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Yes, my sister & I have detached from our parents, partly because we are really tired of being treated poorly & partly because we have to for our own healing, there is nothing in it for us, absolutely nothing but hurt! To be around our mother you have to be able to act like she does, we refuse to, therefore we are treated awful! The rest of them do it for the money! My husband told my mother he didn't want her money, has never wanted it!

M1953: I just want to send you my love and best wishes. I am relieved to hear you have detached from your parents. It had sounded like you were still doing for them in spite of all the evil actions of your mom.

I could tell you so many stories of people (my husband's family...his mom) who stayed tied to parents who were abusive. Eventually there was nothing to show for it.

I am constantly amazed at how some people can be so sick. I think calling them sick is a kindness. The harm they do to their children is beyond belief and that they can cause it, watch all of it going on, and continue to orchestrate it is something no one it their sensible or loving mind can understand.

Live you life and embrace your sister. Thank God you have each other. Leave the rest to God and wash your hands of it. Blessings to you and your sis. I hope you have years of happiness ahead of you. You will be wonderful Grandparents someday. Hugs, Cattails

Thank you for your kindness & love! My husband & I have 6 grandchildren & love all of them equally! We have 5 children, 3 of our own & we adopted 2! We love all 5 the same!

God Bless you!

I am the daughter of my 82 year old mother she is 83 today. It has been very difficult and trying. My mother did not raise me. She left when I was seven years old. While she was away she never sent my grandparents funds to take care of me and my brother. All during my childhood I never had any stability in my life I was constantly going from one place to another. When she returned home I did not want to live with her because there was no relationship. In fact I did not like her, I hated her because she abandoned me. All during my adult years our relationship was on and off again. She was gambling and never could keep a decent place to live. She was always evicted from her rental and she was a hoarder. The last place she lived was deplorable. She did not pay her water, lights or gas and she is sick. She has a degenerated hip, and she is enemic. The last apartment she lived I had to remove all her furniture because the doctor said she could no longer take care of herself and he placed her in a nursing facility. Now I am the worst person in the world. I have taken care of her during her illness and now she curses me and tells me she does not want me to be her caregiver. Every time I visit her in the nursing facilitiy she wants to argue but I refuse and walk out. I am so hurt I realize she was not a mother to me but I wanted to do all I could to make her fill comfortable but not it is at the time I really do not want to have anything to do with her. I have told her through the years I had forgiven her but she acts as if I am her enemy. I give up she make my blood pressure excelerate and my stress level makes me very sick and since the psychologist told me not to come back I have not and I feel so relieved.

I agree with Aune. Apologize even though you are not at fault. Then ask your Mom what she thinks the right solution would be. Maybe she isn't even realizing the financial hardship that was placed on you before she moved. In only a week, just picking up groceries, paying a phone bill, all the little things add up. Airline tickets added in the mix would be an eye opener if she has forgotten about that. It will at least open lines of communication and start the forgiveness process and rebuild the trust.


As we are wont to say here in the South,"Bless your heart!" I can so identify with your plight, because I am taking care of my difficult (albeit clear-minded) 84-yr-old mother in my home. What I've learned over the eight years that I've been at this is that she becomes the most mean when she's feeling the most scared and vulnerable. She's always been acid-tongued and selfish, pretty much toward everybody, but this has become exacerbated and been really leveled at me as she has declined physically.

I try to keep that fact at the front of my head when she aims at me, and I stare at her without reply. It's worked a lot of the time!

I find that when mama is 'mean', sarcastic, hateful - she isn't mama. It's like something else takes over and she becomes a totally different person. Most of the time, the next morning or the next day, she doesn't even remember it. She is hallucinating more often than not now. Seeing snakes. Odd coincidence though, she never see's them when we go out - only at home --- and only in the places that were "daddy's place", like in his chair in the living room, his bed in the bedroom, his side of the table in the kitchen. The antipsychotic drugs like risperdal and seroquel send her into a zombie like state as they are toooo strong for her system. Gave her 1/2 seroquel and ended up in the ER. Physc nurse there advised to cut back her 100mg dose of zoloft to 50mg and add 2mg of abilify. She's been on it for one week and her mood seems lighter and happier during the day but she's still seeing snakes at night. To the point that she's crying and shaking from head to toe. Her arthritis doc wants to add 30mg cymbalta to help with her pain. Originally it was prescribed as a drug for depression but it didn't have the desired effect I guess so now it is prescribed for blocking arthritis pain. I haven't started her on it yet. Scare too. Waiting till the end of the month and see if the cut back zoloft and 2mg abilify are working any better. I really don't know what to do. I've promised her over and over again that I won't put her in a nursing home but I get little to no help from my siblings who seems to think that is the only place for her. Since she just lost Daddy last December and she is already feeling so alone I feel like I would be abandoning her to die alone in a nursing home. His 88th bday was Oct 2 and I think that and the fact that the 16th would have been their 67th anniversary contributed to this most recent bout of hallucinations. Does anyone know anyother way to help someone through hallucinations without mind altering drugs?

