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kaz, most people casually vent here . its clear you and i need serious therapy . wed need to forwarn the neighbors and cops that ther'd be yellin and a lot of profanity ..

HA!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are not going to believe it BUT my bro just rang hes a musician mainly Irish but hes not getting many gigs SO hes only gone and applied for a CARER!!!!!! Go bro! hes a hoot and will be good with old people they were quite impressed from posh boarding school to army then music? i hope he gets some work hes not doing too well with work! they will let him know but from what he says looks good!
I cant stop laughing! i told him NOT to call me anymore if he gets it i really dont want to hear any more about his clients!! STACKED UP HERE!!

Mums just informed me that shes lost her hearing aid AGAIN! ok dont panic she hasnt been out of the house in 2wks SO they have got to be somewhere RIGHT? yeh deep breaths ill find them pray to St Anthony bet hes sick of me by now!

So stressful theres always some crap to make your day of course if she wore the blood things this woudnt happen but oh no they are in a box or a basket or another bag SOMEWHERE?
Need a drink! If i dont find them A shes going to drive me buggy with the volume on TV. B she has to travel 20 miles to have yet another mould of her ears then the six to nine weeks wait for them to get here but hey they are FREE! and C my brother will disappear until she gets it back again he has zero patience oh but HEY hes in denial!!!! Mums fine bro? this is the 4th one shes lost in 2yrs?

57twin my brother had a cataract and had this proscedure done he was fine after and has no problems now! I have good eyes as i swear by wearing sunglasses in any sunlight even in winter but a good pair no point in scrimping when it comes to your eyes! i am the only one in family that dosnt have glasses yet? but then maybe its my dads genes he only started wearing glasses in his late 60s!
Blueberries are very good for your eyes a handful a day but they are quiet expensive here but i get them when i can!

Captain glad you have a saw that works well now for you. hubby has 2 my dad's old one and a another he bought new about 3-4 yrs ago. We should be set on firewood for next couple years just a lot of stacking to do. We bought a lot of land about 10 years ago farmland all rented and the woods were logged last winter so plenty of leftovers from the loggers to keep up busy making firewood this winter.
My whine - my vision my cataract t must be getting larger or whatever they do it's going to be a long month+ before surgery. Also lots of road construction-it's the season for it and no one pays attention to the lower speed limits in construction zones and people drive about 2 inches from my bumper as I drive the limit. It you are in a hurry it's not my problem!

cap you NEVER whine!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Captain give us a smile!! want to see what job the dentist did? got my own teeth looking pearly white 3wks ago and they are back to smoking grey again!! Have to stop smoking!

i dont want no d*mn chocolates kaz . when im bored i like to play with the box the kids came in ..
hey moderators ; over here -- a free-be ..

oh well . traded my new saw in for a workhorse of a saw but a slightly used one . it locked up in my hands in 20 minutes . it was just the pullstart recoil mechanism and the shop will repair it for free . still a bit of a kick in the a** . im not whining because i know that anything worth doing sometimes takes multiple tries .

My BIG whine!! ( i know not like me to whine!!!!) LOL

Today i thought was going to be a good day? sun was out (and its payday) so before i went shopping i put on a big WHITE wash of my clothes ( i do not mix mums clothes with mine but why bother?) came home and went to take in my nice CLEAN clothes at first i thought those bloody birds BUT NO! there was poo all over them yeh mum must have had poo on her hand and touched them sorry to be so graphic but i feel sick! I know gross! i could see the evidence as her pjs were in the sink soaking so she must have had it on her hands and then went and was touching the clothes on the line? LIKE YOU DO WHEN YOURE NUTS!
So mad but i know its not her fault its just so gross! NOW WHAT ask my friend if i can use her clothes line OR get a washing machine and dryer for my bedroom???

Hey lets see if we can go just ONE day without a whine?? then the winner gets a box of chocolates????

Oh Sallie i know its tough but let them go fc.k them! Its been 3wks since my sis was home and only one phonecall since? i could actually have buried mum by now and they wouldnt know?

FF good on your mom 96 bless her gosh if my hearing only starts to go at this age ill be happy!! mums hearing went 3yrs ago and its getting worse and shes only 77?

Well today was the first time I noticed that my Mom [96] was confused.... oh my gosh, and here I was hoping she would remain sharp until the end of time.

I believe part of the confusion was that Dad was in the hospital overnight last week because of a fall and now he needs physical therapy at their home, thus strangers in the house, and plus my Mom's hearing has become much worse even with her using an updated hearing aid. Plus she can barely see. OMG why on earth are they both still living in their single family 3-story home !!!!

This morning I was telling Mom I made an appt with their primary doctor to see her and Dad.... Mom doesn't want to go because she can't hear, thinking the appt was only for Dad's fall.... once again I mentioned it's her and Dad's semi-annual physical.... she still either didn't understand or couldn't hear me.

