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just funnin with ya dusty. i respect peoples right to personal beliefs. you seem tolerant of my right not to believe and thats a good thing imo .
i havent done anything today but rest . well , took edna a doughnut and beans and C - bread. shes getting pretty eccentric. lies as bad as g w bush ..

Or for that matter, 2000?

My childhood pastor declared from the pulpit that Jesus would return before the year 2000. Then a lot of His followers thought he might make appearance for the Millennium celebrations…

What happened to 2012? Did He miss the bus?

im booze abstinate dusty. its earth in h*ll on earth.
fyi, jesus aint coming back. he got bored with this crack party 1100 yrs ago. hes living on a rock just 10 minutes from the big bang epicenter and collecting faberge eggs. the cat has snapped iz what im getting at..
its midnight. unlimited data is free. im going to scarf some ambien , listen to some floyd and fall asleep standing in the rain..

i had a humorous thought recur out of the blue today. i told mickey a few weeks ago that id probly have better luck with the " hors " if id stop ignoring their sidelong glances . he told me id have better luck if id stop calling em " hors " .
god bless him, hes just trying to help me out.

Got home to find my bathtub is backed up with gray water and smells like an outhouse! I hate this apartment!

I finally finished "Spring cleaning" today, in doors and out. What used to take me a week, took me 5 weeks this year. Now maybe I can get to the Christmas projects I haven't finished yet. sigh

Now for the sinkful of dirty dishes.

You guys are the best entertainment and education!
Ok: accomplishment: I took Mom to a gig where I showed my documentary. It was a long drive and her ceaseless talk was meaningless to me and annoying but I didn't let it get to me today. The presentation was at a retirement community where I knew there was a woman my mother would enjoy speaking German to. That was worth it. The movie went well and afterward we ate out. The dinner was fine and she enjoyed it: even though she has to comment and complain about everything in her over dramatic way. I just laughed and felt good knowing I was doing something nice for her and working on overcoming all my knee-jerk reactions. It was like a homework assignment, kind of . On the way home there was tons of traffic. I took side roads and still tons of traffic but we both enjoyed the bright spring landscape.
Her endless chatter made me so happy to be home and too busy to see her til Mother's Day. We got along well: that means no fighting.

Captain: you're quite a card! Your unique views and language spice up this site.
I like your tough shield and kind heart style.

i solved the sinkfull of dirty dishes thing, dusty. i threw them all away cept for one fork , two spoons, a skillet , spatula , a freaking beer mug and my bread sheet. i keep it in the fridge, never wash it..
if i meet a girl she can use the fork. ill put a couple serrations in my hobo knife..

treatment team = captain bringdown and the buzz kills. the buzz kills are pretty f - in hot..

ive worked about 15 days in a row. only 5 hr days but really physical work. finally reached my limit this am. went home after 2 hrs, rain day tomorrow. nurse warned me against overdoing it but she knows in her heart ill do the opposite of what she says.. at the end of 7 more weeks i plan to pick up and juggle all three girl docs.. he he
prob'ly just drop kick doc bill to another time zone. annoying prick !!

This was actually yesterdays accomplishment. Saw a wonderful indian dr about the possibility of my difficulty swallowing being connected to O/A in my neck. he saw me in two days after a personal request of the Indian GI dr I had just seen. Now they are trying to get me an early appointment with a neurologist. it is wonderful to find physicians who really care ans are competent. (and I am picky)

Glad eliminating a lot of other fats from the diet also helps (fellow sufferer)

When you are determined to find the cause of the chronic diarrhea she has dealt with for sixty years or more. Willing to try anything. Doc suggests probiotic, you think whatever, and eliminate butter and the frequency is much decreased and haven't had a mess in a couple of months now!

For those of you that also deal with this, I purchased a Walgreens brand in a green and white box, blister packaging, and in capsule form if you need to sprinkle on food!


lost my helper ( mickey ) today. hes got a bricklaying gig in bloomington. he said the only kid he could recommend to me id kill in one hour, then he changed it to 45 minutes. its his sense of humor ill miss i suppose. oh well, ive worked alone for the most part for years. those pyramids in egypt, the taj mahal. yep, built them all without helper number one. my kid will be back eventually but neither of us are chomping at the bit to see that happen. in any relationship one, then hopefully the other, has to give a bit. neither of us back down any more. ive recreated myself and frankly the creation (and the original )blows..