Je: I think your approach to the drugs is wise. Take you time and add things slowing so you can be sure if they are working or not before adding something new. I feel for you and know you are doing your best. I don't know what kind of doc your mom sees, but maybe some one who specializes in dementia might give you a faster track to the help you need.

You are a wonderful daughter and I understand your concerns about abandoning your mom at this time. See it through a while longer. Make sure she has a full evaluation for dementia by someone who knows how to treat it. Get a referral from her doc if needed.

I think you have a good heart and a good head for the problems you and your mom are facing. I'm sorry your sibs are no help, but sometimes it's just better to accept that and move on. Hanging onto any hope of them seeing things differently is probably a waste of your valuable time.

Please keep us posted. Hugs, Cattails

Thank you Cattails. Just to know someone has a sympathetic ear helps. I found out that we can get a home psychiatric visit that won't interfere w/ Hospice. As if aging, mental illness, juggling meds for different diseases and immobility were not enough, we have to keep on top of who covers what and make sure there is no overlapping of services so we don't loose what we have. As daunting a challenge as this is, I do find that the discoveries I make help others and that makes me feel like there is a silver lining.

Dad died about seven years ago after being diagnosed with bladder cancer; then suffered a long slow death because he did not want any surgery. Anyway, my mother's been alone ever since. Insists on staying in the house because your father worked very hard to make this possible. Several years ago she had a serious surgery (gastro-intentestinal) ended up in rehab for a month before returning to her home. We engaged an aid to come in two days a week to take her for her hair and shopping and do some light housekeeping. My sister and I have tried to keep her comfortable;she does the bills and I take care of appointments and keeping up the properties. Two other brothers stay clear for the most part because mom pushes us away. She stopped driving because she never took the rehab seriously and lost strength in her legs. Well she had become very isolated from freinds and family. Will not call or write. Stopped cooking and baking (except for herself). She's 88. Angry that her body has betrayed her. She accuses us all of removing things from the house, thinks the house is no longer hers, thinks we threw out all her bras, are restricting her mail, and dwells on all the people who've done her wrong. The big issue recently is that she will not let my sister help her. My sister is crushed because my mother has never let my sister, the youngest, be close. My mother would rather call neices and female neighbors for needed tasks. Constantly insists my sister is too busy with her own life when my sister would like nothing more than to help .

just found this site -- feeling better already by reading other's experiences!

I was looking for a therapist. I can't change how my MIL acts, so I have to change the way I react to her -- which is NOT easy. In trying to explain to people that her meaness and manipulation is NOT part of the aging process that she's always been that way they look at me like I have 3 heads because "she's just the sweetest old lady they've ever met". She's been a pathological liar her entire life, but aging has left her with a problem of not being able to keep up with her lies. At first I thought the best thing to do was confront her about what she tells other people, but have found she just lies to us that she never said those things. (Although the other people are left believing it's all true). . What I know is true is the mother has targeted everyone in her daughter's life, because she doesn't have the courage to target her own daugther. (who is adopted, but never told she was adopted -- which is a whole different story) She has manipulated everyone in her daughter's life, until they leave her daugther and then she wants to be their friend. It's really sick. Recently I told my spouse I can't do this anymore -- it's too painful Which what I really ended up doing was hurting my spouse -- leaving her to feel like she's all alone with this situation. She's an only child. She's upset because I get hurt in the process and logically I know it's "not about me", it's about her mother's behavior it's still very painful.

Sooooo.....after a few days of feeling like a lousy human being I decided I would TRY a different approach. We'll use the aging process as an excuse for her bad behavior and I'll try to deal with it as if it's a medical condition, instead of a personality problem.

