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susan have you tried things like yogurt and cottage cheese, I love the large curd mixed with some jam. he does not need to eat meat. How about salmon or other fish nice and moist and a little mashed potato. Was he eating in the hospital. it does not have to be healthy as long as he is willing to take something

Good to hear from you Lois. how are you doing? We really do care.Hugs

Hope Linda~~~~~ Happy Birthday~~~~~~~~ And many more!

NYD I can't make out if you're boasting or complaining!!!

Don't worry, I'm just pulling your leg, but honestly? It sounds as if you're having the same pangs we feel when our children stop hanging on to our legs at the school gates and run in to join their friends without a backward glance. I agree that appreciation, more recognition of how much you did to help them through their transition, would be nice. But they're thriving! - and after all that is what you wanted, yes?

i dont have a whine today , i fixed it . was supposed to build a chimney for a guy one road over . he kept asking my advice then argueing with my responses . hes one of those cats who think in an closed loop . we cand make a decision then move on . he keeps coming right back to the same things ive reassured him about multiple times . there are enough red flags already that i predict nothing but trouble ending in him refusing payment . i told him to find somebody else . ive been out here for many years and everytime i didnt follow my gut instincts i had no one to blame but myself when the deal soured . getting older and if not wiser at least more cautious .

Susan, maybe something he is taking on a daily basis is making his stomach upset so that is why he isn't eating. Stop the vitamins or whatever supplements for a few days and see what happens [with doctor approval]... your Dad might not be able to tolerate the supplements he is using, you may need to try another brand. I have this issue myself, I can only use one popular brand, and cannot tolerate the other well known brands. It has to do with the fillers, binders and coatings on these pills.

Oh, I just remembered, my mother-in-law uses Coke to settle her upset stomach.

I cannot get food into my father! I use supplements and slip into about 4 ounces of juice or milk ( he really doesn't drink a full glass) three times a day. Yesterday he also ate half a meatbal. That was his meal for the day. So my whine is that nobody seems to get that he eats NOTHING, and I get advice like "he likes cake, give him some" and whe I came back from my trip to grocery store ( first time out of the house in 3 days) I found him chugging his second coke. Am
And mom is all happy because she got something into him-but it has no nutritional value and now I can't get one of the supplements in and....waaaah. He has only been home 2 weeks, this is all very new, but JEEEZ!

NYDaughterInLaw, if my parents went to independent living, I would be shouting with happiness from the roof tops. Plus, visiting it would be *quality* time instead of running an errand, sitting in medical waiting rooms, etc. My sig other and I would be too busy going to movies, eating out, going on trips, everything we put on hold for the past 6 years for my parents :)

Take this time to enjoy yourself now !!

NYDaughterinlaw. I am sorry you feel this waybut at least you have now been warned how they will behve in the future and won't get sucked into their web again. I am afraid it is what it is and you can only move on with your own life and interests. Perhaps volunteer some where your caring will be really appreciated. some people are just like that. Are they ignoring hubby too? Were they this careless of your feelings in the past?

My husband and I keep getting into arguments over his parents. This year has been consumed by them and their problems, stubbornness, depression and anxiety. Now that we got them moved into an independent living residential building, we hardly hear from them anymore. When they were living near us and lonely they couldn't get enough of us. They constantly called to ask us when we were coming over to visit or have dinner. I feel like when they needed me they knew I was just a phone call away. I used to plan Sunday dinner around them so they could attend. And now that they don't need me for anything - because someone else is cooking their meals, organizing their lives, driving them to appointments, cleaning up after them - they won't even pick up the phone just to see how I'm doing. His parents aren't demented or anything like that. They'll spend hours on the phone talking to their friends and business associates. Whereas I'll call them just to say hello so they know I'm thinking about them, I can't remember the last time they called me to do the same. My husband thinks I'm being ridiculous. I feel like they've sapped me of my energy, got what they needed and a little thoughtfulness would go a long way to making me feel appreciated.

(Linda is my middle name) !!!

