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As long as you EAT the cigarettes and don't smoke them, FINE.

I want a damn cigarette and I want it NOW!!!!!!

Well, I hope my parents understand that I will be putting everything on hold for awhile.... had x-rays done of my back to see what was causing that occasional ouch.... found out there was a kidney stone... say what???.... now I have a bunch of doctor appointments and ultrasounds to have done.

I am sitting wondering why I am so nervous about this, I've been down this kidney stone journey couple of decades ago, then I realized it was the *guilt* of not being around 100% for my parents to drive them where ever they want, or pick up their groceries, etc. I know they will start whining after awhile.... [sigh]

How I wished they would have moved to that retirement community where the community has transportation to the stores and doctors appointments.

Mom has launched into being crazy today. This is wrong and that is wrong and I need to call people to fix things RIGHT NOW. She won't stop, even when I assure her everything is okay. I don't know whether to escape to save myself or stay to keep her from creating a disaster. Days like today probably register on the Richter scale.

veronica, the va always uses a public bp cuff on my arm immediately after blood draw . i have no doubt that thats dangerous and ill bring it to their attention , im noisy / consciencous like that .
jesse, upon reading about acorns a bit , natives usedta bag and soak them under a running stream to get rid of tannic acid . i plan to find safe and good use for them , theyre abundant and have an incredible ratio of meat per labor to recover it ratio . the advice ive read so far is to simply find the least bitter ones and theyre ripe and plenty safe when they hit the ground . mine here are particularily mild , almost coconut tasting . im not easily alarmed but this economy is not recovering and will never recover to the 'living on equity ' level that we had for 25 years . i plan to learn more about utilizing the things from the forest .
boni , i wish you and mom the best . whats currently going on may be the best for you both . all those medical people are closely coordinating with each other . edna is in nh and even ray charles could see that shes being cared for in a most medically effective ( but nonpersonal ) way . i was never live - in carer for edna but as a remote carer my emotional support hasnt changed one bit . maybe just in the respect that when im not present i can rest that shes in the care of a highly skilled team .. they cant do a better job than you were but you cant either if you die from stress .. they can do better medically . they can catch infections or impending stroke more quickly and customize her medication and nutritional needs . i think the system needs tweaked . elders are better off in their own home but carers need a team of support . hospice was monitoring my well being as well as moms in our home . they often warned me that the situation could downturn and become too much for me without a moments notice . i took it they were being critical of me . maybe not , in hindsight . they just knew that the care can get to where it requires a hospitalization setting ( nh ) .. its a gutwrench - ingly hard call as change of environment is a big stressor for patient too ..
i cant advise my own dumb a** much less someone else . just trying to comfort you .

Sorry I meant roasted dandelion roots

I think roated dandelion roots were suposed to be used for coffee during the war.
Too young for coffee but afterwards I remember some awful liquid stuff that came in a bottle
Tried soy milk and hate that but chocolate almond milk is good.

Boni, please fill at least a few of those hours doing something special for yourself. You have just had a MAJOR health alert. Lie back and let everyone else rally round, and take some time before you worry about the what next. Feel better soon x

Jessie, the bitterness is what made people imagine that acorns might be mildly reminiscent of coffee if push came to shove. Captain, you're supposed to roast them first, I believe. As far as I remember from tales of the war, though, nobody was fooled for a millisecond.

The Prodigal Son pinched them off the pigs, didn't he? I always thought they put that bit in the story to emphasise how far he'd fallen. Haven't you got any hazel or sweet chestnut or beech near you? I think pretty much anything would be nicer.

You're not whining at all, Boni. You're just working your way back from a very traumatic and painful experience. If I had to have a daughter to take care of me, I would hope for one like you. You're the best. If there comes a time when Mom can come home you'll know it. I wish you had a little car so you could zip over there anytime you wanted. Those cab fares can mount up.

Yes it's the right place Boni... You're mom is safe and comfortable... thanks to you and your family... You have to take care of yourself also (and, your family). This is all a part of life that we all have to go through. I would be so Blessed if I had someone like you to care. God Bless you...!!!

Don't know where to post this.
They found a bed for Mom in a NH she has been to before, for long rehab stays. She liked it very much last time and it's not too far from me. ( $14 cab ride, each way).
I am happy and sad and confused and lost, because I have a feeling she won't ever come back.My family has been taking care of her since the MI 9 days ago, and FINALLY really get it. I'm going through a plethora of emotions. How will I fill all these hours? I guess this was the right place, cause this sure feels like whining.

Should add that this must be talking about cows or other ruminant. We don't have a rumen.

Just did very brief research. Many things, e.g. squirrels and deer, can handle the toxin in acorns. But others can't. It is probably why we find them bitter and unappealing. Here is a little about the toxin I copied from the definition Google pulled up.

Acorns contain a substance called gallotannin. In the rumen, gallotannin is metabolized to gallic acid and tannic acid. Tannic acid causes ulceration of the mouth, esophagus, and gastrointestinal tract. Tannic acid is especially toxic to the renal tubules, and renal failure tends to be the hallmark of this disease.

