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Oh boy, DH came home (working from home today ). He said he had to have a side bar meeting afterwards without FIL present because FIL told them in the meeting he is independent with showers , toileting , dressing . DH told them he is not and that he sits in his pull-up all day and refuses toileting schedule at AL. Anyway , they estimate 2 weeks of PT.

I keep imagining he’ll be back two weeks at AL and fall . The man’s legs can’t support him anymore .


I hear you about the boundaries . But DH has a previously scheduled vacation day for tomorrow ( which I insisted on ) so I didn’t say anything to rock the boat.
DH is a very sweet , funny man. But there are certain things he has a limited amount of patience with . I know when to let some things go . He just wanted it over with. None of us are perfect 🤷‍♀️

FIL isn’t capable of ordering on Amazon anymore I think . He says he forgot his password etc. Hubby set up new account , FIL never does it. He can’t manage any of those executive function things . His finances were a disaster . Took DH all last year to straighten it out . FIL has a cell phone that he thinks he needs too , but he isn’t capable of using it .

Need ,
DH seems in a better mood today. I’m having the bad day today . It’s my turn . 🙄🙄. FIL is at the same place where my Dad died . Going there upsets me .

DH texted me from the meeting saying, . They walked FIL to show DH . He needs A LOT of help getting out of the chair , and they have to hold on to him tightly with a gait belt while walking . His legs just don’t want to hold him up anymore. It’s been getting to that point for many months . It’s terrible , but I’m thinking what a waste of Medicare money. This will be his last rehab attempt DH says .
Sheesh .

DH needs better boundaries with rehab. He doesnt have to jump when they call. A simple I am not available tomorrow would have been enough and they would have to reschedule at his convenience. No stress with doing it that way.

Same with FIL. Hearing aid batteries can be ordered online by FIL and delivered directly to him. DH should back off visits while work is do stressful. FIL was probably chipper because of all the extra attention he is getting in rehab.


It’s stressful! I’m not surprised that your BP is up. I hope that your stress eases up soon.

It’s sad, but not unusual for us to snap at the person closest to us.

My daughters would tell their friends after a “sleep over” that I needed my coffee in the morning before I would be talkative! LOL 😆

And why is it called a “sleepover?” No one gets any sleep!

Just my therapeutic journaling 🙄

Today is only day 3 for FIL in rehab . DH received phone call, during dinner last night, from Rehab to have him come down today for care plan meeting. DH was not happy about having to leave work for this meeting . He said “ I’m DONE , I DON’T have time for this “. He is swamped at work already and told me he found out he’s losing one of his staff and is not sure will get permission to hire a replacement .

Visited FIL after dinner VERY BRIEFLY to bring more hearing aid batteries AGAIN. DH said “ He must be eating them” . 😬DH could not wait to leave . FIL claimed he walked nearly the whole hallway and back to his room with PT. Could be . He seemed rather chipper which is odd for him in general 🤷‍♀️.

On the way home DH says “ Now what ?” I said looks like he could be in another rally and if he walks that 75 feet he goes back to AL . I said maybe the meeting is because he will get out before 20 days and just go back to AL .

It rubbed DH the wrong way . He was a bit snippy last night with me while going over scheduling some of our own things that need to be done , which HE brought up . I’m thinking I’m avoiding him today as now I’m feeling a bit snippy myself and my BP is WAY UP . 😠😞

Last night DH said “this waiting to see if we have to deal with his wrath if he can’t go back to his AL is worse than waiting for his death “.

My reply “ It’s ironic, considering the man has fought the past 13 months to get out of AL , and now all he wants to do is go back there.

I told DH , if when the time comes, have the doctor tell him he can’t go back to his AL.

FIL has done rehab before and improved . The question is, will he walk that 75 feet .

FIL filled out a POLST form yesterday , indicating in general , not to go back to the hospital . There are specific things he checked off , the big things really. He does not want to return to the hospital and be “saved “ again for his respiratory , heart failure etc. He checked off to go to hospital for comfort only, etc . No IV’s anymore . But I can see that changing if he is in distress . For now FIL wants palliative care , but if gets worse go in hospice . I feel bad for him . Death is not coming for him quietly . He just wants to go back to his AL and stay there.

