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thats moms craziness CM . its the only thing that keeps inflation in check tho . when i spend a buck its usually for something that will bring a hundred bucks worth of results . welding rods , canning lids , new chainsaw -- things that have a thousand returns . been driving the old 51 chevy for 18 yrs -- ike for 30 .. welding rods . the gift that keeps on giving ..

Captain I found myself quoting you yesterday! - "ain't a-payin' it, ya can keep it" is just too catchy for words :)

re ; HS internet / dad .
he aintta payin it , let em keep it .
dang rain day here this am . that changes everything and nothing . ill shift gears and jump into something altogether different -- like canning apples .. now i have the last three fabrication messes stacked up out front . dont want to clean em up too quickly . bits of the three messes can be hacked up and incorporated into the next project . left over 2 x 10 pieces = pantry shelving ..

At my brother's funeral 2 weeks ago my sister who has been absent in my mom's life for 4 years cried and made a scene begging my mom for forgiveness and asked if she can come see her. Well, she hasn't seen or heard from her. Was this just a show because it's always about her? My other sister who sees my mom every 3 months because she's sooooo busy is on yet another vacation to The Grand Canyon! I hope she falls in! My friends call this sister Mrs. Leach after Robin Leach ( vacations of the rich and famous )

JeannetteB, I am to a point where I will pay those darn delivery fees for my parents. Dad said he will phone in the order... well that didn't work in the past when he called because the clerks don't know exactly what he wants, as he doesn't know either... if he saw the picture on line it would be sooooo much easier.

Dad tried to get on the Internet yesterday but said he couldn't connect.... I've given up trying to tell him it's because he's on dial-up in a huge metro area... told him that yesterday was baseball playoffs and college football so people were on-line watch the game... now if he had high-speed internet he would get on... well, he's not going to pay for that.... that's the child of the Great Depression talking.... [sigh]

Nope Veronica, I did not satay!!! Felt like grabbing the poodle and running with it (Imagine Clarice and the lamb)...

I am far from intact there Mr. Cap. Actually, my non-intactness is a lifesaver. If I am too intact, I tend to get very mouthy and opinionated and whoops, there goes my sissy brothers :/ Envy is one of those deadly sins Bob, take this time to grieve and move forward. The lucky woman will be happy you did :P

Someday's I just feel like tossing everything into the garbage bin and starting over. Fresh start. Clean slate.

FF.... my best suggestion is to just DO IT. Anxiety is nothing to play with and your parent's will JUST have to learn to understand. They have NO choice. Do not feel guilty. Head banging was a rock thing at one time?

i canned beef plate once pam . it was " fall apart " tender when it came out of the jars . potatoes can up nice too . at a point the starch makes them firm again .
beef plate is a layer of 100 % lean beef located in the underbelly where youd find bacon on a hog .. we cut it into jar height strips and rolled it into a cylinderic shape .

My Dad just doesn't get it... I am limiting my driving for right now because of the panic attacks while driving, for work since my office is literally around the corner and nearby doctor appointments... then Dad chimes in about needing something from Home Depot, that I can sit in the Jeep and someone will load the stuff into the cargo bay..... ah, Dad, that's not the point, it's me driving to Home Depot and driving back. Then later I thought, and who is going to unload my Jeep?

Suggested that Dad tell me what he actually needs, I will go on-line, order it, and have it delivered to their house..... Dad doesn't want to pay delivery fees..... [bagging head against the wall].

must sleep . its great to think im that tired . usually sleep requires meds , gotta tell you guys tho , the hilljack who sold me the tool box is caring for a 90 something - ish father . the old gut has swallowing problems so he has some kind of feeding tube . although notoriously not a drinker the old guy has recently been plugging an entire bottle of wine into the tube on the weekends . man is that self medicating or what ?
hes eventually going to die but he isnt even going to know it ..

Veronica you are right, the Ball book says meats at 10 psi for 100 minutes. We do Salmon chunks in an oil/vinegar/salt/herb mix, in pints in a large (22qt) pressure canner at 15 psi for 45 minutes. Of course it takes another two hours for the unit to be touchable. The resulting meat is tender and pale and delicious. For Venison I like to add a little curing salt, just to be safe. gives it a nice color too.

for all that your dealing with jeanette you sure seem to be intact . my congrats , i know its beating the senses out of you .
i dont even have the energy to whine tonight . i swung real wide today and done the trk tool box install job . id like to get back to canning but thats going to require some shelving reconfig . the available shelves are full and i still have 15 gallons of apples to cut up and can .
just wow. its been like this for a year now -- no starting or ending point .
i might be getting my own life back but sometimes i think ive been " chumped " . lol . not at all like the brochure ..
i envy those of you with a spouse.
the tool box is cool , maybe one of a kind . sits rearward and overtop of the truck cab . it'll be common equiptment in 5 years . everything i ever built was a few years ahead of the world .
laggards !!

