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Up in Lake Tahoe it's getting cold as the first winter storm blows in. I had a few bad moments where I thought I had an extreme fever. Turns out my mother had turned the heater up to 90+! The adventure continues...

Oh my gosh...Mom just set me off into gales of laughter here. This is a little off-color, so if you are easily offended, just skip it.

Mom was watching TV and a commercial came on for a new show coming on soon, and 3 women were in a locker room at a gym - one was middle-aged and the other two were in their early 20's. All had just gotten out of the shower and were in towels. The older woman takes off her towel to get dressed, and the younger women both gasp, and say, "Oh my God, don't you wax?!?", then one of them looks at the other and kind of whispers...."It looks like my MOTHER'S!"

Mom and I were laughing at that when Mom said, "I think mine's gone BALD!"

I thought I'd fall off my darn chair....."out of the mouths of babes" has NOTHING on the things that come out of the mouth of an elderly parent!!

Mom has been so darn cute, really alor more vocal and animated I nearly cried at dr right there in waiting room, I rested my head on her shoulder for a minute and she said in her loud way for all to here (instead of "hey that lady is fffaattt' as posted prior) she sez "awe this is nice, your my honeybunch, your my daughter" you have no idea how huge it was to hear her use another word than baby never happens, she reached for something

And her is the best part....I was telling caregiver today about it and I said "when I took mom to the VET yesterday! OH I needed that one this week, I laffed so hard!

I have a friend who comes a few times a week and doesn't 'see' my mother's dementia. So today, while he was sitting there, I was giving her some soup. I put some crackers in and she tells me she doesn't want the crackers. Now, I KNOW she wants these crackers, so I keep putting them in and he pipes up with, If she doesn't want crackers, don't give her crackers'.

Well, I asked her, "Why don't you want the crackers?'

She says: 'Because I like them.'

Ha, ha, the look on his face was priceless, to which I said, I told ya so.

Then, of course, comes the stuffing her face with too much soup, the coughing, then the sneezing, then the tissues come out of the tissue holder. The whole nine yards. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

I came home around 6:00pm and decided to eat my dinner in the livingroom. Dad usually has his dinner at 5:30. As I was eating, he asked me, "Did I eat dinner?"

I replied, "Yes." ... silence. Then I asked, "Why? Are you hungry?"

"No. I just wanted to know if I ate already. I don't remember."

My mother is 80 and lives with my husband and I. When she gets nervous, which she seems do to regularly, she has to talk. And her hearing is bad too, so she talks loudly. Her comments are totally inappropriate most times. During a recent hospital stay, she had the nurse get her a bedpan because she could not get up. The nurse said that sometimes, it's hard staying on the pan if you don't have much bum, which that describes my mother's. So, my mother acknowledged what she said, and as the nurse tried to balance her on the pan, she reached back for something whereby my mother viewed her bum. She stated "I can see where you would probably have no problem balancing on one of these. You've got the bum for it."

That is hilarious, Donna! - I just hope the nurse thought so too? :)

Mom and I were shopping for sweatshirts at a discount store. I turned around for a single moment and she suddenly had a huge, white, bulky pair of white socks in the basket. I asked her why she was buying them. She told me they were only sixty cents and that they were "a lot of sock for the money."

Anyway, for sixty cents, if it made her happy, fine. Maybe she can wear them over her regular socks as slippers or possibly give them to my husband for Christmas, although, I don't think even his feet are big-enough for these things. :-)

Too funny! Love it makes my day!

When my father and mother lived by themselves, there seemed to be a pain pill problem. My mother was prescribed them, but my dad commonly stole them. He would slip them in his pocket where my mother would once in a while find them when checking his pockets before laundering. My mother talked about the problem, and we really did not identify a good resolution other than finding better hiding places for the drugs. One day about a week later, my mother said she had solved the problem. So, I asked her "How?" She said, "I cut holes in your fathers pockets, and I just pick up the pills as they fall out.

It's not a funny thing he said... it's a funny thing he did...

I've been giving my dad nutritional supplement drinks and they come in little juice-box-style paper cartons. I also give him a bit of 100% cranberry juice every day to try to ward off bladder infections since he has a catheter. I give him the juice in a small but heavyweight plastic sippy cup with a built in straw. I noticed one cup was missing from the set of four and found out my dad had thrown the plastic cup away. He thought it was the same as a throwaway paper juice carton! I just have to shake my head and laugh. I have no idea how his brain comes up with the things it does. :-)

My Dad was sitting on the side of his bed looking down toward the floor and looking sad I said "Dad are you okay?" and he said "I have a problem" I said "What is it?" he said I got this lady pregnant and how am I going to tell your mother? my Dad is 83!

