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FF, did the chime scare you or the cats more?😉

Ghostly sightings of a passed loved one, or other strange happenings, They are real.

I’ve had sightings of loved ones since I was a child. I consider this a glad it happens to me.

I don't know if my late Dad is at it again. Numerous times in the past couple of months my cat's snap-away collar was un-snapped and just laying on the back of the cat while the cat slept. The snap takes a bit of effort to snap open, no way the cat could do it unless he got the collar caught on something, but there isn't anything in the house where that would happen.

Another thing, this morning I noticed the remote for the TV had the battery cover off the back, I did find the cover. That was strange. Had to be Dad as when he was alive he liked to fuss with changing batteries, and with that process losing or misplacing the battery covers on so many different things.... [sigh]

I think your dad is at it again.

I don't believe ghosts are real. I KNOW ghosts are real because I have seen a ghost with my own eyeballs.

I think it is a blessing to have seen the other side because now I know life here on earth is not the end, and that we are spiritual beings in physical forms.

When my mother was very sick and close to dying, my father appeared to her. I was standing at her bed, and she kept pointing toward the foot of her bed and said your father is standing there. I looked and saw nothing, so I kept telling her there was no one there. Then in the mirror, I saw him walking out of the room through the window. I suppose he wanted to show me that I was wrong.

Years ago, I have also witnessed a spirit take possession of a woman's body. After she fell from a roof, she broke her foot and hurt her back, and could not sit up or walk. I won't go into details of how or why here. The next day, after much praying by a close friend of the woman, a spirit took over her body. She got up and walked over to a chair and started talking in a man's voice. What was said I can't share here. Then the spirit left her body. She collapsed right on the spot and had to be carried back to bed.

My surrogate grandfather died unexpectedly when I was about 20. I loved him so much. A few nights after his death I lay in bed and --- in a dream, I understand that --- woke up, because he had just walked through the front door into my kitchen. In real life, when he was alive, this was an everyday occurence --- he'd drop by for coffee. I leapt out of bed and ran to him to throw my arms around him, but when I approached, he held up his hands to stop me and said, rather humbly and maybe a little embarrassed by his new condition, "Now, Carol, you know I'm dead?" Then I hugged him fiercely and he hugged me back. He was warm, solid, a little plump --- himself. I was so very comforted. Then I was asleep again and he was gone. I know his ghost was really just my need for a last good-bye. I know he wasn't there. If he were able to be there, he would have visited his wife, or one of his daughters or real granddaughters. But still, his "visit" is a wonderful thing to remember.

They say animals can sense things (FF), and our new puppy at least once a day stares into the foyer (where dad used to stand and look out front) and she "chuffes". I like to think dad is watching over us, or at least enjoying the view!

I very much believe episodes like those described here happen.
My dad passed away when I was 7 after a 9 month illness. Back in those days children weren’t allowed in hospitals. Dad died at about 9:30pm on a Friday night at a VA hospital in East Orange NJ. I remember my mom saying a few minutes before the hospital called that “no news was good news” as she knew my dad was very ill but that they believed he may last another day.
After my mom told me I went out to sit on our fire escape via the kichen window in our second floor apartment . I remember saying “Daddy, daddy, why did you leave me?” & right after I said that,  I very clearly heard a voice that said “don’t worry, M,  I will never leave you”. To this day he has been my Guardian Angel & guided me and saved me from many precarious situations throughout my life, especially the stupid things I did as a teenager.
My mom passed in April 2013 & I’ve been looking for a sign from her, a dream, something. My brother said he has a certain Bluejay that hangs around his house since she passed. Now this winter there has been a solo Bluejay around but I haven’t felt it was my mom.
I am still looking for that sign, or dream or anything for almost 5 years. There was no unfinished business pending for her & I though. The only thing was that I know she hated us leaving her in the NH for the 14 months she was there. So maybe after she resolves her anger and forgives me, my sign will come.
I totally believe that loved ones do send signs and the recipient needs to be open to them for them to occur. But who really knows? But my dad speaking to me the night he passed was real, no doubt.
I love to here about these types of post passing visits. I think they are special.

I think it would be lovely to have my dear, departed Mother visit me but I think we must be careful when we wish for these things cause they're not always coming from a Godly place. I believe there are evil forces at work in the world too and before you start wishing for a visit from a loved one, pray about it first.

I've had beautiful dreams about my Mom and special thoughts enter my head sometimes but I just don't believe my Mom or anyone else I loved and lost would ever come and visit me. My Mom was a true Christian woman and I do believe she is with God and I will see her again someday and I have to be happy with that.

If you believe in this and are sure that your loved ones are visiting you from a good and holy place, then it's all good. But just be careful what you wish for.

Gershun- I didn't wish to see the dead, and I didn't read from other posters here wishing to see the dead. Not sure why you say that we wish to see them.

Polar Bear, a couple of people on here said they were looking, hoping for a sign..............same as wishing isn't it. I'd love to see my Mom, I just don't think it's going to happen. I wasn't speaking of anyone in particular on here. Just sharing my point of view.

Never had a dream or "visit" from my dad but I feel his presence when sayings pop out of my mouth that he used to say. It always results in a smile on my face and a warm feeling while I'm thinking about him.

Beautiful ❣️

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