I noticed that Texarkana hasn't posted since August, I think. If I remember correctly she is caring for her Mom and they have 8 small dogs.... enjoyed her sense of humor. Hope she is ok. Anyone have contact with her?

Jeanette bet you did not satay for dinner!!!!!!!!

YUCK!! what a gross topic :p

Managed to get her up and keep her since 12:00 noon. Last night around 3:00 a.m. I heard a crashing sound and thought boy.... this is it!! She'd fell onto the coffee table, thankfully breaking nothing. Some gibberish about how those people told her she needed to do something. What people?? Yikes. I have been trying to keep her busy today so she'll be so tired she'll pass out tonight (fingers crossed) I can already see the agitation setting in as she's tapping that leg a mile a minute. Gonna take her to the grocery store and a small ride to see if I can squelch some of this.

Veronica, I once saw someone cooking a "coon". I opened the lid and it's head popped out bearing teeth and big eyeballs was hairless by that time but I will never ever forget that sight (shudder) looked like my friends poodle ;)


But the making of brawn/headcheese is perfectly, beautifully described in "Little House In The Big Woods." Love that whole series. You could use it as a pioneer's manual.

Capt do you go round on garbage day and sort through the recyclables. People often throw the dirty ones. thrift stores charge too much. Walmart brand cracks.
Pam I think the dog chunks take about 90 minutes to can safely IF you plan to eat them. otherwise if you just intend to use them to get rid of unwanted guests earlier than they planned they should be fine. Just invite them into the pantry to help you decide "what's for dinner" Remember to do the paws seperately for pickled feet and boil the head well for brawn. CM will tell you how to make that. The eyes are very difficult to get out but worth the trouble if you have Middle Eastern friends. Hope Boni does not read this . Of course if your visitors are Chinese you will have to try something else. Roadkill anyone?

are we up and whining already this am ?
alright then . im out of quart mason jars . have to go look at a chimney for a guy in a little while , maybe he has some . people out here in the sticks have a black market of sorts . one such neighbor hooked me up yesterday with a really heavy gauge truck tool box that can ( will ) be cut up and reconfigured to build three boxes for my smaller truck .
my whine is there is only one of me , no help. the aftermath of my last two projects hasnt been cleared from the driveway yet . had to shift to apple canning -- they wont wait .
40 yrs at hard labor to date . whats the govt think were made of , titanium ?
fn kill me ..

I have to take my whine back from yesterday - when I went into the kitchen ex-SO volunteered before I could so much as bang any saucepans around. I find if I make myself scarce I'm less tempted to criticise so I fell asleep on the sofa instead - oh the glamour of Saturday nights these days… Nice dinner, though - good effort from Himself :)

FF, some baltimoron dropped the concrete from an overpass onto us . If you are looking at the DC lights at night, we must live in the same general area! I love fall, and it's 40 our as I type this. The trees are beautiful!

Jeanette, it sounds like your mother needs a strong sleep aid. The agitation isn't good for her or you. I feel so bad for you both. I know there is no cure, but there has to be something that can soothe the agitation. I wonder if a neuroleptic might work. I believe that Capn's mother took Haldol -- a drug that I don't like, but it helped for his mother. There are other medications that are in the same group as Haldol that are sometimes prescribed for people with Alz. Maybe you can call her doctor Monday to see what he/she recommends to help your mother rest easier. It sounds like Ativan and Ambien wouldn't be best in her case. She may need something stronger as she is going through this stage. I'm not familiar with most of the medications used for sundowning/night-timing. I hope your mother's doctor will know what is needed.

I am at my whits end. I just want to crawl away somewhere and sleep. Mom has turned her entire day/night around. Worst part is, she's almost manic during sundowners. She''s up/down/up/down/ tapping her leg a thousand times a minute...up/down/up down. Keeps saying how afraid she is... keep sneaking up behind me touching my head :O Seriously, shes walking around like something I've never seen. She will be up all night long, moving things around....turning my light on/off/on/off. .5 mg's of zanax is not touching her obsessing. This has been going on for weeks now...she's taken her full rx of antibiotics for the UTI. Omg... I take her for long rides with the dogs...she sleeps, the dogs bark she still sleeps, we stop...zzzz 5 o'clock hits KAPOW. She's pinging all over the place. What know? I can't do this... this goes on until 4 -5 in the morning. :(

Pamzim, yikes concrete falling on your truck... that would make me want to park and never drive again. Was the concrete from a bridge falling apart or some nitwit dropping pieces from an overpass?

I use to enjoy driving at night, loved seeing all the lights in the office buildings, etc. The monuments, the White House, and Capital Building are awesome at night :) Out where I live the main roads are well lit but the side roads forgetaboutit. I feel like I am driving in a black hole in the universe.

