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My father has always hated it when people would ask him, "How are you doing?" He would get mad and say, "How do you think I'm doing? My wife is sick, etc.." Now, with mom gone and he's bedridden, he still hates it. He would reply, "That's a stupid question. What do you think I'm doing stuck in this bed all day? How do you think I feel?!"

So, I came in from work tired and complaining about the traffic. The first thing he said is, "How are you doing, girl?"

I paused and looked at him. I soooo badly wanted to shoot that question back to him. Would he get mad at me? Oh, h*ll, go for it!

I replied, "How are you doing, Boy?"

He said, "What?!"

Sigh...I started it, I might as well carry it through, being Disrespectful for also calling him Boy. I replied, "How are you doing, BOY?"

He stared at me,and then started laughing so hard. Yeah! Back atcha, dad!!!

A few days ago, in the evening, the phone rang. It's long distance based on the number popping up. I answered it. The lady wanted to talk to my dad. I asked if I may know what it's about. She's doing a survey for those under my dad's secondary insurance (primary is Medicare.) So, I told dad to pick up the cordless phone because it's for him, about his secondary insurance.

He struggles to pick up the phone and I've just noticed that he cannot remember where the speaker button is. I wait while he struggles to find it. He finds it, and booms out loud, "Hello? Hello?"

And the lady starts her spiel about the survey. In the meantime, because he cannot hear her (doesn't think he needs hearing aid), he keeps booming out into the phone, "Hello? Hello?" and because he cannot hear her, he thinks the speaker is not working. So, while she's trying to repeat her beginning spiel, and dad's hello, I keep hearing all these clicking sound (dad pressing the speak button repeatedly.)

Finally, I felt bad for both of them. I told the lady (over dad's "hello?") that he's beginning to be senile and doesn't really understand. If she asks me the question, I can relay it to him so that he understands. In the meantime, Dad's 'hellos' in the background is getting louder.

The lady said, "No, it's okay. Shall I put a note here that your father cannot respond?" I said, yes, please. Now that is one way to cut short a lengthy questionnaire survey.

After I hung up, I had to explain to dad in several different ways what the lady wanted. When I was done, he told me to never give information over the phone. If they want information, they need to come here in person. He concluded, "They are communists trying to get information!"

Mama was in our bathroom today to get a bath. She doesn't know where she is anymore. She sat down on our toilet, which is also a bidet and pushed the button. The spray surprised her. She said how did I get to Europe, I don't remember going. I said "you aren't in Europe, you're down south in Georgia." She looked at me and said, "they don't have those things in the USA" I said "Yes". She said "Why are you lying to me?"

Oh thanger! thats very funny sad but funny bless her cotton socks!!

My dad has chronic back pain to the point of depression. he is frazzled with the pain and not making a lot of sense all the time. Yesterday, I told him we will have to push the VA med team to do a shot, where they insert something like cement in the vertebrae effected. He looked really serious and I thought maybe I had been too graphic.

Then he said "well that means I cant go swimming anymore". It took me a minute to even GET it... :)

I've finished changing dad's pamper, and was pulling his pants up when I hurt my back because the pants didn't go up as it should. I exclaimed, "Please don't tell me that they put on the pants that's too small for you!"

There it is - size 32. He's 34. I was so angry. So many times I've hurt my back trying to pull up this pants because it would suddenly stop short of not going up to his waist. I decided to change his pants.

As I was pulling off the pants from his feet, he grunted in pain, and said, "Ouch! My knee hurts!" I was puzzled because the pants was already past his knees so it couldn't be the knee hurting. So, I reached over, wrapped my hand around his right knee and asked, "This knee hurts?" He said yes. I then grabbed his left knee and asked, "This knee hurts?" He said yes.

I asked, "Which one hurts?" He then kicked his ankle on the bed board. I then grabbed his ankle and asked if this hurts? He said yes. I exclaimed, "That's not a knee. That's an ankle." He replied, "Knee, ankle, whatever. They're all the same!"

So, now that we figured his ankle hurts, I was putting on his shoes. He said, "Ouch! My toes hurt!" So, I grabbed his toes, squeezed it, and asked, "Does this hurt." He said yeah, yeah, that hurts. I started massaging his toes, and then down to the bottom of his feet. He was enjoying it so much, he said, "That is good to do when my toes are hurting."

