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When we are young there is a lot about getting old that we don't know. Not only does it come as a big shock to our caring famillies but also to the aging parent too.
years ago ALZ was never mentioned. I knew the patients I cared for in geriatric wards usually became what we called "senile" and we kept our distance from those likety to be violent and watched outselves with the old men with wandering hands. Depends had not been invented so we changed a lot of bed linens which we were required to rinse off before sending them out to the laundry. A few I definitely remember. the old man who kept his cane on his lap and one morning picked up his cup of early morning tea to throw at me. luckily he was the first one served and it spilled on his hand and burnt.. Another one when you rolled him over one of his hand would try and find it's way up your skirt. A quick slap soon stopped that and he just laughed. One 85 year old who had what we used to call in the stallion a fifth leg. I threw a pillow and he laughed and told me he hadn't had a woman in five years. Then dear little Alfie who showed me lille rolled up balls of poop he had found in his bed. I just put my arm around him and said 'malteezers got in your bed again Alfie" CM and Kaz will know what malteezers are. Of course they were all demented but that was not something recognised in those far off days

Not a whine? just sitting here thinking about the last year or so and how little i knew about Dementia?Alz? I mean i truly thought that you lose your mind and you are placed ina home i guess i had no idea just how long and slow this illness can go on? Just thinking back and how naive we can be when we know nothing about this illlness i thought you just straight away lose your memory but how wrong that is now inn fact in mums case her memory is the last thing i think will go! when my friend told me 3yrs ago that her mum was ina home as she had alz i didnt think anything more well of course shes in a home? i had no idea the journey she and her family went through way before she ended up in a home im sure there people out there who think like i did. Im glad its becoming more common on tv now in some programmes as people should know just how hard this is!

Daughter52, I feel for you. What a stunt for your mom to pull. They make us feel guilty don't they? I go away once and a while for short trips. My 28 year old daughter is usually home (we live next door to mom). It seems lately every time I go away mom doesn't feel well, but not bad enough to go to the doc. I call her when I'm away and she sounds so I'll over the phone. I ask her to call my sister who lives 40 minutes away. Mom tells me she doesn't want to bother her. Mom seems fine when I get back. I hope I never go through what you had to deal with.

looloo mum really enjoyed the movie!!! and if mum enjoyed it then it must be funny shes a hard one to please!!

Ha JB yes i went to the pub which was even more depressing than sitting here with nothing to do? there was noone there so we had one and came home! should have known after a bank holiday theres noone out really just a few a**holes watching football does football season EVER end i mean soccer!!

There is!! It's also good for me to know it's there. Keep us all in check! Including el Madre' ;)

Be careful JB, there might be a camera on ya !!!! lol

I think Kaz is scooted up to the bar sippin on something refreshingly numbing :)

Mom's been in a "You're going to kill me" or "They're going to kill" me mode all day.

I was mopping up her crumbs in the kitchen. Put the mop into the bucket and she said with a very straight face "You're going to hit me with it"!! Oh mother of all that is good in life... ARGH! I might hit myself with it.

Captain is THAT where my car keys have got to..???

Kazzaa, I've been wanting to see that movie! It looks totally stoopid/hilarious! I think the guy who does Family Guy did this movie, and he's the voice of the bear.

I have a lovely pic of my liver, all in color and not grainy! The pic is a good 20 years old but still looks good enough to eat!

Ted was ridiculously funny!!

gosh mums here watching a movie called "ted" about a teddy bear Its blue? shes laughing her head off! im outta here, a foul mouthed teddy bear? what next?

ive had one down my throat too . i dont know what theyre looking for but g d*mmit i dont have it .

Excellent points ladee!! I really appreciate your input and your perspective as a paid caregiver. (I still have to figure out HOW to work it) LOL! Nice little camera, great features for what I need and the price wasn't too bad to boot!!

Cap.... uhm, yeah ok. YUCK! TMI

ive actually had a camera up my a** at the va . they even gave me a grainy 8 x 10 pic to keep . i never photograph well but that pic was just terrible ..

JB, thank you for respecting the paid caregivers rights too... but like I said.... if your caregiver is told there is a camera in place and doesn't flinch, you are good to go... it will help to see who is a good fit for your mom.... I would respect a person for keeping an eye on their loved one and who ever is taking care of them..... that would earn you some instant respect from me..... because that would be a good thing in case of an accident, the caregiver has proof also of what happened..... its the not being told I would have a problem with....

The camera will not be hidden. It has to sit in an open area to capture a 3 dimensional area. Okay. I will inform the caretaker of the camera and explain why it's there. Not as if I'm going to get a few hours away from here and stayed glued to my phone watching!! LOL that just wouldn't make sense!

Hmmm.....I tend to be an overly trusting person, heck, I let everyone in. This camera is also for those times I need to make a quick dash to the store and can't take mom. I can see what she's doing...maybe even take the dogs for a walk and keep an eye on her. Also it has a motion detector on it and will alert me if she's wandering around at night.

Now I'm rethinking it. We don't have a lot of valuables in the house but what I have I'd like to keep...and most def want to make sure no one is abusing mom in any form. Thank you ladeeM. I totally get the other side of it as well. Hmmmm...

Kazzaa , take a deep breath... I said 'secretly' being taped.... I have been a private caregiver for 17 years..... if a person TOLD me there was a camera, I would only think this person has their parents best interest at heart and not take it personal.... and apparently I am a good caregiver or I wouldn't be working... but being TOLD would also weed out those that weren't fit for the job to begin with....

ladee i was a nanny there could have been a hundred cameras around? i looked after them kids like they were my own so even if i found out why would it bother me if you are doing a good job and looking after someone properly it shouldnt be a problem i know i would do the same ive seen some serious sh*t with nannies and i would have a camera up their a** if it were my kids!!

JB, while I understand your need to keep an eye on mom and a caregiver, as a paid caregiver myself, I would hit the ceiling if I found out I was being 'secretly' taped.....I would not stay at job that the person did not trust me..... tho, like I said, I do understand.

I know JB but there are some stupid laws here! We were thinking of getting one for here to keep an eye on mum if she was on her own? maybe a good idea? I have idea where mums at shes very quiet lately i dont know to be happy or worried? she just sits in front of tv all day long still have a great appetite so i guess eating is a big sign that shes ok i think?

What's the point of having surveillance if I have to tell them I'm watching?! This one even has a microphone so I can hear as well.

Mom turned 79 in May. Diagnosed 6 years ago with AD. Stage 6. She's becoming very feeble as well. Almost depends time.Yes it drives me nuts but she can't help it. Least I think she can't, at times I think she does it on purpose!!

Her eyesight is great but her perception is shot to h*ll.

Oh JB that would drive you mad! your mum must be pretty advanced stage? how old is she?

i picked up a little bit of the german language over a three year soldiering stint there . ein beir bitte !! i didnt bother learning any more of their jibberish ..

Oh JB a Spy!!! but youre right although here i think you have to inform them?

That and mom keeps asking me where she can sit down at? OMG!! I must say "right there" a thousand times a day. Where? Right there. Right there? Yes, right there? You mean that chair? Yes mom, RIGHT THERE!!!! OMG! this is non freaking stop all day and through the night. RIGHT THERE!!!!!!

Grrrr!!!! I am trying to setup an "in home" surveillance camera so I can see what's going on when I finally do hire a sub care taker for a few hours ... I am so behind in technology !!!!

See learn something new!!

kaz, it means "one more beer, please". But adding grande certainly wouldn't hurt....

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