How do you like this sudden drop in temps outside?... maybe part of my issue was barometric pressure going amuck.

FF i have been having a bit more trouble driving in B'more since the concrete got dropped on my truck, it;s worse if I am alone (like today) I got off a bit early today and was able to get out of the Hood before it was completely dark.. that helped a bit. I hate when I wig out driving...When I don;t work I try to get it all over with before dark.. Gonna be hard now as I leave at 5 am and get home at 8 or so normally. Good luck with this!

CM isn't it "someone" elses turn to cook dinner?

CM ,
why are you out of white whine ? why arent you stomping some grapes ? when are you going to start stomping the grapes ? , and so on ..
bluntman used to be the grape stomper in our house . he was bout 4 yrs old and fit very well down inside of a crock . ill have to ask if he remembers .

I am fed up. I have spent the entire day fitting time-critical garden tasks around medications, meals, cups of tea, laundry laundry laundry, more tea and cleaning up… now it's time to make dinner, and my ancient iPod is finally dead, and one person is watching rugby and the other person has fallen asleep, and there's nothing on the radio, and the dog is getting underfoot because he wants to play. And so do I! - or at least I'd rather that than try to dream up a halfway interesting meal out of zero inspiration with no music or conversation to keep me company. And poor Alice is moulting like billy-o so she's prickly with new feather stumps (not to mention with being laughed at) and doesn't want her usual bedtime cuddle before I shut the hen-house for the night. And my kids appear to have forgotten that I exist (out of sight, out of mind). And there's no wine in the house. Humph.

That's enough whining! Spaghetti carbonara with dry sherry instead of white wine? Eeuw. Bacon and mushroom penne with sage. 'Sgonna have to do...

hope22, you are so right about panic attacks, they are the strangest things. Any time I mention to my parents that I have these attacks while driving, Dad would chime in with "who's going to drive us?".... [sigh].

To Veronica91 and CountryMouse... I had the ultrasound done yesterday and the stone is neatly tucked away so no urgency at the moment. Anywho, I do have an appointment with a kidney stone specialist. At least now the doctor waiting rooms are for ME for a change :)

Captain, wish I could call in my closest cousins but they are older than I am and still recovering from caring for their parent. Example, one cousin [also an only child] moved into a retirement community himself with his wife because he couldn't take care of his Mom's house and his house, too, which he had been doing for over 20 years... his Mom refused to move to assisted living/nursing home... she past at 100. He is still helping out his wife's Mom who is over 100 and still on her own. It's that generation, my Mom and her sisters and their mother were all tough women who usually got their way.

oh yea, my kidney function alarm from va was a big , but brilliant bluff . liver doc said my test results were elevated at approximately the point that maybe i should have had a sip at the water fountain before i went to blood draw . the va is ahead of its time they just have personnel problems , budget constraints and growing pains in some regions of the country .
ill live to eat these m f ' n apples -- with my grandkids ..

its a shame you couldnt trade responsibilities with a cousin . im saying your parents can wear you out . youve heard their incessant crap for a lifetime . " innocently " getting a cuz / friend to help with your parents as you trade off with their parents , in some situations could be crazy enough to work .
im sitting here canning apples today and discovering a million things about myself ranging from why my 18 yr marriage collapsed to who the hell i am . my family visited a guy and his wife once when i was maybe 6 yrs old . they had a beautiful old root cellar stocked with every concievable type of canned up food stuff . that striking image never left my head and never will . then there was aunt edna who prepared meager but delicious meals for us 3 kids when mom and dad were lacking in that area . she also was a woodsman , gardner , and " survivalist " . these are the influences in my life . my sons were raised in that exact setting except our home was handmade , old world , goth themed , and our cellar was slightly more modern with fluorescent lighting . i think i know who they are even as theyre out trying to find it themselves . i guess when i told my son a while back that he should pay attention for when he canned food someday ( and you will ) i told him , well he wont find himself until he does . that isnt my dream , its him and bluntmans reality . theyre halfway there as cooking buffs already . if they had better priorities both would have already built their first homes . not my problem , thats theirs to figure out .
edna was looking great yesterday at nh . those people are sharp . i hope shes around for me to hug tightly for years to come , senile or otherwise . she helped shape my family and future generations of same .

Freflyer to follow up on CM's remark about the kidney stone. It can be dealt with thout invasive surgery. Under anesthetic an instrument is passed into your bladder then up the ureter and into the kidney. Once there the stone can be blasted and broken up and most of it sucked out. There may be some "gravel left that you will pass naturally possibly with some pain but not what you have been having. There may also be a little blood in your urine for a few days. Wake up from the anesthetic and go home. Tell them ahead of time about your panic attacks and they will probably give you an anxiolitic to take before you go in. Time to rattle some cages and get it done

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