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My dad has re-discovered the joy of ordering through the catalogs. In the past 2 months, he had been ordering a lot of stuff for his arthritis and shoes in this one catalog. He now thinks that I go to the store and place my order from the catalog to the store.

So, we're watching TV. Then the commercial comes on. Dad suddenly exclaims angrily, "Why do they put it in the TV! How are we going to buy it!? They don't even give a phone number or an address!"

bookluvr, I remember the days when we would look through the Sears catalog, then go over to the Sears catalog store-front and place our order. When the order came in, the store would call us and we would go over to pay and pick up our order :)

I really do miss the Sears, the Montgomery Wards, and the J.C. Penney's catalogs. It was so easy to find things.

We were poor growing up with only one breadwinner who had a wife and 8 kids to support, with a mortgage, etc.... I remember how my sister and I would open this very thick jcpenney catalogue and pretend to buy all these things from it. We spent hours using our imagination on those catalogues. ...I wonder if this is where our shopaholic tendecies began?

I was running out the door last night dinner with friends...........halfway down the road i forgot my mobile so i went back home to get it...........mum was in the kitchen and asked me what i was doing back? when i told her i forgot my phone she said "gosh you really are losing it a bit lately arnt you? youre becoming a bit of a featherhead?????". OMG!!

A lady I have adopted as one of my mothers in the independent living facility in which my Parents live, approached me all upset yesterday.
She said, "I know something is going on with my family, but no one will tell me what it is. I wish they would tell me what it is, so I would know what I'm worrying about."
She and I shared a laugh, but, at the same time, I thought this was quite profound.

My bedridden father is gaining weight. I've been telling that he needs to diet - as in cut down on the banana bread and the '1 tablespoon' ice cream that he eats several times a day.

He insists that he is Not gaining weight. Even though most of his slacks no longer close. I now have to tie a string from the belt loop to the opposite belt loop. He is not gaining weight. That his stomach is bloating from the prostate.

This morning, his regular MED/SMALL Depend seemed a bit small. I kept trying to adjust the butt area to ensure it covers him completely so no accidents seep out. He was watching me trying to pull it this way and that, lift up, turn, etc...

He muttered complaining, "They're making these pampers smaller.".... ?!?!

I'm tired of watching the reruns on the CNN news and Foxx News. So, I've channel surfed twice before I finally gave up and kept it on the Military channel. This is a channel by the military for their people - latest things going on base, current programs for expecting mothers, etc... I've had it on that channel for about 2 hours.

Dad asked worriedly, "What's going?"
I responded, "Huh?"
He replied while nodding towards the TV, "What's going on? It's showing the military all the time!"

Oops... I quickly turned the channel.

From my previous post, I mentioned how my dad would quote that computer commercial 'slooooow down." I'm watching Long Island Medium. Have you ever heard Therese Caputo laugh? Well, in this 2nd episode, she laughed her unique laugh. Suddenly, my dad started laughing exactly like her. She laughed again. My dad did the Therese laugh. OMG! I couldn't take it. I started laughing.

Yesterday morning, I was watching the Food Network channel. Each hour was a different cook. On the 3rd cooking show, my dad said, "She's a hard working woman. She's been cooking all this time." I looked up at the TV, the first two cooks were brunette (Giada and then Rachel Rae). This 3rd one was a bigger woman - with blonde hair. Okaaaaay....

mum wants POA of her!!!!!!!!! "why cant i have POA over ME". Oh so funny! yep mum sign yourself into a NH and sort out your own welfare!!!!!! LOL

Mom is discovering new things all the time. She used to be a big reader but was having a hard time, so I tried the large type books and she loves them. She had apparently forgotten they existed, possibly since she never sought them out, before. She is rediscovering favorite authors and books and reading new ones.

And discovering these large type books has been so exciting that she is telling absolutely everyone she meets, "Do you know, there are these large type books that are now available. I have to tell you about them. They're just wonderful!"