Then she was worried about their car, the battery keeps dying... my significant other and I have it all worked out on how to get the car to the mechanic next week... told her don't worry about it.... we can use another car to get her and Dad to the doctor appt.

Mom did perk up when I said I will get her grocery list this afternoon.... then she was acting like the old Mom I knew.

Big f-ing whine! It has been exactly 2 months to the day that any of my 4 siblings have seen my mother! F-ing ingrates!

Made the effort to let the social worker come out yesterday as I want to work with these folks so Mama gets the full benefit of Hospice. Sitting here talking with her, NOT complaining, NOT blaming anyone else for ANY of the issues that go along with the territory and out of the blue she starts telling me I might want to sell Mamas furniture in an estate sale (to make way for my belongings) that I might want to find homes for my cats , etc. etc.... I have decided that she MIGHT want to not worry about coming back. It is so strange to me that a social worker would engage herself in my personal business when I had said nothing about needing money, space, etc. and in fact had already told her I was doing great, losing my house was not an issue any more to me, seems like some folks can't stand it if they think you are actually OK with circumstances....Go figure.... My heavens...If I can accept it...why on earth would other folks whom it is not affecting want to start up mess over it....

wellll, hellbound .
haveta go get my teeth cleaned today . i guess thats why i worked sat and sun , to cover the lost workday . gotta trade up one of my chainsaws . its new but lacking the horsepower i need . gonna get skint on this deal .. takes a long time to make up a loss cutting wood for 10 bucks an hour ..

Owwww, Veronica - hope it's settling down? How do you get on with antihistamines? - if they don't knock you out too badly would they be worth a try? Wish you better - one of the little sods came up and stung me on the lip when I was weeding last year (so much for they only attack if you start it!) and I can still feel it. Little brutes.
Report far very good. I think I went through a little separation anxiety of all things as I had been used to the CNA and the Nurse...BUT, I love the new folks....they really are on top of things. For the first time EVER I am working with them re the respite care for Mama ..this will allow me time to go and get my belongings from my home over two hours away. Not much of a break for me, as I will be busy busy, but busy at something different...also I should have a day or so just to be on my own and get a deep breath...I have dreaded respite but I think the way they are handling all of the details I may get used to it.. :)

jesse we have the same mother!! after 3 attempts to find a dvd that she likes??? i finally have some peace ive put on "from here to eternity" pardon the pun! but shes glued to it! she is getting more and more agitated when there is nothing good on tv kicking her feet now is new so now after a few hours shes content with this movie?
Yep mums been passive/aggressive all her life am so drained now want to go back to spain and sit at that pool!!

I really hate passive aggressive behavior and the whiny complaining and the little laughs that go with it. Grrrr. Some people grow old without growing up first.

Just "groundhog day".

Mom's shoulder is still hurting today from the PT guy's over the top PT session on Saturday. I got there today as she was getting a heat pack and brought the head of rehab into the discussion. It was great timing as Mom was able to explain what had occurred. I was not pleased to hear he was a temp and probably gave her file a "cursory" review. Shoddy. But now Mom knows she can refuse to push if she's done, and they know we're watching this.

Veronica, I heard apply slices of onions will draw the stinger and poison out. I use the wasp spray. I spray like h*ll and RUN!! Nasty buggers.

Florida is lovely and loads to do there.... besides having my son and great friends there :)))

Hope, how's the new hospice carer doing? I'm starting the search for one today, not hospice but someone to come in and have fun with mom and clean her area....

Now...the whine.. Awful day yesterday, and I mean AWFUL. She was all over the place, physically and mentally. Up at 4:00 a.m. wandering, moving things, strewing things all over the house.... up again at 7:00 with THREE care packages over the house???? What the hell happened within 24 hours? She's had a GREAT week and whamo.... I've been gagging all morning.... headache and eyes are stinging. She's halfway back to "her" normal state.

Florida sounds lovely i would like to see it one day i like the colourful buildings! Yes JB mum always wear your best knickers in case you end up in hospital?? i ended up in hospital 4 times in the last 4 years and i didnt have ANY on!!! Was in my pjs each time!

Gosh V thats nasty put your hand in a bucket of ice? Wasp stings are bad sat on one once at my 14th birthday party, great birthday bum cheek swelled up like a balloon!

ouch Veronica. We had a little nest right inside our front door (between the exterior door and the main door....we don't use that one much hence the nest...they hurt like heck...hope you're not allergic to them...