I think acorns have a little toxic material in them. I used to think squirrels ate them, but I've never met a squirrel that would have anything to do with them. Does anyone know about some toxin that is in them. I know they look good, but taste bitter.

just like i figured , acorns are a great food source . i knew brits made coffee with em in ww11 . i have plenty of food but the appetite has changed . i just ate a handfull of acorns with coffee and i believe i feel energy from them . aint this some s*it ? when i step out of the garage i have food raining down on me from 80 ft in the air . ill get me a barrel of em before the week is up . they can be pressed for healthy cooking oil , etc . wikihow/Use-Acorns-for-Food

never mind your acorns Bob they don't kill the squirrels right.
My question about Ebola is why the phuck didn't anyone in Dallas ask the man about foreign travel when he went to the ER the first time???????????????
My confidence in infection control is zero.
Yesterday Dr did not wash her hands.
Same B/P cuff used on everyone.
Dr sneezed into her hand.
Lab tech let the connection tube for the vac tubes hit the table.
Shall I go on.
Infection control instruction is mandatory for all patient care staff every year
This was at a regional teaching hospital affiliated with a well known NYC medical school.
Since I spend so much time these days visiting Dr i make a hobby of my observations. Ha ha

i just tried an acorn . it was tasty and clearly very fibre - ous . youll be hearing back from me on this matter -- or if you dont hear back from me DONT eat ACORNS ..

i have ta handload a dumptruck full of firewood today . ill bet i find a cheap food blender somewhere too . i cant do breakfast , never could . with the liquid swill i could toss anything in there i thought id need for the day and just drink it , it dont have to taste good . so much food at the sav a lot and equivalent is just processed corn and soya . things were so much simpler back when donuts and beer were my staple breakfast , lunch was a joint and a hydraulic sandwich , etc . ive always realized an older persons diet had to change to fruits and vegs but i never pictured it for myself . of course , a blender . ill be fightin with the squirrels for those acorns out front . the acorns will go well with a big squirrel swirley for lunch .. nothings off limits . the store food is unhealthy and i live in the forest .

Mother's away until Friday so I'm deep-cleaning her room - that's not the whine! - and started on a box of photos that's been sitting in a corner doin' nothin'.

So frustrating! Hundreds of photos, no idea what of, quite often very little idea who of, some in Hong Kong, some must be from Korea which means my dad took them… Before long I could feel my ears ringing, literally, with the silence. It dawned on me that we're so used to images coming with a narrative nowadays that maybe we're out of the habit of thinking about it for ourselves. I'm not good at throwing things away even when I do know what they are. I shouldn't have opened the box.

Well as long as you've got the whiskey and the toilet paper, Jeanette ;) Can I come and stay with you?!

Captain I think one of the reasons the authorities in Dallas are more optimistic about containing the infection is that in the US it will be much harder than it is in West Africa for quarantined people to bribe their way out and run around shopping malls like headless chickens - not that I'd blame anyone for panicking if he was quarantined with suspected Ebola. It is not a nice way to go. I have yet to follow up on the story about the three day curfew in Sierra Leone (three days is a long time to survive indoors when you live hand to mouth and don't have mains water in your house) but if they succeeded in enforcing it I'll eat my hat.

I've been wrestling to hang on to my milk of human kindness ever since they brought that nurse back and put him in the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead. ("NO! Don't let him get on the plane!!! Are you NUTS???…") I'm delighted that he's fully recovered and now haring about trying to donate antibodies to anyone who'll have them, and he's a good world citizen and all that, but for heaven's sake. When it comes to infection control, global air travel is not our friend.

After experiencing several hurricanes.... I can say, that is not TRUE.

Funny, my late father left me a big cardboard box. What was in you ask? Well... Toilet paper, a big flask of whiskey (medicinal) loads of rice, army freeze dried food things, canned goods, ramen noodles and matches Guess he thought we could get water anywhere Ah man.... loved that guy.

Jeanette, lots of people think that as soon as the skies clear, FEMA will be on their doorstep delivering beer and toilet paper. LOL

I doubt free supplies of anything will be delivered. HOORAY to all those preppers!

Perhaps with 50 million dollars they could do SO MUCH more to stop AD/Dementia. Least it stands a chance at being stopped, unlike Ebola according to some... Ebola did not come from Dallas, like you said, it landed there...I'm sure he's been teleported to Atlanta already.

authorities think ebola can be contained in the usa or western europe . im not sure why that is . possibly because our every thought and movement is tracked in real time and individuals can be quarantined almost instantly .
might be a good thing . everybody stay at home , free supplies will be delivered ..
theres nothing id rather do .

Ebola just landed in Dallas. I wonder where everyone else on that plane went to? Forget Bill Gates, even Bill Gates can't stop Ebola. On the other hand Ebola will stop you from getting dementia.

Ok, this is truly a whine. Just saw on the news that Bill Gates gave 50 million to fight Ebola. YES, got it. Awful awful. Personally, I think AD/Dementia is killing more people than Ebola. Sadly, it's killing elderly so maybe not as important?

boni , i have low blood sugar . send me the chocolate for my slurry bucket .
im liking the blender idea . i want nutrition not a grazing session . sick of fried green beans -- in the slurry bucket . leftover apple rice -- in the slurry . raw rice , pancake mix , stray cats , whatever -- in the bucket .
rangeposts are for losers . i need results here .. pvc glue tainted asswater -- in the slurry bucket ..

Boni how are you feeling? i hope your doing better Hugs to you

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