Rehab train ready to depart. All aboard. Next planned stop is AL.

Warning: May be delays or possible unplanned track works.
Be prepared to re-route back to hospital at any time. Also be prepared to re-route entirely to tje PallCare line.

Please enjoy your journey if you can.

I can feel why people want to jump off this endless train ride!


He may surprise you with some progress while he is in rehab. Time will tell.

My mom did rehab and home health in her 90’s and she showed improvement each time. She had Parkinson’s disease.

It wasn’t until the very end that mom ended up being completely bedridden.

I agree that it is too late in the game for him to stay at your home while you tour facilities.

If he isn’t ready to go back to his current AL, they will let you know at his care meeting. You will have a bit of time to find another facility.

He can stay longer than the usual amount of time but he will have to pay out of pocket for it. My mom stayed in rehab for a couple of extra days and paid for it herself.

So yesterday morning DH ran up to the hospital to try to catch a doctor. Did not happen . He ended up speaking to the nurse who said they come all different times on a Sunday . So DH wrote down the 2 questions that FIL had and left a note for the Doc saying FIL needs to decide about rehab . DH came home .

Hours later Doc called DH with the answers to the questions , saying he believes FIL will gain some quality of life going to rehab and that if he continues PT in AL he can maintain what he gains . DH is skeptical of the amount of optimism the doc had . DH got off the phone and said that doctor is “ blowing sunshine up Dad’s a**.

So we knew FIL would go for that . Went down this morning to check with FIL . He wants rehab . FIL was a bit “off” today . Asked him if he still does not want to return to the hospital for aggressive treatment. He said yes , so DH had to call the case worker to let her know about setting up rehab and get the doctor to come back ( the doc was already in earlier today ) to fill out POLST form .

We waited for Doc to come back since FIL not having his best brain day . Doc came in did the POLST form very quickly , I’m not even positive FIL was able to follow along fast enough . It bothered me that the doc went so fast , assuming that FIL was keeping up , so I tuned out , while DH handled it . I busied myself collecting FIL’s things into one big bag . I do know that both FIL and DH signed POLST form.

We went home , case worker called to say there is a bed at the rehab near our house. The same one my mother was in for her stroke and my Dad was in once and then Dad was at the SNF upstairs for his EOL. So I get to go back there now . Uggh .

DH is tired of this ground hog day , hospital to rehab every other month the past 6 months .

DH is concerned about the fallout if his Dad does not ambulate 75 feet with his walker , the requirement that his AL has made in order for him to return there . It would mean either returning to AL on hospice , or if FIL does not want hospice……either finding another AL willing to take him, or SNF on palliative care .

FIL will not want SNF . And FIL would expect to go on tours of other ALs like when we first scooped him up from Florida and brought him to stay in our house while he toured . That is not practical now . We would have to quickly call ALs to see if someone would take him from rehab. We toured a bunch of them last year. So we are familiar with which ones we would try .

DH is assuming the fallout will happen . I told him maybe his Dad will walk the 75 feet and return to AL .

Rest up now. Exactly!

A little lull to rest before FIL decides which stream to paddle his canoe along.

I don’t mind at all . Hijack away !! Misery loves company . It’s comforting to know I’m not alone . Not that I wish this on any of us. But you know what I mean . Caregiving is not a happy time .

Tonight DH said he feels bad for wishing Dad would just “ go in his sleep” to avoid this decision between rehab or hospice . I told DH that FIL is going to choose rehab and we will be dropping off food , clothes etc . I’ve already resigned myself to that . I told DH rest up now while Dad is still in the hospital .

(((Hugs to all ))).

"FIL is essentially trying to do hospice and rehab at the same time".

"I asked FIL what was he expecting or wanting to gain from rehab . He said he wants to go back to the way he was in AL. I was right , that’s what he wants , to go back to his room and his false sense of independence accepting minimal help on and off".

Don't wish to hijack either. But my LO same.

Wants no more hospitals.
Maybe wants rehab...
Just wants to walk again & be like when independant & younger.

Old age sucks.
Sucks for them.
Sucks for us trying to nativate with them or steer for them.