Asked mum what she wanted me to get in town for dinner? do you want chicken? NO she said ive gone off chicken? do you want a nice steak? NO am kinda going off steak? What about a nice ham salad oh god no i dont like ham anymore? I was starting to lose my cool and said well what do you want? she replied "oh you know me im not fussy???????????????????"
Are you friggin kidding me?

I just told my mother I may have to have surgery that will require me to stay in the hospital for six to seven days. She looks at me and asks: "Where am I going to stay? I don't like those nursing homes?"

Not necessarily funny, but just goes to show you where their minds are :)

My Mom wanted to walk constantly even though she wasn't strong enough to go on her own so my sister and I were walking her through the house. Sis (walking backwards) in front holding Mom's hands. Me in back with hands on her hips to keep her steady. Asked Mom if she wanted to go out side and she proceeded to give us a royal a**chewing! She went on and on with things like "I don't ever want to see you girls doing that again." I can't believe I saw you girls doing that" Doing what Mom? "You know! And I saw you." I made one of my flippant remarks and boy did she give my sister one hell of a go to hell look! My sister let go of her hand and pointed to me saying..I didn't say that she did.. And Mom turned around and I received the look! Never did find out what we were in trouble for but we think it was for smoking.

"can you wash the dishes today?im tired" she hasnt washed a dish in 3yrs???? guess you have to laugh? Grrrrrrrrrrrr

On the dreadful morning of 9/11/01, my mother and my nephew's wife, Elie, were heading in the woods to meet with my mother's hiking group. When they arrived, one of the other hikers said, "in light of what happened this morning, I think we should cancel this hike." My mother and Elie looked at each other in confusion and asked the others what they were talking about.

My mother has repeated this story many times throughout the years, but recently there has been added a twist: "Elie and I survived 9/11. It was really scary!"

My Dad [92] who was still a bit loopy from meds his doctor had given him because of a bad fall, he asked me if I had his wallet as he needed his credit card. "Credit card, what for, Dad?"..... he wanted to go to the front desk to pay the hotel bill.

We were in a hospital at the time :)

Yes FF my friends mum was on an aeroplane with her son (early alz) she kept asking for the key to her room and getting quite agitated!

I always chuckle when they play that commercial, MyCleanPC. It never fails. My dad may be quiet or I think he's sleeping. As the commercial is playing, my dad would suddenly say, "Sloooow Dooown." And then right after he says this, the commercial would say, "Sloooow Dooown."

I asked him why the man is telling us to slow down. He said that we use to the computer so fast, that we break it. That's why the man said, "Sloooow Dooown." See all those broken computers.

"Well those stick-on handles aren't worth the packaging they come in, and no one is drilling holes in my nice bathroom tile," my 91-year old dad to his doc while discussing bathroom safety.

"Vitin asked me for $500 towards the wedding. ... He's crazy about me. ... Can you pitch in? I only have $220."

Well folks, she's pushing 80 and Vitin is 27. Need I say more?

The were playing the song "Footloose" yesterday on the Today show. I started doing my best version of the dance to that tune...Mama was watching intently...and afterwards said "I wouldn't give you two cents for that bunch of mess again".... :)

Upon viewing a computer cover laying on our table, our mother said, "That looks like something dad would wear." When we explained to her that it was actually a cover for the computer, she exclaimed, "I don't care what it is, it looks like something dad would have worn!" We just agreed and chuckled to ourselves.

Whenever my mom is down or not in the best of moods, I will start saying a nursery rhyme. She will finish it for me and it always seems to cheer her up. Well, that is until today when she was in an especially sour mood. I scooted my chair close to her and whispered, "Did you know that Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb agreed to have a battle?" She turned and looked me straight in the eye and said, "I don't care if they did."

Thank you everyone for the good laugh! So many funny stories. I will share mine too when I remember them.

I am now starting to find it amusing the things my parents say about the neighbors, their own doctors, or a store we visit.

If we go into a store and there are hardly any customers, Mom will think the store is going out of business.

Dad recently had some green moss cleaned off one side of the house... he said he bets the next door neighbors are glad he got his house cleaned as they were probably getting tired looking at the moss. Sure, Dad, especially since his next door neighbor has no windows on that side of the house :P

Whenever I drive my parents somewhere and we get out to the main intersection, and there are more than 10 cars waiting at the traffic light on either side, my Dad will say a road must be closed somewhere. Dad doesn't realize that is normal traffic.