The only thing it changes is how I look at the problem --- I just hope that's enough to deal with it better. :-(

Dear, you have done nothing wrong. You are an only child left with the sole responsibility of her care. You did what you needed to do not only for your Mother's best interest but yours as well. You mentioned that your Mother has never been a independent person by relying on your father.
Be thankful that you have legal Power of Attorney.
First you not only have the ability to take out the equity loan, but you do not need her permission to deed your home over to you and your husband. Most POA's state " to convey property". It is my advice that you move forward with getting the deed and secure your home. The reason this is so important is because if indeed your Mother is suffering from Alzheimer's or the symptom of dementia, then there is a greater chance you may have to place her I. A long term facility. Most states have a 2-5 yr law regarding the transfer of property . Thus being said, if your not careful, the long term facility can and will trace back any property that has been in her name and take c control of it and see it for her care, on top of her monthly pension s.
Please look out for your interest. It sounds you have been so concerned with her care and making her happy that you have neglected your own security.
Also, sit your Mom down, tell her that you love her and that you have provided for and made sure her future needs have been placed before your own. Explain to her that you are her child and she is being very selfish by not wanting you cared for . Explain to her what can happen if she were to be placed in along term facility.
Ensure her that you intend to continue caring for her and looking out for her best interest. HOWEVER, enough of the childish selfish behavior . DO NOT invite her brother or anyone else in the family to discuss or have input on your POA. You were chosen when she and your father were in their right minds. I fear if the family gets involved that there will be trouble because greed will rear it's ugly head. You did mention that the property you have is quit valuable.
Consider hiring someone who in no way is connected to your family to assist with her care since she is having a "pouting". Bout. This is not uncommon when elderly people feel they have little to no dear vision making or control in their lives. This is not your fault. Had your Mother been more independent then she may have been living a full active life after your father's death.
Please don't think I'm being g mean, but I have been where your at and as long as you continue to allow her to treat you this way, she will.
You mentioned traveling with your husband. Once you find a dependable person you trust with her car, go visit your husband for a week. I bet this will bring things in t o prospective for her once she sees you are not going to allow her to live what is left of your life.
I hope it helps. But please dear don't allow her to make you miserable over choices she maddening ago by not being independent. If it is do to a. Illness( lack of dependence), the. By means dear, the ball is In your court.
Hang in there. It may not hurt for you to speak to your priest about recommendations for assistance with care givers. You seriously need a break if your feeling guilty and in tears.

I think I may sit down, look her in the face, tell her you love her and ask her what would make her happy. Say "what can I do to make this right for you and me". See what she says. Tell her you want your days together to be good days and your willing to try and make it right! As Dr Phil says, "do you want to be right or happy"! Even though we are 100% in the right we may have to back up and let them know we are listening to what has hurt her or frightened her or made her so upset. I'm sure she has told you many times but acknowledge you hear her and let her know your sorry if you upset her, hurt her, made her feel you were not putting her best interests first, (even though you did) just try and sympathize with how she feels even though she may be wrong. At her age and state of mind you will never convience her you were in the right, honest, whatever. Just say your sorry and want to make it right! Then go beat your pillow!

My mom's new doctor (I moved her to a senior specialist) helped me out a lot. I got more out of that one visit than all of the other doctor visits. Anyway, they referred me to the Alzheimer's Association (they help with all sorts of memory problems) and the visit was a God send. The first thing they told me was that my mom had lost any capability to reason or make decisions, she can only act on feelings and beliefs. They can't remember what happened a few minutes ago but they have long term memory so that is what they remember and when we try to get them to do something all they remember is when they could do it themselves. We have to keep this in mind when speaking to them and say things like "lets get ready to go out to eat, I'll go take my bath and you can take yours" It is still hard to apply that to every situation but it helped me see another way.

I know this is traumatic but you just have to realize that when dementia sets in, the prior person no longer exists. I knew my MIL would not go for an evaluation. I had made an appointment at Alzheimer's Institute. They only had morning appointments available. I told her we were meeting my son for lunch. You just mention it the day or two before. The night before, I reminded her. She says, "I don't understand why we have to go so early if we are meeting him for lunch." I told her it was a family surprise and that her 2 granddaughters wanted to come but one had to work and the other was out of state. We were nervous she would balk. Got her in the car. One the way, she asked again why we were going so early. I reminded her that her son had recently had a conversation with her about memory and he and I had gone to a workshop about memory. We were meeting as a family to talk about memory. The miracle happened. She sat with my husband and I checked her in. I told her that the gal (at the front desk) wanted to meet her. As she stood at the front desk, her picture was taken. Her evaluator, a cute young lady came and introduced herself as her evaluator. She looked at me and I reassured her that it was concerning memory. "You are going to discuss memory, right?" I said. Forty-five minutes later my husband, I and my son met with her and the geriatric psychologist. She was almost in complete denial of all symptoms but repeated a story twice. She was diagnosed with dementia and also a moderate to severe personality disorder. We have to give her her meds without her knowing as she refuses. She is a very abusive woman and sometimes it is too much but I don't want to change the subject. Just remember the good times and deal with the present as you are dealing with an illness not your used to be loving mother

