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i lied ff . our radio shack changed hands and lost their minds . i ended up getting the phone cord at ace hardware store . bet lowes would have em too -- then theres goodwill with tangles of em .
im fi'n to fry pork chops . im getting my own life back a little at a time and the old me would fry chops at midnight . the younger me would drag a pig under the fence by one back leg , stick a knife in his aorta then cut him up and eat him . maybe in refinding myself we'll try to pass over my 20 ' s and 30 ' s ..

I have slowly been working on my kitty, Charleigh (rescue 1.5 years ago) and my big girl pittie (rescued from death months ago) Sydney ( my pittie) seems ok with the cat but the cat, Charleigh, HISSES which invokes Syds instincts. Tonight I had them both lying side by side (Sydney minds) but she was quivering in anticipation? To make it short, the kitty would be fine if she didn't hiss at her... slowly but surely.,,, or someone is going to freeze this wnter! I can put the cat next to my other dogs and she's cool... I think I have a pet power struggle going on here!

Thanks, Captain. Hope they still do as the Radio Shack here just remodeled, I may not recognize anything in there any more :P

radio shack has 25 ft phone cords . waltreason does too but im not for sending anyone there ..

check out the goodwill store ff . they have tangles of wired mouses .. cheap . i dont like the wireless ones either but honestly it will transmit even thru your desk .

Not really a Caregiver whine... or maybe it is when one has to look up info on the computer. I need to get a new computer Mouse.... checked out the stores and all they have now are Mouse without a cord.... oh dear, I need a cord because the computer tower is under my computer desk, doubt the cordless ones would work. Looks like I will need to buy one on-line.

It was like the other day I wanted a 25' telephone cord that goes from the phone to the receiver.... another hunt to find one, any color, I didn't care for my landline telephone. I keep the landlines because I can hear soooooo much better calling landline to landline [no dropped calls, no loud background noise, the person I am talking to is not SHOUTING in the phone, nor calling from the bathroom, and 911 knows automatically where I live].

What do you mean when they get a burst of energy? That scares me.

Bob... 4 words. Salt of Our World

ednas husband " red " was an old ky boy . zero formal education . 30 yrs ago a couple of county men came up his hill and told him to connect to rural water or theyd condemn his well . he told em the sob who condemned his well would go back down the hill feet first . ya know ? he never heard from them again . lol .. true story ..

Just so you know, ran upstairs to check Dad and he dropped his glass. Thankfully it was empty and plastic! No glass for him as he has broken 7 out of the 8 glasses we bought 6 months ago! When he does spill something he tries to clean it up but once its dry, I see the mess all over. Oh well. He's sleeping now and without his 02 on (again). He keeps taking it off more now then ever and I wonder if he knows something he isn't sharing. Have resigned myself to the fact that I can't worry so much and check him every hour. I always have said "when your numbers up its up". We cant plan, change or manage what is meant to be. Though Dad is a planner and he is desperately trying to plan this.

they dont have the elders best interest in mind . they have covering their own asses in mind . those two arent always the same thing ..

nah , i mean eventually when they get into my business ..

are you saying he's already elderly and obnoxious?

Say it isn't sooooo

"WHEN"???? LOL!

Eh? Just now or are you talking about yourself when you get elderly and obnoxious?

chased aps down the hill with a chainsaw .. yea that one will happen ..

I like ceviche.. the acid really does cook it and takes any harmful stuff out. Ceviche on a ritz.... YUM! he he, I know this is silly but WOW, they've been trying to build up our small town and this IS IT! If you live in a small 1 McDonald town, you will understand my excitement. They do have a lot of veggie rolls.. mom will be fine, plus they have a small tiny kiddie menu which includes hot dogs :)

Cap, I have no doubt whatsoever, that you will be a handful ! Probably a fun handful but still..... better lay off those zannies... hard as heck to get off

LOL! You are a HOOT Bob. I spit my diet coke on that one.
Your body is telling you to slow down, but we all know you won't. If you lose your humour, than we'll worry.

i have a freakin whine tonight . i went to handpick stone at the mine today and my legs just trembled and wouldnt support me . went and got food but it didnt help . i guess its just fatigue . im not working but 4 - 5 hrs a day right now but its a pretty physical 4 - 5 hrs .. gettin old i guess .
pretty soon my sons will be on here asking ; how do you take an old mans guns and knives ? wont stop ridin his trike , tired of pulling him outta the fence , cusses a blue streak , cooks over open fire in garage floor , eats zanax like skittles , plays headbanging music all night , steals my weed , etc ..

Oh I get the acting fine bit! If Mom and I are around Dad always hurts, can;t get off chair, out of car, you name it. But last night he climbed into Hubs big arse truck and was fiddling around.. got right out when he was "busted".. Same thing today with my truck.. we never leave the keys in... He hopped right into the drivers seat and was checking things out..LOL. My newest strategy when he comes up with things for me to do... say you can do that Dad, I;ll get the paintbrush, trash can, car wash stuff out... Boy o boy, then we can "do it tomorrow"!!