Tonight, my sinus-allergy's been acting up due to the constant exposure of cigarette smoke at work. As I released dad's Depend.. whooee! It really smelled bad. If I can smell that poop with a stuffy face, that means the poop came out of the pamper. So, I pulled down his pants, and did a quick check on the side of his upper legs for poop.

Dad asked, "What are you doing?"
I replied, "I'm checking to see if the poop came out."
He said, "Kmart?" with this puzzled look in his face.
I replied, "I said that I'm .. checking.. to ... see ..if ..the..poop...came out. Not Kmart! Do you really think there's Kmart down there in your pamper?"
He looked at me, then he started laughing so hard, muttering, "kmart!"

I came home for lunch. When I walked in, father asked me weakly, "How are you doing, girl?" I replied just as calmly, "I'm fine. How are you doing?"

He replied, "I need Tylenol."
I asked, "Why?"
He replied, "I take all these medicines." (lots of herbal supplements)
I asked, "Why do want to take Tylenol? Are you HURTING?"
He said, "No."

Because he can be stubborn and would keep asking for Tylenol and sis would give it to him, I had to take it a step further.

I said, "If you keep taking Tylenol, it can damage your liver."
He replied, "I can drink lots of water."
I said, "If you keep taking it, and it damages your liver, you will have to go to Dialysis Several Times a Week. And we would have to call the ambulance to take you to the hospital and then back to the house. That's $200.00 each way."

My dad cringed on the $200.00 cost. He replied, "I don't want Tylenol."

While Mama was in respite, I visited her when I was not in the middle of moving my furniture home....During the last visit, I told her I would be so happy to get her back home again... she said...yeah, I'll be happy to be home...but...sometimes I need a break from YOU...... lol

Dad's sleeping and I just noticed that he didn't have his arm sleeves on. He tends to kick off all the blankets to the floor. So it's important that he has the sleeves on. As I was putting it on, my hand slipped and I lightly hit his face (like a feathers touch).

My bedridden father exclaimed, "Be careful, you almost knocked me out!"

Such an exaggeration! I couldn't help it. I started laughing so hard.
He said, "That's not funny!" .... which made me laugh harder.
As I continued to laugh, he started laughing too.

MIL on telephone: "I love living here. I was born on a farm, and I plan to die on a farm."
Me: "That's nice, but you don't live on a farm."
MIL: "It's just like a farm! I can see cows from my house."
Me: "What are the cows doing?"
MIL: "Listening to NPR."
Me: "Not you, I meant the cows. What are the cows doing?"
MIL: "I just told you that. They're listening to NPR."

We need to tell Scott Simon that last one! Last week, my mom was recounting my youngest brother's visit. She told me stuff about each of his three boys and said, I can't recall what he said about the fourth one. She paused and said, is there a 4th one? Nope, mom, no 4th one. "Oh good, I thought I was forgetting one of them"

Our house is infested with all kinds of ants - black ants, teeny tiny ants, red ants (not the carpenter ones), etc... The black ants are not known for biting but they seem to bite me, like the others. Today, as I'm buying Free ebooks in Amazon all afternoon, I keep getting bitten by the teeny tiny ants.

As I'm putting Salonpas on my dad's hand, I asked him if the ants are biting him.

He said, No.
I replied, "They bite me because they like me."
He replied, "They bite you because they Don't like you!"
I responded, "Ants do not bite food that they don't like. Since they bit me, that means they like me. Since they don't like you, they don't bite you."
He shot back, "Ants only bite those they don't like."

We ended up laughing hard at the ridiculousness of our one man upmanship.

We're watching CNN on the earthquake in San Francisco. Dad is scared of earthquakes, scared of dying. So he was praying to God to protect us and our house. Because if the house gets damaged, we have no where to live.

As he was concluding his prayers, he said, "Give me Liberty or ..." He paused on the next sentence. I was wondering if he would finish the saying "Or give me death." since he's scared of dying.

He finally finished his prayer with: "Or give me Life!"

Since 10:00pm, my dad has been talking and talking non-stop. It's now past midnight and he's still talking. Suddenly, he said, "Stop talking, I need to sleep!"

I automatically replied, "I'm not the one who's talking! You Are!"

(It's now almost 1am, and he's still talking....)

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