My mother moved in with us 4 years ago. She is now 87 1/2 Is mean, miserable, and seems to think my existence is meant to be to sit and wait while she naps and then wait on her. I have friends and golf. We live in a country club community where she refuses to participate in any activity. She has arthritis and wears a pacemaker for a low heart rate but has not other real physical problems. She complains about being tired and body hurts. Doesn't sleep well. I'm sorry for her discomfort. She has swelling in ankles and feet but won't see the doctor... She's very mind strong and opinionated. Nothing I do is good enough. I dread getting up in the morning and finding her ready to pounce on me! I want to cry. She's sucking all the happiness out of my life. There are no family members or siblings to help. She's alienated everyone. I'd send her to a nursing home, but I feel guilty doing that. My husband is understanding, but it's hard on our marriage in some ways. I want to run away. She takes care of her own finances, and seems alert in most ways. But then gets confused re: time frames and just gets angry for no reason. She's yelled at me in public more than once. I'm just tired. This is nice to being able to vent a bit among people experiencing similar issues. Thank you for reading this.

Im a high functioning mentally ill daughter of any agingM I have related to well all my life. The problem is she recently had was found to have brain shrinkage: Since I was a child, she has believed in a variety of spirits, the other world, and she is currently practicing a program that's considered occultishh called The Course in Miracles, which is is a belief in some other type of Jesus.

Since rejoining this program, she has been irritable, confused, and naive: Now she thinks objects in plain view really don't exist as the Course in Miracles states. She even thinks the universe doesn't exist all bcause the Course says so. The Course In Miracles has been dubbed by critics as a course in. brainwashing of false docrine.

My mother and father fought my whole life. The dysfunction was complex and relentless. They were both addicted to prescription pills and at times added alcohol into the mix. I have one older sister. She is now 46 and I am 44. Growing up I was very angry inside and had little regard for myself. I was reckless and sad inside as a teenager. I have a hard time putting into words how it was growing up because I have locked it away in a box, deep inside, as a means of survival. In a snap shot, my mother thrives on drama. If things were or are calm, she will conger something up. She will think of something I or someone else did or said in the past, dwell and focus on it, until she is enraged. Then, she will let you have it with both barrels letting you know what a horrible person you are and how you have caused her pain, suffering, and basically contributed to her life as a victim and life of pain and suffering. The way she lets you have it is with very dramatic, mommy dearest like, tantrums, rages, letters, endless phone calls and messages that are wow, very hard to take. She has done this my entire life. As I was growing up, she would do this to the point that my father would physically abuse my sister and I to satisfy her as much of the time it was because we had been too loud or done something to make her upset. Not that my father was innocent, but she mentally abused him in front of us our entire lives by telling him he is worthless and should just kill himself. Growing up she often confided in us how much she hated our father. He attempted, serious attempts, several times through out my life. He is dead now. He crashed going 70mph into a telephone poll with him and my mother in the car about 8 years ago. I got the news via phone message from my sister. I was an RN in the emergency department 3000 miles away. I left that day and cared for her for 3 weeks. She could care less that my father was dead. She loved having me care for her. I left home when I was 16. Slept on my aunts floor and couch in a sleeping bag and graduated H.S. Got married at 20 to a man I had only known for 2 months and you can guess how that went. After having 3 children with him we divorced. It has been hell. Literal h*ll. I was 3000 miles away from any family or friends and he was not going to let one moment of my life be easy. I would not change a bit of it. It made me stronger. It was at this time, these years, that I learned to be a healthy adult. The struggle made me grow. God put amazing role models in my life and good friends that taught me how to live and function in this world as I had no clue. I was so messed up!!! I struggled my way through nursing school and did emergency nursing for 11 years. I am now an ICU nurse for the past 4 years and am attending nurse practitioner school. I feel pretty happy with life. I am married to a wonderful man who is my friend and have 3 sons, 23, 20, and 15, who I have a loving amazing relationship with. There is just one thing. My mother. I do not like her. She is mean, manipulative, passive aggressive, and mean again. She is dramatic and still up to her same old crap. She lives alone and is pretty isolated. I have been one of the only people that will still talk to her on this earth. In September, I flew to California and visited her for a week. My whole reason for writing this rambling, babbling, story, is because I am so confused. I do not ever want to talk to her again. I wont go into the crap she is still pulling but I want peace. I want to be done with the mind games and abuse. I want to be done with her. But, then the guilt sets in because she IS my mother. This is an internal conflict that no therapist can remedy. The little girl in me that can still feel it all wants peace...

