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eh, pam . the dam things are coming thru my block cores from the attic . ive got remodeling planned but from the kitchen back this way . i rarely get my projects out of sequence . one guy , much to do . cant jump around ..

ooops - I meant Corgi.

We had sweetheart of a Lab/Rottie mix, 100+ pounds, who passed away almost 3 years ago now -- wow, has it been 3 years already? And we waited a little over a year before downsizing to our 30+ pound Corie/Jack Russell Terrier mix. She's a pistol, lol!

Linda22 YES!!! My sillypittie is 80 lbs if pure snuggles!! She's my best bud all the way around. She swims in the pool with me, sleeps with me, sits by me and has smothered me with wet slobbery kisses :D She's an Amercian Staffordshire mix so she's got that big box bowling ball big!! We are still working on "we don't eat the kitty cat"... so far so good as they now can exist in the same room without drawing blood... usually MY BLOOD trying to break em up :)) almost a big happy family... gosh.... am I one of those dog parent's that can go on and on about their dog? LOL yup!

Captain, you remind me of "Red Green". It's an old Canadian comedy show. Red could make a kiddie ride from a bar stool attached to the agitator of a washing machine.... a hybrid car from recycled golf carts and satellite dishes.... and duct tape always was the fastener of choice :)

Assa, it's still on the GOAT thread..... did you write it in a post other than there??? Contact admin and ask WHY?????? They have been good about not censoring us like before...... tho they will put **** in place of curse words..... so let me know what you do ..... don't leave...... please.

I don't even know what DFTT means so not a problem here :)

Cap, I have answered many a bat call, and I find two things 99% of the time. First, the house has a ceiling fan. Bats love ceiling fans. Second, I find a window air conditioner, without the foam strip inserted between the windows. That half inch gap lets in lots of bugs and bats. If the bat is hiding, I just turn one ceiling fan on. The bat comes out and glides around the fan on the air currents. Here in NY a bat in a house is usually tested for rabies. If it tests positive, you get free rabies shots (OH JOY), a series of 5 in the arms or butt.

Capt get a can of spray foam and when they are out for the night fill that old hole right up. works like a dream.

Agree Assandashe7 and shared your reaction to this poster but did just manage to keep my fingers off the keyboard
Maybe they invented a new version of DFTT perhaps the F had a different meaning. My whine is that stuff vanishes in mid post so I can't blame the mods for that. However my email notifications are non existant and someone is stealing my hugs again

Big Grrr here... All I did was write DFTT on a post and it got erased! I was trying to be nice by not writing what I really wanted to say.. Next time I'm going to "say how I really feel"..

If this crap continues I'll have to seriously rethink the usefulness of this site...

meh.. big old muscular fellow but the amazonian sob looks like he could drink milk out of a 5 gallon crock and look straight at ya around both sides of it .
if he could build you a trike out of the existing scrap steel pile then id be intimidated . ditto if he had the finesse to torque a bolt at 170 foot pounds in one movement and squeak one down to 6 inch pounds
in the next ..
giving credit where its due tho he probably dont need a bumper jack to change a car tire .. see im harsh but fair ..

sleeping like a baby when a big old bat started flapping around in the bunker . they are hard to kill , quite unnerving to look at and i broke my fly swatter on this one . i dont cotton to buying a new fly swatter .. i know where they get in at but in the grand scheme of things i still need to start my remodeling in the kitchen first . guess since im up ill google image up denzel so i can see what it is thats supposed to intimidate me so much . be right back .

Jeanette, aren't pits such big cuddle babies?

This website here is better than TV.... I am learning a lot :)

I could probably live without tv. As long as I have my computer I'm fine :)

kazzaa, aren't cats a lot of fun :) I have a strange one that does come when you call, he will whine and whine as he walks through the neighbor's yards until he gets to my door. You'd think he had been lost for months with all his crying.

Now, why can't he ring the doorbell when he wants in like my other cat does. It's fun being on the phone and the caller hears the bell, I just say "oh wait a minute, the cat wants in". Say what???

