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ha hope yes my hairdresser told me im going to have great white hair when im older? well i suppose its better than grey?

Gave Mama a cooler new chic haircut today...The CNA washed it really well, so I wanted to cut it while I could still tell how it falls...Got her some rollers in there now and just put those in the crown of her head so she can still rest. She has always had such pretty hair and it seems to make her feel better to hair it fixed....Her natural color was always a light to medium blonde and it has grayed to a beautiful totally natural soft platinum blonde...I sure hope mine does that....

Just always remember to use the Advantage, Frontline, etc...NOT the Sargeants, Hartz...even though these are made for flea and tick control...they can literally KILL your pet...I almost lost one of mine to those cheap brands before I even knew it was possible....If they don't kill them, they can cause seizures and other brain problems...sorry, again, I know this is off topic for this thread, I just know our pets are part of our family....and I don't understand why they even allow the cheap flea and tick products....I don't use the flea spray on my pet...just the Advantage...and the capstar if they are really bad...good luck.

thanks Hope i got all the stuff today so am washing and spraying all over lucky mum dosnt go near him and hes only in my room or outside but i sprayed her bed just in case. they say spray first then give the cat the drops into the back of his neck so will do this when flea spray kicks in god it stinks! Cats are so clever he knows im doing something to help him and hes purring!! he lets me do anything to him NOW thats trust!!

Good one V i may just do that!! LOL

Kaz sorry to say the agency fulfilled their contract they delivered a warm body to your house. Next time you leave the house before you slam the door yell FIRE and you will find she can actually move fast

I can happily note that our new CNA has quickly become a bright spot in our day. She also seems to have true concern for not only Mama but me as well. She told me this morning that she can do light housework when I need her too....I had been told that, but since no one else mentioned it I just assumed it was not the case...but she is always telling me to let them help me...she is also going to work with the volunteers so I can get to the doctor for a much needed health check for myself. So I am rapidly becoming a fan of these folks. She washed Mama's hair so well today...she really really does a great job with her and for that I am very thankful....she doesn't hurry through it like a lot whom we have had. A really good bath like that three times a week helps me out an awful lot the rest of the time. They have told me if I need them more, they can do that as well. yay!
Report surely is not any fun..... today has been a tad better but still going and going....I just try to keep her changed very very frequently....every bone in my body hurts....but bless her heart...I know it 's not her fault. I have some Immodium on hand...also got some of the probiotics today as I heard the capsules can be spinkled in her nutritional shakes. I think she and I both could benefit from that stuff from the info I have read..don't think it could hurt..

Kazz.....this season has been bad for aggravating as they are, the best remedy I know for their control is vacuum, vacuum, vacuum....give the kitty one of the capstar pills that kills every one on them, and put on the Advantage or other VET quality we all know..the OTC flea crap is deadly for our beloved pets....I think I just needed to share a bit about kitty care....they're a huge part of our lives here too... :)

shit! cats got fleas? feel so bad forgot to get flea stuff! feel so guilty my poor baby what kind of a mother am i? have to fume whole house now ive never forgotten this maybe im losing it shame on me oh his poor little face! Like whats going on? hes never had fleas. Yeh just found a huge bite on my neck only a flea couldve done that little sod they are teeny but man they can bite?

Hope... We went through a couple of years with the runny stuff, mostly caused by heart meds. I used 1 - 2 Immodium each morning and it really helped. He still has some trouble and I slip one in every other day sometimes..

It's no fun - I really HEAR you...

I used to watch the waltons when i was a kid!! coming from a very messed up family they were my ideal family!!
But i know that was years ago ive since matured a bit anyway but i think that would do my head in if mum was watching it all day!!

Look at the positive though jesse it could be jeremy kyle!!!!!! mums fav at the moment? i wish someone would get rid of these reality tv shows its encouraging bad behaviour can people not see this?

And cap dont take it out on critters they are alot more intelligent than some humans i know! Lets keep the critters out of this as they have no voice here!

JessieBelle, I remember when growing up my Mom use to watch the TV soap opera "As the World Turns" while she was ironing.

My ex-mother-in-law [we've been best friends even 20 years after the divorce], and I watch "The Young & the Restless". I started watching that soap back in the 1970's because MIL loved the show, and before I knew it I was hooked on it... it was an ice breaker for me to talk about the show, and we are still comparing notes on the characters :)

wow ash that was very harsh and uncalled for? cap has a huge heart and should be praised NOT patronised what he did for his mum and is doing for his aunt would melt anyones heart hes a good human being whos doing his best in a very fcked up world!

i took my mom to visit aunt edna at IL a couple of times early last summer . once as we drove away i saw edna wave at me with a hurt , longing look on her face . then she lowered her head in shame that shed caught herself being envious . as mom was so far gone in the head that she didnt comprehend much i remember saying aloud " hang in there gal " .. mom died a year ago today . after a couple of weeks of getting moved back home i went looking for the other greatest influence in my life - aunt edna . weve been together daily ever since . its what i want to do . it makes me happy ..

Mum just refuses to cooperate with help she said i wouldnt eat anything "strangers cook me" Ok mum keep this up and its a home i tried i really tried but if she dosnt start to accept help then im outta here!
And JB carers here are to do half an hour personal care? NO its not in thier contract to wash dishes etc... maybe cause im here? if mum was on her own then maybe they do more? What a cushly job some of them have here? think ill dump mum and go and be a paid carer? its scary the ones i have had here they dont give a damn about mum id prefer her in a home than fulltime carers coming in here as not one ive met has any compassion and i cant complain as they wont send anyone then and mum will be off the system?