Oh my, Malsings07...that must have been a shocker! LOL

After trying to get mom to attend a community senior center that was offering all kinds of fun classes, and her refusing to go, she was having none of it! I was really upset because I need her to get out sometimes, and she desperately needs the social interaction. So in the heat of this convo, she stamps her feet and exclaims " I don't want to have fun!". Ok. You just said that. Woa.

That's funny but frustrating, I know. I'm getting a bit of a laugh because my Mom is the same way.

LOL! OnlyMe - I completely get that one! (That's funny, but sad, too.) Like Mom telling me, very emphatically, that the reason she wouldn't shower was, "I'm LAZY, ok?!?!" Well, not much I could say to THAT....

My mother also sometimes just gets angry and blurts out that she's lazy. Bathing is one of those things she'll sometimes say that for.

My grandma will announce that she isn't that dirty since she didn't go out and roll in the mud today when she doesn't want a shower. Luckily our caregiver that comes in and gives her one will laugh and take her in anyway.

I decided that since it's close to Xmas, I will turn off the TV and not watch CNN/Fox News. I figured dad would like to hear the Xmas songs. I turned on the radio, and it was a very slooooow Xmas song. (Like Sinatra's time but even slower versions of his songs.) When dad heard the song, he made a grunt of disgust.

I replied, "That's from YOUR time! Very slow singing."
He laughed. And then he started singing a more current fast-paced xmas song.

My dad complained about his "new" hearing aids, saying he missed his old ones. I reminded him he hated the old ones and constantly complained about them. Constantly!

His reply: "We'll, there's nothing like your own ears."

My dad declares today, "I'm 88 years old."

I paused in the middle of changing his pampers, frowning. 88? I could have sworn he was age 84 last year. So, I started counting with my fingers. I said to him, "You're not 88. You're 86."

He insisted he's 88. And I held up my fingers and started counting his age by 10s (10, 20, 30, 40...) Again, he looked at me with disbelief.

After a while, he said, "Why did I think I was 88 years old?"
I replied, "I don't know."

More time goes by as I continue changing his pamper. Suddenly, he said, "I'm making myself old!..... I've been telling people that I'm old, at 88!"

Just the sound of his indignation for aging himself, I burst out laughing so hard. He looked startled, and then he started laughing hard, too.

You've coloured your hair - yes I have - it doesn't look any different

Our livingroom is very cold. Our air con is acting up and can no longer adjust the temperature. It's stuck on 64 Fahrenheit. I've had to buy long arm sleeves for dad to wear, thick gloves, long thick socks. Sometimes when I change his shirt, I can feel his ears are freezing cold. Since we live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and never experienced snow, I couldn't find one of those winter caps you see in TV in which it also covers the ears. I found a set of 3 for about $10.00 on ebay.

One night, while he was sleeping, I noticed that he wasn't wearing his cap. After I put it on, he said with his eyes still closed, "Good! My brain was freezing!"

"Do we need more bread in the napkin holder" and sure enough I look and there are slices of bread in the napkin holder.

I had to remind my mother that she was married to my father for 60 years."60 years!" she exclaimed. "You mean to tell me that in all that time I never had a boyfriend?"

My dad asked if the taxes were paid-I'm guessing he meant property taxes which since he hasn't owned a house for over 11 years. Unless he was thinking of the AL as his house.

A few days before my mom died she said our cat should be a "seeing eye cat." Whenever I think of her saying it, I smile. She was a bit loopy at the time from the drugs, etc., but she always had great sense of humor too, so it's something (one of the very rare things) that makes me happy.

This isn't really a said thing but more so an action thing. We try to put my grandma on a schedule to help her sleep at night so after 4 pm, we keep her awake. From 4 to 4:30 it's tough but after that she stays awake on her own. Anyway I woke her up at 4:15 and then again at 4:18 and then again at 4:30 and she picked up the blanket she was laying with (She's always cold so is always covered with blankets) and tried to stuff it in her ears stating, "A person can't get any sleep around here." I grinned stating, "That is the point. You've been sleeping all day!" She of course like always looked at the time, "Is it 4 already?" We all laughed. Little moments like that are funny around here. Perhaps are the ones who need sleep.

I gave dad a Mochi coffee cake. After done eating, he drank some water. Stared at the cup and then set it down. I heard him mutter something about 'water'. I assumed he meant that he wanted me to refill his cup. As I was about to pour water into it, I gasped - not expecting to see anything other than water in his cup. (I never know what I will find in my dad's cup - most times it's his chewing gum.)

He heard me gasp, and said, "There's an animal in there."

I stared hard into the cup trying to figure out what it is. I replied, "There's no animal in there. That's your cake."

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