Notgoodenough, I agree wholeheartedly !! Only case manager and hospice nurse reached out. This talk of hospice because FIL felt awful in the beginning and asked about palliative care .

DH only spoke to doctor once on about day 2 when FIL was bad off and doc called to say FIL in critical condition . DH had doc on speaker, and I reminded him that FIL is a DNR/ DNI and that the hospital has that paperwork . I also told doc that I noticed that his progress note on the portal stated he was going to check with family about code status and that FIL was a “Full Code by default “ and to please note his DNR/DNI on file in his progress note that he writes regarding his phone call to family . Doc was rendered a bit speechless.

Part of the problem is it’s a big teaching hospital . Many different doctor’s , residents etc . I had the same problem when my parents were in the hospital , you can’t get much info out of the parent/ patient. And the doctor didn’t talk to me then either unless I happened to be in the room . And you are right , for all I know one or more doctors could have spoken to FIL about his choices and he forgot . But a doc should be calling DH , as he is POA.

Today DH asked FIL if a doctor saw him this morning. I already saw a progress note from a doc early this am in portal and I checked his labs. FIL first answered No. Then I said , are you sure no doctor came in this morning? FIL replied with ,” a lot of people come in here claiming to be doctors “.

This is sort of a mini side-rant, and I don't want to "take over" your thread Way, I just wanted to comment on doctors' rounds in hospitals.

WHY do doctors NOT wait until there is family there to check in on patients and speak to them, especially elderly patients who might need a second set of ears to hear and understand what's going on? This drove me *crazy* with my mom, my MIL and my FIL! You know how those conversations go: "Did the doctor come in yet today?" "Yes." "What did he say?" "I can't remember/didn't understand." Great. Very helpful, Doc.

The doctors would tend to come in early in the AM, speak "medicalese" to the patient and then beat feet out of the room! Good luck getting one of them on the phone to clarify or answer questions! For goodness sake, do they really NOT understand that while said patient is in the hospital, it effects SOOOO many more people's lives? That many times family members are now in a sort of "holding pattern" until diagnosis and decisions are/can be made? I get many don't want to admit when things aren't going well, or worse - when they (gasp!!) MIGHT NOT KNOW the answers - but for heaven's sake! Radio silence isn't helpful to anyone! This is part of the job you signed up for!

Anyway, I think it's mighty disgraceful that no one from this medical team has reached out to your DH to discuss what might - or might not - have to happen next. I hope your DH can get some answers so you all plan for the future of FIL!



It’s wise to take the day off. It’s so easy to forget that we need a mental and physical break.

There isn’t any good reason to over do and push ourselves further than we should go.

We can’t be supportive of others if we are too exhausted to think clearly.

I’m glad your husband took a break to play cards. Hope he won! 😊 His friend is correct. It’s a hell of a lot easier for those who don’t watch the slow decline of their parents!

My grandmother died like that. Her heart simply stopped. No suffering at all. That’s exactly how I want to leave this world.

God knows that I never want to be a burden on my family. I don’t want them to watch me slowly deteriorate.

I don’t want to suffer day after day. It really is a blessing when people are able to die quickly and painlessly. We should all be so lucky, right?

Need ,
I agree. DH played poker last night with his buddies. It happens about every 6-8 weeks. He told me he was bringing his buddies up to speed and that he told them this in and out of the revolving door is exhausting . One of his buddies told him that he was lucky that his Dad suddenly died in his chair after eating dinner one night at home so he didn’t watch him decline and he and his father did not have to deal with these type of decisions.

I am taking tomorrow off from visiting . DH (POA) will be the one to lasso the doctor for a pow wow with his father and him . The three of them can talk . I don’t need to be there .


It certainly looks like this is going to be an uphill battle.

I feel for you and your husband. It’s so tiring to be in this situation.

So , this is turning into journaling for me. But DH and I went to see FIL. I wanted to skip today , but DH asked me to go with him in case FIL had questions . Uggh.
Which of course FIL did . It’s not my Dad , but as a former nurse , somehow it’s my problem …..🙄.