No whines today! Today is my Birthday and first thing this morning, Mama was in an exceptionally good and happy mood...I am always so excited when she is having one of these kinds of mornings. She wanted some coffee so we had coffee together for my birthday and SHE SANG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! When she got to the part where you kind of fill in the blanks...she sang..."happy birthday little Linda...happy birthday to you"...It made me cry....bless her heart...what a perfect and beautiful birthday present....I love you Mama. :)

i dont think your bellyaching at all . my mom really lost her mind at her end of life and i remember the phsycological effect it had on the people around her . i think my mind is just now getting better over a year later . some of the combinations of emotions i may never be able to fully understand . your own life being " caged " may be the most difficult when you look back on it later . im free now but minus my domestic partner . moms decline and death rate right up there with the darkest moments of my life . ( again , in hindsight ) .

Nah, Jeanette, your updates just shows us how your mom is progressing. Or should I say declining. Let's just hope she keeps thinking that the nightstand is the toilet and not any where she 'thinks' is the toilet - like the trashcan or the closet. You've had a hectic day.

I certainly was NOT trying to portray this situation, my mother or myself and what is happening in our life as a nightmare Not at all. Is that what my post's sound like? Not my intention at all. Actually, I was happy that perhaps we may both find some relief. Crud.... now I feel like I should just be quiet about everything.

i dont have a whine today . hepc is still in remission , building muscle and feeling better every day . the guy im working for has 60 acres of forest and he likes to keep it as clean as a city park . the woodcutting gig should be a year round job and there is lots of stonework to do out there too . i hope to hang around that farm the rest of my life . so weary of working for neurotic homeowners .

you are living a nightmare . i wish you and mom the best ..

Linda i understand your husbands concern and anxiety and if the old drug was working for his UC no point in trying something new. it's like buying the latest model of a car. you know all the kinks have not been worked out.
Many drugs do come with the recommendation that certain tests be performed regularily because they have the potential for to have adverse effects on various organs like the liver and kidneys.
Trials of new drugs are done with the supervision of physicians who work for the drug companys following rules set out by the FDA. Nothing can be administered to someone without informed consent. it is against the law. Not to say that captive communities like military and prisoners if they are used don't have their arms twisted a little. I know Jeannie Gibbs was taking part in a clinical trial so she can probably comment on the kind of information she was given.

As far as Ebola is concerned. There has been a glaring lack of common sence in dealing with this and the media is having a fine old time whipping up a frenzy. there was a complete lack of preparedness for this type of infection even though eveyone state how terrified they are about terrorists spreading diseases, things like TB, AIDs not to mention a few others like Plague and Black Death. hospitals that are equiped and trained to handle Ebola and similar are few and far between and I believe there are only a hand full of beds in the whole country. I believe the CDC only has a total of three. up till today no hospitals had been identified as centes to provide care. In NYS the Governor has designated several to serve this purpose and degreed that staff recieve special training and proper equipment be provided. at least it is a start and hopefully it will be contained as long as people stop doing stupid things and stop making stupid announcements pretending to be experts.

So much going on in the world today... Ebola, ISIS.... Alzheimer's. It's hard not to put your head in a "bubble" and just close down and TRY to concentrate on your own problems within your home and your power.

It has been a particularly rough week's had several bad nights, constipation for 4 days, left foot swelling like a mellon, a funny looking bruise on a toe that sort of looks like an infection. SIGH. Took her to the doc today. For once I felt like he was really paying attention ( there's a reason/more to come)

Again she's lost weight. 3lbs in 3 weeks. Even though I am having her drink a minimum of 3 weight gaining Ensure's per day. BP, 127/78, although this is a normal range it was higher than her normal. Oxygen was 95. Now, I know this is a pretty normal number, but again, for her, it didn't seem to be. Her's has always been 99. Doc said as long as it was in the 90's there was nothing to worry about. As far as her foot.... I am to "try" and limit her salt intake. Her diet hasn't changed in years and this is a "sudden" thing, so.... limiting her salt limits her weight building foods. Her left foot and a solid red ring/bruise around her ankle area where the top of her sock was. It's this same foot that has the suspicious looking toe. The warm prune juice finally had some effect. Whew!!