I have become partial to Criminal Minds!! LOL.. mom can no longer watch though..... oh my fat tummy!.. we went out to eat at a place called "Sharis. 3 steps from Dennys. Way tooooo much food.

Love my big rescue pittie. Such a sweet b*tch. Best 400 miles I've ever driven.

Yawwnnnn feeling full and happy, no whining today :) Wait.... I will whine for hope since she's not whining. Moving SUCKS!! glad to see you've kept your spirit up hope!! (shudder)

SDsmile! so sorry for you i cant imagine how that is but mum may be in a home soon and im sick as i know shes getting worse not lost her memory just i can see no will to live in her and i know when this happens its not a good sign i pray to god she never ever forgets me and dies before this i really dont know if i could handle it? I lost my dad too before xmas and youre right when they are both gone its normal to feel like an orphan i know i am starting to feel this grief too!
I think the worst is coming then i go out and try and not think about it then home again and it hits!
I am worried about my siblings as ive tried to tell them that shes not going to be around forever but am wasting my time they just dont see it and as long as shes ok on the phone they just think im being dramatic i dont want to scream panic as mum is eating and watching tv shuffling around ITS her i see her will is just not there anymore she dosnt want to do anything dosnt talk just eats and watches tv so sad so cruel a disease ive lost her awhile ago but this is getting worse its not her bad hearing anymore shes not registering what im saying break your heart!
Hugs to you its so hard!

Fav time of night cats in and safe! and now snuggled up with me love this little fella hes kept me sane!! AND knows it!! "dogs have masters cats have slaves" "dogs come when called cats leave a message and get back to you". "youre nobody until youve been ignored by a cat". Ok ill stop now you just gotta love them such a comfort when life is crazy!

Mom has been in the NH for a month now. I've been super depressed about it. I go visit and it takes her awhile to know who I am. And then with a hugh smile she knows my voice and is happy. She goes to sleep within the hour. I'm having a hard time adjusting to her not being in the apartment. I think I hear her in the night. It's all I can do not to go to the home and kidnap her. Then I remember she isn't the mom of my childhood nor is she the same woman of my fourties. She can't help me with my problems and she can't carry a conversation more than a few mins on a good day. She still loves me though. That makes my visit worth the trip and time. I feel like a 58 year old orpha and that's my whin for today. Yeah I'm selfish and want my parents back. Who loves ya like your parents?

yes FF frazier too oldies but goodies! i do like two and a half men also but with charlie not ashton it just isnt the same mum loves it! i love the housekeeper shes a hoot!!

I just hate I won't get to ride in the "big truck" my brother will be driving that and I will be following in his car or truck...whatever he decides we are driving down there....I love riding in big trucks...haha

Veronica...excellent idea! Most definitely need to have a few beers on hand for after the big haul on Tuesday. Mama will go to respite Monday, so I'll make sure she is all settled and then Tuesday brother and I will head to my's over two hours away so we'll have lots of chat time...wonder what we'll chat about...all in all, we'll probably enjoy the ride down...the move will be tough..BUT after picking up those sofas and giant old pieces of furniture by myself...I think I'm up to it....I think afterwards I may be able to say...see? it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be....looking forward one evening to grilling a big rib eye and enjoying one or two of those beers.....I haven't had one in almost three years so I'll have to take it

Love "Cheers" and "Frasier"... can't watch a show without laughing :)

No whine just flicking around the tv as so bored and YAY two episodes of "cheers" so happy!

Yes sallie when a new denzel film comes out i dont care or want to know the plot JUST does he take his shirt off? Dont know how captain lives without TV or movies id go crazy!

Lol Kazz, he did answer and he doesn't have or watch tv. I should send him a photo of Denzel. Ha!

Sallie cap didnt answer your question? men dont like it when you mention Denzel!

cap they used to call that bartering! seems like alot now are going back to the old ways my friend fixed a guys computer and he gave her a pair of sunglasses as he had no money! scary times!

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