My dad is beginning to hoard napkins, kleenex and wash cloths on his bed. He doesn't want us to throw it - even if it's soiled. So it's all piling up on the left side of his bed (which I sneakily throw when changing his pamper). Yesterday, he has a new hiding place. As I was changing his pamper, he asked me if I was going to change his shirt. I said no. He said, "good." Then, his right hand reached over, grabbed a napkin and proceeded to stuff it into his already lumpy shirt.

my mom has become a paper keeper too. But she ends up throwing them all over, especially under the table, behind the washer, any crevice of the car.

Despite having what might be the world's largest collection of handkerchiefs, all clean and nicely-ironed, my mother loves to stuff kleenex up her sleeves and in her pockets. Every laundry day, despite reminding her to take them out and looking around for the ones she missed, I still end up with kleenex all over the dryer. I tease her that she's so frugal that she's the only person who reuses her kleenex, this way.

This is something my Dad [93] said a few months back. I decided to use an on-line grocery service that was associated with our favorite grocery store... you order groceries on-line, pay on-line, and the next day the store has all the groceries packed in bags for you to pick up.

My Dad was interested in how that all worked, so I had him come along with me when I went to *pick-up* my parents' groceries. It was so simple, I pulled in front of the store, the attendant came out, unlocked the refrigerated/freezer bins in front of the store, and put the groceries in the trunk. This took maybe 5 minutes.

Dad said "this is the first time I was grocery shopping and didn't need to unbuckle my seatbelt" :)

my mil asked my husband ...what time do u get on the school bus...he is 52

My mother with alzheimers looks at me and says "what am I going to do with you ! Your getting very absent minded .

My mother with alzheimers looks at me and says "what am I going to do with you ! Your getting very absent minded .

my mil talking to her sister [93 and 95] hung up the phone and said ...she is really mixed up. the blind leading the blind, lol

Talking about a lady in our town who walks every day up and down the main road, she says, "She must be a hooker with no business."

That "she" was my gram with dementia. :)

ooohhh! That's really sad, Tlynne!

I'm in a department store shoe section with my mom. She asks the clerk for her size, a 7N. The clerk comes out and says (very politely) that she is sorry but she doesn't have that size in that particular shoe. My mom vehemently responds with, "So are you telling me they only make this shoe for people with big feet?" Ok, the reason it is funny is because I wear an 8.5 or 9 and she would always say my feet were just the right size and that those sizes are very popular, which they are. This is just my mother, aghast that someone can't meet her need. Geesh.

Both funny and mortifying.....and funny only in the fact that she has no clue, in her condition, not funny at the subject matter, that is the mortifying part.
We are in the Dr's Office waiting room and a very heavy woman takes her place, struggling with her size and mom blurts out loud as can be "Hey look at that lady, she is very fat" OMG I turned 18 shades of red, wanted to just teleport outta that office immediately!!!

I have to say the craziest thing my dad has said recently is "I need you to stay nearby and help me full time for a while. Tell your boss you need a couple of months off" I explained that I just started my job a couple months ago. He said"Ok,I will pay you your salary. then tell them that you cannot work their schedule." I told him I needed the health insurance also, explained about COBRA time limits, and how difficult iif not impossible it would be for me to get health insurance on my own with my health problems. "Then I will pay your medical bills" I explained that just ONE illness could wipe out everything. Dad: "Thats ok" I changed the subject.

95 yo mil managed to get both shoes on the same foot... not easy to do!

95 yo mil eats her bananna then carefully puts the peeling on top of her foot...then carefully puts her napkin on the other one...i wonder what was going through her mind? i just laughed and took a picture

95 yo mil eats her bananna then carefully puts the peeling on top of her foot...then carefully puts her napkin on the other one...i wonder what was going through her mind? i just laughed and took a picture

After finishing putting on her makeup and me doing her hair, she always says, "Now can you tell me to get lost so I can have my milkshake!"

My Mom was recently telling me about the brother of one of her friends. He was about 85 and passed away from pulmonary fibrosis. She said he got so bad at the end that he had to be placed on a vibrator! She was also in rehab for a fractured hip over the summer. Her room was a little bit cold, so she asked me for a sweater without sleeves. I sure wish she had a translating dictionary.

While having lunch with my mother at a local hospital, I said, "This is the hospital I was born in." My mother said, "It is?" Drawing near her and looking at her expectantly, I said, "Yes, you were there." She thought only slightly before saying, "You must be really old."

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