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I used to have a large organic vegetable garden and lived in a farmhouse built in 1875 in Forsyth County, GA. Heated with wood & the whole nine yards. Later I lived in a log cabin in the N. GA mountains. I do not like having to deal with the public, or many people for that matter. I hate cities & unfortunately am stuck in Oak Ridge, TN for the time being. Ick.

i live in the sticks and actually detest agriculture but im the stonemason , woodcutter , occasional equiptment operator on a startup organic angus ranch here in morgan county . if things go ok it amounts to my early semi retirement . there should always be plenty of work there so i dont have to mess with the general public anymore . in dealing with people you run afowl of all of their neuroses and personality quirks . its gets old after a couple of decades . masonry work is laborious and costly and they hate you for it ..

Right on, captain. And I sure do envy you being on that farm!

ive got the mason jars i needed . went over to my old house today and our old root cellar was still slam full of quart jars . nearly all of them were empty so somebody at some time ate all that stored food . im getting appr 300 jars for 50 bucks . interestingly , these jars came from mom and ednas old homestead and have been lovingly handled by grandpa , grandma , mom , aunt edna , for close enough to a century to blow your mind . im not all that sentimental normally but i think ill just be extra gentle with them anyway . farm foreman said hed get me a deer to can up -- its my place to be prepared for it . just took the old 51 chev out of service so theres the big empty truck bed to store the empty jars in till i get the cellar built . you store them upside down of course so they dont fill with water and freeze . the new owner of our first home was tickled to hear some of the * ahem * " drunken maniac " back stories about the place .
this isnt the first time ive had to buy back my own stuff . i had to buy my handmade woodstove , pressure canner , etc from the ex years ago . i just out and out stole my chainsaw from her . she was going to turn a 12 yr old kid loose with it and expect him to get the firewood in . na , not on my watch b*tch ..
govt is filled with eight eyed idiots . they think they can stop drug abuse by curbing the flow of narcotics . it dont work like that . the artificially inflated value of them will lead to more theft and murder for drugs , or an even larger shift to heroin , and finally pharmacies south of the border will start bootlegging pills of questionable quality . were sending idiots to DC to represent us . they are so far detached with the realities of the common man that i wouldnt trust one of them to make me a bag of mortar much less rule our nation .

My whine today is that I was looking forward to having family over and I am making a fresh pot of spaghetti sauce. My sons girlfriend is coming early so we can have a MAD MEN marathon which we are so excited about. So My PCP says that they can no longer give me zanax and that I had to go see a psychiatrist. So she changes my zanax and she is going me half dose of kloipin.The she changed my sleep meds to something elses. Needless to say I was up half the night and in pain. Why does she have to change me right now when I am trying really have to handle my anxiety with the meds I had. I am so sick of doctors and I feel like crap today. But I will still enjoy my marathon and dinner. Hugs to all Not to mention the massive headache I have had all night and today.

Last night on the telephone my Dad asked if the hospital had filled my volunteer time slot... say what?... just because I recently couldn't drive out to the hospital doesn't mean I am quitting... my sig other will start driving me there and picking me up because he knows how much I enjoy the volunteering.

My issue with driving is now my panic attacks are in full bore... thanks to my parents who stopped driving 6 years ago.... every year my panic attacks would get worse and worse... and if I mentioned it to my parents, Dad would say "but who will drive us?". So I would charge ahead hoping for the best. Finally had to stop. Last night Dad asked if I am going to see a doctor about the panic attacks. Been doing that already, Dad, for a couple of years now, there is no magic cure.... [sigh]

Stick to your guns Capt. She's out end of story

butterfly tell aunty you will not be answering your phone for X# of hours then turn it off. You can check your voice mail if you feel compelled but don't let her guilt you me time is me time

I cannot get away for "me time" without aunt calling or when I return, trying to put guilt trips on me.

just got an email from f - tards ( renter ) son . says mom is at his house crying her guts out and wants me to call him . i emailed back and told him there really isnt much to discuss . she offered to move out , i offered to help her pack . i have a friend right now who would pay 3 bills a month to live in this bunker and think he was in heaven . renter cant win this one ..

the dogs got ran off months ago when i started the hepc treatment . i knew i would kill them on ribavirin . the renter and her 83 yr old dad live upstairs . " burley " hates those animals and for good reason . i like burley a lot and ive got his back on this issue . dog pee ammonia is heavier than air . it migrates downward and nearly killed me in this basement last winter . these people are ideal renters . they are home almost all the time and i dont have to worry about crackheads stealing my stuff while im working . i just cant and wont live with those nasty animals again . i dont hate animals . i met a black lab at a customers house last week who was as sweet as a little kid . the ones that lived here were just so inbred back into their own blood family that they are phsyco and neurotic . renters son has been stuck with them since about april . they are destroying his QOL if not his sanity . renter girl is retarded enough to live under a bridge with them -- im retarded enough to help her pack ..

In my neck of the woods, a pet deposit [money that is] is usually equal to the same amount as one month's rent.