FIL wanted to know if it was worth going to rehab . He wanted to know his prognosis . I asked him if he has asked the doctor these questions . He said No . I told DH to go down in morning and hang out to try to catch the doc on rounds as well , and if not then tell the nurse he wants to speak to the doctor in his Dads room either Sunday or Monday and arrange that. The doctor often comes before visiting hours start .

Anyway, I asked FIL what was he expecting or wanting to gain from rehab . He said he wants to go back to the way he was in AL. I was right , that’s what he wants , to go back to his room and his false sense of independence accepting minimal help on and off .

I told him that his lungs are worse and now it has affected his heart . The plan is to keep him on Oxygen 24/7. FIL said “ boy that went downhill fast “. I said not really , you’ve been in the hospital 3 times in the last 6 months in life threatening respiratory failure. I said that is why you are being offered hospice if you want it .
And by the way , the hospice talk started because FIL asked about palliative care when he was feeling really bad on like Day 2 in the hospital. He also has said he does not want anymore trips to the hospital .

I told FIL to ask the doctor , if he felt any progress he made in rehab would be short lasting and that that may help him decide .
At least he will be more informed than making this decision with the false assumption that he will return to the way he was . I told FIL that he will need more help from the aides regardless . ( which is not new , it’s just me trying to get him to accept more help which he has been refusing all along ).
At some point he will most likely need hospice and if FIL is in denial DH ( POA) will have to step up and either do hospice in AL or palliative care in Nursing Home .


I totally agree, I wish someone ( a doctor) would be a bit more honest about how slim FIL's chance is of walking again , and how temporary any progress would be. Not to mention the stress rehab would be putting on his failing heart and lungs.

He has had some temporary improvement but we were told if his condition worsens before discharged from the hospital, rehab May Not be offered. (my last post has an error, it should say WILL NOT be offered.

IMO Everyone is more concerned with letting him decide without making it sound like they are forcing hospice.

I even told DH that FIL trying rehab could kill him faster than going on hospice. Which is the opposite of what FIL thinks.

It's sad, cruel, and unnatural at this point to not have this man just rest in his condition.


Sorry for the loss of your mother. I agree with how you handled her care.

FIL is not ready to accept hospice yet , he wants to try rehab.
Case worker says FIL can fill out POLST form since he does not want to go to the hospital again and possibly rehab will accept him.

He is not in good shape, but surprised us back in March in rehab and walked again. But he is declining. Unlike your mother he is more aware , wanting to make decisions, and now frightened.

Whatever he may gain in rehab will quickly be lost when he leaves , that I'm sure . I know it will be a relief when he stops torturing himself , At this point , that is what it is, which is why he says he does not want anymore trips to the hospital.
FIL has been struggling but determined to keep his independence, barely walking , and refusing help from the nurse's aides, this past year.

He's taking the weekend to make his decision and will let it be known on Monday. With the holiday , the earliest he would be discharged is Wednesday. However, we were told there is still the chance that rehab will be offered if his condition worsens again.

The last few days he's had some ( temporary ) improvement. I wish someone would be honest with him, about how very limited and temporary any progress he makes in rehab would be. He is trying to get back to being independent, which is very unrealistic. Right now the only thing he can do is feed himself .

But I'm not POA. DH is letting this play out. But DH and I talked about , what is next after rehab. If FIL Can Not walk 75 feet with his walker and supervision only, his AL will not take him back unless he's on hospice. No other assisted living place will take him. He will either have to go back to his AL on hospice or go to SNF on palliative care (or hospice). Even if he walks 75 feet and makes it back to AL without hospice, he will decline and will have the same problem in short order, to either go on hospice in AL or go to SNF. Either way, DH will have to deal with that conversation. So for now the torture continues, and may continue in rehab.


I hope that you and your DH are able to find a feasible solution to resolve this matter.

It’s completely obvious that your FIL needs guidance from you and your DH. He is beyond being able to reason and doesn’t fully understand what is best for his future care.

I had a similar situation with my mother. She was in the hospital for two weeks...with dementia...during Covid when she was allowed no visitors with familiar faces, and she pretty much lost what was left of her mind. That's when I decided that whatever ailed her from that point on was going to be dealt with on-site at her memory care and no more hospitals were going to be in her future.