Things he changed; He took her off the Exelon Patch. Apparently he feels there is no longer a need to slow the progression, if it even did slow it at all. He also added Depakote to the mixture, this was decided after he got an earful of "you're just trying to kill me. I'd rather be dead". Just shoot me, shoot me"!! All along her right leg was tapping at warp speed. I told him she was nervous/scared and this did not happen all the time, but does so at least twice a week. If her sleeping is bad, her day is bad, my day is bad and it's just all bad! Thus the addition of depakote, with the dosage to be adjusted as time goes on.

I won't even mention how she's used her nightstand at the foot of her bed as the toilet lately.

I pray the change in meds will give her some anxiety relief, which will allow me some relief. whew...

My husband was put on a new variant of a drug he's takes as a maintenance med for his ulcerative colitis. The mfg sent out this information letter, the gist of which is that this drug hasn't been used in trials for longer than 6 months and please have kidney function tests done regularly. would appear he was to be a test subject without be asked. He went back to the tried and true meds....

the trial " volunteers " for ebola vaccine will probably be 17 yr old soldiers . im not at all bitter about it but thats where hepc i met . two va nurses have admitted it , liver doc is far from denying it . we clearly need vaccines but i think the test subjects should be compensated for and made aware of the risks . there are plenty of crazy gamblers out there crazy enough to do it ..

I'm just picturing the consent form for trial participants before they agree to test it. Imagine a scientist with a beaming smile and his eyes gleaming behind his Himmler glasses handing you a pen...

Pam, that has me worried, too. Part of me thinks the media has put people into a panic, and part of me thinks that doctors really don't understand how Ebola is transmitted.

At the moment people are more apt to die from complications from the flu than from Ebola. I got my flu shot but I plan to drag out all the hand sanitizers and Lysol wipes. Time to start wiping down the keyboards, staplers, tops of desks and doorknobs.

I just read the NIH report on rabies vaccine research. They gave a bunch of monkeys rabies vaccine. Two weeks later they exposed them to Ebola. None became ill. This was back in 2013!!! Isn't it nice to know the dogs and cats will survive and so will the wildlife that the USDA is air dropping rabies vaccine to. Meanwhile the CDC bobble-heads haven't got a clue. Or a cure.

My aunt has gone from seldom bathing to obsessive bathing. I feel like I am telling her 14 times a day that she already had a shower. I mean, better clean than stinking but really! Anyone else experienced this?

My whine is I can't get onto Facebook.. shallow I know but it's been 3 days. Every other site is fine. How did this happen? LOL Actually kinda nice for a break from all the drama at work.. but I miss the relatives news and baby pictures. I am not one of those people with 100.s of friends on line.. alot of you are here!

it reminds me of the big black fellow on SNL many years ago . no matter what question he was asked during an interview hed always respond with " i be diggin football " ..
i recieved good news today . va letter said my kidney function was back to baseline .these letters are in code but i know how to decode them . what it meant was " ya see screwball . we get better labs when your not chomping down every unused prescription in morgan county " .

I just can't understand how anyone can spend Sunday from noon to midnight watching football.... then has to watch the sports news which will repeat bits & pieces of everything he already seen/heard.... then go back the next day and watch the sport shows rehash everything again. Then repeat the same thing for Monday and Thursday night football. Makes my head hurt thinking about it.

My parents are into football, but now narrow it down to one team [they can't stay awake enough to watch it all day long like they use to].... my ex-hubby was a big football fan, and so was his mother. My sig other is glued to football, basketball [both pro and college] and baseball. Talk about feeling so alone :(

i just met another of the male gender this am who sees sports exactly as i do -- a bunch of yelling and hype about nothing .
my friend betsy's ( flatline ) son tickled me last evening . he said his sister in college should stop gallavanting the country doing stupid drum line and get herself a job . he dont realize it yet but hes picked up a huge portion of that cynicism from me over the years . drum line -- no wonder this girl is 60 % ego and 40 % spoiled brat ..

Veronica91, good one :)

My Mom also has the same opinion about female sport announcers... "what do they know about sports?".... my Mom can bore me to tears talking about pro football, the names of all the quarterbacks, names of all the coaches, and the teams standing.... wait a minute, I thought women don't know anything about sports :P

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