For me it's my dad - and I'm new to this website but so glad I found it -- I'm at my end - I want to leave, he's mean, selfish, has outbursts of anger, is so negative about everything and is so verbally abusive all increased in the last 2 months or so - now he's starting doing things like turning the air off (we're in a southern state) no support from siblings at all -not even a call they just think all is great -and I have no power of attorney etc (he gave that to the kids not here) no diagnoses of dementia or Alzheimer's yet but from what I'm reading on this website maybe this is the first stages --- nice to know your not alone -- thanks!

It's hard to understand why doctors put pacemakers in dementia 94 yr old people ??? Experimenting i guess?to see how fast their caretaker relatives can have a heart attack from stress ?

Think doctors should be responsiable for all the extra care they put upon caregiver family members by installing pacemakers in dementia 95 yr old mean and aggitated patient .ALL THE money it takes ,, draining medicare ,and the whole family .

I hubby's 102 year old uncle is getting new pacemaker. He is mean and miserable.....but afraid to pass on. If it helps with quality of life, ok, but prolonging being beridden and in pain...why? Shame on doctors wanting a quick $.

MY dad just drives off in his golf cart . HES 94 . PEOPLE on FB have said they see him .. HE has Demintia, . HES become mean and impossible to control . HE drove down and bought a car . NOW insisting we take him 7 times now to Dmv for a new test to drive .. WERE all worn out .. THE doctor has put in two pacemakers now and dad's brain is gone .. ITS like brain dead behavior .. /// ?? I am upset the doctor's put them in a dementia patient .. IT MUST be an experiment ,,,WE love him but can;t deal with it .. but have to .. STILL trying to find my dad in there ?

any advise would be greatly appreciated ,,

HES leaving his dinners to burn and catches it just in time far? SMOKED HIMSELF OUT COUPLE TIMES . ..SO stubborn won't listen to anyone . .HES dangerous to himself and others .

say's he hates us .

Nella - the doctors have to do what the patient presents as being in their best interest - you know, the "age is just a number" thing, which is certainly true of a lot of people, though maybe not for some of the dear ones we end up writing about on here. He has probably "showtimed" the doc into thinking he is doing just great!

I get it - you were sort of hoping he would pass on before you really had to rein him in against his will. But, no, that's not how it works - his judgement may have gone to H in a handbasket, but if his body can do it and he is legally deemed competent to do it, he gets to do it as long as it isn't illegal. He can hate you for turning him in to the DMV and his license getting yanked - he can contest it if you try to get guardianship - but you do what you have to do. Have you talked to social service/Area Agency on Aging people much yet? Any options they can give you? It certainly is sounding like he should not live alone, as badly as he may want to. People surreptitiously disable ovens and cars as one option, and if you are lucky they can't organize well enough to get the things repaired and hopefully just do without rather than admit it. Of course if he is driving with no license, the police can at least try to give him a good scare even if they would really prefer not to lock up a 94 year old. Sorry you are hitting your head on this particular wall, and one thing we are all too familiar with on here is the simple fact that the easy problems have been solved already.

PS you might be able to get the car sale cancelled if they know he has no license and they should have known better that he had no business buying it

THE car is used by a caregiver on MON. NOW the caregiver is having health upsets like we all get sometimes ..I can drive in afternoon when my foggy brain from meds;s clear up lol .. IT also looks like someone lives there .. lol

Hello to all going through this. My mom is 77. Im 50 and live with both of my parents. My mom has been rehashing everthing my dad has ever done in the past to hurt her. She swears he has cheated. My siblingshear these stories every single day. She says she stayed with him all these years for us kids. She has become violent towards him, throwing things at him, hitting him. Verbally abusive. My dad claims these things never happened. Im stuck in the middle of this madness. I try and stay neutral. Its been hell. I worry that if i move out one may kill the other. They both want me to live here. This is so stressful and depressing. I cannot reason with my mom on anything. She gets so angry and says mean awful things. My dad sits in a chair all day reading. He tries to ignore her. She keeps telling him she hates him, and that he has ruined her life. We feel she has some type of dementia. She saw a doctor for that but refused to go back for testing. She refuses help saying that she doesnt need medicine because my dad is the cause of her misery. I try and stay nice but it is almost impossible to keep that up. .....any advice would be appreciated.greatly. thank you

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