Where we live rent on a one bedroom house would be about 800. up the rent, get rid of the dogs! Our daughter had to pay a 250 retainer when she rented just to have a 5 lb mini dog! And that little critter could hold her bladder for 8 hours!!

Don't know what rents are where you live capt but she would be paying at least $500 round here and more for the dogs which would be unlikely to be allowed anyway. give her the heave ho capt and get the extra rent i know you would put it to good use.

We are getting our dining room floor refinished, and today was the second coat of varnish (or whatever it is). We have been dealing with the fumes because folks are always cold, so leaving the doors/windows open is short term. I swear I can taste this stuff! We had good luck keeping dad out of the room with "crime scene tape".. but I swear he's like a 3 yr old..."don;t walk there? Here?" so today I go off to a once a year Colorfest with some friends.. Mom and hubs in charge.. they put the second coat down. I get home and what do I see?? FOOTSTEPS in the varnish!!! Mom felt awful..he "got away" while she was in the bathroom. Hubs is just shaking his head... Luckily the floor guy is a good friend.. he said he can touch it up tomorrow. BUT.. yet another day of this hideous smell, and still a third complete coat to do. But it does look beautiful. But I guess I should not whine.. Mom is paying for it (God bless her) and all will be fine..if we don;t die from the fumes!

my lumbar is a howlin tonight . been stooped over all day placing styrofoam heating grid in a basement floor . that i can live with but by dam i no sooner got home and renter gal came and asked if her filthy dogs could live here again or would she have to move out to be with them . i told her she could move out tonight for all i care , i aint livin in a dog pen . ive met plenty of nice dogs with good manners . these are neither . i could rent the upstairs for twice what shes paying and it would still be a great deal for someone . shes paying 200 bucks a month for a beautiful one bedroom house in the country and she imagines she has leverage . that tells you right there that shes delusional .

Boni you don't have to care pamper yourself. At your age (whatever that is ) your body needs time to heal - a lot of time. Don't become a couch potato but if you need a nap take one. You have been mom's caregiver and look what happened to you you almost became one of the percentage that dies before their loved one. Don't let that happen again. Mom is in a safe place and others have taken on the responsibility so let it go. When your shift begins again if it does you will recieve a full report so use your time off wisely.When you go to the grocery store don't go with a list of healthy foods go with what you fancy or your favorites. Mmm strawberrries and cream sound good. There they are smiling at you under their cellophane wrap. You know you can't have the sugar and cream on them but have you tried trevia and a little evaporated milk. To really fool yourself take some fat free milk and make it really cold then whisk with a really high speed mixer and it will froth up like cream. Let your brain do the rest. salad gets really boring without those rich creamy salt and fat filled dressings doesn't it. How about sprinkling a little strong cheese like blue over the top and using one of the low fat salad spritzers or a good dollop of fat free cottage cheese. Cottage cheese with sliced tomatoes and a small sprinkle of salt makes a delicious snack. Deserts need to go the way of the cigarettes. i simply don't make them. If anything it is fresh fruit. hubby who really needs to loose weight just escaped and went to Dennys for breakfast. i know what he eats ther and if i orderanything like that i just can't get it down. At a dinner out most entrees are wasted on me. Next time it will be two appetizers and desert while I watch hubby eat half a cow. Once you are trained it gets easier Boni it really does. If your cigarette cravings are too strong go slow. limit to a certain number each day and ration them out like filling a pill box. If you cheat on Mon thats one less for Tues. keep your hands busy when you would usually have a cigarette. Do you do any crafts or would like to learn something? never sit in front of the TV with a bags of snacks. If you must eat then put a few nuts in a bowl. Always have a drink preferably water within reach. i actually drink ginger ale because there is no caffien and I am actually too thin at this point so can stand the callories. Think positive Boni think of rebuilding yourself if nothing else so you are strong enough to take care of Mom again. However good even if deprived you feel right now you need several months to totally rebuild and change your life style. go to it you know you can. spend time with other people and I don't mean the elder center, younger people in a few weeks even volunteer for something. a couple of hours in a thrift store would certainly open your eyes. Or start writing your memoirs. I have not met a single "old' person on this forum which is why i enjoy it so much. I know many caregivers are in their 60s and 70s but they don't sound old so stay young Boni but build your strength, indulge yourself no one else is going to. hugs

She needed a transfusion, her blood count was so low. Two, actually. No other symptoms. I'm sure her DR. thought it was emergent because he knows our wishes and agrees with us 100% about palliative care. He has been her Dr. for over 30 years and I trust him with her life....obviously.

Boni, when my mom was in the hospital a year ago, they discovered a rather large hiatal hernia. She wasn't complaining of any symptoms and still isn't - the doctor said that at her age (94) there's no point in messing with surgery, esp being assymptomatic.

hiatus. I STILL have not talked to Mom or the Dr. I am just reading info from a mass text from a sister to all of the siblings. I just can't. They can deal with it for one day. I know she is safest where she is. I went for a massage and did healthy grocery shopping. Dinner, Xanex, bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll care.