Once I made that decision, it was as if a huge weight was lifted. We spend so much time and effort trying to keep someone going because the alternative somehow seems unthinkable, but in reality, the alternative is doing what Nature is has been trying to handle before we got involved.

My mother was put on hospice the day she returned from the hospital, she promptly came down with Covid (thanks, hospital!), and she was treated in place at the MC. She came through it just fine, but she no longer ate from that point on. She happily lived on Ensure for the next seven months, and about three weeks before she died her hospice nurse and I came to the decision to withdraw most of her medications because they weren't doing anything any longer. She died peacefully and without pain in her bed without nurses and doctors poking and prodding her and telling her do "get stronger," and that's how it should be.

Golden ,

Prior to us visiting FIL tonight , At my suggestion , DH had called the AL with questions this am .
After that call , DH had decided he would rather send FIL to AL on hospice than to SNF. He called it the compromise to have FIL go where he wants. FIL has money for aides to supplement . AL said they would let DH know when hospice wasn’t enough and they have agencies for aides they could call in for FIL. DH was very satisfied with that . I did throw out to him that if it doesn’t work out, as POA he could put FIL in SNF .

So that was the plan until we went up to visit FIL . I could tell by FIL mood when we got there, that when DH explained the discharge plan, he was not going to go along with it . The entire year plus , FIL thinks he can go against the rules of the system and negotiate for some unrealistic illusion based on his not being aware of how much help he needs with care .

We did tell him that when he goes back to AL , the aides will be coming in and he is to comply with care. ( which I doubt ) . I told DH , he’s back to wanting to go back to AL and not have them in his room much , that’s why he wants to try rehab , because he can’t walk . He wants to be able to “ do for himself still “. The AL that he is in also has an SNF ( by the same name as the AL) about 45 minutes away , so if it’s not working out he could go there . DH didn’t want him that far. But I told DH if it’s not working out and he has to be moved to SNF , it may be easier on us for the facility to tell him he has to go to “ another building “. . I said it’s either that or you put him in SNF closer now . At least it’s an option .

I am only going to the hospice meeting to hear what they have to say . The meeting is at bedside with FIL .

Way - not surprised. As you have said he is not capable of making a sound decision. He's playing the odds to get what he wants which is his comfort place AL, where they don't bug him too much.

You are wise to back out. No one wins at this game.

It think a meeting with hospice is a good thing - a step in the right direction.

I expect you are right about rehab. He is not a well man.

Letting the demented one call the shots is not unusual. IMO, their preferences should be considered, but the final decision should be made by those capable of making a good/wise decision.

Would it be so bad if he went back to AL on hospice? I gather you are concerned about inadequate care there. You don't want him getting bed sores for example.

When mother was in NH she was well looked after in that regards -sheep skin booties etc.

Can the AL promise the level of care that he needs as he declines further?

(((((hugs)))) a stressful time!

Golden , You were right , FIL changed his mind again . I’m not surprised either . Now he wants to try rehab . Although FIL also wants to stipulate no trips to the hospital for anything . I don’t think a rehab facility is going to want to admit him . FIL is essentially trying to do hospice and rehab at the same time.

DH will have to call the caseworker tomorrow morning with questions . Meanwhile we have a meeting with hospice at 10:30 . 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️FIL would like to try rehab then return to AL, and again, no trips to hospital . I’m not saying a word anymore .

I’m done . FIL will probably go to rehab and either quit in two days or get too ill . FIL keeps flip flopping . We will see what tomorrow’s meeting brings but a decision has to be made .

And so far everyone is letting this unrealistic man with dementia decide including DH.

(((((((Way)))))) so frustrating! I gather you doubt he will be able to walk 75 ft with his walker so the real issue is hospice in AL. Al by it's nature does not give a whole lot of hands on care, If he needs aides then he would be better off in SNF. I wonder why they are averse to recommending that? Have you asked them?

The system has it's own standards. They never pronounced mother incompetent except when it suited them, and then it was a very specific incompetence where I could make a decision for her. It was weird! Not that I was anxious to make her decisions for her. but as it turned out the system and I did make those decisions but they still would not declare her incompetent. I thought it was a farce.