someone mentioned snow again in indiana this coming sunday. this stopped being funny a long time ago.
i cant nap anymore emjo. its a drag because on days off i physically need to lay around and heal but napping doesnt happen.
im gonna go to town and check up on my precious few relationships today. probably end up taking edna for the drive. her doc actually " prescribed" the rides. i guess sitting around in a fog aint very healthy for a person.
got my trk bed finished up yesterday. its a little crude looking but indestructable. i dont do meticulous fabrication. i just overengineer and get the results. the led lighting is sharp. it makes the dot think you give a dam. the self employed dont actually make money, we just let the tax man buy us nice equiptment.

hope edna is getting better, cap

my accomplishment yesterday was doing absolutely nothing. The night before there was a mild testosterone war between G and the young roomers who took liberties with his stuff. They are spreading like oil on water. Think we got it sorted out. One is very bull headed - listens and then does what he wants. I realised that I am having a "herx" reaction due to taking antifungal and decided to yield to it, and veg/sleep all day. Snowed here again - when will this stop!

today has been a non success from the start. sigh. im exhausted from the truck bed work so i figured id eat two ambien and get these bones rested up. nope. 6 ribavirin negates the ambien and in fact wires you up like a japanese radio.. we call it riba rage.. makes ya feel like a rat on acid.. this entire treatment is only 6 weeks long. one of the greatest breakthrus in recent medical history. over 30 % of egyptions have hepc. the number is just as high in other lesser developed countries too..
the only thing i miss about the old interferon attempts was the near insanity. its exhaustive and incapacitating but man you can sit and draw cartoons that will still be hilarious a thousand years from now.
one of my timeless favorites was mom, edna , jake and myself on a jet trip to AZ. i sketched myself informing a perplexed looking airline ticket girl that them two old gals made me what i am -- a fuzzy faced f - in wierdo. lol..

thx norest - I needed it more than knew and it did me a world of good.

no prob, cap. I was hit on by a couple of old guys on the cruise. I couldn't figure out what one was up to and Gary told me he was hitting on me. G is not the jealous type. The other one hit on me at breakfast, before coffee when I had no make up on and not even my glasses to hide the bags under my eyes. I took that one as a real compliment. Must go on holiday more often. Seriously, it has distanced me from the dysfun fam issues in a big way. Hope that lasts longer than the minuscule tan I got. Sunscreen 60 spf does work!

Emjo..... glad you had a wonderful time! You needed it!

i apologise emjo. kidding around can cross a line sometimes and become insulting or potentially embarassing. sorry..

Hope you are listening Capt!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in south Florida, on the cruise ship, and in the Bahamas. It was one of the best holidays I have ever had and I didn't want to come back. Weather was pretty well all in the low 80s, lots of sunshine and palm trees. Taking my time adjusting to being back.

Meeting with mothers new psychiatrist (they moved her to another unit) in a couple of weeks. Mother is on her meds b/c the other psychiatrist told her they were for her sex glands. Love it! She will be moved to a facility with a mental health mandate. Hopefully life will continue relatively smoothly after that though moving her and getting rid of some of her stuff again will be a pain, Gary will help of course.

Gary need not horse whip anyone, though he is great with a lasso. I can look after myself. Saw him lasso a nervous mare once - just a flick of his wrist and she was roped.

Captain the milk is a good idea. Harrison radiator had daily milk breaks to prevent lead poisoning. Add some Ovaltine, the dark rich formula. Good stuff.

thanks pam. ive been welding outdoors so that helps with the fumes. broke down and bought a gallon of milk. ive heard that it helps break up those toxins too. i think anemia is getting to me only one week into the tx. no appetite and no energy. still a cakewalk compared to 12 months of infergen daily.
edna is in physical rehab now. she was in the hospital for a week with a bad uti. i dont think theyre going to let her live alone again because of the dementia moreso than the mobility issue. rehab is going to let us take our daily country drives tho, thats pretty cool of them. i can go live with her if i need to. my helper can handle the current stone job. i only have two annual insurance bills so the lost income isnt even a big deal. edna will love the new bucket seats but probably not the resprung rear end. its rather brisk..

Captain-you remind me so much of my hubby...gruff on the outside with a heart of gold inside.

Captain you do not stand a chance with Emjo -she like me has found her prince. I have been outside doing yard work for at least 2 hrs. everyday -it is delightful here in NY this week-may hit 70 soon. My honey is taking me out to dinner tonight.

Actually, if you're going to have some hops, remember that grains are good for you, too. Anything with grain and hops is a health food. Didn't the food pyramid suggest 11 servings of grain per day? And, if so, who was the jerk who make us stop using the food pyramid?!?!?!

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