JB nails? hair? are you kidding me? no offence to "big" women but the carer that comes in here cant even get off the chair shes so big so hows she gonna get an old lady in and out of a bath she must weigh at least 400lbs? and shes a lazy cow sat down and told us about her great holiday? CARER? nobody wants to work anymore! I mean how can someone that big take care of a frail old lady?

i have recurring customers and sons and grandkids . cool projects , solid plans and an eye to the future . i think " clinging " is the wrong word ash . i think good priorities and sacrificing for these elders has been my mindset . i wont be deluded by furry critters with a 5 wire thought process . eat , s*it , whine , jealousy , and the smartest ones -- some petty manipulation . im on track ash , thank you .

Jessie, it beats watching Swamp People, and animals being killed, and war shows.... I am coming out of my skin by the time MrM goes to bed.....kill, kill, kill, gets sooooo old....

I got a small gripe today. I am so tired of The Waltons. My mother watches it half the day and into evening. I used to like The Waltons. Do you think our parents make friends with the TV characters so it's like having company?

Cap I'd considered buying a small house to rent off for income but the hassle isn't worth it. You seem to loathe animals and that's your right (karma will get you!) but you have to understand it's never the animal's fault, just stupid loser owners.

You clung to your mother until she passed. Now you cling onto Edna and when she dies you have nothing left but family, who seem, through your posts, to be major flakey and people you want nothing to do with.

Cap relax and look at the past few years and where you are going in ll this. We care about you ... goddam, someone cares! lol

edna loved her 5 x 7 pic . i slapped it in a nice goodwill store frame and it looks old tim-ey .. i went to refresh her ice water and came back to see her clutching it to her chest . it doesnt take much to please a dementia patient with one bushel basket full of earthly possessions .. shes been keeping a worthless metal trinket coin inside her ice water sippy cup . so far its just mine and hers secret ..

Kaz, caregiver's here do light housekeeping. Dishes, vacuum, laundry... yada yada. Mom was given 5 hours a week of CNA caregiving! YAY!!!!!!!! did I say YAYYYYY!!!!??? I'm already plotting like a mad woman of what I will do with those 5 whole hours!!! First though, I have to go through the Oregon Registry of Caregiver's and interview. Small price to pay for 5 HOURS A WEEK! All I want this person to do is dote on mom. Nails, hair, exercises, activities, clean her room, her bathroom, wash her clothes.. but all this HAS to be done with mom helping :))))) Also, I can add additional hours at a reduced rate. YAY!!!! Only took the state a year to get this going....whew....worth the wait fer sher!!

Happy trails indeed!!!

na na na na
happy trails to you, hope we never meet again.
cubehead and his #or , just might be movin in .
this place was built for kids , even before their birth,
cap was planning ahead to heaven here on earth .
bluntman will be back in time , he dont even need to knock .
he already knows the deal , he'll need some concrete block .....


15 - 20 yrs foresight is agonizing ..

my renter hasnt paid her rent on the 1st for the first time ever . probably planning to use their money to move out with . it doesnt matter to me . i enjoy the financial break so i can use my income for other things but ive never been cut out for the landlord tenant arrangement . im hard on myself and short on patience with thoughtlessness from others -- like stomping thru the house like a horse from dawn to dusk . i think i could fk fish and come up with 175.00 bucks a month mortgage , so happy trails i guess ..

Great day NOT! mum got up asked carer to wash kitchen floor? carer refused try telling mum that carers are not cleaners she wont listen? they come to cook her lunch OR her personal care mum wont let them do either? i then had to listen to mum bitch and moan so i decided to go into town to get away from her met an old friend who has just finally left her a**hole husband? well big mistake this guy was beating her shes left him and she wanted nothing more than to bitch and moan about him for 4hours?? i told her to try and be positive she gets half a house her kids are grown and move on with your f..kin life no her negativity almost drove me to run in front of a car? I have no time for whinging over some asshole who was beating the crap out of you take the money and get over it!
Im now drained and wont be meeting her again for coffee then back home to more moaning mum wanted to know where id been all day? how much i spent? where i went? with who? which shops i went to? did i buy anything? did you buy coffee? you cant afford coffee!

Oh please god bring me some shiny happy people soon OR im looking at scoring me some crack cocaine!!!

Well, the day has started better and our new CNA really washed Mama's hair so well.....everything is so clean and fresh now...I know that makes Mama feel so much better too. She has eaten a good meal and is I'm about to get myself going here. I ended up venting a LOT to the CNA but she told me that is another thing they are here for so vent away. I think I had gotten used to being able to talk to the other folks and I just have not felt open enough to new folks to be able to was the day...and it helped....

I will check that one out too! I love those think to myself what on earth would I do now without the age of the internet??? How on earth did caregivers do it then????

Hope, did you see - again another company from CANADA - the West Jet Xmas video from last year? That was touching. And I envied them. And.. one man only asked for socks and underwear. Just Google: West Jet christmas gifts 2013.

I tend to keep the website links of funny videos. I was feeling a bit down today. So for the past 30 minutes, I've been replaying the dinosaur pranks from Japan, and the New York coffee shop prank (has to do with Carrie movie.) I was laughing so loud and hard. I kept waking up dad. He kept muttering for me to go sleep. It's now 12:15am. I feel a bit lighter now. Still have my headache. But, I think I will sleep better tonight. Night you all!

Book..I had to google that as well, how awesome is that video...thanks for the smiles!!!

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