I agree that fil is not capable of making a good decision as regards his care.

Hospice in AL seems an oxymoron.

I want to SCREAM!!!

Soooooo, FIL AL is saying two choices . He has to walk 75 feet with his walker and supervision only ,
OR he can return as is (which he is not walking ) if he signs up for hospice .

The hospital caseworker does not want to give FIL those two options right away because she doesn’t want that to be the reason he chooses hospice .So she suggests trying to get FIL to go to rehab and see what happens .

IMO FIL just needs someone to tell him to go to an SNF , because of his history of refusing care at AL and them being too lenient with that . I expressed that to the caseworker and stressed that FIL is not capable of making a rational decision of where to safely live .

I feel that is different than the man deciding on hospice or not . If FIL wants hospice fine . Our issue is where it happens .

I feel if he goes to AL , he is going to be rotting and told we have to bring aides in or move him to SNF anyway. And then we will have a fight on our hands with FIL , trying to get him to SNF .

I had my dad on hospice in SNF . There are no true hospice facilities by me . Does anyone have experience with hospice in AL?? I would like to know as I feel we would be having to hire aides to come in for him to get enough care .

Way - join the crowd. This last year for us has been so full of unexpected things and obstacles I am beginning to expect them as the norm.

They really just want to get rid of him don't they? And he just wants out. Definitely it is irresponsible to make those plans without consulting the POA - your dh. Can you or dh contact the AL and find out if they are willing to take him? and if so under what conditions. Surely it won't be less than last time.

Glad dh set the first meeting without fil and also wants some feedback from a doctor about the suitability of fil for AL. I totally agree with you, sending him straight to a SNF makes so much more sense.

You know if he qualifies somewhere between AL and SNF, he will need SNF very soon and a move to SNF now would be so much better than trying to get him out of AL in a few weeks or months.

Him not keeping himself clean is reason enough for him to be in an SNF. in my view. He could develop infections/irritations. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't had any trouble "down there" yet.

Keep us updated. Hopefully you will have more info tomorrow after dh's phone meeting. I did not include mother in those types of meetings, though when there were to be changes she was kept well informed and given some choices when she was able to make them. But the choice was not AL or SNF, the choice was e.g. which SNF of three.

Golden you speak too soon . I can’t believe what is going on. DH may be stuck at the airport . His last of 3 flights in order to come home “ early “ has not left due to severe thunderstorms by me.
Meanwhile , he gets a message on his phone from the hospice nurse to set up a meeting for discharge planning with FIL present . They spoke to FIL today .

FIL ( with dementia ) is agreeing to anything (hospice at AL ) just to get out of the hospital. I don’t think he is understanding all of this. He just wants out of the hospital . By what I read in his portal , he is assuming he will go back to AL. FIL is saying he can do PT there, but I believe once there , he will refuse , he’s done it before , and I believe he’s too tired to do PT and will get too short of breath .

I’m quite annoyed that they have gone this far without having spoken to DH who is POA. FIL expressed he wants to go back to AL and they are trying to make that happen according to what I read in his portal. I think he belongs in SNF. There is nothing about if AL has gotten back to them whether they are willing to take him back . Last time they were not willing to unless he did rehab first and was walking 150 feet. These caseworkers work fast to push them out the door .

Rightfully so , DH would like some feedback from a doctor as to how long he may be able to last in AL if at all. We want to make sure he gets the care he needs. If him going to AL with PT is going to be a waste of time , might as well just put him in SNF now , or it will be like pulling teeth to get him out of AL and put him in SNF . DH called back to the hospice nurse and told her he wants this first meeting without FIL present. The meeting is at 12 noon tomorrow by phone .
IMO It would be best if he just went to SNF from the hospital .

Gosh, Way, that's a bit confusing. Palliative care on the one hand and OT and PT on the other - with fil in between. Considering what you have said about him, he may change his mind by tomorrow. I agree letting him go back to AL if that's what he wants and they will take him makes sense. It also makes sense that he won't be there for that long - but it's all a guess right now.

Try to relax. It will unfold. Glad dh is soon home and can take over. Hope your trip with your gf goes well. If nothing else it will be a bit of distraction. ((((hugs)))

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