My whine moment today is that I disturbed a wasp nest last night and my hand got badly stung and to day it is swollen and itching like crazy

Towards the end many children don't come to see their parents because they are afraid. I will just leave it at that if you think about it you can fill in the blanks.
Dad's helper it does indeed sound as though he is reaching the end. Many people towards the end dream of loved ones or even think they have been visited sometimes it is loved ones and sometimes complete strangers.
With COPD not being able to breath is very distressing so don't be afraid to give the morphine it will provide a lot of relief. Dehydration is not painful and some believe it can actually release endorphines which make the patient feel better.
Soda and alcohol are not very good things to be drinking so it is good he has stopped. Are his legs and feet swollen, if so and he is not taking a diuretic (water pill) ask hospice for a prescription because fluid may also be building uo in his lungs which make breathing more difficult. Also does he have oxygen? That will also add comfort and make sleeping easier. When he can't feed himself would he alow you to feed him? as long as he is interested in food provide it but once he doesn't want it do not try and force it. Maybe a suppliment like Ensure would be easy to drink. Unfortunately the dying process with COPD is not fast or very pleasant so be generous with the morphine and ask for a larger dose if it is not working. As long as it is increased slowly you are in no danger of killing him with it.
Morphine is extremely constipating so make sure you ask hospice about giving him laxatives. Try and maintain whatever has been his normal bowel pattern. he just won't have the strength to push if he gets constipated and an enema will also be hard on his breathing. If you have to take him out for any reason make sure you take a dose of the morphine with you. If your were given a dropper ask the hospice nurse for a syringe. it will be with out a needle and given in the same way but convenient to slip in a purse or pocket

DadsHelper...I'm so sorry for all you and your Dad are going through right now. With Mama, she has two grandsons whom she has cherished more than life itself and once they were born it was like her own kids took second place...that's the way it is with the grands right??? Anyway...those same grandsons of them has been here a couple of times, the other one NEVER comes. Mama's dementia is pretty advanced, so I'm not sure how aware she is of all of it. I used to mention things about them having issues with me, and finally decided she probably doesn't need or want to hear any of it...I have finally just started telling her every night, how much she is loved...I mention their names, tell her they love her and remind her of how much we all love her. As strange as it sounds.....and I sure don't show love the way they do, but I think they love her, they are just all very selfish, greedy people and so their needs come first...I think in their heads she doesn't know the difference and so why's not fun anymore....I have had a hard time dealing with all of it. Mama has had some very close calls in the past few months, where I thought we were losing her...still they did not come...nor did my SIL who drives right past this street every single week...she has not been in so long I don't ever care to see her again...but nonetheless, I just hold Mama's hand and tell her that she is the most precious lady God ever put on this earth and we love her so much....and I pray that God surrounds her with love and peace....Mama deserved a LOT more from the people she has loved and sacrificed for her entire life. Sounds like you are taking very good and loving care of your Dad and that is what matters...just keep doing that and he will be will you...and the others will be left to their own what I can only assume will be guilty and tortured thoughts about what they should have done and it will be too late....

DadsHelper - I'm sorry for your dad. For you to see how close he is to the end and yet your siblings don't care to even pretend to care for him to come visit. Don't be too understanding with them. My siblings live in the states. In all these years when we thought mom was finally going to die, my siblings would fly home. Their tickets aren't cheap. Airfares can be from $2000.00 up. When mom was dying last year, most of them dropped everything and flew 2 or 3 days later after I texted them. Airfare went as high as $2900.00 per person. But they were able to say their peace with mom before she died.

Just be there for your father. The clamminess reminds me of mom when she was close to the end. But I thought it was cold sweat. Her skin was so icy cold, yet she was sweating profusely. I didn't know this was one of the signs. But this had happened several weeks before her final rest. {{Hugs}}

Worried aboutDad. His BP has been anywhere from 85/44 to 144/96. He seemed clamy today even thoe it has been hot for the past 2 weeks. Said he had some pains in his chest so I gave him the liquid morphine as Hospice directed. He's been shaky more than usual and couldn't eat tonite as he couldn't keep food on his fork. He sleeps a lot more now...a couple of naps a day. He says he wants to go places but when we do he has a hard time walking and breathing. He is in end stage copd and he was drinking a lot of whiskey & diet pepsi for about 2 weeks when he finally got so dehydrated I had to call hospice and inquire about his health. I know the signs of dehydration but with his health being what it is I totally forgot. He has been having dreams the past months abut passed on loved ones and says when he wakes he call out to them then realizes it was a dream. His dreams seem more reality than not. IS it his body & spirit telling him it is time to go? He isn't eating much anymore and craves liquids more but then there are days he can eat like a champ. We had some conversations about my siblings not wanting to come see him and I gave him the reasons they refuse but I think it upset him. I don't want to be the one to hurt him but he does need to know that they have issues and it isn't because of is because of their families. I just want him to be at peace with his situation and know that he is loved even thoe his own children don't give a damn. I do and I have been trying to do the best I can to help him be healthy but it is to no avail. My siblings don't care and no one of them has been around to see him in 30 years except myself, my younger sibling and my other sibling that he took care of for 3 years before she passed. I have been with him 24/7 this past 13 months and have not had one visit from any of my siblings. Now that he is in these last stages of health, my youngest sibling is planning a trip. My two older siblings were together last week but never make the 7 hour trip to see him. I am angry with them but sort of understand. Life sometimes sucks but the bottom line is I was here for him and if they don't want to be then fine. His time is limited and I see the decline. May he go in eace and may my siblings deal with their issues all in the love of God.

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