Was it a Hiatus Hernia?, or Femoral? Inguinal? makes a big difference.

Boni, your poor Mom needed a colonoscopy and endoscopy to diagnose a hernia??????????????????? At that rate they probably fixed your bunion while they were placing your stent. have you checked?

ive done enough interferon treatments in 15 years i could probably cough on an ebola victim and cure them .
i got rained out of work today but thats a good thing .no one else out on the farm will show up on a weekend so ill work saturday and sunday both if im not rained out and if i get things ready for a concrete pour next week ill be man of the year in mikes eyes . im nonchalantly trying to make myself an integral part of this farm for the stonework and the year round employment it offers . there are serious benefits out there . for one , the farm foreman is going to give me all his leftover from last year venison . then hes going to knock me down a doe in this new deer season . the doe is going into widemouth mason jars . i love pressure canned meat , its fork tender when it comes out of the jars . it all keeps pointing to " get your ass to diggin the root cellar " . this is 100% MY life again and its a rocket sled ride when i get things lined up . the farm store finally marked down the cherry trees so i crammed another in the orchard today , worked 3 hours , had banana cream pie with edna , planted a tree and put the new truck tool box into service . had to install junk tray in it and a lid stop chain .
you people who feel like youll never get your own life moving again after caregiving ? you will , damnt , and youll enjoy the challenge of starting over . youll do it with renewed vigor and the blessing / approval of the elder you took time out of your life for ...

I am more scared of ISIS or ISIL.. whatever it is today.. and I work in a major medical institution. Be clean and take precautions..

Just what I need more community medical problems to worry about.... thank goodness we have a choice to get our flu shot or not, and take our chances if we don't.

Now we have Ebola to worry about. Ebola has been around since 1976 but not many people contracted the virus.... as of today over 8,000 have the virus, with 50% not surviving. There is no vaccine. Doesn't this scare you just a little?

I agree with the Welbutrin, stay away from Chantix. I have quit several times with Wellbutrin, always start again due to stress when I go off it. But it does work while you are on it. And I always lose wieght instead of gaining it. It's hard to stay a quiter in my house, both parents and hubs smoke. But I try to eat healthy and hope I get points for that!!

Oh Boni bless your heart...I hope you are feeling stronger and do hope you will take care of yourself...How sad that even following such a health issue, your family is not stepping up to help more...but I know it would be no different for me, or most of us...I will keep you in my prayers. And I hope you do enjoy that massage and are able to relax and rejuvenate ...I know, easier said than done...but please do take care....

Boni I feel that quitting cigarettes is harder than anything else since they are so readily available. I am on wellbutrin and on the 23 of Oct it will be 1 year since I quit cigarettes, hopefully for good. I quit for 10 years when my son was 9 months old and stated again after all the time. I have quit for a year at a time, but seriously I am on hormone replacement and I have a bit of heart disease so I know I cannot smoke, My point was that Wellbutrin helps get rid of the cravings and I know for sure because Before last year I was on it and stopped then I changed to Prozac and I will be damned if the cravings came back twice as strong. If you do not feel comfortable taking meds, I have tried the nictrol inhaler which worked. But the meds have done the best. I dont even think about it. Good luck to you and do not beat yourself up over that pack. It was moment, thats all. Hugs

Thanks for the support Y'all. I finished the pack and will not buy another, at least for today. Last night Mom had a emergency blood transfusion, endoscopy, colonoscopy and it turns out she has a hernia. I have no idea who OK'd this and frankly do not care. I am going for a massage and a little shopping and the 4 of them can handle everything. I am DONE. For the first time in BONI comes first.

Taking care of parents...full time...had to them dearly, but it is a death sentence. My family members go on with their lives...and one brother helps a little, very little and he lives in their house. I get tired of hearing myself b*tch inside my head. I hope my parents don't live too much longer...not just for me, but for them also...NO QUALITY OF reason to be alive. This myth of the Golden Years...applies to very few people as they age...and still...there will come a time that you CAN'T take care of yourself! I'd rather be dead and be in heaven!! ok...feeling better for now! lol

I rarely had any quality time with anyone who had dementia or Alzheimer's. My boss would bring his wife into the office once in a great while, and before I even knew she had Alzheimer's I thought she was a beautiful woman who was terribly shy [she had an uncanny resemblance to Liz Taylor]. I did learn about Alzheimer's from my boss as time went on and all the issues he was going through. He would tell me everything.

Then it dawned on me, no offense, not to compare people to pets but I thought this was interesting.... I had a very elderly cat who the Vet said she had dementia [not uncommon in cats] who if she woke up in a room and no one was there, she would cry out in a panic. There was one hallway in the house where she tend to get lost, also crying out. And she would forget where the litter boxes were. She passed on years ago at 21. I am now thinking there is a common parallel with memory issues, be it people or pets. Now one of my other older cats is starting to *get lost* in the same hallway. My other two older cats so far haven't had this issue.

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