Chuff....I hear what you're saying about your Mom....My Dad does the same thing however he THINKS he can communicate and think and do things however the Hospice people always tell me "He is very confused". He takes his 02 off and always talks about walking down to the corner store as he says "he needs exercise". Yes he does however the walk to the store without 02 would kill him or he would be lying in the street and I'd have to go get him. He golfed the other day and somehow "came alive" and has gotten appetite back. He b*tched about cleaning golf clubs today at 9am so I got everything together and now at 3pm, they are still sitting there dirty and he is drinking a beer after having 4 drinks already. He is adding more booze to the drinks and almost fell earlier walking to kitchen. He pretends he is fine when Hospice comes and talks about feeling "great" when in fact he sits all day watching tv and eating chips & drinking. He is supposed to drink more water and PROMISES nurses he will yet NEVER does and they tell him to put his feet up as they swell so bad & are purple and he agrees to do it but NEVER does. Today has been most frustrating day in about a year and I think it is because he is preparing to leave. Its ok to "Believe" you can do things but when he tries, within an hour or so, he is dragging himself around. Then without his 02 on (he forgets to put it on after he uses bathroom and why its off I have no clue) and his levels drop & heart rate goes up. Today he sat on front porch for an hour w/o 02 & when I checked him his 02 was 72 and heart rate was 133!! Damn he makes me so mad at times and today was topper. Probably feeling stressed as I hadn't felt good for 2 days and he whined & whined to go somewhere so I took him despite the feeling that I was going to puke. Then he tries to make plans for our days now and some of the ideas are ridiculous! He can't even wipe his own ass but has these grandiose plans. I believe he his having his "burst of energy" and soon it will be time for him to go...............Gotta go...he's doing something upstairs that doesn't sound right....Have a great day!

CM, ceviche. Yeah, I don't trust the acid cooking thing, either. California roll maybe?

There must be veggie sushi options, aren't there? Or maybe beef or chicken, only make sure it's cooked and not, um, oh, blast, marinaded, you know the word, begins with a c. Car- something. Anyway, don't know why I'm chipping in encouragement when actually I'm SO JEALOUS!!! Bon appetit, only in Japanese :)

Having a wonderful day!! I love my caregiver :) she's reading to mom right now... she brought me the menu for the new SUSHI place they opened in our little town!! It's a REAL Sushi place that even has a full cocktail bar!! WHAT? most of the places her either have beer/whine or soda's.

Nope, no need to recreate... I do believe you are correct that God will take it from here.

Kinda bummed mom doesn't like seafood! OH NO! I shall have to devise a way to assure her sushi is not seafood ;)

Well, I guess there is no need to re create my rant from yesterday. I got it off my chest and felt better. I believe God will take it from here. I'm having a wonderful day. I hope YOU all are too!
Report timing??? ok this is something new to me....I can't believe I have not heard of it....Is this also what is going on when my brother comes and Mama acts as though everything is happy and butterflies and birds are singing and buzzing around and then he leaves and she seems back to the staring at me and not talking... ??? and yet she will still talk to me...but my brother NEVER seems to see her when she is in those ...for lack of a better way to phrase it..."very dark places" and those are the times that feel like my soul is being shredded...all he sees is the laughing comical is so confusing sometimes...

Veronica...thank you...I think you are right...I guess I am mourning the loss of my home more than I thought I would...all of that is so final now...and of course that is a good thing, and yet, it still stings the way it came about...and still the sting on knowing it did not have to happen the way it did had we had even a little help from the other one...but all that being over did finally "seal the deal" and put the proverbial nail in the coffin of what used to be my life. Mama has been exceptionally quiet the last few days and that is frightening too. Mama has a lot of faith, and I do as well, I know Mama is ready to go and she has truly been and remains an exceptional woman but still the knowing that life is again going to change when all that comes to pass....thanks for the hugs...and the understanding... and yes, still thankful for those brilliant and warm moments of clarity that we continue to be blessed with every now and then....she seems comfortable..that is a blessing....

humor helps a lot ff . ( feels strange referring to someone as ff in a friendly way , ?? )
my cuz used to just be exasperated when shed deal with aunt edna . cuz is still a little jealous of edna and i but ive taught her enough about dementia and its accompanying falsehoods that she smiles and laughs at her moms craziness now . its a tremendous improvement for both of them .
" ff " is usually the default name for men who wave at me upon passing me on the road . the dumba**es tint their windows , how am i to recognize them . of course if a woman waves , by default it must have been " hor " ..

JeanetteB, LOL :)

This year I am trying to find humor in what they do... that seems to help take some of the edge off. Both my parents can still laugh at themselves. And Dad is a punster.

ff, God bless your parent's, if it wasn't so annoying at times,I'd think they were cutie pies , of course I'd send them right on home to you, after I told them how cute they were :D

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