekend....

Oh yaya I agree...
Accomplishment is to try and get out of here to get to the packy(liquor store) and buy a jug..

Failure will be if I DON'T finish it!

My accomplishment today is refraining from comment on any and all theological/philosophical/end-of-times discussions, no matter HOW much my brain wants to explode. I too, deeply and sincerely believe in the freedom of all to practice whatever faith we feel a true connection with.

My failure....well...I'll just say Allison and I share a similar weakness.

Captain, I think you are a very old soul that has seen many lifetimes. You are one wise, strong-a** dude...or is that one strong, wise-a** dude....?

i never intend to give up booze entirely. its a QOL issue. im just behaving to accomodate the nurses who are treating me ( successfully ) for hepc. as for longivity , i could die tomorrow and still have the last laugh. ive had 55 years of meaningful life . that beats a hundred years of dread and debt - slavery..
wher'd i get hepc from ? crammin junk in my arm. no regrets here. ive lived , loved , parented and now tending to my elders. good life. gonna get better. in 6 weeks im gonna get trashed on everclear and , well , just lay low with that haley - bop comet s**t cause i aint gonna be in a frame of mind to go along with it..

It's amazing how addictive this site can be.


im only being nice because im on a personal quest to stop being such a judgemental d* ck . your beliefs are fine with me. see , im making progress already..
i want to spend eternity wherever it is that the original lynnerd skynerd band ended up . i dont like rednecks but " whiskey rock - a - rolla " is a timeless classic.. gonna listen to it right now, thats how spontanious i am..

Just would like to add that I also respect one's right to personal belief, personal choices to have faith or not…

...I also respect my right to roll my eyes in private. This might qualify as my Failure for not being more mature.

Hugs to all! Happy Friday! Its finally nice weather here in south Chicago, I am so very grateful. That's a big Accomplishment.

ednas daughter can be in the restroom and edna hasnt seen her for days. man , im prepared to be the bad cop occasionally to keep daughter out of trouble. daughter took edna to linton to visit G G - kids last week then a G - son took her out for an afternoon , the next day she told me shes sick of sitting around her appt. somebody get this lying sack a ticket on a space shuttle..
( one way )

Don't drink the Kool-Aid......

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